
Воину-освободителю - слава!  Glory to the soldier-liberator!

Воину-освободителю - слава! 

Glory to the soldier-liberator!

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O pessoal que faz o marketing na Lexus está aparentemente tentando dar à marca uma nova imagem “fashion” para impressionar seu mercado-alvo, que anda entediado e cansado. Infelizmente, nos dias de hoje, ser altamente “fashion” significa fazer uso do mesmo simbolismo Illuminati horrível, que cada vez mais prevalece nas mídias, juntamente com a Agenda que o acompanha. Como já vimos em inúmeros artigos anteriores, o simbolismo Illuminati é sempre o mesmo sinal do “um olho”, o conceito de dualidade - tudo isso misturado com referências ao controle mental e imagens de um estado policial. Acredite ou não, tudo isso pode ser encontrado nesta campanha publicitária da Lexus.
Visto que as pessoas que compram carros de luxo não estão tentando simplesmente ir do ponto A ao ponto B (eles estão tentando ir do ponto A ao ponto B, enquanto impressionam as pessoas no ponto C), os anúncios que vendem esses produtos não falam tanto do custo, do consumo de gasolina e das taxas de juros; são mais sobre a imagem e o estilo. Infelizmente, o “estilo” de agora é o simbolismo Illuminati. Aqui está o primeiro anúncio da Lexus, dirigido por Melina Matsoukas.

Aqui estão algumas das imagens que piscaram durante esse anúncio.

  Uma modelo com um vestido de estampa xadrez. É uma das
 muitas referências ao conceito ocultista da dualidade no anúncio.

Cobras em preto e branco entrelaçadas juntas, representando o mesmo conceito de misturar o bem e o mal, a luz e as trevas, encontrado no piso quadriculado maçônico. 

  A maioria das modelos no anúncio estão “cegas”. É assim que a indústria da moda MK-Ultra é. 

A polícia da tropa de choque. Por que há imagens de um estado policial em um anúncio de venda de um carro? Qual é a relação? Eles estão trabalhando duro para fazer esse simbolismo normal e até mesmo moda. 


 Esta imagem de uma modelo com estampa xadrez escondendo um olho resume este anúncio: Um tributo e uma perpetuação do simbolismo Illuminati na mídia de massa. 

Embora este segundo anúncio tenha sido dirigido por Jonas Akerlund, que dirigiu vários vídeos Lady Gaga, e, apesar do fato de este estar sendo dirigido por um diretor diferente do primeiro, vemos exatamente o mesmo simbolismo.

 Padrão quadriculado bem sutil aqui. 

Isso parece ótimo e também é extremamente prático. Quem precisa ver através de dois olhos afinal?

Uma menina negra, em um vestido branco e uma menina branca em um vestido preto se encontrando. Outra referência pesada à dualidade. 

Lexus não é o primeiro anúncio de carros de luxo a entrar nessas “coisas Illuminati”. O anúncio da Mercedes também é outro exemplo brilhante. Sim, até mesmo pequenos filmes com o objetivo de nos vender certas coisas usam esse simbolismo. Isso não apenas adiciona à completa homogeneização da cultura popular, mas sutilmente diz quem possui esses conglomerados multinacionais.

 Fonte: VC




good morning cnovel readers you are not immune to anti northern/central asian racism

I’m a xinjiang chinese-kyrgyz that’s very active in both the en and cn speaking cnovel fandom and yall need to understand that as much as that was phrased as a meme, you are truly not immune to it. racism, colourism, and xenophobia against ethnic groups in/from central and northern asia are entrenched in every single aspect of the han media that has been popularised in western fandom. the books and adaptations of them use racism that can be as subtle as the eye colours of villains to making the xiongnu an alien species of violent beasts. cnovels, regardless of their morality or status as problematic/unproblematic, such as mdzs, fgep, cql, tgcf, 2ha, woh/shl and spl, all of them engage in and encourage the racism, xenophobia, colourism, classism, and sexism that form anti-central/northern asian stereotypes

this isn’t me saying don’t read cnovels or to completely disengage with fandom. rather, I’m asking you to think critically about the media you consume and what prejudices it might encourage. think about how this impacts your views of these ethnic groups; even if we don’t actively realise it, we are conditioned by media to view these groups as barbaric, savage, and uncivilized. think about how your ingrained prejudices might impact those around you. if you see a character coded as mongolian, then maybe consider how they’ve been coded. why do you interpret them as mongolian? how does this represent your view of real, living mongolian people?

