#karmic patterns


astrology and past lives…


principle… I serve or die.

transformation... I choose to live through service.

individuals with this karmic configuration in their charts are often extremely sensitive and intuitive, with powerful imaginations, an abundance of compassion, and very high ideals. what they all seem to have in common is a tendency to play “second fiddle” - that is, they find themselves surrounded by outstanding, unique people who are exciting and prominent. though also quite gifted and talented, those with virgo-pisces patterns often find themselves drawn to a role of serving others who are more flamboyant than they. the moon in virgo-pisces signifies an emotional need to serve and these people seem to fall quite naturally into that niche. yet they at times may find it frustrating because they themselves are gifted, and may feel that their talents are worth displaying as well as the talents of those they serve.

we find that these people have lived many prior lifetimes in which they were the ones in the limelight: they were kings, writers, performers, saints. now it seems they are meant to learn the karmic lesson of work and service; however, because of their own unrewarded talents and their subconscious memories of earlier lives, they can find that role heartbreaking at times. since pisces is the sign of self-undoing, the consequences of this frustration can lead to the individual’s own ruin.

ifsaturn is involved in the configuration, the individual may be blocked on all sides - in the expression of their own talents and from serving in the most effective manner. if uranus is involved in the configuration, the person’s life will be somewhat unusual in nature. at some point in time there will be a break or separation; either the individual will separate from family and friends in order to be around those they wish to serve; or an irreconcilable difference will arise between the individual and those being served and they will part company. in either case, severe emotional trauma can result. in prior lives these individuals have been in serving positions and have become too attached to those they serve, often to their own detriment. this planetary position seems to indicate a need for breaking attachments, which is one step toward learning the lesson of non-attachment. if neptune is involved in the configuration, the individual is involved with people who may be extremely gifted and charismatic, but who are not always honest and up-front. they constantly may fall prey to deception and intrigue, or unwittingly may become involved in practices which are not always on the correct side of the law. this pattern seems to be repeated from incarnation to incarnation and indicates a tendency to trust people too much. paranoia is a characteristic inherent in pisces, and these individuals subconsciously may react to memories of prior lifetimes in which they suffered through being too trusting. now they are both overly suspicious and overly trusting, unable to judge others clearly. they need to cultivate the virgo side of this axis and attempt to see people as they really are rather than falling into the trap of being both too idealistic and too paranoid. if pluto is involved in the configuration, the individual has experienced this pattern in many lifetimes and needs to undergo the process of regeneration. perhaps such people have served others too long and need to learn that they, too, are part of the great universal consciousness, also worthy of being served. they often seek to do this through unusual actions which few can understand. for these individuals, the subconscious is extremely active. few can match them in insightfulness; they have the ability to draw upon inner powers and use these in serving themselves and others. they also have the ability to bring the products of their vivid imaginations into reality. these people often possess strong interest in the forces of nature and in utilizing them through modern technology. many with this configuration have been artists or writers in the past and in their present lives find themselves interested in both the artistic and technological aspects of the entertainment industry.

astrology and past lives…



sun in aries… the individual’s relationships may be hindered by an inability to identify with the feelings of other people. this is not to say that such people do not love with all the intensity inherent in the moon-leo-aquarius pattern. however, basically they are conscious only of their own emotions and attitudes, and if someone else thinks or feels differently, they are totally bewildered because they do not have the capacity to see the other person’s point of view. this lack of understanding may pose problems in all relationships, especially in love relationships which be nature are based on feelings. this pattern has appeared before in other incarnations. these individuals would benefit from using the altruism of aquarius to try not only to see but to identify with the thoughts and feelings of others. only in this way will their relationships be successful.

sun in taurus… these people are lavish with expressions of love and enjoy giving their lovers gifts. they do the best they can to provide loved ones with as many material advantages as possible, and thoroughly enjoy the act of giving. very sensual and natural about sex, they give generously of themselves in this way, too. they are loyal and devoted - and very possessive. there is a dangerous tendency for them to try to buy love, which can lead eventually to a reluctance on the part of their lovers to accept gifts. confusion and concern can result since these individuals identify with material gifts and see the rejection of these as a rejection of themselves.

in prior lives, such individuals either have been deprived of material expressions of love or have been quite successful at “buying love,” but in the current life they do not attract those who are easily bought. such people need to learn that generosity can be grand so long as it is done for the pleasure of giving and not to create obligations. conversely, they should not give so generously and get nothing in return for too long a period of time, for they then leave themselves open to being used. the best way to handle the tendencies of these patterns is to work toward a fairly equitable balance between giving and receiving, and to avoid the idea that a gift or favor creates an obligation. in short, they need to learn to give and let go.

sun in gemini… these individuals’ intellectual and logical way of facing the world masks their passionate, affectionate natures. many people who recognize only their intelligence are surprised when they learn how very intense they can be. these individuals are chiefly attracted to people like themselves, who combine intelligence with passion and sensuality, and when they find such a partner, they seize upon them with leonine intensity.

in prior incarnations, they were busy people, sometimes professionals, sometimes laborers, who had little time for relationships. in some lives they were married and paid little or no attention to their spouses; in others, their only experience of true love was unrequited. in their current lifetimes, they again are busy, devoting themselves mainly to studies and intellectual matters, sometimes working long hours on a number of different projects. they again have little time to devote to developing relationships, and many of their peers believe them to be merely “thinking machines.” yet this is far from the truth. still, their masks are so successful that only their partners are aware of the depth of their passion. like all people with this pattern, they are loyal and devoted to their lovers, in contrast to the typical fickle geminian. so long as they achieve a balance between intellect and sensuality, these individuals make excellent partners.

sun in cancer… these individuals evaluate every lover in terms of wife or husband potential. the home is important to these people and they work hard to give their families comfortable homes which can be havens for them. their passionate love includes their children as well as their romantic partners. the children of both men and women with the sun in cancer and a moon-leo-aquarius pattern in their charts always can count on that parent for help, even after the child has become an adult. parents with this pattern enjoy the company of their children, and go out of their way to go places and do things with them. however, these parents can become demanding, especially as they grow older and find themselves more housebound. parents with this pattern in their charts need to take care to let their children go and not become too possessive. being too demanding or possessive of adult children can have the effect of pushing them away rather than making them friends for life. these individuals need to adopt as their personal mantra the phrase: “I love you - I set you free.”

sun in leo… the taurian with this placement is the giver, the leonine is the taker. generous and giving by nature, leos expect their lovers to be the same way. although as lovers leos have much to recommend them, they can be very domineering, convinced that their viewpoints are the only viewpoints, and they try to impose their ideas upon their lovers. if the partner is by nature a passive person, there may be little backlash; however, if the lover has a mind of their own, severe problems may result in the relationship. excellent allies, these people are willing to protect their lovers with their own lives and to give them an abundance of attention and support. however, they expect to be idolized.

in prior lives, these individuals were kings, queens, or other royal personages, and are accustomed to adulation. sometimes they demand luxurious gifts from their partners. it is not uncommon for them to run up debts to support regal lifestyles which are beyond their means. their partners may put up with this for a while, but eventually may feel unfairly treated and try to escape the relationship. the leo-sun person with this configuration is no less loving and passionate than others with the moon-leo-aquarius pattern, and can be devastated when a love relationship is terminated. therefore, individuals with this pattern reflected in their charts need to take care to exercise the generous and loving side of their natures rather than the domineering side.

