#random text post


My girlfriend went to the store with her mom for black Friday and the price check out machines were making weird noises so she said “Everyone look out it’s about to explode” and she got everyone within 50 feet of her to crack up omg this is why I love her.


Stuffing this, stuffing that, blah blah blah.

Relax. No need to hurt. No need to go to any trouble. I don’t care about stuffing, baby. I just want you to eat — constantly. Graze. Let food become your habit. Start before you’re out of bed in the morning and continue until it’s time to get back in again. I’ll make sure you always have something within reach; a variety of things, so you never feel you’ve had too much or can’t manage a little more. What’s one more snack, after all? What’s one more bite?

Eat and grow, baby. It doesn’t need any effort from you. I’ll see to that. Just eat and grow.

Huh, seems like there are mental health bots here in tumblr as well.

I was randomly looking some more negative mental health tags and suddenly there is a message!
Ah, just a bot, but wait, this bot seems different somehow. At least it is honest about being a bot. I was still quite suspicious, but seemed like a real thing, at least that is what google told.

Hopefully those kinds of things will actually be some help for somebody

I just want ice coffee and really good book to read right now.
