#ravenclaw boy


Gryffindor: Italian 

It’s passionate and sounds warm / The words roll off of your tongue, perfect for cursing out an enemy or praising someone you love / Italian culture has a big emphasis on family, and Gry needs the people they consider their family to help them shine / Same fundamentals as the Slytherin French, but thefeeling is different, more fiery and based on outright expression rather than carefully chosen words

Ravenclaw: Korean (South Korean)

A pleasingly methodical language / But that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun or doesn’t allow for creative expression / Korean culture values respect and academic understanding, two things Ravenclaw knows are important in their view of the world / Attitudes of Koreans and Ravenclaws are surprisingly similar, with an appreciation for history and culture paired with excitement for the developments the future brings and a love of witty humour

Hufflepuff: Danish

The language sounds friendly and fun / Have you ever encountered the Danish word ‘hygge’? It pretty much sums up the way Hufflepuffs like to live their life: everyday cosiness, with an emphasis on doing what is enjoyable to create happiness / Naturally, this attitude helps create a homely, warm and welcoming atmosphere that others sense around Huffs / Often forgotten and underappreciated, but those who notice are always pleasantly surprised by the little gem they’ve found

(I think everyone can benefit from the concept of Hygge, find out more in this article by the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34345791  )

Slytherin: French

It’s a regal language, notoriously more difficult than it appears but so, so beautiful / Stuck up, but with good reason tbh / It’s a language of poetry, politics, and passion, but nothing seems done entirely spontaneously / There’s a feeling of a careful maintenance of appearances, but damn, they pull it off every time / Both have mastered the art of sounding like they’re complimenting you when they’re telling you how stupid you are

(I know this focuses predominantly on European languages, but I didn’t want to writ about languages I haven’t heard before and write something that misses the feel of the language/culture, but I’ll happily do one with other languages if you guys want :D )


Sit on their lap to give them perfect eyeliner / Write comebacks to rude messages / Hype them up before they speak to their crushes / Lend them my hats to spice up their outfits / Give them honest advice when they’ve made bad choices / Try to help them achieve their goals


Check the zodiac compatibility for their crushes / Listen to their weird dreams and try to interpret them / Write bad meme-filled fanfiction when they’ve had a bad day / Do intricate nail designs / Research anything they tell me they are a fan of / Lend them films so they can enjoy them, too


Speak to them loudly in French so they can avoid people / Make them feel better about their horrible flirting skills / Offer to be their second in a fight / Hold and massage their hand when they feel nervous / Redo their lipstick when they’re gonna see their crush / Send them wholesome memes


Bring in cookies on my birthday so they can have treats, too / Sing their favourite songs when they’re sad / Send them pictures of pretty flowers / Motivate them to do their goddamn homework / Draw cartoons of them on their birthday cards / Play with their hair when they need a nap / Be the sensible, sober friend
