
Questa DOMENICA 25 Febbraio ci sarà Masterclass molto interessante: IL GIOCO INFINITO DELLE POLARITA

Questa DOMENICA 25 Febbraio ci sarà Masterclass molto interessante: IL GIOCO INFINITO DELLE POLARITA’
Chi è una donna? Chi è un uomo?

Buona parte della vita sociale umana si svolge in un gioco infinito a partire dall’incontro di un uomo con una donna: mille situazioni, difficoltà, momenti magici, opportunità di apprendimento si susseguono e nascono da questo confronto tra maschile e femminile, inclusa la vita stessa sul nostro pianeta e il progredire della razza umana – con la sessualità, la maternità e la nascita.

All’interno dello Yoga Kundalini abbiamo una parte dedicata a tutto questo che chiamiamo Umanologia. Il suo significato esatto nasce dalla parola Hu, che significa “raggio” o “radianza”, e Man che vuol dire “mente”; quindi “ Hu-man” diventa “la radianza della mente”. L’Umanologia è una scienza che fornisce linee guida specifiche per vivere una vita armoniosa con se stessi e con gli altri, in un intento di realizzazione del potenziale umano nella sua espressione totale: mente-corpo e spirito. L’Umanologia si applica alla vita concreta, con indicazioni su come riconoscere la propria identità di donna o di uomo, su come si entra in relazione e cosa accade, su come affrontare la sessualità, la maternità, la nascita (e quindi anche la morte) e ancora tanto altro.

Lo yoga ci insegna che dentro ognuno di noi esiste un’anima, che è oltre le polarità. Ogni qual volta ci incarniamo questo avviene nel corpo di una donna o di un uomo, da una semplice variabile come questa nasce una realtà concreta che Yogi Bhajan ha cercato di descrivere indicandoci le diversità di base che esistono tra i due sessi, in un intento di elevazione importante:

“Il maschile e il femminile formano un’unione, e questa unione completa è la più grande forma di yoga” Yogi Bhajan.
#polarity #masterclass #unity #kundaliniyoga #love #gong #femminilemaschile #yoga #milan #yinyang #umanologia #guarigione #meditazione #kriya #pranayama (presso Bali Yoga)

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aspect patterns in astrology

every chart has aspects, and those aspects can fall into a pattern. probably the most well-known is the grand trine. the element or modality in which the pattern falls is also important for the meaning, so i’ll explain the 4 most important patterns (imo) (and a bonus one :P) with elements and modality explanation and how it’s formed.

i also made a key at the bottom of the post if you don’t know the meaning of elements, modality, polarity, or if you don’t know the signs of fixed, fire, feminine etc.

if you don’t know if you have any patterns in your chart, you can simply find it onhttps://astro-charts.com/, fill in your info and scroll down a bit (it should under the normal aspects), if you don’t have any aspect pattern, you won’t see this section (you might also have a pattern i won’t explain, such as a stellium).

i also recommend to google the patterns, since it’s kinda hard to explain on paper what they look like.

grand trine

the grand trine is formed when 3 planets make a trine between 3 different signs (≈ 120º), usually in the same element.

the grand trine is a very powerful pattern because the trines strengthen each other. even tho the grand trine encourages talent and expression, a thing that is overlooked a lot is that there is a lack of tension, which can make the person have increased self-awareness, especially if there is a lack of square and oppositions in general.

fire grand trines: this makes you a proud and enthusiastic person, you are creative and like to express yourself. but be careful, because this pattern can make you have a god complex (because the grand trine is the strongest in the element of fire), which can be damaging to others.

earth grand trines: you have a good sense of stability and security of yourself and others and you hold a lot of power. people with a grand trine in earth signs tend to be organized and are creatively resourceful.

air grand trines: you are very curious and idealistic and you have a broad view on life. you’re also very intellectual and easy going. people with a grand trine in air signs also tend to have a lot of friends.

water grand trines: this pattern makes you highly intuitive and very creative. you are empathic and understand others quite easily. you have broad imagination, and also this grand trine can make you idealistic and a dreamer.

grand square/T-square

since the grand square and T-square are really alike and share many things, i decided to combined to two.

the grand square, also known as grand cross, forms when a planet squares (≈ 90º) two planets (in different signs) and also opposites (≈ 180º) a third planet. so that it forms 4 squares with 2 oppositions, making a big cross and square.

the T-square does the same, except it misses one of the squares, which also means it doesn’t have the second opposition. it’s called a T-square because people say it forms a T, but i personally don’t really see that, so i’d rather describe it as a triangle with 2 squares and an opposition (i’m sorry if this description is chaotic, it’s kind hard to explain, so I recommend to look it up (just google ‘T-square astrology’) or check if you have a T-square on astro-charts).

