#question prompt


(The quotes on the nuclear winter and summer ones are from Metro Last Light andFallout New Vegas respectively)

➳ Two characters (or two groups of characters) meet while hunting.

☭ A clash between tribal factions. Characters can be on the same or opposing sides.

✍ A journal entry reminiscing about pre-apocalypse days, or imagining what the world must have been like.

♚A character decides they are going to be monarch of the setting. How do they act? What do they do? Are they benevolent? How does another character act?

❅ “The ice is thawing up here… it’s almost like spring, ah, Artyomich!” Nuclear winter is ending – how do the characters react?

☼ “Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter…” It’s blazing hot – how do the characters survive or cope?

☤ A character is sick – they need to be taken to a doctor, but it will be a hazardous journey.

€ Two characters meet while trading goods.

☣ A character either has, or gets, a disease or deformity. Either they’re looked after or rejected by others – what happens?

Your character is drafted into a military faction.

☮ A peaceful faction is attacked by a warlike one – what happens to the characters?

An apocalyptic wedding! What do the characters do for the ceremony and to celebrate?

Your character and the other character go on a long journey together.

Travelling musicians! Write a starter or drabble about your character being one, travelling with them, or going to see them.

⚑ Your character is forced/pressganged into joining a political faction. What happens?

Using lyrics, the ideas in the song, the mood conveyed by the song, etc.

Here are some things to think about when creating new characters that will help you bring them to the next level. Some of these questions are interchangeable, but answering them can really help you when writing/playing your characters.

1. What do they want the most in the world? How far are they willing to go to achieve it? Specifically define what they wouldn’tdo.

2. Who are they the closest to? How would they react if those people died? How would they react if those people betrayed them?

3. What is their worst fear? How would they react when faced with that fear?

4. What is the worst thing that ever happened to them? And what is the best thing? Define how it influenced them and/or their lives.

5. If they could change one thing about themselves/their lives, what would it be and why?

6. Are they addicted to something? From alcohol to the thrill of the hunt, define it and don’t forget to use it.

7. Did they ever kill someone? If so, how did they react after their first kill? If not, how would they react if they had to kill someone?

8. Would they ever sacrifice themselves? If so, what would they be willing to die for?

9. How do they react to meeting new people? Is it easy for them to socialize? If they were at a party, where and how would they spend most of the time?

10. What are their flaws and weaknesses? Is it something that they can work on and improve over the course of the story?

Let me know if you’d be interested in more writing tips like this and what specifically would you like me to focus on :) See ya!