sun in virgo… these people are very good at keeping secrets. they hide their intensity and passion under a cloak of apparent chastity, and are able to convince others that they are quiet, retiring, and virtuous. like most leos, these individuals are actors by nature. in true virgoan fashion, they are meticulous and pay attention to every detail necessary to keep up their front. some of them seem to adhere strongly to traditional values of virtue and chastity, and therefore surprise their lovers when they reveal their true sexual nature.

in prior lives, they were reared by families who taught them that sex was sinful and chastity virtuous. often in the past, as in the present, they fought their own sexual natures and were plagued by guilt. in their current lifetimes, they make sex a game, a way of enticement and of creating intrigue, which is fine so long as the intent is not to deceive - their partners or themselves. such individuals need to remove their masks and be truthful.

sun in libra… when these individuals fall in love, their first thought is of marriage. even if their one great love affair does not work out, they still want to marry and will do so for friendship, social status, or money. these people are the reincarnations of medieval courtly lovers who believed in chaste love from afar, sex with trollops to satisfy lust, and marriage for practical reasons.

in their current lifetimes, they wish to experience passionate, physical love with a partner and if the relationship works out, they can be tender and loving spouses. however, if the bond is broken, the old pattern of pure, unrequited love from afar may reoccur and they may decide that they can never replace the lost love. they will marry then for practical reasons. this could be viewed as love for profit. these people seek mainly to benefit emotionally through marriage, but if this is not possible, they will try to profit in some other way. this is a caution not only for the libran, but for those who consider marriage to one: beware of marrying a libran with the moon in a leo-aquarius pattern if they have confided in you about the one great love that got away.

the libran needs to realize that there is always more than one love for everybody, and that in this life the former pattern of unrequited love does not have to be repeated. passion can be channeled into their marriages. it is also important for these individuals to remember that if they cannot forget their former loves, they should at least refrain from talking about them to current partners. human understanding only stretches so far!

sun in scorpio… these individuals are perhaps the most passionate of all. there is a tendency to idealize the loved one, to want to sacrifice all for them, and to build a strong and lasting relationship. however, if the relationship does not work out, these individuals can be vindictive, wanting and seeking revenge. they may be content with fantasizing about revenge or may actually take some action against a faithless lover.

in past incarnations these individuals have been accustomed to getting what they wanted. they were kings, generals, political leaders, or wives and children of same, and could have their pick of partners. though rarely rejected, they were also rarely loved. now, they love intensely, beyond anything they have ever experienced. if the relationship succeeds, it can be a fine marriage for both members. yet, subconsciously, the scorpio-sun people with a moon-leo-aquarius pattern remember when everything they wanted came too easily. therefore, if a lover leaves, it is a new experience - and not a pleasant one for either party.

sun in sagittarius… these individuals’ innate idealism causes them to search for years for the perfect lover. they desire an intense, romantic relationship yet hold out for the ideal partner, and therefore may deny themselves the very relationship for which they yearn. they often fix their sights on people who are out of their reach and therefore set themselves up for the disillusionment and disappointment to which all sagittarians are vulnerable.

in prior lives, they have been denied passion, either by their own natures or by outside circumstances. like most others with the moon in a leo-aquarius karmic configuration, such intense passion is a new experience for them. yet they continue to search. for many, it may be that establishing a loving relationship is less important than the search itself. these individuals need to re-evaluate their ideals and formulate them in such a way that human beings can live up to them. by doing so, they can give themselves a chance for happiness in love that is real instead of merely fantasized.

sun in capricorn… the love affairs of these individuals are deeply affected by their strong belief in and attachment to traditional values. in some cases, the respect for traditional values enhances the relationship; in others, it obstructs it. these people are capable of overcoming any difficulties posed, but often this requires extraordinary effort. they may waver between strong, passionate desire for union with the loved one and total rebellion against the limitations such union would place on their freedom. in some instances, there can be a sudden, painful separation or loss of the loved one.

individuals with this pattern should evaluate their priorities with regard to relationships. both men and women with this configuration may need to examine their attitudes toward traditional male-female roles and find ways to satisfy desires for a stable homelife as well as stimulation in the social/career world. if they are willing to make an effort to work out conflicts, they may be able to have both marriage and the traditions to which they have become so attached in both present and prior lives.

sun in aquarius… the relationships which these individuals attract are of a very unusual nature. there may be differences in age, race, ethnic or social background, or educational level. yet this person’s love is no less intense or passionate than that of the other signs. in addition, there is a determination to make the relationship work in spite of its unusual nature. there are strong karmic ties between the individuals involved, and even though the two are undergoing different life experiences they are still drawn to each other. sometimes, in spite of all the strikes against it, the relationship works; however, most of the time the differences are too great to overcome. the aquarian-sun person then moves on - to still another unusual relationship. these people need to consider their relationships carefully before they enter into them to avoid the frustration and confusion inherent in loving someone whose background is vastly different from one’s own.

sun in pisces… these people form what are perhaps the most inspiring and romantic attachments. they are devoted partners, sensitive, tender, and loving, and express no less than complete commitment to their lovers. in cases where the individual loves one person but marries another, the outside world notices no difference in the way they treat the spouse.

in the past, these individuals have experienced, through a master or guru, the complete and unconditional love of god and have seized upon the master’s love as an ideal to live up to. as they go through life, they fasten their love energy on various partners, at least one of whom is a “grand passion.” this is a beautiful position for a true and faithful lover; the danger lies in focusing too much devotion on a human personality and not enough on god or the god within that person. there is also a possibility of being too self-sacrificing. such self-sacrifice, though inspirational, may create resentment in a partner who is incapable of the same degree of devotion.

astrology and past lives…


principle… I live to love my love.

transformation… I live to love all - including myself.

individuals with this configuration in their charts seem to have karmic obligations regarding love between two people. although our clients have shared most of the characteristics associated with this axis, they also possess one fascinating common denominator: they have one great love in their lives which they never really forget. they may not marry the person; they may divorce; they may end up marrying someone else. in some cases they never actually meet the object of their affection. the relationship may be stormy and cause a great deal of pain, or they may live happily ever after. whatever the circumstances, this one love dominates the individual’s emotions for most of their life.

past-life histories in our files reveal that in prior lifetimes, romantic love has been of little importance to these people. either it has come too easily to them, or they have embraced a lifestyle which precluded deep involvement in a relationship. this is not to say that they have not been married or romantically involved, only that their relationships lacked the intensity of a grand passion. once these past personalities outgrew the normal adolescent fantasies about love and romance, other matters in their lives came to the forefront and took precedence over their relationships.

on earth, however, a planet whose very survival is based on polarity, an evolving entity must experience everything - including the grand passion portrayed in medieval (and modern) romances.

the devotion and loyalty of these people to their lovers is an inspiration. while they are with the ones they love, they devote their all to the others’ well-being. in addition to the usual generosity of spirit and the deep concern for others associated with leo-aquarius, the fixity of the two signs gives these people constancy and determination to do what they can to provide their loved ones everything possible. the understanding and sympathetic nature of these individuals, along with their readiness to help others, is present in all their relationships, but it is to their grand loves that they give the most.