what they have in common is that they both have oppositions and squares, which can be very challenging. the other thing that makes them alike is that the planets (usually) fall in the same modality. having a grand cross or T-square makes you in general very goal orientated and you are willing to work hard to achieve your dreams. it could also make you want to have power and control.

cardinal grand cross or T-square: with the cardinal energy in this pattern, you want to achieve your goals all at the same time, which makes you ambitious but also blinded by what you want to achieve. these people are natural leaders and like having power. this pattern can also make you disoriented, because your ideals can be quite contradictory.

fixed grand cross or T-square: this can be a very hard pattern, due to the lack of flexibility, you want to be secure in everything you do. even tho it can be hard for others, this pattern also makes you very strong, determined and high self-worth (this pattern gives me so much royal vibes ngl). you like your comfort, but in order to move forward, you have to learn to go with the flow sometimes.

mutual grand cross or T-square: a grand cross/T-square in this modality makes you a person that’s very focused on healing, reasoning, teaching and integrating. with your thoughts and emotions. unlike the fixed pattern, you have a strong desire to just go with the flow, but make sure you don’t wander around your ideas and that you stay focused on your goal. this pattern can also make you very spiritual and interested in witchy things.

mystic rectangle

this kinda rare rectangle forms with 2 sextiles (≈ 60º), 2 trines (≈ 120 º) and 2 oppositions (≈ 180º) forming a rectangle with each other. this is a quite mild and harmonious pattern, because it balanced with either feminine or masculine energy. as long there’s not too much energy focused on only one of the planets, it should make you a very mindful person. if the balance is off, you can become self-contained and crave and hold too much power. a wedge is a half rectangle (so 1 sextile, 1 trine, 1 opposition) and is quite common unlike the rectangle. it’s also definitely not as powerful, but you can still share the same traits that a rectangle has.

masculine rectangle: you’re probably quite extroverted and like to explore the world. you express your energy outwards and like to entertain others. your actions are powerful and strong and you like adventures.

feminine rectangle: great change that you’re an introvert. you like to explore your own mind and express your energy inwards. your mind is vivid and powerful. if there’s strong mercury influences, it can also make you quite smart.


the yod, also known as the finger of god, forms with a planet that makes two quincunxes with different signs (≈ 150 º) and a sextile (≈ 60 º) between those signs. it doesn’t hold a certain energy through an element, modality or polarity like the others, so that’s why it’s a bonus. In general, the yod is a very very challenging pattern, but with lots of learning and growing it’ll make you very spiritual and aware (like god or smth :P). there will be a certain ongoing theme in your life, which is usually a difficult theme, it will take time, skill and practise to grow out of this certain theme. Look at the planets (and houses!!!) involved in the yod to know where you should put your focus on in life in order to overgrow the difficulty.



fire signs —> aries, leo, sagittarius

earth signs —> taurus, virgo, capricorn

air signs —> gemini, libra, aquarius

water signs —> cancer, scorpio, pisces


cardinal signs —> aries, cancer, libra, capricorn

fixed signs —> taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius

mutual signs —> gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces


masculine signs —> fire and air signs

feminine signs —> earth and water signs

There is Truth in none and None in truth

As Above So Below

Within the infinite possibility lies you

& you & you & you & …

And within that lies your physical you

A vessel of God who is experiencing at the moment


When you think of Brad Pitt, what comes to mind? Academy Awards? Fight Club? “Brangelina”? Two thing

When you think of Brad Pitt, what comes to mind? Academy Awards? Fight Club? “Brangelina”? Two things that might not come to mind, but should: fruit flies and cowlicks.

The celebrity has more in common with a fruit fly than you may think (which, granted, is a low bar to clear.) A new study out of Michigan State University, featured in Scientific Reports, shows that both Pitt and flies have “polarized” hair patterns controlled by a cancer protein.

“Researchers have discovered that these polarity genes, which do more than create cowlicks, are regulated by a tumor suppressor protein. On the macro scale, their presence can be seen in feather and fish scale patterns. On the cellular level, they are directly regulated by a cancer protein, the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein.”

This research has further-reaching implications than simply crowning fruit flies People’s Sexiest Bug Alive.In fact, it could shed light on certain potential cancer treatment research. Sandhya Payankaulam, lead author and MSU research assistant professor, explains that “until now, people neglected the regulation of polarity genes, thinking them to be regulated in a rather humdrum manner similar to ‘housekeeping’ genes that are devoted to basic cellular functions. Our work challenges this view and raises an important question relevant to development of new cancer diagnosis and therapies.”

Read more at The Science Daily here!

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