#ranboo fanart


Low effort osmp Alliumduo comic I made last night

HC Tommy used to follow ranboo around when he first joined the server because he wanted to study how to become royalty

Osmp Allium duo my beloved

They’re besties and if you say I’m wrong you’re wrong <3

Origin SMP Allium duo my beloved

Their friendship is literally a spoiled prince and a little chicken, a.k.a complete opposites who are just besties.

Tommy eats moss, probably smells like it too.

Ranboo thinks it’s fucking gross but still hangs out with him

Ranboo is also surprisingly clean despite not being able to touch water

They mean a lot to me Osmp Tommy & Osmp Ranboo

I made a The Walten Files X Dsmp AU because I don’t know what sanity is. It’s called the soot files.

//TW// for disturbing images, scary shit, death, and yeah. Just creepy stuff.

More info on the AU on the bottom of the drawings

People in the AU:

Jack Walten - Wilbur soot craft

Rosemary Walten - Puffy Kranken (not in a relationship with Wilbur she just helps Wilbur take care of Benchtrio)

Edward Walten - Tommy soot craft

Molly Walten - Tubbo [last name unknown]

Sophie Walten - Ranboo [last name unknown]

Felix Kranken - Schlatt Kranken

Susan Woodings - Niki Woodings

Jenny Letterson - Purpled Letterson (Ranboo’s best friend)

[other characters will remain anonymous until I figure out more about them]

About the AU in actually detail:

Basically Wilbur & Tommy soot craft are the sons of Kirstin soot & Philza craft. Both of them sadly passed away in a tragic car accident, which resulted in Wilbur, who had just turned 18 at the time, to have to take care of his younger brother Tommy, 1 at the time, while also trying his best to get through college.

In college he meets Schlatt Kranken (listen I didn’t fucking know what other last name to give him so it’s staying the fucking SAME-) who shared his dream of opening a food chain with musical animatronics because why the fuck not

After they become close friends Schlatt introduces Wilbur to his older sister, Puffy, a 32 year old woman who worked as a therapist.

Everything was all well and good. Years go by, Wilbur & Schlatt start their bunny smiles business and Wilbur also adopts two random street kids who become best friends with tommy named Ranboo & Tubbo.

Then on the night of May 2nd Wilbur (24) calls schlatt (24) and asks him to take Tommy (7) & Tubbo (8) to a school event because he had work to do and Puffy (38) was busy taking care of Ranboo (10) who was sick.

Schlatt was in a silly goofy mood, got wasted at the event, and so when they were on their way back he crashed the car and buried the kids in a panic. (Then Wilbur mysteriously went missing a few days after )

That’s basically the start of this au.

Now that was a lot of damage

Hc that Tubbo let his hair grow over his eyes so Ranboo would feel more comfortable around him. He had to cut it for his job in Las Nevadas though. (It’s okay. Ranboo doesn’t mind.)

you did it ranboo! you did it! :)

late post ( follow my twitter, i post there first and often )

like / reblogs are very much appreciated !!

wanna join the egg? it comes with the best looking people! _(┐「ε:)_

faves / reblog / comment are very much appreciated!!


steve housewarming party !!

faves/reblogs/comments are very much appreciated!!

does anyone want wallpaper version of these?? im still hooked at how cute this turned out

I kept forgetting to share this with my tumblr folks. It’s a fully colored animation on my YouTube channel, please consider watching!

AYYYY BENCH TRIO !!! also yes i have a tiktok don’t @ me -

i just love how they turned out :] vv proud of myself

also ??? it’d be super seggsy of u to request anything for me to write (except nsfw, i’m a M I N O R) ahaha

beeduo but its that one scene from The Theory of Everything (a movie i havnt seen but this scene is

beeduo but its that one scene from The Theory of Everything (a movie i havnt seen but this scene is just too cute ok-)

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