there is a great deal of passion associated with this moon position, especially if the moon is in leo. the moon in aquarius is generally thought to lack passion (except for humankind in general); however, the opposing or conjoining planets in such a karmic pattern pull in the effects of leo. these individuals’ lives are marked by emotional excitability and sudden experiences with another person, and possibly many brief love affairs, sometimes of an unusual nature, that break off as quickly as they begin. but none has the effect of the one important love which permeates their entire lives.

ifsaturn is involved in the configuration, the love affair either never gets off the ground or takes a long time to come to fruition. there is a sense of fate about the relationship, as if it were “meant to be.” even if the individual wants to disengage from the connection, they seem constantly to be propelled back to it by forces beyond control. needless to say, the lovers have known each other in many prior lifetimes and have probably been together in all kinds of relationships - husband/wife, mother/child, friend/friend, brother/sister, student/teacher. none has been truly fulfilled, so the current relationship seems to encompass all. on some levels it can be quite painful. our research indicates that the karmic nature of saturn ties makes them the hardest to break, even though the relationships involved may be unhappy ones. if uranus is involved in the configuration, the individual has a way of falling in love instantaneously. unless saturn also is involved, this individual, unlike others with the same pattern, is likely to have more than one grand passion in their life. these people are in love with love. they fall in love easily but, unlike other uranian lovers, do not fall out of love as quickly. if they fall in love at first sight, in true uranian fashion, this love becomes all-encompassing and even after it ends they continue to nourish their longing - until the next person comes along. they cherish all their loves, and may, at the end of their lives, think of all past lovers with affection, having loved each of them differently and never forgetting any of them. karmically, such individuals are completing cycles with many different entities. if neptune is involved in the configuration, the individual idealizes lovers, attributing an exaltedness to them that no human being can ever hope to fulfill. if the relationship does not work out, this person still longs for the lost love - but it is not the flesh-and-blood lover who is missed, it is the romantic ideal. this tendency has repeated itself in former lifetimes; the true passion of romantic love has been denied because this person never actually loved another human being, only fantasies. in their current lifetimes, these people need to use extra care when they fall in love; there are no fairy princesses or prince charmings, only human beings with faults and failings. if these individuals do try to see their partners realistically, their relationships can be very satisfying indeed, for their endless capacity to give love can be enhanced by the romantic nature of neptune. if pluto is involved, the individual possesses an extraordinary sexual passion, and experiences strong attractions which others only dream about. love affairs offer such people chances for self-regeneration and cause many inner upheavals that can work for good or evil. if spiritually inclined, these individuals may expand the love energy usually focused on one person to encompass all humankind, transcending the desire for union with another person to a union with god. this is not to say that such individuals outgrow their need for romantic love. they may do so, but chances are they simply will find a way to use their love to experience inner growth and discover ways to grow spiritually through that love. this seems to be related to past-life experiences where these entities emphasized sex, not love, in their relationships. relationships were entered into for sexual attraction and personal gratification, without regard for their partners’ happiness or fulfillment. in their current incarnations, they experience love beyond anything they have known in prior lifetimes, and it offers them the rare opportunity for spiritual growth.


astrology and past lives…



sun in aries… the individual feels that their identity is smothered by the strict standards of family and society. these people have felt this way in past lives and now believe that their survival depends on rejecting traditional lifestyles. their “break” with convention is motivated by immediate, personal desire without much thought being given to future consequences. great innovators by nature, they can come up with all kinds of novel ideas for new enterprises, most of which lie outside the realm of conventional business. they possess the business acumen to implement plans and prove to themselves, if not to others, that society’s norms have not stifled them as individuals. however, they tend to forge ahead without realizing the effect their actions have on others - including those who encouraged them to make the break! these individuals need to sever the bonds of tradition, but should do so for the sake of their own well-being and to serve others and not revolt simply for the sake of revolting.

sun in taurus… this individual has a head for business and is quite good at earning money and investing wisely. such people possess both sense and financial savvy. they may find ways to make money which are unusual especially if uranus is involved.

in prior lives, they were involved with finances, investing, and inheritances, and therefore feel a need to continue working in these areas in their present lifetimes - even though such occupations bind them to the traditions they have rejected.

sun in gemini… these individuals use their logic and mental ability to break away from traditional attitudes and roles which they see as inhibiting. in prior lives, they were not regarded as intelligent. though they may have tried to educate themselves, they were not articulate enough to express their intelligence or knowledge. in their current lifetimes, these people feel a strong inner desire to become known and acknowledged for their intelligence, which leads them to break away from their families or social conventions.

sun in cancer… these individuals have very strong family ties and hesitate to take any course of action that could hurt them. if saturn is involved in the pattern, separation from their families is more painful than if the sun were in another sign. innate sensitivity and empathy cause these people to feel the pain of others intensely - especially if they are responsible for causing it.

in prior lives, they did not have particularly strong ties to their families, therefore current-life attachments are more important to them than they would be to other people. such individuals need to learn from an early age that one can love their family members without becoming a slave to their expectations. if family members truly care about this person’s happiness, they will give their support even if the path they choose is different than what they would have liked.

sun in leo… with this pattern, the family wants the individual to get a safe, secure job, but instead they choose to undertake a more daring career in such fields as art, music, the theatre, or politics. these people are likely to be extremely talented as a result of various creative pursuits in prior lives, and they wish to express their talents in their current lifetimes, too. although they may love their families deeply, their need for self-expression is so strong that they must find a way to carry it out, no matter whom it hurts.

sun in virgo… for these individuals, rebellion is generally slower in coming than for others. several cases in our files involve former “flower children” whose rebellion centered around rejecting the sophistication and commercialism of modern society and going “back to nature.” these people built their own houses, grew their own food, and made their own clothes from natural fabrics. though many of them work steady jobs and enjoy some measure of success, their lifestyles remain simple. many have pursued careers in farming, nutrition, or ecology but no matter what field of endeavor they choose, they are generally hard-working and conscientious.

in prior lives these individuals have been close to the earth, and, when they find themselves in a world which seems to have forgotten it, they make a special effort to remember, even though others may consider them crazy. their presence is generally calming and comforting.

sun in libra… these individuals experience the strongest attachment of all the signs to society’s norms; they have a powerful need to remain within the bounds of convention and, therefore, their rejection of it is likely to be kept private. they may smoke pot or use cocaine, for instance, a form of “rebellion” which is accepted in many social circles. or, they may practice “open marriage.” whatever form their rebellion takes, they don’t want their families to know about it and, therefore, may have a few “skeletons in the closet” that they don’t want to rattle. these individuals need to find a way to be different and innovative without indulging in something harmful or threatening to their treasured positions in society.

sun in scorpio… the scorpion nourishes an intense need for rebellion, sometimes planning for a long time before actually doing it. if the sun is afflicted, there may be strong resentments and a need to hurt those who have hindered them for so many years. these people explore all possible courses of action before selecting one that is appropriate; once decided, they stick with the plan until it has served their purposes. there may be a strong desire for revenge or to do harm; sometimes these individuals turn to crime. at the very least, they have cunning minds and a touch of “larceny in the soul.”

