

Ciliated epithelial cell in a BAL sample.

Water flea

#microorganisms    #microbiology    #microbes    #microscopy    #biology    

Water flea moving about

#cladocera    #water flea    #microorganism    #microbiology    #microscopic    

Cladocera, a small crustacean. 

#crustacean    #microbiology    #biology    #microscopic    #microscope    
#copepod    #microbiology    #microscopic    #microscopy    #science    

Female copepod

#copepod    #microbiology    #microorganism    #biology    #microscopic    

Pond sample

#microbiology    #copepod    #science    #biology    

Female copepod with eggs. 

Pond sample. 

#microorganism    #microbiology    #microscope    #biology    #science    

Quick copepod

#microbiology    #science    #microscope    #biology    #copepod    

Something is swimming by..

#pond sample    #microorganism    #microbiology    #science    #biology    

Water flea?

Pond sample. 

#microbiology    #science    #biology    #microscope    #microorganism    

Pond sample. Any guesses on what this organism may be? 

#microbiology    #biology    #microscope    #microorganism    #science    

Creek sample. Organism eating algae. 

#microbiology    #biology    #microscope    #microorganism    

Active organisms. 

#microbiology    #microorganisms    #science    

Algae and microorganisms from creek sample. 

#microorganism    #microbiology    #biology    #science    #microscope    
darqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:rdarqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:rdarqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:rdarqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:r














The other thing about measles is that it resets your body’s memory of other diseases. So all those times you’ve gotten sick? Your body’s memory cells no longer remember those illnesses, so even if you get the same type of illness again your body will react like it’s the first time you’ve been sick.

It’s so much worse than “just a disease”. 

Measles does WHAT

Holy fuck

What the fuck what the fuck what the fUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK

antivaxxers also, in part, helped sabotaged the human lyme disease vaccine for lyme disease caused by borrelia burgdorferi infection (until 2016 the only known species of lyme disease causing bacteria in the USA). In 1998, the first lyme disease vaccine for the strain of the bacteria prevalent in the USA licensed. It passed clinical trials and was shown to be safe and effective; it was between 76 and 92% effective at preventing lyme disease with 3 injections. Antivaxxers proceeded to abuse the adverse affect reporting system, often complaining of arthritis, and this caused media and general hysteria about the vaccine. if you remember the flu vaccine hysteria around the swine flu epidemic, it was kind of like that. despite double-blind trials conducted both before and after licensing, that was unable to support their claims and instead displaying that the vaccine was safe and effective, the damage was done, and the vaccine was shelved in the USA. you can get a lyme disease vaccine in Europe, but Europe has a different strain of the bacteria that causes lyme disease.

Lyme disease can become very serious, it can infect the nervous system and cause neurological problems especially in young children who are often bitten on the head or the neck, undiagnosed it can cause chronic health issues that mimic other diseases. Without safe prophylactic measures beyond trying to minimize contact w ticks, this has driven people who have had lyme disease, have chronic effects from mass-disseminated lyme disease infection, or people who believe they have chronic lyme disease to go to quack doctors and undergo unsafe, unapproved medical treatment in an attempt to stop suffering.

This would not be happening on the scale that it is if antivaxxers didn’t straight up execute a supervillain plot to sabotage the lyme disease vaccine. the vaccine was licensed in december 1998, which was the year andrew wakefield published his fraudulent research on the MMR vaccine



these people are fucking dangerous beyond compare

edited for clarity

antivaxer are terrorists and should be dealt like one

H.Bomberguy’s video on the anti-vaccine movement is absolutely worth watching in its entirety. Because it lays out just how fucking twisted and wrong the entire thing is, and how this entire movement that is KILLING CHILDREN is based on a lie for money.

wait wait wait wait WAIT!



Do you people even KNOW just how much trouble lyme disease makes every fucking year? Holy shit think of the possibilities!!!

