#prosecutor godot


A family doesnt have to be conventional! Sometimes it can be 3 defense attorneys, 1 dead defense attorney, 5 prosecutors, 2 spirit mediums, 2 detectives, a policewoman turned waitress, a guy, a thief, and a magician!

A few AA sketches ive done the past few months

Forgot to post!! Here’s the second one ;A;

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I finally got around to inking THEM


Godot: Luke I have one question: what does Zvarri mean?

Luke: It means “I’ve got it!”

Godot: …is it a real word?

Luke: nope!

It’s too late at night for me to be posting but fuck it

Godot is so hot I mean look at him just look at him I love him his hair is so and his visor and his stubble beard thing idk what it’s classified as and his tie and his attitude and his fuckin arm things and his shirt and his vest and his theme so fickingn cool I want to kiss him I wanna gib kiss aaaaaa


judge: hmmm, interesting… what do you think about that, prosecutor godot?

godot: … what do YOU think about that, you honor? what do ANY of us think? nowadays, we follow someone else’s opinion and never stop to think for ourselves. we’re all lambs, following a single shepherd… well why don’t YOU be your OWN shepherd, your honor… and think for yourself. why don’t we all become the shepherds of our own flock and stop caring about what others think.

judge: ………… thank you, mr. godot—

Edgeworth: …what have you got there?

Godot, holding a smoothie in one hand and Atmey clinging to his chest: A smoothie

Pearl: why does the evil man who stole the Kurain urn call you “babygirl”?

Godot: how about we stop talking for a while

I love godmey partially because I can make the dynamic basically however I want as long as it fits the characters

Like in one AU, they could both be pretentious bastards who give cryptic messages and shit to a Phoenix Wright who’s Sick Of This Shit

In another, we can have Godot, still sad over how his last relationship ended, finding love in another that’s like him

In yet another, we could have Luke Atmey being lowkey nervous about getting with Godot, but having an obvious crush that Godot notices. Godot makes the first move here.

In yet another another, they could meet in prison and hate each other but over time learn to love the other and have a blossoming romance while the rest of the inmates just want them to get it over with and kiss already

So much potential here

#godmey    #prosecutor godot    #luke atmey    

Tonight’s semi-late-night thought:

I wonder if Godot can swim. Like, not his ability to do the motions and stay afloat, but if he could go into a pool or heck even a shower without electrocuting himself

Team L.A.A. (Lynn, Armando, Atmey, aka Gremmy, Godot, and Luke) doing investigation stuff together is actually a hilarious concept.

Gremmy: ACTUALLY only ONE of us is a convicted murderer. Frosty-Hair and I both got off with Justifiable Homicide.

Godot: Don’t call me “Frosty-Hair”-

Luke: I DID kill someone though.

Ok au where Diego was never poisoned and Godot was just his drag name

ministarfruit:ok so I did the WAA matching Athena’s sleeveless shirt so naturally the next step is


ok so I did the WAA matching Athena’s sleeveless shirt so naturally the next step is the prosecutors’ office matching Franziska’s skirt. another point for workplace equality today

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No one forget that this picture exists❤