in prior lifetimes, these individuals have been damaged considerably, sometimes imprisoned, tortured, or killed, by persons who misused their authority. they have come into their present lives carrying those psychic scars with them, and these traumas are re-activated whenever these individuals experience repression or bondage in their current incarnations. they need to learn that negative, embittered feelings serve no practical purpose for themselves or others, and only cause more pain and damage in the long run. by using the innate knowledge of the forces of the universe inherent in scorpio, these people could revolt against restrictive or destructive practices and ideas, promoting new methods and thinking in the area of medicine, surgery, or science.

sun in sagittarius… these individuals are perhaps the happiest of all moon-cancer-capricorn people. the responsibilities and sense of duty laid upon them by society appeal to their sagittarian idealism. the potential exists for a harmonious blend of sagittarian joviality and cancer-capricorn conscientiousness. like all cancer-capricorn people, these individuals have an innate need to strive for a secure position in life. their advancement may be slow and hampered by the duties placed on them, but they derive pleasure and contentment from assuming and carrying out those duties.

when the inevitable break with tradition and/or family comes, it generally comes without sadness or estrangement, and may take the form of a journey which represents some sort of pilgrimage to them. these experiences bring about inner changes which enlighten them to some degree and may be reflected in their outer lives. the extent to which any particular person’s attitudes toward family and society are altered depends on other factors in the chart.

it appears that these individuals have been through this separation process in prior lifetimes and the traumatic effect of breaking with convention in the present may be lessened as a result. these people are protected by their innate sagittarian idealism, which allows them to see both their societal responsibilities and the pilgrimage (be it inner or outer) in the best possible light. if the moon is in capricorn (and consequently in the new or crescent phase), the individual is beginning a new karmic cycle, and the break with past traditions represents loose ends from the old cycle that merely need to be put in their proper place. the person is then free to embark upon the new cycle - the pilgrimage - with few, if any, negative emotions stemming from past attachments to tradition.

sun in capricorn… these individuals are perhaps the most lonely and inhibited of this group. they have been the most attached to tradition and the most disillusioned by the breakdown of social and familial structures. unless other factors in the chart offset it, there can be a strong tendency towards gloom and depression. the individual may seek to escape depression through studies or creative endeavors, or through bursts of carousing or debauchery. if born with a sense of direction, these people are likely to choose appropriate career paths and attain some respectability and success therein; however, if they possess no innate sense of direction, they can be steered easily by family and other authority figures rather than choosing their own life courses. these individuals work hard at whatever they do, but if others have selected careers for them, they will eventually find themselves frustrated and resentful. although material rewards and recognition may be abundant, the activity itself is felt to be virtually meaningless.

in prior lives, these individuals probably were cast in the same role they have in the present, and found the role lacking in some way. they may even have been physically injured or killed while playing the part. or, they have been inadequate at fulfilling the role, and though they may subconsciously be reluctant to play that part again, they must complete it. when the inevitable break with tradition comes, the role most likely is complete. the individual is then free to channel capricornian energies into pursuits that are more personally satisfying.

sun in aquarius… for these individuals, breaking with conventions or family expectations appears to be connected with an unusual happening. some kind of mental awakening or discovery takes them out of their safe, traditional existence and catapults them into a difficult, unusual, and more radical way of life. in many cases this is a religious awakening which leaves them less concerned with personal worldly accomplishments than with the elevation of humankind.

sun in pisces… as children, these people enthrall their parents with their sensitivity and imagination. often the family centers its attention on this child, considering them the family favorite, the one who will fulfill their hopes and dreams for the future. sometimes the parents want this child to satisfy their own suppressed desires. often the child shows an interest in the healing arts and may speak of becoming a doctor. the parents then seize upon this as being indicative of their child’s great future as a renowned physician. whatever the child’s youthful plans, at some point there is an abrupt change, and the family is both hurt and bewildered that the expected life path didn’t materialize.

if leo or taurus is prominent in the chart, the child may seek a career in art, acting, or music. if virgo is dominant in the chart, this individual may join a religious order or service-oriented organization. whatever the change, it will not be one of which the family approves, and while the rift rarely leads to permanent estrangement, it can cause all parties a great deal of pain.

these people are generally very “old souls” who have experienced nearly everything in their cycle of rebirths and are growing weary of the endless wheel of reincarnation. they are now anxious to finish the experiences which have not been completed in their prior lifetimes. in many cases this pattern appears to be less of a karmic lesson for the individual than it is for their parents. in some instances it seems to be a means of teaching the families that every child has talents, needs, and desires which are just as important as the needs and desires of the parents. the families must learn to let go, to live their own lives and allow their children to live theirs.

astrology and past lives…


principle… break the bonds or die.

transformation… there are no true limitations.

the cancer-capricorn axis is related to traditional values, to home and career, and so one logically would assume that people with the moon in a cancer-capricorn karmic configuration would have a strong attachment to traditional values and social customs. however, our research reveals a surprising phenomenon regarding these individuals. in nearly all of our cases, we found that these people were raised to believe they were bound by tradition and family values. dominated by their families in all aspects of their lives, they were forced to conform. at some point, however, the basic underlying drive to be themselves burst forth, and these individuals broke with traditional values, sometimes for everyone’s benefit, sometimes to their own disadvantage.

the cancer-capricorn axis is related to parenting. the presence of the moon in one of these signs - especially cancer - seems to indicate a need to serve, a desire to be the nurturing parent. usually, the “parenting” is unconventional in some way.

in almost every instance, we find that the individual with a moon-cancer-capricorn karmic configuration possesses an inner rebelliousness and a need to serve in their own way - whether or not it coincides with traditional ideas. these people are dominated by their families, who force them (either directly or subtly) to conform to their standards until such time as a progression, mostly of the progressed ascendant or midheaven, triggered by a transit or lunation, causes them to rebel and follow their need to serve. sometimes these indivuals become estranged from their families’ because of this rebellion. always they fall in their families estimation, at least until they have time to prove themselves again.

perhaps these conditions make it difficult for such people to advance on their own terms. at many junctures in their lives they find themselves estranged from their mates or mothers. however, they appear to have a great deal of determination and self-control, which enables them to persist in their chosen courses of action even though it may cause emotional pain or separation from those they love.

the karmic reasons for this situation appear to be twofold; the need to break with tradition and the need to serve. upon studying the past-life histories of these individuals, we find that they have spent lifetime after lifetime slavishly obeying the dictates of society, sometimes devoutly believing in those standards, sometimes resenting but still bowing to them, other times eventually rejecting them entirely and becoming outlaws. in the latter cases, there appears to be an excessive amount of guilt remaining in the subconscious from lives in which they hurt their loved ones by failing to do what was expected of them.

in choosing to be born at a time when the moon was involved in a cancer-capricorn karmic configuration, it appears these entities have decided that the time has come to complete the cycle of bowing to authority and move on. using their cancerian traits, they nurture and serve others for whom they are responsible in the best way they can - be they a king’s subjects, a doctor’s patients, or customers at a way station.

