#pre split panic


Mechanical Musical Marionette (2019)

“Everyone said that I’m like Ryan’s puppet…”

“We Must Reinvent Love” || Mad as Rabbits [Pretty. Odd. – Track 15]Finally finished this design, aft“We Must Reinvent Love” || Mad as Rabbits [Pretty. Odd. – Track 15]Finally finished this design, aft

We Must Reinvent Love” || Mad as Rabbits [Pretty. Odd. – Track 15]

Finally finished this design, after a quarter of a year of indecisiveness. Can you spot all the references? 

About Tattoos: Several people have reached out to me regarding the use of this design as a tattoo, and first of all, THANK YOU FOR ASKING FOR PERMISSION.Actually asking an artist for permission to use their work? – We live for people like you.  If you’re interested in using this as inspiration for body art, I’d appreciate it if you shoot me a message to let me know, and feel free to ask for the completed line art! 

Post link


i’m writing fiction cause it’s just more interesting.

It’s when the cigarettes smoked after, seem so much cheaper than the sex.

It’s these substandard motels on the on the corner of 14th and Freemont Street.
Appealing, only because they are just that un-appealing.
Any practiced catholic would cross themselves on entering.
the rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe a just dash of formaldehyde,
and the habit of decomposing right before your very eyes.
(along with the people inside.)

there are no raindrops on roses or girls in white dresses.
It’s sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
at the shade of the sheets before all the stains
and a few more of your least. Favorite. Things.

Tonight tenants range from: a lawyer and a virgin,
accessorizing with a rosary tucked inside her lingerie
(she’s getting a job at the firm come Monday)
the Mrs. will stay with the cheating attorney,
moonlighting aside, she really needs his money.

Oh. What a wonderful caricature of intimacy

and not to mention, the constable. and his proposition,
for that “virgin”.Yes, the one the lawyer met with on “strictly business”
as he said to the Mrs. only hours before.
After he had left, as she was fixing her face in a compact,
there was a terrible crash. Between her and the badge.
She spilled her bag and her purse held a “purse” of a different type.

And here is where he entertains that proposition:arrested on possession,
(now if this were you)
think of what you wouldn’t want to happen
They ended up… well, making love isn’t exactly what I’m looking for.

Oh. what a wonderful caricature of intimacy. 

This is really interesting. Ryan’s original syntax and formatting of the lyrics to Build God Then We’ll Talk portray a slightly different narrative than that of the finalized lyrics. 

Fun fact: This LiveJournal entry explains why there’s no motel at the corner of 4th and Fremont in Las Vegas– the original lyrics locate the motel at 14th and Fremont, where there is a “substandard motel” of sorts.


Yes I ship ryden
No I don’t think its okay to harass them about it
In fact its really NOT okay to harass them about it. Its not okay to harass any IRL people who you ship. It’s an invasion of privacy and probably makes them feel awful.

Everybody scream! It’s almost Halloween!
