#the mystery of things


Wszystko mija, nawet najdłuższa żmija

(“Everything passes, even the longest of vipers”)

Stanisław Jerzy Lec

There do not exist two distinct and separate types of mind, one for the arts and humanities, the other for the sciences… You must possess both intuition and imagination to be creative in the sciences as well as the arts… There is science in all good poetry and vice versa.

Albert Rosenfeld, The Creative Experience: Why and How Do We Create?

Pōwehi: “embellished dark source of unending creation.“


byJan van IJken. I want this playing on loop on my gravestone.

#becoming    #jan van ijken    #timelapse    #cell division    #growth    #single cell    #mitosis    #development    #alpine newt    #animals    #nature    #documentary    #filmmaking    #the mystery of things    