ifsaturn is involved in the configuration, there is a sense of fatefulness about the situation. the karma between these individuals and those who oppress them is so strong that the break is much harder to make. there are intense bonds between them and their oppressors; they have been connected in many, many lives and sometimes the bonds involve powerful affection. therefore, when the separation comes, it hurts these individuals even more than those from whom they are separating, yet there appears to be no choice: the break must be made. in some of our past-life cases, such people have been backed into a corner and forced to kill loved ones (or have them killed) in order to make the break and serve in the manner of their karmic obligation. saturn’s presence in a moon-cancer-capricorn configuration represents perhaps the most agonizing of such situations. but it is still possible to use the sensitivity of the moon and determination of saturn to accomplish one’s goal and to better the world as a result. when uranus is involved in the configuration, rebelliousness is already characteristic of the individual so when the break with tradition comes, it is no real surprise to family or friends. however, the break with the family is never a complete one. these people manage to maintain enough of their family ties or social traditions that they always have a haven they can return to if necessary. in the past, it seems that these individuals have broken with tradition many times and found themselves alone, with no one to turn to. the current life pattern shows that the need to make the change still exists, but this time the individual is not willing to risk suffering as in prior lifetimes. if neptune is involved in the pattern, the person lives in a world of fantasy and illusion, and may find after making the break that life is less appealing than expected. these individuals retreat further, into alcohol or drugs, artistic pursuits, or psychic and spiritual studies. they rarely return to their former lifestyles, however, for they are devoted to whatever ideals or fantasies caused them to make the separation. their fantasies can be channeled into constructive pursuits, such as writing or music, yoga or meditation; and the practicality of capricorn can be used to combine imagination with a realistic view of life in the world. if pluto is involved, the “break” is more likely an inner transformation than an outward, physical separation. the need to revolt is there, but these individuals find ways to change themselves and their practices so that they can incorporate their need to serve into the traditions with which they were raised. like those with uranus in the configuration, these people have suffered in past lives because of a stubborn need to reject all society’s standards. although they still feel the need for social change, they realize that the only part of society they can change for certain is themselves.


astrology and past lives…



sun in aries… these people use their intelligence, communication skills, and imagination to become leaders. in school they may have been leaders academically and socially; later, they pursue excellence and prominence in their chosen careers. unless the sun is badly afflicted, there is little, if any, manifestation of the self-centeredness common to some arians; the outgoing energy of gemini-sagittarius seems to counterbalance much of the “I, me, mine” tendencies of aries. in prior lives these individuals were involved with idealistic pursuits, but as followers, sometimes under frustrating circumstances. now they seek to become leaders.

though they may become involved in causes, this is not always true, as it usually is with the aquarian. rather, those arians with a moon-gemini-sagittarius karmic configuration set certain idealistic standards which they try to reach and uphold in whatever they do, especially with regard to intellectual and philosophical pursuits. they do not possess a great deal of physical stamina unless fixed signs are prominent in their charts. they operate mainly on bursts of nervous energy and must be careful not to push themselves too hard or they may damage their health.

sun in taurus… these individuals pursue ideals and duties with the steadfastness and persistence typical of taurus. they persevere even if all their fantasies regarding that which they serve have been stripped away. whether the object of their devotion is a cause, person, or job, they continue to pursue it. even though the frequent mood changes typical of moon-gemini-sagittarius may cause them to proclaim loudly that they are ready to “chuck it all,” they rarely do. the pattern has been repeated through many previous lifetimes: the staunch, dogged pursuit of a chosen course of action no matter what comes along in the process. in many ways, this is an admirable trait; however, the danger lies in not knowing the proper time to cut losses and move on should their pursuits prove not to be in their best interests.

unlike the arian, the taurian with this pattern is not a leader by nature. of necessity, these people may assume such roles from time to time, but usually depend on those with more fiery natures to take initial action. once the course of action is chosen, however, the taurian sticks with it.

the loyalty of these people is generally above reproach. though taurians may disagree with you in private, if they have cast their lots with you they will defend you staunchly in public. the danger in this trait is that should loyalty be misplaced, it will take more than persuasion or even disillusionment to cause them to withdraw it. these individuals need to learn to view their needs as being as important as the needs of a leader or cause. it involves breaking patterns formed in many lifetimes, but it can be done by utilizing the flexibility inherent in gemini-sagittarius to achieve the necessary equilibrium.

sun in gemini… communication abilities are meant to be developed as fully as possible. these individuals love to read, are knowledgeable on many subjects, and, unless water signs are prominent in their charts, practically never stop talking. the telephone is an important part of their lives and often they love to write long, newsy letters. to some, they may seem “scatterbrained,” but this is only because they have many divergent interests and are capable of pursuing more than one thing at a time.

these individuals are the peter pans of the zodiac; they never really grow up. they project an eternally child-like image that can be alternately aggravating and endearing. in prior lives, they may have been weighed down with responsibilities and longed to escape from them. in the later lives, they turned away responsibility altogether and became wanderers. in their current lifetimes, they don’t actually shirk responsibility but try whenever possible to avoid assuming it. they may have trouble deciding on their life’s work because emotionally they are responding to many past lifetimes in which they had different talents and interests. counseling may be necessary to help them determine which of these abilities is best suited for present-life circumstances. this is very important as they need to find adequate outlets for their ideas and nervous energy.

sun in cancer… these individuals are warm and sensitive as well as outgoing and gregarious, and are usually well-liked and popular. at times they experience mood swings, though, that can turn them from social butterflies to recluses. they are generous and giving, and women of this sign in particular are most maternal in nature. however, they can carry this to extremes, so that others, instead of being “nurtured,” feel smothered and pull away, leaving the cancer-sun people confused and embittered. this tendency is a remnant from one of two past-life patterns; these individuals were either in positions where they desperately needed help or comfort and couldn’t find it, or they were parents with many children. the main thing to be aware of with this configuration is to give others enough breathing space and to make sure they want help before giving it.

sun in leo… these people shine. particularly if taurus, leo, libra, or pisces is on the ascendant, they are generally quite attractive physically. their charisma and charm transcend all bounds, though they may be a bit superficial. they can be very generous and giving to their families and close friends, but most of their other relationships are marked by shallowness. this is not intentional; rather, these people try to maintain close relationships with all they meet. however, they come into contact with so many people that this is virtually impossible. often they spread themselves too thin and promise more than they can deliver.

in prior lives, these individuals may have been well-intentioned political leaders who entertained high hopes for themselves and for their country, and did the best they could to please everyone - often failing miserably in the attempt, but never ceasing to try. now, in their current lifetimes, they are still subconsciously pursuing those high hopes, which is fine so long as they are careful not to promise what they may not be able to produce. these people must learn to budget their time and to limit their promises. they will be liked, respected, and appreciated much more if they are honest with others - and themselves - about what they can and cannot do.

sun in virgo… virgos with this karmic configuration also have a tendency to spread themselves too thin. however, these individuals, rather than simply making promises, actually take on the work and do it. they sometimes find themselves working long into the night, trying to live up to all the responsibilities they have assumed. for such people, helping others is a vital part of life and they only really feel worthy when they are serving someone else. they can be generous to a fault, and rarely complain.

if the sun is afflicted, however, they may become “martyrs,” complaining loudly about being “used” then wondering why others no longer ask them for help. although helping others is a vital part of their lives, at the same time they have a tendency to resent those they help. this need to serve is a pattern learned in many past lives. the insecurities in the more negative manifestations of the pattern result from subconscious memories of lifetimes when these individuals were shamefully used by others who cared little about them. because these people tend to take on so many different projects, they push themselves to keep going for long periods on nervous energy, with little food or sleep. eventually this can lead to total collapse, as these people do not possess an endless supply of physical stamina. they need to guard against trying to help too many people, for they can damage themselves both physically and psychologically in the process.

