#anti vaxxers


“Behindert” ist kein verficktes Schimpfwort, ihr beschissenen Kackbratzen! Und tragt gefällig Masken, ihr Wichser!

anti vaxxers
darqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:rdarqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:rdarqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:rdarqueloaf:bogleech: studying-with-adult-adhd: antarestyl:siphersaysstuff:eabevella: toopunktofuck:r














The other thing about measles is that it resets your body’s memory of other diseases. So all those times you’ve gotten sick? Your body’s memory cells no longer remember those illnesses, so even if you get the same type of illness again your body will react like it’s the first time you’ve been sick.

It’s so much worse than “just a disease”. 

Measles does WHAT

Holy fuck

What the fuck what the fuck what the fUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK

antivaxxers also, in part, helped sabotaged the human lyme disease vaccine for lyme disease caused by borrelia burgdorferi infection (until 2016 the only known species of lyme disease causing bacteria in the USA). In 1998, the first lyme disease vaccine for the strain of the bacteria prevalent in the USA licensed. It passed clinical trials and was shown to be safe and effective; it was between 76 and 92% effective at preventing lyme disease with 3 injections. Antivaxxers proceeded to abuse the adverse affect reporting system, often complaining of arthritis, and this caused media and general hysteria about the vaccine. if you remember the flu vaccine hysteria around the swine flu epidemic, it was kind of like that. despite double-blind trials conducted both before and after licensing, that was unable to support their claims and instead displaying that the vaccine was safe and effective, the damage was done, and the vaccine was shelved in the USA. you can get a lyme disease vaccine in Europe, but Europe has a different strain of the bacteria that causes lyme disease.

Lyme disease can become very serious, it can infect the nervous system and cause neurological problems especially in young children who are often bitten on the head or the neck, undiagnosed it can cause chronic health issues that mimic other diseases. Without safe prophylactic measures beyond trying to minimize contact w ticks, this has driven people who have had lyme disease, have chronic effects from mass-disseminated lyme disease infection, or people who believe they have chronic lyme disease to go to quack doctors and undergo unsafe, unapproved medical treatment in an attempt to stop suffering.

This would not be happening on the scale that it is if antivaxxers didn’t straight up execute a supervillain plot to sabotage the lyme disease vaccine. the vaccine was licensed in december 1998, which was the year andrew wakefield published his fraudulent research on the MMR vaccine



these people are fucking dangerous beyond compare

edited for clarity

antivaxer are terrorists and should be dealt like one

H.Bomberguy’s video on the anti-vaccine movement is absolutely worth watching in its entirety. Because it lays out just how fucking twisted and wrong the entire thing is, and how this entire movement that is KILLING CHILDREN is based on a lie for money.

wait wait wait wait WAIT!



Do you people even KNOW just how much trouble lyme disease makes every fucking year? Holy shit think of the possibilities!!!

So when I say I hate anti-vaxxers, yeah. This is why.

Yeah its not a viable belief system, it doesn’t have any nugget of truth or good intentions in it, the lie and the packaged alternatives that come with it are quicker easier money than you could ever make climbing the ranks of “big pharma,” these lies kill people, they become politicized and contaminate government legislation, and believers are not just quaint fringe eccentrics who only harm themselves. They’re abusing their kids, hampering medical progress, robbing other people of medical choice in situations like the Lyme vaccine, and actively making the world around them worse and deadlier. No mercy or tolerance for anti vaccine propaganda. Make it legally terrorism.

Gonna say it on every reblog of this post I see - This began because of ableism against autistic people. Jenny McCarthy insisted that her child’s autism was caused by vaccines, and enough people hated the thought of ever having an autistic child that they wouldn’t use vaccines. They did not care that their child would die of the illnesses prevented by vaccines, they would rather have a dead child than an autistic one.

Measles is also THE most communicable disease. It has an R value of 16-18 which means that every person with measles will infect 16-18 people.

As a comparison, the most communicable Covid variant, omicron has an R value of about 3-4. And yet colonized the entire world in a few months.

Just think what a measles outbreak in an unvaccinated community could do. A measles infection in a child does to their immune system what 7 years of HIV does.

Vaccinate your kids!!

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I tried.


Misinformation is also a virus and our country is just as infected with it as it is with COVID-19.

Bunk thinks he is perfectly innocent publicly posting his bad information. That he is not harming anyone. But he has influence over his loved ones and his friends and maybe even strangers that see his nonsense.

He is a potential superspreader of misinformation.

And that is dangerous.

It’s clear he did almost no research. It’s clear he is basing his opinions on scraps of information he heard god knows where. And yet he speaks with authority and freely spreads his thoughts without a care that what he says is actually true.