many people honestly don’t know about us either! the struggles we face are unrepresented and heavily suppressed by eastern media, making western understanding of northern nomads and similar groups very stunted. the number of people I’ve met who have never even heard of my people is innumerable. however, being uninformed does not negate the harm you do by engaging in racist habits, no matter how good your intentions

frankly, I do not want to be responsible for educating an online space that has firmly entrenched racism, it makes me upset to have these conversations in the first place. I would much rather you educate yourself and think critically, but I also know that topics like these can be difficult for western audiences to understand and I know a lot of people truly mean the best and want to support minorities. so, just as a general guide, here are some things that are the most prevalent in anti central/northern asian racism:

eye/hair colour: lighter hair and eye colours, especially when paired with darker skin, are common in our genetic clines, while han culture views those combinations as unsightly, creepy, dangerous, sinister, etc. often you will see villains given bright blue or green eyes, such as xue yang in many mdzs adaptations, to signify that they are murderous and untrustworthy. this directly stems from interactions between central asians(casians) and central plains people. our features are labelled as demonic, freakish, and evil

broad features and large stature: often you see the quote “back of a tiger, waist of a bear”. the ban yue desert people in tgcf are a good example of this, described as being many feet taller than the average person, broader, and in general much more physically strong

powerful voice and coarse language: describing our languages as guttural, barbaric, harsh, rough, simplistic, or lacking nuance is an attempt to paint us as uncivilized, uncultured, and intellectually inferior to other peoples. similarly, giving us voices that are booming, loud, coarse, and rough attempts to do the same

sparse clothing and animal furs: think of “caveman attire”. having characters wear strips of fur, have bare chests, clothing considered barbaric or caveman-like, etc. this is a pretty self-explanatory one

exotic customs/dance/looks: while central/northern asian people often do have different appearances and customs than han people, the portrayal of evidently fabricated, uneducated, exaggerated versions of our culture is offensive, othering, and often fetishistic. our hair styles are also incredibly important, and many times are religiously significant. using them as “exotic braids” or similar intricate styles is offensive and rips away all their cultural significance. these cultures and customs are an important part of life to millions of people, they are not a costume or flashy dance that is there to make a character seem exotic and enticing

geographical racism and fantasization: to many casian groups, our lands are extremely important to us, such as the northern steppes. if this is portrayed respectfully, then great! but most media shows our lands as the mystical, faraway, dangerous grass plains filled with roaming wolves and venomous snakes. for the love of everything holy, you can have a fantasy world WITHOUT fantasizing a certain region in an offensive manner. this is an ecological region, similar to every region in the world. if you want to write mystic lands filled with dangers, then have all the regions included in that. do not single out the northern steppes to be some fantastical mountainscape. while this might seem odd to western viewers, this kind of prejudice is linked to thousands of years of casian lands being portrayed as demonic and dangerous in han culture

religious racism: again, othering and fantasizing a strong cultural component. having characters practice blood sacrifices, use corpses for “evil religious rituals”, cast curses with bones, etc. this is really any uneducated and exaggerated portrayal of casian religion (especially tengriism or any paganistic variant), making it look exotic or dangerous

medical racism: this is closely tied with religious racism, but normally manifests through offensive portrayals of shamans or priests. having shamans be anything outside of their traditional roles of religious leaders and healers in most communities is offensive! having shamans or priests be demonic practitioners that make blood curses, raise poisonous beasts, and breed venomous beetles is offensive!

innate connection with beasts/animals: making this a trait associated with specific groups of people, especially tribal societies, is just racist and dehumanizing. this one is self-explanatory

Brutal Strong Girlboss Female General: large, strong, domineering, women are considered unattractive and disgraceful in han culture. the strong female warrior stereotype is 99% of the time not some feminist girlboss statement, its a racist stereotype to make our people look brutish and unattractive, especially considering that another strong stereotype against us is that casian men are all brutal, womanizing, harem-masters

sinicizing/civilizing us: the western equivalent of this is christianizing various ethnic minorities. having casian characters be “civilized” through introduction to han culture is just blatantly racist. similarly, describing mixed han-casian people as “more delicate” than their casian family, being finer-featured, etc is also just plain racism

a lot of these overlap with anti-indigenous and anti-black racism too! while the struggles our groups face are not the same, we have many mutual experiences that mean this conversation also extends to these groups. with that being said, if you are not central/northern asian, indigenous, or black, if you clown on or derail this post I’m going to start swinging

this also goes for people watching cdramas, donghua, reading manhua, etc. you are not immune just because the racism has been repackaged

“Morte ai borghesi”

“Morte ai borghesi”

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1985 (circa)

1985 (circa)

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“Per vincere… ci vuole una ferrea disciplina militare - V. I. Lenin” (1988)

“Per vincere… ci vuole una ferrea disciplina militare - V. I. Lenin”(1988)

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Pop culture is lying to you vengeance is noble even if I have to tear apart everything that holds society together to get it

We have spent more than a day voting and now finally, here are the results. If you could burn down one church, but it couldn’t be from the denomination you were raised in, what church would you burn down?