sun in libra… these people love parties and groups, and see every life situation as an opportunity for social contact. their social calendars are always crowded, and their professions are likely to bring them into contact with many different types of people. law and education are excellent fields for these individuals. they have many divergent hobbies and interests, and may be compulsive “joiners,” wanting to become a part of any group or association connected with any of their interests. they usually are gracious and have excellent manners, and can relate well to almost anybody. like the virgoan, they enjoy helping people, but the resentment which the virgoan may experience is absent in those with sun in libra. the libran with the moon-gemini-sagittarius pattern has an excellent sense of humor and likes to crack jokes. they can be moody, however. the gemini-sagittarius dual nature coupled with the occasional unbalancing of the libran scales can catapult these people from charming openness into the darkest moods. their unpredictability can weigh considerably on those around them.

the sullenness appears to stem from past existences in which these people were hermits, loners, who had at the most one other person to whom they were devoted totally. in their current lives, when heavy transits trigger the dark moods, they may instinctively try to withdraw, but find themselves constantly in social situations regardless. the current lifetime may represent an opportunity to develop the gemini-sagittarius balance and communicative skills through constant interaction with other human beings - something which was avoided in prior lifetimes.

sun in scorpio… these indivuals are considerably less communicative than most people with the moon-gemini-sagittarius pattern. their dialogues tend to be internal, as the most knowledgeable people they know appear to be themselves. they are more inclined to engage in intellectual discussions than in socializing and small talk. authors with this combination usually prefer writing non-fiction rather than popular novels. in all their communications they display a power and intensity that is lacking in those of the other sun signs who share the same moon pattern. their drive to acquire information is strong and these indivuals will read, go to lectures, buy self-help tapes, or watch educational tv to gain more knowledge. they listen and absorb, but give out information only when they feel it is to their advantage to do so. when they do disseminate information, they have a tendency to use high-flown, euphemistic language that goes right over the heads of most of their listeners. this is the result of combining the sagittarian desire to share information with the secrecy of scorpio.

these people possess subconscious awareness of the nature of the universe acquired in previous lives and use it to pursue the ideals of truth (represented by sagittarius). they can make excellent teachers, doctors, chemists, physicists, and astronomers. in prior lives they may have been physicians, magicians, herbalists, or alchemists, and they are capable of pursuing the modern equivalents of these professions.

sun in sagittarius… these people use their affability and communicative skills to advance themselves professionally. they have a knack for meeting and impressing the right people and professional success at some stage in life is almost certain. innate idealism causes them to strive for perfection in all they do and they are often too hard on themselves when they fail to live up to their own standards - which sometimes are impossibly high. like those with sun in gemini, these indivuals are extremely talkative and often are gifted orators, punctuating conversations with effusive gestures. their outgoing optimistic nature serves them well; however, they need to guard against being boastful and overly idealistic. nervousness also can be a problem, even leading to strokes in extreme cases.

their prior lifetimes are hard to categorize. cases in our files include princes, paupers, doctors, and thieves. however, it appears that in choosing to be born at a time when there was a heavy karmic concentration across the jovial, outgoing gemini-sagittarius axis, these indivuals were all reacting to one particular past lifetime which was so terrible and so depressing that the sorrow lingering from it still threatens the peace of the present.

sun in capricorn… much of this individual’s energy, both physical and emotional, is channeled into pursuing ambitions. the love of social contact, affable nature, and desire for freedom characteristic of gemini-sagittarius are still there, but the innate conservative nature of capricorn makes these people more inhibited in their self-expression than others with the moon-gemini-sagittarius pattern. they may feel frustrated because although they want to behave in a liberated and unrestricted manner, their innate respect for traditions causes them to restrain themselves all too often.

these people are completing one karmic cycle and beginning another. in many prior incarnations they were wanderers, as typified by this axis, who had little concern for others or for the beliefs and mores of their societies; they did pretty much as they pleased. in their current lifetimes, they are discovering the value of tradition and social custom and finding ways to use these in pursuing their goals. they need to bear in mind, however, that traditions were never meant to be chains, only guidelines. it is important that these individuals learn to view society’s conventions in their proper perspective and know when to follow them and when to deviate from them. they also need to take time out from work occasionally for a long vacation and indulge their emotional desire for freedom.

sun in aquarius… this individual’s mental gifts are channeled into science, modern technology, and other areas requiring inventiveness such as computer science and aerospace. sociable and group-orientated, such persons often join organizations, clubs, or unions, particularly those espousing new ideas and modern concepts.

in many prior lifetimes, they worked on developing their mental capacities but lacked focus or direction. they acquired many interests and much knowledge but did not put this knowledge to concrete use. in their current incarnations, they are applying everything they’ve learned in the past toward advancing knowledge and technology. however, they should take care not to get so lost in the pursuit of new ideas and technological advances that they lose sight of the need for close, interpersonal relationships.

sun in pisces… these individuals have high ideals and are often concerned with spiritual advancement. frequently, however, they become caught up in fantasy and illusion, seeing the world through the proverbial rose-colored glasses. if their illusions are stripped away, they may seek to escape from the world, possibly through alcohol or drugs, but more likely by retreating. they might, for example, join some kind of religious order or retire to an out-of-the-way place where they can live in solitude. their keen intellects and fertile imaginations may lead them to careers as writers, artists, poets, or musicians. inspirational themes might be chosen and a great deal of passion channeled into their work so that their art sometimes seems divinely inspired.

in prior incarnations, these people were probably mystics, constantly searching for god. at some time they likely wrote religious tracts or poetry, or expressed their faith through art or music. they again feel a desire to follow this path in the present and should not hesitate to use their talents accordingly. but they should also bear in mind that retreat - for artistic purposes or spiritual development - should not be total. the true test of a saint is being able to retain one’s faith while living in the “real” world.

astrology and past lives…


principle…seek freedom or die.

transformation… I find freedom even within bonds.

many brilliant and gifted people have the moon in a gemini-sagittarius karmic configuration. they are coming from many prior incarnations in which they were scholars and thus find it easy to re-learn information acquired long ago. sometimes this knowledge comes to them spontaneously, in the course of a conversation, and they literally do not know where it came from. the fact is that something in the conversation awakened an ancient store of information in the subconscious and brought it to the surface.

in prior lifetimes, these people were travelers whose lives were full of changes and sometimes adventures. their many high ideals led them to spend their lives continually searching for the pot of gold or the holy grail. they rarely found what they sought, and, on the few occasions when they did, they simply moved on to search for something else. their emotional natures have been marked by many moods.

now these individuals may seek to repeat these patterns. they have a passionate emotional attachment to their ideals and cling to them fervently. they possess vivid imaginations, clever and ingenious minds, versatility, intense powers of expression, and an eternal desire for wisdom. they want to know what makes a clock work or how a piano produces music. these individuals generally make excellent teachers, writers, poets, and, if other factors in the chart support it, musicians, for self-expression is deeply ingrained in them. there is ingenuity and originality about all they do. generally quite charming, they attract many friends and acquaintances.