Links from the exchange…




I usually try to post fun happy things here, but I think it is important to see these conversations. Maybe you can improve upon what I did in your own personal debates. I know trying to convince people is difficult and frustrating, but we must try to stop the spread of misinformation. We need to get through to those friends and family members who have been duped by the likes of Tucker Carlson and other hucksters.

Saving for laternow




I tried.


Misinformation is also a virus and our country is just as infected with it as it is with COVID-19.

Bunk thinks he is perfectly innocent publicly posting his bad information. That he is not harming anyone. But he has influence over his loved ones and his friends and maybe even strangers that see his nonsense.

He is a potential superspreader of misinformation.

And that is dangerous.

It’s clear he did almost no research. It’s clear he is basing his opinions on scraps of information he heard god knows where. And yet he speaks with authority and freely spreads his thoughts without a care that what he says is actually true.

Links from the exchange…




I usually try to post fun happy things here, but I think it is important to see these conversations. Maybe you can improve upon what I did in your own personal debates. I know trying to convince people is difficult and frustrating, but we must try to stop the spread of misinformation. We need to get through to those friends and family members who have been duped by the likes of Tucker Carlson and other hucksters.

Saving for laternow

Does that make sense to anyone, or does it sound as retarded as I think it does? Why are people gett

Does that make sense to anyone, or does it sound as retarded as I think it does? Why are people getting sick or even dying to protect themselves from a pandemic that has a 99% survival rate? That is just insanity!

I’m choosing to continue staying indoors. I’m not going to movie theatres, or malls, or anywhere with crowds rather than put that untested, corner cut, experimental shit in my body. I’m not getting any of the vaccines. None. That “My body, my choice” saying counts for more than just abortions.

I’m treating these vaccines like I would a new version of windows. I’d rather let the lemmings go first, and wait for the bugs/errors to be worked out before even considering getting it. How is everyone going to feel when one of those companies says “sorry for the cancer” before hiding behind their liability shield and count their profits while people die from the side effects they never properly tested for?

Not me. I’d rather stay in isolation and keep to myself. Since I work from home, I can get away with keeping a tight circle. It’s worked for me so far, and I’ll keep doing this since I have no choice. If you want to get the vaccine, knock yourself out, but i would inform yourself about it before doing it.


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“Have you even researched the vaccine, you’re just going to let your kid get it the moment it comes out?” Yeah I’m not huge on research, I guess I’m just lazy, anyway I do this crazy thing where I pay good money into a system every year and they take that money and use it to pay other people to do the research on my behalf. It’s like a subscription service but with the country’s best scientists and doctors. Highly recommend!

Anti-vax memes are the best

Please vaccinate your kids / yourself (if possible).(also implying an autistic child is worse than a

Please vaccinate your kids / yourself (if possible).

(also implying an autistic child is worse than a dead child is really not ok just gonna put that out there…)

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truly makes me sick and angry that Africa so far has only been able to vaccinate 1% of the whole continent’s population bc the whole western world is herding vaccines and wont share the patent with poor countries, so much for black lives matter 

my fellow EU citizens here’s a link to a petition bc it’s more than time that we suspend the covid vaccine patents so that every country can afford the vaccines!!!!

I swear to god that’s the exact reason people hate Americans so much, are you completly fucking dumb, have you read the fucking news lately?? the US is literally one of the countries who is the furthest when it comes to vaccinating its people, why? oh because they are the only country who doesn’t share a single produced vaccine with other countries (which isnt something to be proud of btw) also when will Americans finally understand that A not everything is about you and B sharing and making things free isnt a bad thing, its literally the fucking opposite, oh and btw your people would also benefit from suspending patents bc your country would also save A LOT of  money and could produce more which means more people could get the vaccine and even faster than now oh and also FUCK YOU

Also like… the biggest reason adults in the USA aren’t vaccinated is that they don’t WANT to be? My job has had vaccines available to ALL employees since FEBRUARY; our associated hospital is at 70% vaccination and holding. THESE ARE MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS AND THEY’RE NOT GETTING THEIR NO-COST VACCINE.

My wife had to go to a different hospital for hers and they said they were booked solid for 1000 appointments per day but were only having 600-650 people keep their slots. THESE ARE PEOPLE WHO WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY TO REPEATEDLY REFRESH A WEBSITE UNTIL APPOINTMENTS OPENED AND STILL DID NOT SHOW UP.

Even if you (commenter, not OP) believe “USA first” is just… enlightened self-interest, or something… it’s pretty clear that, even if we DIDN’T have more than we NEED… we have more than we WANT.

You know what you do with things you don’t want? That’s right, you give them away.

Because there are still some arguments left unsaid in the previous post, I’ll continue out of boredom.

“These vaccines/mandates/easy-to-follow-rules are just a means for democrats to take power!”