So when I say I hate anti-vaxxers, yeah. This is why.

Yeah its not a viable belief system, it doesn’t have any nugget of truth or good intentions in it, the lie and the packaged alternatives that come with it are quicker easier money than you could ever make climbing the ranks of “big pharma,” these lies kill people, they become politicized and contaminate government legislation, and believers are not just quaint fringe eccentrics who only harm themselves. They’re abusing their kids, hampering medical progress, robbing other people of medical choice in situations like the Lyme vaccine, and actively making the world around them worse and deadlier. No mercy or tolerance for anti vaccine propaganda. Make it legally terrorism.

Gonna say it on every reblog of this post I see - This began because of ableism against autistic people. Jenny McCarthy insisted that her child’s autism was caused by vaccines, and enough people hated the thought of ever having an autistic child that they wouldn’t use vaccines. They did not care that their child would die of the illnesses prevented by vaccines, they would rather have a dead child than an autistic one.

Measles is also THE most communicable disease. It has an R value of 16-18 which means that every person with measles will infect 16-18 people.

As a comparison, the most communicable Covid variant, omicron has an R value of about 3-4. And yet colonized the entire world in a few months.

Just think what a measles outbreak in an unvaccinated community could do. A measles infection in a child does to their immune system what 7 years of HIV does.

Vaccinate your kids!!

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Ghostface Killer is back!

Only this time he’s hiding in a rectum!

Scaring while you’re learning!


A rectal scrape is performed (more often in veterinary med) to obtain a sample of the epithelial cells lining the rectum. These are observed in the microscope for abnormal changes or for microbes and their eggs/larvae that might be present in the digestive tract.

This particular scrape contains an epithelial cell that appears to be bi-nucleate and is surrounded by red blood cells.

Yogurt .

Yogurt .

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Hello everyone,

Here I am after another exam session. As usual, I would like to share with you my study method to help someone who is struggling with the same exams. Also, I would appreciate it if you gave me your feedback and advice to improve my approach.

So, let’s start.

Microbiology is a unique subject, and many students have difficulties with it. It might seem all about mnemonics, but it is fundamental to understand the mechanisms at the base of infection, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and therapies of viruses, bacteria and parasitics.

First of all, I thinkattending lessonsis vital. Books are full of notions that might be confusing and having an idea of what to focus on can help, at least at the beginning. I went to classes, took notes, and tried to understand the basics of microbiology.

After classes, I made mind maps trying to organize notions: a branch for microorganism’s structure, one for the cycle of replication, one for symptoms and pathogenesis, one for diagnosis and one for prophylaxis and therapies. I used X Mind for my digital maps, and I find this app extremely efficient (and also, it is free).

Behind having assimilated these basic notions, I read the book and inserted more details on my map. Integrating with the book was fundamental to understanding the mechanisms of pathogenesis and infection. Also, adding information can make it easier to remember the essential ones.

When classes were over, I started reading all the material again and used my mnemonics techniques. I think it is useless to memorize notions at the beginning of the study because, sometimes, understanding the concept makes it easier to learn it. For example, knowing the mechanisms of action of an antibiotic will help to remember which bacteria can defeat. Anyways, some notions (such as the name of some antibiotics or antiviral) need to be learnt by heart. For this purpose, mnemonic techniques (acronyms, short stories, etc.) are a great help.

Next, I started recalling all the topics many times. Trying to explain the matters out loud helped me comprehend whether I had learnt them or not.

Last, I recalled all the subjects with my usual studybuddy. This part is essential because she always knows something that I do not and vice versa.

Also, we do all the previous exams together. It may be unfair, but the best way to get a high score on the test is to understand what the professor focuses on.

I have to confess that I studied the day before the exam. By the way, it was a complex situation. Generally speaking, I advise resting before an exam to be relaxed and stress-free during the test.

And, that’s it! Let me know whether you agree with my study method or you would change something. Also, good luck with your studies