these individuals also have a way of projecting their ideals onto other people and identifying totally with those others, be they friends, employers or public figures. the inherent danger in this tendency is that eventually the idealized person will turn out to be human with human failings. sometimes the idealization and identification is not with a person, but with a cause or a concept (sometimes both). this may prove dangerous if these people do not see their causes or concepts from all possible viewpoints - for there is a chink in every wall, and if the chink is not mended, the wall itself may come tumbling down. the secret in achieving the necessary balance is not to allow one’s emotions (moon) to overwhelm one’s logic (gemini) and create such idealism (sagittarius) that one loses touch with reality.

these individuals may hold an exalted concept of devotion to duty, yet at the same time, have a passionate desire for freedom. the latter is an emotional residue from lifetimes in which they were wanderers, owing nothing to anyone. for most people, the concept of duty and that of freedom may seem mutually exclusive, but these individuals in many cases put their innate ingenuity to work and find ways to reconcile the two.

whensaturn is involved in the configuration, there is some kind of bond, some kind of duty, some kind of karmic obligation that interferes with the individual’s quest for freedom. one may be frustrated and stifled on all sides, and sometimes feel the need to break loose from everything and run away. to achieve the balance signified by this polar axis, though, one needs to use the basic ingenuity and versatility inherent in this polarity to reconcile both the need for freedom and the karmic obligation to one’s cause. it is almost as if this individual chose to come back in a situation where their innate ingenuity must be put to use. if uranus is involved in the configuration, the need for breaking free is much stronger than usual. if there is no saturn bond, the individual may opt for a totally unconventional life and become a bohemian artist, poet, musician, or professional traveler. if the saturn bond does exist, this person may seek an outlet through unconventional studies such as astrology or alchemy, or may channel uranian needs through unusual relationships. these people are gifted in oratory and propaganda, and will probably find it necessary at some point to make a break at one time or another. perhaps in prior incarnations such individuals were bound too closely to an ideal or cause, or it may be necessary to break with their sense of duty and approach life in an entirely new and different manner. uranus represents the need to tear down old structures in order to make way for the new. if neptune is involved in the configuration, sensitivity and emotional responsiveness are increased. a vivid imagination strengthens the idealistic nature and devotion; however, the danger of illusion and over-idealization also is heightened. there can be a tendency to shirk responsibility. in past lives these people have been involved with mysticism and nature religions, and these influences can carry over into their current lifetimes. if they can overcome the tendency to be too impressionable and gullible, their sensitivity and intelligence can be applied in counseling careers. they have highly developed intuitions and strong desires for higher knowledge. inevitably, their kindness, sensitivity, and imagination make them extremely well-liked; they never lack friends. however, they must take special care to see their friends as they really are rather than as they want or expect them to be. if pluto is involved, devotion to ideals invariably leads to an inner transformation of some sort. these people may suffer disillusionment and be forced to face up to this disillusionment. at some point, they undoubtedly will find that all their childhood images of the world have been stripped away, and may have to learn to find meaning in their lives without resorting to fantasies of perfection. they may become cold and embittered, or use pluto’s power of regeneration to make themselves and their lives stronger, more responsible, more powerful, and more meaningful.


astrology and past lives…



sun in aries… these entities need to develop a sense of identity, to acknowledge their worth as individuals, and learn to believe in themselves before they can fully re-develop the powers remaining in their psyches from prior incarnations. there are deep-rooted insecurities lurking in the subconscious relating to wrongs they committed in past lifetimes, possibly resulting from misuses of their powers. in their current incarnations, though these individuals express the usual “I am” sentiments typical of the arian, at times insecurities can become overwhelming. it is obvious to everyone else, however, that they have keen, clever, insightful minds (scorpio) and at least some degree of talent in finance or the arts (taurus). the insecurities usually show up at an early age, and the parents should consider carefully the child’s need for encouragement and understanding. if problems with self-esteem persist into adulthood, the burden of support will fall on friends. it is important that family and friends convince these people that they are fully capable of using their talents to help themselves, rather than continuously doing them favors. only when they come to believe in their own worth as individuals will they be able to use their power effectively and achieve the necessary taurus-scorpio equilibrium.

sun in taurus… the individual’s powers are chiefly of an artistic and/or material nature, although, if other factors in the chart concur, there can be definite metaphysical and spiritual power as well. if pluto is involved in the configuration in any way, the early life can be fraught with difficulties relating to power and power struggles. if such people discipline themselves to transcend the negative effects of these power struggles, their metaphysical abilities can bloom to an unexpected degree.

in prior lives, these individuals had few financial worries and exercised considerable skill at bettering themselves financially. investments proved sound and in some lives they may have inherited money or married into wealthy families. now there may be a certain weariness with mundane matters such as making a living, and these persons may experience subconscious longings for prior incarnations when material security came easily. however, in order to attain the needed taurus-scorpio balance, they probably will experience poverty at some point and be forced to draw upon their money-making skills - as well as their past-life powers over the material world - in order to establish financial security for themselves. then, and only then, will they be completely free to indulge their compulsions to serve and experience the inner satisfaction that results from serving others.

sun in gemini… this individual’s powers are mainly in the area of communication. such people are good with words, clever at expressing themselves, and possess definite oratory power. compelling and persistent in expressing their viewpoints, they are capable of convincing skeptics of the validity of their ideas - right or wrong - even though they may change their own minds daily. these individuals probably have experienced prior lifetimes when they had the ability and the opportunity to spread their ideas, and others when they had many ideas which they wished to express but were inhibited in some way from doing so.

sun in cancer… this individual is a homebody, maternal and caring in nature, and can be quite intense in their expression of these characteristics. such individuals possess definite powers of leadership and may show an interest in politics, but probably prefer to stay behind the scenes rather than be in the public eye. therefore, they probably would be more comfortable as campaign managers rather than candidates for office. the quiet and home-loving tendencies of cancer are not incompatible with the use of the innate power of the taurus-scorpio axis; using insight and cleverness, a cancerian individual with a moon-taurus-scorpio pattern easily can find ways to remain with their own chosen territory and still be an effective influence in service to others. one way, of course, which comes naturally to the cancerian, is through one’s children.

sun in leo… these individuals have been born aware of their value as human beings and are capable of “shining like the sun.” therefore, they have a definite advantage in using taurus-scorpio powers to serve others and they enjoy doing it immensely. fully prepared to be in the public eye, these people are quite capable of performing before an audience, whether it be in the arts, education or politics. they have great charm and charisma, and often possess such personal magnetism that their presence may be felt in a room even before they are seen. as with the sun in taurus, however, these entities have come from many lifetimes of financial ease. they are full of creative ideas, most of them good ones. however, they lack the inclination to do mundane work to make a living. therefore, their tendency is to seek the financial support of others, motivated both by the laziness of taurus and leo and the desire to spend their time working on their own creative ideas rather than “wasting it” working at mundane jobs.

there may also be a “glitch” in their inner natures. such people may have a preference for unorthodox sexual or romantic practices. this can take the form of strange sexual behavior or a tendency to become involved with partners who are totally unsuitable for them.

