#poly triad


No one promised this would be easy

And it’s okay to mess up. It’s okay to change your mind, it’s okay if it’s just a phase. Don’t let anyone use that invalidate you. Phases are important in figuring out who you are. Have phases, do stupid things. It’s okay.


What it means to be in a poly triad:

•Long nights of being smushed on a bed with your partners, never wanting it to end

•The three of you holding hands out in public, despite the confusing faces around you

•Memes, lots of memes

•Separate dates with both of your partners (and also dates with the three of you too, which are the best)

•Wondering: “Who’s arm is that?”

•Being there for each other, and loving each other unconditionally



Will always work to do this, even through the hate. Show the world that polyamory is just as valid as monogamy

Fluff it. Do what you want, she makes us happy.

So here’s a little life update. I’m in a polygamous triad now and I’m crazy in love with these boys. It’s a whole new experience for me, and I’m loving every bit of it. Love is such a funny thing and a little scary, but boy did it catch me off guard this year in a wonderful way! I love you boys so much ❤️

How did I get so lucky? My partners are hot asf.

I made fireworks! Rainbows (of course) and one for my lovies


Steddyhands is fun because each of them have a Type even tho at first glance it would appear they do not

  • Stedes type is Leather Wearing Dressed All In Black Competent At Pirating Could Probably Kill Me Has Probably Stabbed Me, I Could Fix Him
  • Izzys type is disaster drama students who are entirely Extra about everything they do in life (and who will send him to an early grave or at the very least give him a headache)
  • Eds type is bitchy, stubborn men who dress in fine clothing (LOOK at Izzy folks and tell me I’m wrong his outfit is on point and kinda formal looking) and who he trusts enough to Know His Secret About Killing. Also he must be their gay awakening AND they should be vaguely closeted


Fellow poly people or non poly people:

We made an instagram for our throuple!

If you’re interested in following our journey, here’s our insta @triad.blt


Fellow poly people or non poly people:

We made an instagram for our throuple!

If you’re interested in following our journey, here’s our insta @triad.blt


Fellow poly people or non poly people:

We made an instagram for our throuple!

If you’re interested in following our journey, here’s our insta @triad.blt

Fellow poly people or non poly people:

We made an instagram for our throuple!

If you’re interested in following our journey, here’s our insta @triad.blt

I don’t even OFFER triad advice because the whole thing makes my ass itch and I’m IN a triad but I’m getting so sick of the foolishness I see, I’m feeling benevolent enough today to drop a jewel on y’all. Must be these morning meditation sessions I’ve been getting in, lately.

Anyhoo, the reason why triads are so hard is because they are FOUR relationships in one and they EACH have to be cultivated and maintained to keep the triad healthy. There’s the relationship between A + B, B + C, A + C, and then A + B + C. They ALL have to be nurtured. So yes, ladies (or men on non-binary person), your husband (or wife, or partner) needs to have individual time with whatever lady (or man on non-binary person) you’re pursuing. If they can only relate to you as a couple, the individual relationships will not flourish and more than likely, your triad will soon be defunct.