Votes will be listed in increasing order, with the winner being the last one listed

Non-denominational: 1 vote

Eastern Orthodox: 1 vote

Messianic Judaism: 1 vote

Church of Christ: 1 vote

Mason: 1 vote

Apostolic: 1 vote

Mennonite: 1 vote

Amish: 1 vote

Wesleyan: 1 vote

Hutterite: 2 votes

Quiverfull: 3 votes

Megachurch: 9 votes

Evangelical: 11 votes

Scientology: 11 votes

Baptist (combined): 20 votes

Murder a religious leader: 20 votes

Jehovah’s Witness: 30 votes

Catholic: 34 votes

Mormon: 43 votes

Our new Repulic, Turkish propaganda, date unknown.

The Muhajireen Army, a group of jihadists closely tied to al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, the Al Nusrah Front, claimed it shot down a Syrian Army helicopter in Aleppo using what appears to be an SAM-7 surface-to-air missile.

The claim, which is backed by a video [above], was made on FISyria, a Russian website that has been releasing propaganda for the Muhajireen Brigade. The video was published on the FISyria website as well as on YouTube. A fighter is seen shouldering the weapon, then firing on a helicopter, which does appear to have been hit.

At the end of the video the shooter says, in accented English, “I shoot it.”

The cameraman responses in nearly perfect English, “Really?”

“Yes, yes.” the shooter says.

“It’s falling down,” the cameraman then says.

According to a translation of the statement accompanying the posting, the group said that while the Free Syrian Army claimed credit for shooting down the helicopter, the FSA does not have the capability to do so.

Propaganda from the Muhajireen Army, which does not have an official media outlet or website, has been published on FISyria. Just two days ago, the group claimed credit for two suicide assaults against the airport in Aleppo. In one of the attacks, the group used a BMP armored personnel carrier to detonate a suicide bomb on the base.

The Muhajireen Army is led by a Chechen known as Abu Omar al Chechen and has a significant number of fighters from Russia’s Caucasus region as well as Europe.

HOWEVER: It appears that this propoganda video is in fact merely propoganda: the audio seems to be overdubbed at the point in which emphatic yelling begins. The audio appears to be recorded indoors, and the video shows no signs that the helicopter was actually hit.

Read more:http://www.longwarjournal.org/threat-matrix/archives/2013/06/muhajireen_army_fires_on_syria.php#ixzz2XehCl4wP





Lesbophobia is real. It’s the prejudice, bigotry, and oppression that exists at the intersection of homophobia and misogyny. Let me say it again: Lesbophobia is real. Hate for lesbians is real.

However, it is essential to acknowledge and understand that the term lesbophobia has been co-opted by a loud and growing contingent of LGBTQ women in communities that share troubling ties and ideology with factions that exist inside the alt-right movement — worse, the dangerous dogma that’s attaching itself to word the lesbophobia has found a new home at AfterEllen.

I first encountered the word lesbophobia in response to the post I wrote called Queer Women Take Over The 2016 Emmys.Her Story got a revolutionary nod for Outstanding Short Form. Kate McKinnon took home a trophy for Saturday Night Live. Sarah Paulson won for The People vs. O.J. Simpson. And Jill Soloway scored another victory for Transparent. On social media there was a small outcry that I hadn’t chosen the headline “Lesbians Take Over the 2016 Emmys,” despite the fact that Kate McKinnon was the only winner who explicitly identifies as a lesbian. (In fact, Sarah Paulson is on record saying, “I refuse to give any kind of label just to satisfy what people need.”) The reasons the handful of dissenters gave for my decision to call the Emmys queer was that I am a lesbophobe, an espouser and executor of lesbophobia.

To be very honest with you, I shrugged it off. The most unwinnable battle we have at Autostraddle is labeling LGBTQ people in a way that satisfies everyone. It’s such a constant struggle, we laid out an explanation about labels in our official comment policy. Recently on a Pop Culture Fix, I wrote about the new queer characters coming to The Good Wife spin-off. One of them will be a lesbian, according to the show’s writers; the other’s sexuality has not been labeled. So, I said, “The Good Wife spin-off will prominently feature two lesbian, bisexual, gay, homosexual, or otherwise queer-identified women.” Just to cover all my bases because it was almost Christmas and I was tired and I didn’t want to have to argue about labels. And yet, the cries of lesbophobia came in again. I got a couple of emails, a dozen or so tweets. Essentially: “Lesbian is not a dirty word! Saying queer is lesbophobic!”