sun in virgo… the sun-moon sextile or trine implied by this planetary placement denotes a predominately positive personality type. like the individual with the sun in leo, this person is pleasant and charming, though, of course, considerably more reserved and, like the cancerian, more comfortable remaining behind the scenes. this position combines virgoan diligence with taurian and scorpionic fixity. such individuals are loyal and hardworking, and very careful in performing any tasks. they deal well with people and can be quite tactful and diplomatic. however, they have a tendency to push themselves too hard, and often their health can suffer from overwork; yet they still hesitate to slow their pace. they may make mistakes, but rarely (if ever) make the same mistake twice. hardworking and faithful, they can be counted on not to try to steal the spotlight! also, they rarely reveal secrets.

in prior lives, these individuals found that the best application of their power was subtle, using tact, diplomacy and “casual” suggestion rather than an overt, bombastic manner. they may have been advisors to kings, or other political or military leaders. they may have been secretaries, bookkeepers or other administrative assistants whose opinions were so trusted by their employers that they actually had as much power as the leaders.

in their current lives, these individuals are still comfortable in this role and prefer to continue with it. they need only use the virgoan power of discrimination to find the best niche for satisfying their own particular compulsion to serve.

sun in libra… this individual possesses a great deal of personal charm and magnetism, an easygoing, loving nature, and most likely beautiful manners. such people are most comfortable when around other people and function extremely well in social situations. they feel comfortable in groups and are welcome members of those groups. relationship-oriented and also extremely sensual and sexual by nature, they are considered “good lovers” by their partners. as with all librans, they possess a strong sense of justice and have the power to work toward justice in situations about which they feel strongly. they love art, particularly that which expresses powerful emotions, such as the paintings of van gogh or the music of wagner. their power over others is exercised with libran charm. they are more pragmatic than most librans who believe in the importance of society over the importance of the individual. money is of greater concern to them than it is to most librans and they are more careful with it. as with the cancerian individual, there may be an interest in the military, but the libran motivation is to work toward peace for all rather than “fighting for one’s country.”

in prior incarnations, these individuals probably have been soldiers or diplomats, and have found themselves in situations where the interests of those they represented depended on their own personal charm and magnetism, and where good manners and the ability to use power subtlety, through gentle persuasion rather than overt force were vital. although in current lifetimes there may be temptations to resort to scorpionic domination and excessiveness, for these individuals it is best to make use of power in the gracious manner of the libran.

sun in scorpio… these individuals are powerhouses, possessing personal magnetism to a degree desired and envied by many. their projection is outstanding, and people probably refer again and again to the sheer magnetism in their eyes. they are capable of exerting strong sexual power. equally comfortable operating behind the scenes or in public, their opportunities depend on other chart factors. whether out in front or behind the scenes, however, these individuals can and do utilize a great deal of personal power, and have the capability to accomplish much - for good or evil.

in past incarnations, they have either earned or inherited positions of power, and have had control of sufficient financial resources to accomplish whatever they chose. they knew “where the bodies were buried” so to speak, that is, in the past (and probably in the present as well) they possessed enough cunning and manipulative know-how to discover and use information about people and situations to suit their own ends. they have been (and still are) naturally master psychologists and can deal with people in a most effective manner to attain their objectives. in prior incarnations, however, they probably had a tendency to get carried away with their power and to abuse it. in their current incarnations, these people may again experience this temptation; the best path for them to take is to focus both their power and the compulsion to use it to make the world a better place.

sun in sagittarius… intensity, financial savvy, and the desire to help one’s fellow beings find a natural outlet in the idealism and expansiveness of sagittarius. because of the innate power denoted by the moon-taurus-scorpio configuration, these individuals generally choose to enter such fields as law, religion or higher education. the personal magnetism inherent in taurus-scorpio enables them to exercise strong personal appeal, and the joviality and affability of sagittarius endows them with natural talent for expressing their ideas in an attractive manner.

in prior lives, these individuals have probably been inhibited in expressing their ideas and in using their power; now, it’s “no holds barred.” there is probably little temptation to abuse power because the idealism of sagittarius almost insured that the person’s inclinations will be toward service. however, the sagittarian tendency to become embittered when ideals are stripped away can find an outlet in the more negative scorpionic traits of jealousy, vindictiveness and vengefulness. the individual can circumvent this danger by realizing that ideals are only goals to strive for and that few can be met. if this pitfall is avoided, these sagittarians with moon-taurus-scorpio karmic configurations have the potential to accomplish much toward bettering those they touch.

sun in capricorn… individuals with these aspects in their charts find a focus for their financial savvy, basic common sense and business know-how in the business world. they are comfortable in the public eye. the harmony of the sun-moon sextile or trine can produce a pleasing personality that makes both personal and business relationships easy and beneficial. these people have a certain amount of power, which, although existing on a subtle level as well, may materialize as political power. they may be successful in government or climb to the top of the executive ladder in a major corporation.

in prior lives, these persons were ambitious but had their ambitions frustrated by circumstances beyond their control. perhaps they were born into poverty in a social structure which offered little opportunity for the poor to better themselves; or, perhaps they were born into an appropriate social structure but died young.

in their current incarnations, they find it much easier to pursue their ambitions and rise to the top. however, they must bear in mind that their abilities and opportunities are gifts, and that responsibilities to others come with increased worldly power and gratified ambitions. while the innate coldness of capricorn is, in this configuration, tempered by the warmth of taurus and the passion of scorpio, it can still cause these people at times to think only of themselves. if this pitfall is avoided, they can attain their own personal ambitions and experience the gratification that comes from using power and position to accomplish something positive for the world.

sun in aquarius… the inventive capabilities of this individual are outstanding. there is a subconscious memory of the knowledge of the inner workings of the cosmos remaining from past lives that one need only re-learn and apply to modern technology. interest and talent in the sciences are present and this person could do well in such a career. this individual’s powers are best channeled through the sciences, or possibly through labor union activities or other forms of group activity. insight and intelligence related to the planet uranus (which rules aquarius and is exalted in scorpio) are in the forefront in the current incarnation and serve as an excellent channel for the individual’s innate power.

in past incarnations, these people probably studied science in its more radical form and their theories may have conflicted with the world-views of the time. they may have met with resistance from the scientific establishment and even been persecuted. in those incarnations, they probably lacked the power to convince others more conservative than themselves of the relevancy of their discoveries and ideas. in their current incarnations, the power represented by the moon-taurus-scorpio placement will enable them to prove themselves in ways their prior personalities could not. past life experiences also may have revolved around radical politics. they may have been champions of the people (or followers of such leaders) in a world where power was in the hands of the aristocracy. in either case, these individuals now have the capabilities to present new, innovative ideas - scientific or political - to the public and to work effectively for their acceptance.

sun in pisces… with this configuration, the basic secrecy typical of scorpio and the reclusiveness of pisces combine to bring forth a personality who absolutely refuses to exercise power in a public manner, and who has an almost pathological need to exert power over other from behind the scenes. these individuals do whatever they can to keep their activities and sometimes their very existence secret. they exercise covert power most effectively and produce results which are felt by people in the outside world, but they don’t want anyone to know of their roles in effecting those results. in fact, they derive an almost perverse pleasure from the fact that they are so powerful, yet no one knows about them. this compulsive secrecy appears to stem from lifetimes in which these people exercised a great deal of power, either spiritual or mundane, but eventually came to grief directly or indirectly from the use of that power. in their current lives, they still seek to use their power, but believe they will be much safer if no one knows about them. there is, of course, nothing wrong with this need for secrecy so long as this desire does not lead to activities that are detrimental to others.