Uh huh, sure. That explains why almost every single republican politician and media figure (including your beloved Frump) is fully vaccinated despite all their speeches about it being made out of poison or whatever. It’s almost like they’re, what’s the word…. LYING to you and instead of pointing out the emperor isn’t wearing clothes you just go along with it out of partisan-based spite. And even though there are a few among them who didn’t get vaccinated, only an idiot would watch how many of them are dropping like flies and not think “huh, maybe the vaccine IS safer than doing nothing”.

“But it’s unfair to make people lose their jobs if they don’t want the vaccine!”

Funny, I was gonna say it’s unfair to your coworkers who wore masks for a year, had to get 3 shots now, and are still susceptible to the virus because of all the new variants being spread around by irresponsible assholes. Ya know, people like you. Not to mention that even among the workplaces doing vax mandates, more than a few are giving you the option to just get tested every single day FOR FREE, but of course you won’t do that either because you don’t think other people’s health is more important than your petty convenience. Not to mention how many anti-vaccine mandates there are that punish businesses for guaranteeing their customers’ safety by making sure their employees aren’t spreading disease on the job. Apparently it’s more fair to lose several responsible people’s jobs than it is to fire one asshole.

“What about people who CAN’T get the vaccine, hmm? Checkmate!”

Buddy, those are the exact people WE were getting vaccinated for in the first place. WE are the ones trying to achieve herd immunity for them. WE are the ones social distancing and wearing masks to avoid infecting them. We did all of this so that THEY would be safe. I’d say we’re doing more for them than the people gluing coins to their faces and lying about their vaccination status, wouldn’t you agree?

“But what about other treatments for the virus? The government knows they work but won’t admit it!”

I’m not going to waste time explaining why things like huffing bleach don’t work because anyone stupid enough to try it won’t listen to me, but there are a couple that I can.

Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat malaria, discoid or systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis (if nothing else worked for that). It basically lowers your immune system, so taking it to treat a virus that strips your bloodcells of oxygen the longer it’s in your body is just plain stupid because you’re only ensuring that the infection lasts longer and does more damage.

Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. Covid-19 is a virus. It’s like treating cancer with lice shampoo. And while it can help keep the virus from multiplying, that test was done in a petri dish with it being applied directly to the virus, meaning the only effective way to use it for Covid is to either inject or inhale it… which will kill you. And it won’t even kill the virus as much as just make your infection shorter, but you’ll be dead before then. And that’s just the version meant for HUMANS. So many people are out there buying the animal version, smearing it on crackers, and winding up overdosed with shit running down their legs if they’re LUCKY.

Colloidal silver is a homeopathic remedy, which translates to “not actual medicine”. The only thing it’s good for is topical application to burns, wounds, or infections on the skin and certainly not something you should be swallowing or injecting.

Lastly,waiting until you’re sick/dying to get the vaccine does nothing. The whole point of the vaccine is to give your immune system a weak form of the virus so it’ll be ready for the real deal and you won’t have to suffer the (potentially deadly) side effects. That’s all it does. It doesn’t cure you or reverse any of the damage done to your body, which is why it’s sad when people on their deathbeds beg for the vaccine only to find out it’s far too late to save them.

“Well the fact I have to prove I’m vaccinated to get on a plane is stupid and no different to the yellow stars jews were forced to wear in Germany! This is persecution!”

First of all, it’s not stupid because limiting travel limits the spread of new diseases and variants, especially during a time when most travel in and out of this country is done on planes. That’s how Ebola got here. Second, the level of immaturity among republicans can be measured by the inconveniences they compare to the Holocaust. Right now you’re only slightly more mature than the people who compared not being allowed into Starbucks to being rounded up and executed by the state. Thirdly, you people LOVE persecution! You guys have spent entire decades looking for something to justify your systemic victim complex to the point of just making shit up every week and now that you got a little taste of what persecution actually feels like you want it gone? There’s just no pleasing you people.

Oh and before I forget, get the vaccine.

sopranish:allthecanadianpolitics:Canadian mother’s powerful post on measles: ‘I blame you’Law & sopranish:allthecanadianpolitics:Canadian mother’s powerful post on measles: ‘I blame you’Law & sopranish:allthecanadianpolitics:Canadian mother’s powerful post on measles: ‘I blame you’Law &



Canadian mother’s powerful post on measles: ‘I blame you’

Law & Order did an episode on this 20 years ago. The mother who refused to vaccinate was convicted of manslaughter because a kid too young to be vaccinated died after contact. They made it clear that, at the time, that was absolutely correct according to New York State laws, codes, definitions, and precedents. I only hope they remain so.

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I had someone message me saying that my influenza/pneumonia/near death at the end of last year was due to “vaccine injury” from my PREVIOUS flu shots.

I am so amazingly rarely actually speechless, but wow. Just wow.
