#ranboo dsmp


Wilbur, putting honey in his coffee: Hell yes. Get in that bean juice you sexy sexy bee sauce

Ranboo: do you accept constructive criticism on your sentences?

Ranboo: Making my way downtown, walking fast-


Ranboo: walking a little bit slower so my steps match with Tubbo because he’s short-

Tommy: *making vague hand motions while reading a book*

Ranboo: … what are you doing?

Tommy: learning sign language so I can insult *everyone*

Tubbo: I’m gonna go grab a healthy breakfast!

Ranboo: Are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up?

Tubbo: Breakfast burrito, but yeah

Ranboo: I pity your dentist

Tubbo: Joke’s on you, I don’t have a dentist!

Ranboo: Now of course, before we begin, I’d like to clarify that we’d be debating only for Luxury Space Communism in general, and not Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism, as is commonly petitioned (in opposition with our historic roots of fully manual poverty-stricken heterosexual terrestrial capitalism)-

Tubbo: My friend Ranboo wants to become a doctor when he grows up so he can help sick kids.

Tubbo: My friend Tommy wants to be a porcupine so he can stab people with his butt.


Phil: my son identifies as a small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause. Should I be worried or is it just a phrase?

Karl: I accidentally cancelled my subscription to Time, now everything is happening at once

Ranboo: You are stuck in 2nd person and you can’t get out. Help you. Help you. Please. Help you.

Jack Manifold: How combustible is gender fluid?

Wilbur: I just broke the fifth wall, now my audience knows they are also fictional

Ranboo: I like how some instant ramen packs are like, “for better taste, add fresh vegetables and scallions!~ uwu ~ ”

Ranboo: I’m eating ramen at 3am, I’m here because I DONT HAVE ANY FRESH VEGETABLES OR SANITY

Tommy: Remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set?

Ranboo: No, I said, “Tommy, don’t lick the swing set,” and you said, “Don’t tell me what to do” and then you licked the swing set.

Tubbo:Every time I have a conversation with you I waste hours of my life. You’re just too interesting.

Ranboo: Well I can stop being interesting, watch this




Tubbo:Well now I have to stay here and see how long you can keep this up


Sam say that it’s Dream’s fault that Ranboo died.

We all know that it’s Sam’s fault that Ranboo died.

But deep down we all see the hidden truth.

It’s George’s fault, because he slept through the election.



Orbit: Molecules


(8th of November and 20th of November)


DSMP + TMA - The Stranger



Also for anyone who is curious:

Front middle - c!ranboo

Left - Ghostboo

Right - Ran (from tftsmp)

Back middle - Enderwalk ranboo

The boo

(Digital version available on my redbubble)

Congrats Ranboo for being the #1 most subbed streamer on twitch!

click for better quality

i’m so proud of him :) i love that he’s donating all the money from subs to the trevor project!

lunethwrites:I’m pretty sure Techno is gonna love it.I used my limited knowledge of dsmp to make thi


I’m pretty sure Techno is gonna love it.

I used my limited knowledge of dsmp to make this for @imhereformysciencefriends. They said I should post it.

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some fanart i did of ranboo :] love that manaccording to tumblr’s statistics, most people who like m

some fanart i did of ranboo :] love that man

according to tumblr’s statistics, most people who like my art don’t reblog, so if you enjoy it please hit the reblog button, it helps support the blog, and i’d really appreciate it!

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