#protection spell





Enchant their blankies with extra love and comfort, so they always sleep soundly.

Banish all the monsters from under their bed and in their closet, and let them help you. 

Draw protective sigils on their doll/teddy bear’s tag so that they really do fight away the bad guys.

Brush the negativity away when you comb through their hair.

Stir their breakfast clockwise to promote happiness. 

Sew sigils onto their clothes and lunchboxes just in case.

Put knot magick into the things they carry around everyday, like purses,m bows, or hoodie strings.

Show them thst you care, and make sure they know it.

I especially like the banishing the monsters in the closet one. When I was little and my dad was power washing the fence and our house, my mom told me it was Monster Begone. She said she had bought it at the store, and it lasted for ten years before it had to be redone. Then, when my brothers grew to be scared of monsters, I would start telling them about Monster Begone and how effective it was.

@laurensonfire, I will be doing some of these for Rose definitely ^_^


(little squeal for the first spell I have to share with Tumblr. This and all future spells of mine will be posted in the Spells page of my blog)

The thought process behind this enchantment is adding wards to an object long thought to offer protection and good luck in and of itself.


  • a horseshoe
  • a doorway to hang the horseshoe over
  • your magical self!


  1. Think of the horseshoe as a cup, with the prongs being the mouth of the cup, kind of like a “U”
  2. Tip the horseshoe over so that the prongs are facing down and shake the horseshoe, making as if you’re pouring something out of a cup. Here, you’re pouring the old and negative energies out, the wards that need replacing
  3. Turning the horseshoe upright again, hold it tightly in both hands and close your eyes.
  4. Envision good energy and the fresh wards flooding into your mouth (for some reason, I see these particular wards as fish? In my mouth? Weird, I know ^^)
  5. Gently blow the good energy and fresh wards into the mouth of the horseshoe, as if you were filling a cup with liquid.
  6. Being careful not to tip the horseshoe in case the wards pour out, secure the horseshoe above or near a doorway to as a protection charm!


  • Horseshoes have long been thought to bring good luck to homes in which they’re hung. Eastern cultures were said to have hung them like crescents “C” and they offered protection against the Evil Eye. Back when they were made of iron, they were used as protection against malicious fae, evil spirits, and imps.


  • Refill these wards every couple of months. When you go to tip the old wards out, thank them for their protection as you release them from their enchantment.


a spell jar by yours truly, also known as the “don’t touch me don’t look at me don’t talk to me” spell! great for autistic witches, witches who experience sensory overload, witches with social anxiety, and other nd witches who want people to leave them the hell alone.

you’ll need:
- a tiny jar (this is something you’ll be carrying around with you)
- a white candle
- strawberry leaves
- juniper berries
- black salt
- fern seeds
- little bits of metal wire/tiny nails/blackberry thorns/anything sharp and pointy
- crystals to charge: i used clear quartz, amethyst, fire agate, smoky quartz, angelite and bloodstone, but you can use things like carnelian, pyrite, cross stone, jasper, jade, etc

light your white candle. mix your ingredients and pour them into your spell jar. focus your energy on building your barricade. each ingredient is one more part of the wall between you and the things you want to keep away. when your jar is full, cork it and seal it with the white wax. you can use whatever incantation you like at this point; personally i used les mis lyrics while finishing my barricade.

charge your barricade with your crystals. i also left mine in moonlight overnight. enjoy, you are now untouchable!


  • Day Three:Write a spell based off of a mythical beast.

A Spell For Those Not Faint of Heart

Black Dog Phantoms are seen throughout alot of mythology. Often they are harbingers of death and some are said to even cause it. But most importantly…they are a warning. Do you have a hard time determining if a situation is ok or not? Not so great with you instincts… Well If you arent afraid of the big bad wolf, then this could be for you.

