#rating t



PB 100 Prompt Fill - Slim

When Castiel steps out of the bedroom dressed for their date, Dean’s jaw almost hits the floor. All he can think, with his last two functioning brain cells, is that ZZ Top was right: girls really are crazy about a sharp dressed man (Dean is girls, okay?). Goddamn, Castiel looks good.

He comes down the hallway and Dean takes in his dark slacks, his burgundy button-down, sleeves rolled to the elbows, and the form-fitting black waistcoat hugging Cas’ body like a second skin. A slim gray tie completes the look… and suddenly all Dean can think of is grabbing Cas by that tie and dragging him right back to bed.

They could have steak any time, after all.

He absolutely does not have it in him yet to put this ring on in front of Patrick, but he slips it on for a second right then like he’s sneaking something he’s not supposed to, snug over his middle finger, glinting and nondescript in a way that probably killed Patrick to choose.

untitled established relationship ficlet, by sorrylatenew

“I actually feel like a grownup right now.”

Jonny glances up from his menu, watches Patrick give the wine in his glass an exaggerated swirl.

“We’re at Olive Garden.”

The smile Patrick’s wearing goes wider, eyes sparked up in amusement. “Gonna front like you’re too bougie for the Garden even with that applesauce on your shirt, eh?”

Jonny smiles back, lifts a hand to scratch along the bridge of his nose with his middle finger.

“Wow. Check, please,” Patrick says. “I can’t be expected to share a booth with a man who treats his baby daddy like this on Father’s Day.”

“I’m gonna throw up,” Jonny deadpans.

“Aim away from the breadsticks.”

No Capes, by sorrylatenew

The room erupts in a flurry of movement and noise. He thinks Jonny takes his hand when one of the guards tries to take Jonny’s, but only knows that he does count Jonny’s fingers gripped against his own, for no reason he can name.

He counts the number of times the Queen slips into French, the number of times she says and screams that she “told him” once he realizes it’s something she’s repeating.

He counts the black marble tiles in the hallway as they pass them: forty-three before they’re stopped, before they lose one guard to hold off two men with two revolvers. Sixty-five before they lose the second.

Somewhere Down This Road, by sorrylatenew

Now that he’s here, he can’t even remember why it took him three days to get on the damn plane. He can’t remember why he ever let Jonny off his sight. It all seems so ridiculous. He’s embarrassed. But Jonny’s smiling, eyes crinkling at the corners, palm over Patrick’s heart. He’s still waiting, still patient. Maybe Jonny has learned how Patrick works by now. 10 years is a long fucking time. “I guess I’m—I’m late.”

“Yeah, you are.” Jonny says. He doesn’t sound angry about it. He surges up to kiss Patrick, once, light as a summer breeze, before leaning back again. “But you showed up, that’s all that matters. You came.”

– Bright, by stroganov

Title:Any Cost
Genre: Drama
Rating: T
Verse: 2003
Characters: Raphael, Donatello, Leonadro, Michelangelo, Splinter, Casey Jones, Renet Tilley, April O’Neil
Chapters: 6/6
Status: Complete
Summary: When the Hamato clan loses a brother, there are no barriers of space and time they will not cross to find him. There is no price too high to pay to get him back.

Genre: Family, Friendship
Rating: T
Verse: Mirage
Characters: Raphael, Donatello, Leonadro, Michelangelo, Renet Tilley, Lord Simultaneous, Splinter
Chapters: 4/??
Status: Incomplete 
Additional Tags: Original Characters, Altern Universe  
Summary: How much would really be different, if there had been five little turtles in the glass bowl that day? Renet thinks she knows the answer, and sets out to prove it - no matter how much or who it hurts. Mirage-verse, sequel to Sceptres and Strategies

Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: T
Verse: 2003
Characters: Leatherhead, Donatello
Chapters: 1/1
Pairing: One-sided Leatherhead/Donatello
Status: Complete
Summary: Oneshot. Slash one-sided . Leatherhead muses on the events of the “Good Genes” plotline and its impact on his heart. And on the turtle to whom he has lost himself…

 Title: Fade
Genre: Tragedy, Drama
Rating: T
Verse: 2003
Characters: Raphael, Leonardo
Chapters: 23/??
Status: Incomplete
Summary: The worst has finally happened, and those who remain are left both physically and mentally scarred. How does one cope? Is it even possible?

Title: Jouissance
Genre: Friendship, Romance
Rating: T
Verse: 2003
Characters: Raphael,  Joi Reynard
Pairing: Raphael/Joi Reynard
Chapters: 1/1
Status: Complete
Summary: From the beginning, everything they did together had had an energy, an intensity to it. He wouldn’t call it love, exactly… but that didn’t make it any easier to say goodbye. Raph X Joi

Title:No Use//fanfiction
Author: Fever To Write // fanfiction 
Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort
Rating: T
Verse: 2012
Characters: Donatello, Michelangelo
Chapters: 2/??
Status: Work in progress
Summary: Something isn’t right. Something was wrong -very wrong. His brother, the blabber mouth whose lips moved at 99 miles an hour while his brain went 100, wasn’t responding… Maybe it was the blood lost, yeah -he was just feeling a little tipsy… 2012 verse, no T-cest.