So, on December 26, I tweeted something I think is a true, fair, and accurate analogy:

Yelling “lesbophobia!” when someone says “queer” is like yelling “war on Christmas!” when someone says “happy holidays.” Come on, y'all.

A couple of days later, AfterEllen’s official Twitter tweeted at me and said: “@theheatherhogan oh, agreed. It’s like yelling “biphobia!” and “transphobia!” when someone says lesbian.“

To which beloved Autostraddle cartoonist Dickens replied:

“AfterEllen is three weeks shy of transforming their website into an online support group for victims of wyt lesbian genocide. This is honestly the most ridiculously entitled white lesbian coated petrified bullshit I have seen in a long time. And if you don’t think white supremacy has reached out its dirty little fingers and touched a few groups of marginalized white folks, well. Keep an eye on their feed here and there. Keep an eye on their former writers. They aren’t just trying to Make Lesbianism Great Again… They are asserting their strength. They are erasing the visibility of the defectors. They are sliding their salty little asses into spaces and feeds where they must know they are clearly not wanted or cared for. I was never a fan of AE but this new image they’re building for themselves is a little too Nazi-adjacent for my galaxy Blaaaack aaaass.”

Dickens was, of course, correct. And her point was proven once again the very next day when an article blasted out to the 125,000 followers of AfterEllen’s official, verified Twitter account cried: “Lesbian Spaces Are Still Needed, No Matter What the Queer Movement Says”. It suggests that trans women and bisexual women’s desire to be included in queer women’s spaces is to blame for the decline of lesbian-specific spaces, which lesbians need to stay safe from trans and bisexual women.

That kind of rallying cry feels very much like the “Save Our White Neighborhoods” rallying cry of the alt-right, so I went on a deeper dive to try to find the origins of what I called “the lesbophobia movement” on Twitter. And what I found was more horrifying than I ever imagined.

A few weeks ago AfterEllen — which everyone presumed dead after the company that owns it effectively fired everyone, including longtime editor in chief Trish Bendix — announced it had acquired a new editor named Memoree Joelle. In October, Joelle, tweeted a Change.org petition that she’d signed called Take the L Out of LGBT. The petition is a direct response to a previously failed petition that called for GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, HuffPo Voices, The Advocate, etc. to Drop The T from LGBT. The most popular supporter of the petition is a guy you might know called Milo Yiannopoulos. He signed it, tweeted about it, and dedicated 3,000 words to it in a post on Breitbart. Thanks to Milo’s urging, Matthew Hopkins, one of the main perpetrators of Gamergate, wrote a post called “Why #GamerGate Should Help the ‘Drop the T’ Campaign” on his personal blog. Hopkins called it “one of the most politically important campaigns of our generation.”

In addition to signing and tweeting about the petition, Joelle commented her approval. When former AfterEllen writer Elaine Atwell brought Joelle’s support of the petition to light, Joelle’s comments disappeared from the petition, and so did Elaine’s byline from the hundreds of articles she wrote over the last five years at AfterEllen.

The comments on the Change.org petition mention lesbophobia multiple times and equate it with trans activism, as do the subreddits that discussed Joelle’s contribution to the petition. “Part of lesbophobia is hating us for our same-sex attraction, but another very big part of it is hating us for our rejection of men,” one user wrote on /r/GenderCritical/. (Trans women are almost always referred to as men on this particular subreddit.) Another Redditor on /r/actuallesbians decried the “male entitlement and lesbophobia” of protesting the petition. “The moment we talk about your rape culture or your male violence we’re ‘transphobic’ or ‘biphobic.’” (The men in this comment are actually trans women and “rape culture” refers to the constantly espoused idea in TERF communities that trans women are male predators.) The lesbophobia tag on the blog GenderTrender is a deeply disturbing trip down an anti-trans rabbit hole. The lesbophobia tag on the website 4th Wave Now is horrifying; it equates allowing trans kids/teens to come out and live openly as their true gender with child abuse, ideas that are — again — shared with Breitbart and Milo Yiannopoulos. Reddit and Tumblr are absolutely flush with lesbians using the word “lesbophobia” to back up the ideas presented in these “Drop the T”/“The L Is Leaving” petitions.