You WIll Need:

  • Jar
  • Black Candle
  • humanely clipped toe nails of a dog or a good amount of dog hair.  (basically take a dog to be groomed and keep the excess. yep..you will look alittle strange. Unless you clip dog nails on your own. Then you risk looking less creepy. Basically..dont hurt any dogs to get what you need or the spell wont work and can backfire)
  • Graveyard Dirt
  • Protection incense of your choice.
  • White Vinegar.

Take the ingredients and put them in the jar. Seal the jar and like the candle. Drip the black wax all over the top of the jar to seal it while saying.

I call to the black dog of lore

to aid me by warning of terrible things

I call him from across the moor

To protect me from all sorts of fiends.

The black dog shall not give harm to me

All it should do is be heard and seen

when my instinct is stronger and i can be

I will release it back to haunt the green. 

Once this spell is cast If at any time you see the black dog with glowing eyes…or you hear a nerve shattering bark..Its best to be gone from that place immediately. Especially be gone before you hear the third bark. After the third bark….well..no one can really say what happens.

When you are ready to release the spell. Break open the bottle in a forest or nice green field away from your home. Even a graveyard if that feels more comfortable. Destroy the bottle and make sure to say it is released once you leave this place. 

But do no be surprised if it doesnt leave you alone. It is a phantom dog. They get attached.



Be careful with this one, guys. ❤️

autumn-rosequartz:devoteeofpoppies:It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and gautumn-rosequartz:devoteeofpoppies:It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and gautumn-rosequartz:devoteeofpoppies:It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and g



It’s downright predatory when a guy finds your Facebook and gets your number within an hour of meeting him, all without you initiating anything or giving him any information at all. That is why this spell now exists.

A spell for protection against unwanted attention.


  1. Rose petals
  2. Boiling water
  3. Heat safe container of some sort
  4. Hairbrush
  5. Mirror

Optional Supplies/Process:

  1. Raw Honey (really great for your hair)
  2. Rosemary 
  3. Lavender
  4. Lemon (if your hair is on the lighter side/you want to start lightening your hair)
  5. Coffee beans/grinds (if your hair is on the darker side/you want to start darkening your hair)
  6. Apple Cider Vinegar (just a little, for conditioning)


Boil water in whatever way you have available. 

Pour the boiling water in a heat safe container and add the rose petals, and any of the optional supplies. Cover and let steep for at least 10 to 20 minutes. By the time you go to use it, it should be warm, not burning hot.

Take your mixture into the bathroom or place with a mirror. Sit or stand while dipping your hairbrush into the warm rose water. Start at the bottom of your hair and brush the water into it while singing the following:

Though I am beautiful (for feeling a bit more pep in your step add this line)

You will not touch

You will not talk

You will not come near me

Repeat the dipping of the hairbrush and brushing from the bottom of your hair until your entire head of hair is slightly dampened. Air dry only. 

This spell ends when the water is washed out of your hair, and can be repeated as necessary.

Optional Process:

  1. You can choose to do a little bit of knot magic in conjunction and braid a section of your hair to “lock” it in, which is what I did. 

Note: Any water not used can be stored in the fridge for around a week or two. I’d suggest warming it up, but it’s not necessary in order for you to repeat the spell, or to just use it as a hair treatment. You can also apply the water after a shower, if you don’t want to brush it in.

Note 2: Feel free to change the recitation to fit you and fit what you need out of the spell. Mine was focused on getting attention of males off of me, not getting harassed anymore, yours can be as simple as “don’t have the teacher call on me in class please”.


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I redid my car protection charm last night, as I bought a new car recently

This spell is to be done in a solitary setting but during synchronized times with magical practitioners and witches around the world. The intention of this spell is to offer protection, healing, and security in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is meant to be a simple candle spell ritual so that people of all traditions can feel comfortable performing this in a safe and private setting.

I would recommend reading and reviewing the following sources. 

