


“Featuring 9 different stories from 20 creators, Bi Visibility explores bisexuality from various different perspective with stories ranging from romance to high fantasy.”

Please consider checking out and backing this project! I recently did art for one of the stories included in it. I’ve read through the previews for the rest of the book and honestly was just left feeling so warm and fuzzy. I promise it’s such a sweet book with so much goodness <3

Ensuring/Enduring Presence: Transgender People of Color–Artists, Editors, and Publishers. (Ahi

Ensuring/Enduring Presence: Transgender People of Color–Artists, Editors, and Publishers. 

(Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhran, Ryka Aoki, Nick Hadikwa Mwaluko, A.J. Alana Ka’imi Bryce, Max Wolf Valerio) 

Trans artists/editors/publishers of color shepherd daily into the world innovative work that is highly crafted. Immersed in our present material conditions, decolonially reimagining our pasts and futures, temporally/geographically refiguring the wheres and whens of our storied bodies, responding to calls issued by our communities as we issue our own, this panel posits the possibilities of our presence, our generative genealogies, and the care with which we consider our compositional/communal praxis. 

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