#precious cinnamon roll



Can someone please rewrite Series 4 of Bramwell please? Like where Eleanor’s character isn’t destroyed by the writing? (I’m not even done Series 3 yet but I know all about the atrocities of Series 4)

Like where maybe another Lady Doc appears on the scene? Like one who changes the way she thinks about all kinds of things? Like one that wants to build her up, not tear her down? Like one that makes her challenge her ingrained, and very of-the-period homophobia?

I want to write something Berena but like if no one does this for me I might have to and I don’t want to. But I also kind of need it because I won’t be happy without a proper thing ending to this show.


We all know the Team Instinct leader is a dabbing memelord, but what else?

  • is a dubstep/brightpop bi
    • can only do lame white dances like the sprinkler, the lawnmower, and that thing where you put one hand behind your head and grab your folded-up leg and generally make a fool of yourself
  • lurks in bushes and gets sticks in his hair trying to catch Pokémon
  • makes couch cushion forts for movie night
  • cries over webcomic characters
  • can’t cook anything but grilled cheese
  • absolutely carries all of his groceries in one trip
  • always pays all his bills late except for Netflix
  • terrible driver
  • will get up at 2am to help you change a flat tire
  • is embarrassingly open about his collection of ridiculous underwear but doesn’t understand how socks work
  • owns 500 video games on 10 systems and has never beaten any of them
  • says fuck a lot but uses heck instead of hell
  • subsists almost entirely on fruit juice and pizza
  • handwriting is unreadable
  • loves tiny Pokémon like Pichu and Caterpie so much that he angry cries when he talks about how important they are
  • lends you money without asking why
  • favorite food is toaster strudel because you can eat them with one hand and still throw Pokéballs/pet Pokémon but he’s a monster who eats them cold
  • 100% will cuddle with anyone and takes naps at the drop of a hat
    • lays all over you and drools
  • can easily do 100 pushups but gets winded after jogging 10 feet
  • doesn’t chew gum but always carries sour gummy worms
  • unstoppable chaotic good
  • chants “ice cream, ice cream” from the back seat
  • terrified of public speaking but gives the best motivational talks to friends who are down
  • actually a fantastic singer but gets super embarrassed when complimented and so only does it in the shower
  • can eat literally anything, even real actual garbage
  • keyboard smashes
  • total lightweight drinker
  • couples’ and triples’ babespotting champion because he thinks everyone is cute
  • drops things and takes 486780937 tries to pick them up
  • agrees to bets before you finish making them
  • passionate about anime
  • kills houseplants
  • spends his entire paycheck on toys and treats for his Pokémon

Bringing this back to the top now that Pokémon Let’s Go is out~ I hope the GO teams eventually show up in PLG or future games.


We all know the Team Instinct leader is a dabbing memelord, but what else?

  • is a dubstep/brightpop bi
    • can only do lame white dances like the sprinkler, the lawnmower, and that thing where you put one hand behind your head and grab your folded-up leg and generally make a fool of yourself
  • lurks in bushes and gets sticks in his hair trying to catch Pokémon
  • makes couch cushion forts for movie night
  • cries over webcomic characters
  • can’t cook anything but grilled cheese
  • absolutely carries all of his groceries in one trip
  • always pays all his bills late except for Netflix
  • terrible driver
  • will get up at 2am to help you change a flat tire
  • is embarrassingly open about his collection of ridiculous underwear but doesn’t understand how socks work
  • owns 500 video games on 10 systems and has never beaten any of them
  • says fuck a lot but uses heck instead of hell
  • subsists almost entirely on fruit juice and pizza
  • handwriting is unreadable
  • loves tiny Pokémon like Pichu and Caterpie so much that he angry cries when he talks about how important they are
  • lends you money without asking why
  • favorite food is toaster strudel because you can eat them with one hand and still throw Pokéballs/pet Pokémon but he’s a monster who eats them cold
  • 100% will cuddle with anyone and takes naps at the drop of a hat
    • lays all over you and drools
  • can easily do 100 pushups but gets winded after jogging 10 feet
  • doesn’t chew gum but always carries sour gummy worms
  • unstoppable chaotic good
  • chants “ice cream, ice cream” from the back seat
  • terrified of public speaking but gives the best motivational talks to friends who are down
  • actually a fantastic singer but gets super embarrassed when complimented and so only does it in the shower
  • can eat literally anything, even real actual garbage
  • keyboard smashes
  • total lightweight drinker
  • couples’ and triples’ babespotting champion because he thinks everyone is cute
  • drops things and takes 486780937 tries to pick them up
  • agrees to bets before you finish making them
  • passionate about anime
  • kills houseplants
  • spends his entire paycheck on toys and treats for his Pokémon
I finished Sevens Christmas route. It was really cute. ❤and look how dapper he is in his lil’

I finished Sevens Christmas route. It was really cute. ❤and look how dapper he is in his lil’ suit

Post link

First it was BB8

And now it’s Porgs!

The Star Wars franchise knows how to make me go “AWWW ITS SO PRECIOUS AND CUTE! I WANT IT!”