Important Note

This spell is not meant to be a replacement for healthy lifestyle choices, impeccable hygienic practices, or professional medical attention. Follow trustworthy guidelines put forward by the CDC and the WHO. Currently, many people are practicing social distancing, which means they are staying home as much as possible and avoiding close interaction with large groups of people. Please be mindful to take care of yourself and your household. We are in difficult times and we need to look out for each other – this spell can help spiritually – but if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 please seek professional medical attention. Magic cannot make up for those not following the basic expectations of safety for yourself and others.

Synchronizing Timing Is Tricky

Finding a time that is inclusive the world-round can be a tricky thing to do. That in mind, I am going to suggest two times to do this to try this spell. If you can commit for one of these times, great. If you can commit to doing the ritual twice, for both of these times, fantastic. Or, if there is a different time best suited for you, then that’s fine too. The first time I suggest doing this is at the exact time of the upcoming Equinox where you are – simply begin your ritual at the time of the Equinox, which you can calculate at this site. This will be in the late evening on March 19th for folks in the US, the afternoon on March 20th for folks in Australia, and the wee hours of the morning on March 20th for folks in the UK. If this is too tricky a time to do a ritual, I would also recommend starting this on Sunday, 12pm UTC, when for many the sun is strong or rising.

Preparing for Ritual

Have a space that you can perform this in that is comfortable, clean, clear of clutter, and private. Prepare for your ritual as you would for any other – whether that’s with a purification bath or anointing oil, setting up an altar, burning incense, meditating, lighting candles, and/or creating a crystal grid: do what is appropriate for you to create a safe space to perform magic in. 

What You Will Need

You must have three candles and a piece – I recommend using spell candles if you have them. If you don’t have these exact items use modifications in their place: votive candles, homemade candles, birthday candles, etc.! The goal is to use what you have available.

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Blue Candle

  • 1 Green Candle

  • An anointing, blessing oil, or a blend you use for candle magic. For this spell I am using a blend of eucalyptus, rosemary, cedarwood, lavender, and frankincense – recipe to follow.

  • Candle holders for each candle

  • Something small to carve into the candles with (like a toothpick or safety pin – be careful!)

  • A piece of paper (letter size or larger) with a picture or drawing of Earth on it

  • A pen (I’d recommend using a gold ink, if you don’t have this use your favorite pen).

Opening the Ritual

Begin your ritual with the practices your tradition calls for, whether that is ringing a bell, taking deep breaths (very important right now), singing a song for protection and empowerment, calling your Ancestors, building a crystal grid to work within (I recommend jade, aventurine, larimar, green or blue calcite) , calling specific Gods and Goddesses you work with, calling the Watchtowers, and/or casting a circle. 

Part 1: Crafting Protection

In this part you are going to work with your white candle. Carve the word “PROTECT” into the candle or symbols that represent healing to you. Anoint the candle with your oil. You may also dress it with protective herbs. Hold the candle in your hands and breathe deeply and slowly, envisioning the candle glowing white. As you breathe in and out envision the light growing to encapsulate you, then your house, then your town, your country, and the planet. Hold in your mind’s eye the visual of a white light protective shield. Feel it creating a boundary between yourself and the virus. Open your eyes, light the candle, and say the following:

“I light this candle to protect those from harm. I see white light blocking Covid-19 from those I know, from those I love, from those I do not know, from those around the world. White light surrounds those who are vulnerable to illness, white light surrounds those who are concerned about becoming ill, and white light surrounds all of in need of protection from this virus! I am protected, together we are protected, so mote it be!”

Part 2: Crafting Healing

In this part you are going to work with your blue candle. Carve the word “HEAL” into the candle, or symbols that represent healing to you. Anoint the candle with your oil. You may also dress it with healing herbs. Hold the candle in your hands and breathe deeply and slowly, envisioning the candle glowing blue. As you breathe in and out envision the light growing to encapsulate you, then your house, then your town, your country, and the planet. Hold in your mind’s eye the visual of a blue light healing energy. Feel it creating a soothing and healing energy through your body. Open your eyes, light the candle, and say the following:

“I light this candle to heal those who are ill. I see blue light filling surround those who are sick, those who are battling Covid-19. Blue light surrounds those who are in need of healing energy. Blue light surrounds those who need to boost their immunity. Blue light surrounds all of those who desire peace of mind and a healthy body. And, blue light surrounds our planet Earth, which needs healing during these times as well. Blue light offers us soothing comfort and healing to prevail. I am healed, together we are healed, so mote it be!” 

