

The musician Burial, in a 2007 interview with Emmy Hennings:

“There’s a Playstation game called Forbidden Siren,” he continues. “I’m always well moody at it for thinking of that name first, because I can’t use it! Well, I can,” – you can almost hear him smiling – “I think I might just use it anyway, but it doesn’t sound so good, ’cos I blatantly stole it off of a game. I love that phrase because a siren is this thing – I thought it was just a siren on a police car or whatever, but I found out – it’s like a girl singing, but far away. You just hear it carried on the air and you’re drawn towards it. I fucking love that. I don’t want a singer, you know, I don’t want a vocalist. I actually want it to sound like I’ve got one of these things singing in my tunes: a siren, or something not human that I’ve got chained up in the yard. And that might sound pretentious as fuck, but I don’t mean it to be. To have that kind of longing to be taken away, or like something from the past. Something more scary, outside of yourself, that’s trying to draw you away from the world.”

kafk-a:Virginia Woolf, from The Waves


Virginia Woolf, from The Waves

Post link


“The closer she comes to adulthood, bearing witness with an adult’s increased sense of ambiguity, and irony, and self-doubt, the less clear are her memories. (The messier the entries in the notebook.) Say there’s a mirror you have trusted to give you a solid unblemished surface reflecting the world then suddenly it breaks and shatters revealing a thousand new surfaces, miniature angles of seeing that must have been there all along hidden in the mirror’s bland face but you hadn’t known.“Who is, who was.“Whoever’s reading this, if anyone is reading it: does it matter that our old selves are lost to us as surely as the past is lost, or is it enough to know yes we lived then, and we’re living now, and the connection must be there?–like a river hundreds of miles long exists both at its source and at its mouth, simultaneously?”

— Joyce Carol Oates, Foxfire: Confessions of a Girl Gang


“You wake up in Chicago, pull back the curtain and you KNOW where you are. You could be nowhere else. You are in a big, brash, muscular, broad shouldered motherfuckin’ city. A metropolis, completely non-neurotic, ever-moving, big hearted but cold blooded machine with millions of moving parts — a beast that will, if disrespected or not taken seriously, roll over you without remorse.”

— Anthony Bourdain


“But in the end, stories are about one person saying to another: This is the way it feels to me. Can you understand what I’m saying? Does it feel this way to you?”

Kazuo Ishiguro, in his 2017 Nobel prize acceptance speech (via smiththeteacher)

They say

there’s always light in the end of the tunnel-

and I am here to tell you its not.

There isn’t any light;

Cause you are.You become it.

Hopes,Happiness - don’t suddenly appear out of nowhere,

They live within you.

It will blind them for

when its time.

// thethinkinggirl

May this new year brings a lot of good things and blessings in each and every one of your lives. Wish you all a good health and great success ahead. Happy new year. God bless. Thank you✨

-Marjan Khan

Use your words wisely and watch out your actions. You must need to know what you are giving them for the rest of their lives

Some people need these kinds of reminders in their lives before their promises turns into apologies

To all the appreciative readers out there: here is my first ever prose and poetry book I am sharing with you all. I am nervous but excited as I have got the chance to share my heart with you guys. Show your love and support to my little piece of work, I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. Thank you ❤️


Available at amazon, Link in my bio

Wszystko mija, nawet najdłuższa żmija

(“Everything passes, even the longest of vipers”)

Stanisław Jerzy Lec

There do not exist two distinct and separate types of mind, one for the arts and humanities, the other for the sciences… You must possess both intuition and imagination to be creative in the sciences as well as the arts… There is science in all good poetry and vice versa.

Albert Rosenfeld, The Creative Experience: Why and How Do We Create?
