#protection oil




This morning I crafted up some protection oil. This can be used for anointing candles, spaces, yourself and anything you want to protect. Let’s look at the recipe

✧ Sunflower Oil

You can basically use any carrier oil. I use sunflower oil because it’s inexpensive and carries sun properties of healing and happiness

✧ Pink Himalayan Salt

Salt has great protection properties and pink salt is great for enhancing spellwork and it’s powers. A little boost for everything else in the oil

Sub: any salt you associate with protection (normal salt works too)

✧ Rosemary

A great catchall but I infused the intention of protection into this rosemary for the oil

Sub: Any herb you associate with protection. Sage and juniper are others

✧ Lavender

It smells nice…and also! It’s good for inducing a sense of calm protection. When protected with this oil, I want to feel calm and safe

Sub: Any herb associated with calming. Like chamomile! (Tea bags anyone?)

How do I put it together?

☾ Gather your herbs. To start the intention train, make sure you know why you’re grabbing each ingredient. Think about it. This begins infusing your ingredients with intention

☾ Place the ingredients into a mortar and pestle, thinking about the intention of each. This can include a keyword (protection, calm) and also thinking about the feeling (how does it feel to be protected and safe?)

☾ Grind the ingredients up into powder while thinking of intention. You can infuse while grinding clockwise to bring protection

☾ Add a bit of powder to little glass jars or whatever container you would like to use for your anointing oils

☾ Fill the rest with oil. Leave air room to shake it up

☾ Enjoy! (Shake before every use! The powder will sink to the bottom)