Part 3: Crafting Security

In this part you are going to work with your green candle. Carve the word “SECURITY” into the candle, or symbols that represent security (financial, or otherwise) to you. Anoint the candle with oil. You may also dress it with herbs of prosperity and/or the element of earth. Hold the candle in your hands and breathe deeply and slowly, envisioning the candle glowing green. As you breathe in and out envision the light growing to encapsulate you, then your house, then your town, your country, and the planet. Hold in your mind’s eye the visual of a green security blanket. Feel it grounding you, rooting you into planet earth where you dwell in balance and harmony. Open your eyes, light the candle, and say the following: 

“I light this candle to offer security to communities who are in need during these troubled times. I see green light growing around those whose jobs were impacted and need financial support, around those who must continue to work in public, to those who are anxious about insurance coverage. Green light surrounds those who in the medical and service industries. Green light surrounds those who need financial prosperity. Green light surrounds all of those who need to feel comfort and security. I am secure, together we are secure, so mote it be!”

Part 4: Completing with a blessing

Take your piece of paper with Earth drawn on it. Using your pen, write well wishes, intentions for healing, personal needs, or expressions of gratitude to others. You can use the Immunity Sigil or enchant with others symbols that are important to you to protect against Covid-19, heal those suffering from Covid-19, and support those who are in need due to Covid-19. Or, you can write the words “Protected! Healed! Secured!” repeatedly. 

When you are done working with this paper, fold it trifold style (like a letter) twice. If you’d like to seal the paper it closed, pour a very small amount of wax on to the second-to-last fold. Fold the final flap over it. Tuck it somewhere important – whether it be on your altar, under healing crystals, or near your candles. If you are performing this outdoors by a bonfire or by your hearth you can cast it into the hearth.

Announce the following: “Even though there is distance between us I send you all blessings of protection, health, and security. Please accept this as a petition for global peace and healing. So mote it be!”


During your closing, take a moment to think about those you are grateful for. Look at your candles and thank those you are grateful for. Close your ritual as your tradition calls, whether this be with clapping, laughing, singing, meditation, deep breaths, opening the circle, bidding the Watchtowers/Gods/Goddesses/Ancestors farewell and thank you, or so on. Allow the candles to burn down on their own, ensuring they are in a safe space!

A special thank you:

Thank you to Tonya Brown, writer and editor of Witch Way Magazine, for reading this.

The photograph is creative commons, but from photographer David Boca

And, thank you to all of those who plan on doing this spell.

Written by Kiki Dombrowski, March 17, 2020

Whitcher’s blade enchantment (Whitcher inspired)


To enchant a blade as a protective talisman

Blue candle
Red candle
Purple candle

Arrange the candles in a triangle around the knife
Light the candles
Sit in front of the knife and focus on all that you might need protection from, and put that energy into the candles
Use the knife to put out the candles so that it can know how to protect you from all your worries

Mandalore’s strength (Star Wars inspired)

For aid from your ancestors, both in blood and blade

The only thing you’ll need is something to represent the protection of your armor. If you’re not sure what to use a piece of amber can work.

Place your armor representation in front of you and recite this incantation 3 times:

“I ask for the strength
of my brothers and sisters who have fallen
The strength of the clan
until my task is at its end”

Be sure to thank those who come to help you!