These spaces that use the word “lesbophobia” to attack trans and bi women or people who use the word queer share more than than an ideology with Breitbart. You’ll find them saying things like “trans women want to colonize the lesbian community.” You’ll find them using the phrase “SJW” (meaning Social Justice Warrior), a pejorative term coined by the Men’s Rights Activist movement. And you’ll find a lot of talk about how the correct “biology” is the thing that allows people access to the protections of the majority. And lots and lots and lots and lots of just truly sickening propaganda leveled at trans and bi women. It’s very much about creating an in-group and scapegoating an out-group through tried and true tactics that have been — I’m sorry — utilized by Fox News and the alt-right for years.

I wrote about these things on Twitter, and you can read Dickens further unpacking them hereandhere. (You should read that last thread before you jump in here and call her “my black friend.”)

Look, we didn’t just wake up one day with an openly racist, openly sexist, openly xenophobic, openly ableist, openly anti-semitic president in the White House, appointing the leader of the most dangerous white supremacist website in history to his top advisor position. We watched blatant and unabashed white supremacist language and ideas slowly take over the movement from the inside. We watched the most powerful scapegoat the most vulnerable. We watched Fox News make heroes out of the white men who murdered unarmed black children and terrify people with their whole War on Christmas bullshit and equate all Muslims with terrorists. A Nazi didn’t walk into the West Wing and have a seat; the slow creep of white supremacy laid the path for him.

Vox did a fascinating interview with former conservative talk show host Charlie Sykes earlier this year. He quit over Trump. But the whole interview is him agonizing about how, to him, the GOP had always been about fiscal conservatism and states rights and he believed in that ideological purity so deeply that he fooled himself into believing that’s what the GOP was about to everybody, despite the fact that he saw the white supremacy and fascism slowly gaining power and momentum until it took over.

To realize, first of all, that you’re part of a movement that was not the movement you thought it was, that you’re aligned with people that you didn’t really understand you’re aligned with, and to realize that everything that you thought about the conservative intellectual infrastructure was really piecrust thin. You thought you had this big principled movement and then suddenly along comes Donald Trump and you realize that it was just was just the pastry on top. So I think disorienting is a great term. Disillusioning is not too strong either.

To me, what we’re talking about with lesbophobia is a similar thing. Is lesbophobia a term some lesbians have rallied around to protest the prejudice and bigotry that exist at the intersection of homophobia and misogyny? Yes, of course. Absolutely. HOWEVER. I had to go searching for people using the word lesbophobia like that because my entire experience with the way the word kept popping up in my timeline and in my comments and in the comments sections of other websites was to decry the use of the word queer and to espouse anti-trans and anti-bi ideology. And that includes every single person who landed in my mentions on Twitter when I started talking about this. I did not click on a single profile without finding anti-trans, anti-bi language; or ask a single person if they believe trans women are women and have them say yes.

If you are a woman who is using the word lesbophobia to NOT do those things, and you’re more angry at me for pointing out that it’s happening than you are at anti-trans/anti-bi people who have hijacked its meaning, I … I truly don’t understand. What’s happening at AfterEllen is terrifying me. Maybe the website is technically dead, but it still has clout and power and it’s using it to push some really dangerous ideas about lesbian exclusivity, and those ideas are shared by a very loud group of people who use the word “lesbophobia” on their blogs, social media, Reddit, etc. to vilify the people (like me) who stand against them.

I don’t want to cause anyone pain. I don’t want to make anyone feel unsafe or unloved or unaccepted. I DO NOT BELIEVE LESBIANS ARE NAZIS. I AM A LESBIAN. If you truly think that’s what I was saying when I unpacked these ideas on Twitter, I’m sorry. It was not my intention.

I do think, however, that it’s imperative for you to open your eyes to how the word lesbophobia is being used to persecute and oppress trans and bi women in very vocal and influential spaces that have direct ties in ideology and language with the alt-right.

An incredibly important read.

Via Crystal; language in propaganda is important, and often subtle.

Lesbian trans woman here and I appreciate this post, and I really hope TERF infiltration stops sometime soon

And don’t forgot to use a government approved email server….

And don’t forgot to use a government approved email server….

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It’s time to vote, Citizens.Pick a side.It’s time to vote, Citizens.Pick a side.

It’s time to vote, Citizens.
Pick a side.

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novagina: Use of the proper fuckhole is guaranteed after vaginal removal surgery, and leads to a nat


Use of the proper fuckhole is guaranteed after vaginal removal surgery, and leads to a natural opening of the secondary fuckhole.

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Mind Melting Headphones Session for VR goggles. Fair warning running this session will cause you to become mindless and empty and very aroused and very obedient toward a Master. this session is designed to work in VR goggles play it as a normal video.

Audio By HypDomhypdom.tumblr.com

#brainwash    #propaganda    #fuck toy    #training    #master    #patriarchy    