First off, this is not a cursing or hexing spell like thing. Black, as a color, means more than just evil or darkness or negative intent. According to this chart, the color black means “safety, protection, banish negativity, pride and shape shifting”. In this case, I’m focusing on the first 3 meanings and this is really simple for anyone to do if you’re feeling overwhelmed with negative energy, want to protect yourself from someone possibly sending negativity your way or just want to give an extra layer of protection when working your craft.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 black candle (I bought this votive when I couldn’t find black candles in the regular store off the Halloween season)
  • Sandalwood oil or any anointing oil (one that can represent protection would be best)
  • a few strands of hair and/ or nail clippings of the intended (yourself or the one you feel will benefit from this)
  • a place to leave all this undisturbed (altar, shelf or anywhere candle safe)
  • a spell or series of spells you wrote yourself or you found that feel in tuned with you.

What I did:

  1. Take the candle and use your finger to anoint the candle, top to bottom and under and over, with the oil. You can do this ahead of time as the oil can make the outside a little soft so use just a small enough to cover and let sit so the oil’s essence is taken in. 
  2. I use a tea cup to hold my candles in, but any holder is fine. Take that and place a few strand of hair or the clippings on the bottom. I use both and the hair you can take from your brush. You could use trimmings, but I feel whole strands (including the root) are more potent. the clippings I used are from that day and freshest, but a couple days old isn’t too bad either as long as you know they’re from the same source (especially if you’re doing this for someone else)
  3. Place the anointed candle on top of these items. They don’t all have to be under the candle but as long as the majority are, you’re fine.
  4. Light the candle and speak aloud your spells as many times as you feel like. I did the following 3 time: negative energy banishment,protection spell,karma spell
  5. It might take a bit, but you should feel lighter, emotionally, and feel your energy lift and brighten. Let the candle burn until it melts and covers what you placed in the cup. 

If there’s still some wick left, you can just use this and repeat the spells you spoke without having to place new strands or clippings as this now ties you or the intended with this candle until it can no longer be lit. Repeat the entire thing as needed. 

For added effect, do this on the new, full and half moons. Each phase will emphasis your new beginnings and growth as you do your best to disconnect and remove any and all negative effects upon yourself and your home.


House Cleansings & Blessings

practical and simple ways to cleanse and bless your home

burn cedar sticks or cedar incense. cedar helps drive away negative influences, energies, and spirits. really good herb to work with when moving into a new space. helps with protection on all levels.

sprinkle a blend of salt, sage, and mint on the floors to soak up all the negative energies on the ground and vacuum up when you feel it has picked everything up. clean out all that salt from your vaccuun and dispose of it in the trash outside (not in nature)

diffuse lavender oil. lavender oil is very protective and helps bring serenity and peace into a space.

manifest abundance and prosperity by meditating with citrine and placing it in your home. place a clear quartz next to it to amplify abundant energies

make a crystal gird out of selenite, black tourmaline and white jade. these crystals will create a barrier of protection around your house and they will cleanse the hell out of it.

place pieces of selenite in windowsills, this will purify energy coming in and out of the house. immediately raises the vibration of the room

when burned, palo santo releases a cleansing smoke filled with healing energies. great for filling spaces with good health and fortune

ask your spirits/deities to cleanse, protect, and bless your space and leave them offerings when you are done

sandalwood incense raises vibrations, cleanses, offers psychic protection, and helps to open up psychic awareness

amethyst is not only a enhances the intuition and increases calm energies, it is also very protective and will shield you from psychic attacks

work with the elements for protection, meditation and visualization works well

visualize an impenetrable bubble of protection surrounding your home protecting you from all lower energies

visualize a waterfall pouring into your space washing away all stagnant and negative energy leaving your space with abundant and healthy energy

put mint leaves all around your house, in your windowsills, in your shoes, jewelry boxes, altar, etc. to protect you from evil intentions. also good for protecting your home from misfortune

wind chimes will warn you when a negative spirit is around, there sound will also help drive them off your property

cinnamon is extremely protective, i love dressing candles with ground cinnamon for cleansing and protection

burning dragon’s blood incense will create a wall of fire protecting you and your space, also a really good incense for clearing bad spirits

sleep with a lavender sachet underneath your pillow to protect you from psychic vampires

labradorite protects you and your home from demons

placing a vase of flowers in a room will lift the energy and invite positive energy in. use different flowers for attracting different things example sunflowers for happiness, roses for love, marigolds for success and creativity, etc.





Protection Against Nightmares

Protection While Travelling

Empath/Emotional Protection




Circles, Shields & Wards


Tech Magic




[part 1]

Protection from Blades Spell

An herbal charm spell to protect oneself from blades, knives, swords, etc.

This is protection from metal blades. Inspired by a spell from The Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells by Judika Illes, found on page 881 under the title “Blade Proof Spell”.

What you’ll need:

EdelweissBorageNettleRowan woodAsh woodAsh from a fire (especially a fire used to forge a blade)Black charm bag or bottle with stopper and black sealing wax

Gather together your plants and fire ash. Stir them…

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Long Distance Protection Spell

Long Distance Protection Spell

What you’ll need:

Jar candle, preferably blue or white in colorMarker or paint

Write on the bottom of your candle jar your target’s name. 

Light the candle and speak or think what you want to protect your target from. 

Be as specific or as general as you like with your protection chant. Just be heartfelt about it.

Let the candle burn while you speak and blow it out when you’re done.


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Protection from Authorities

A spell to protect you from harmful authority figures.

This is a spell to protect you from harmful authority figures.

This could be a police or military force, but it may also be landlords, teachers, employers, or even parents. Anyone who has control over you in some way. Sometimes the people that are meant to protect us are exactly the thing we need protection from. This spell is intended to do just that.

What you’ll need:


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A Charm to Escape an Enemy

This is a spell to escape any kind of enemy.

This is a spell to escape any kind of enemy. A stalker, attacker, bully, or worse are prime examples. This is excellent for people to carry who do a lot of solo traveling, but it was originally designed to help someone get away in a dangerous situation – a warzone or avoid someone who would be violent towards you.

What you’ll need:

JuniperNettleCloveVervainBay laurelCeladineWormwoodMulleinCloth…

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Weapon Carrier’s Protection Spell

Weapon Carrier’s Protection Spell - to protect the carrier of a weapon while protecting their homeland.

This spell is to protect the carrier of the weapon, not the weapon itself, but the spell is placed on the weapon. Wile this spell is intended to enchant a weapon used to protect your home and homeland, it can be used by hunters, police officers, soldiers, or other people who wield weapons.

What you’ll need:

Three jars or bottles, with lidsThe weapon you wish to enchantSanitized athame or blood…

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Protection Cloaking Spell

A verbal chant to hide & protect
yourself & others

This is a quick spell that can be used by anyone who needs protection right now.  This verbal spell is more for people who need to hide or not be seen. It can be placed on a building or group of people, you just need to spend more energy to make it so.

Obviously, if you’re in some sort of danger, immediately remove yourself from that situation and get help. You should always back up your magic…

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Child Protection Spell

This spell is meant to be a charm made by a guardian for a child but you can make it for whoever you want to be protecting


  • Sea salt
  • Ground egg shells
  • A tooth from the person you are trying to protect (ex. Baby teeth or wisdom teeth)
  • Black and white candle wax
  • A small bottle (preferably one that can be put on a necklace)

Mix the seasalt and eggshells together and fill the bottle up half way for protection and to ward off evil

Place the tooth on top for protection directed spefically at the owner of the tooth

Fill the rest of the bottle with white wax

Close the bottle and seal it with black wax for protection and to ward off evil

Meditate with the bottle in your hand to any divine you want to call help from or to attract energy if you dont follow a deity

Charge the bottle under a waning gibbous moon, one of the energies of this moon is of nurturing others

Have the target wear the necklace or just place the bottle in their room to bring protection to them
