#reach for the stars


I did this for my son who is only 16mo. I am unable to raise my daughter, thanks to bad family, so my son is my world. I want him to dream big and feel he can do anything he sets his mind to. So this is for him.

These past few months have been nothing but stressful. I am just way too involved. I am a Resident Advisor, a part of 3 clubs (exec board member of one) and I work part time (just 8 hours) and intern on the side for fun.

Shoot me now.

Why did I sign up for all of this? What was the purpose of me taking on all this responsibility in my last year? Is it because I don’t like to say no due to social pressure? Was it for the money (I ain’t gettting paid for any of this)? The experience? I need some answers. Even I myself can’t answer.

And attending a small school, comes with its perks, but also with its advantages. You know everyone. And I mean everyone on campus. Maybe you don’t necessarily know people by their name, but you’ve seen them at least once roaming about. And with my school being in a rural area, there’s not a ton to do. There’s like a solid like 50-100ish students who are actively involved on campus but a lot of students also don’t seem to care or have other interests. Many drive home or get off campus for the weekend or go out to the 3 bars we have in the town.

On top of all of this, I am in the process of preparing for my post graduate plans. Lots of exciting things will happen in the next few months but it all depends on the outcome of the scholarships I will be applying for. Read here if you’re interested.

Just 79 days left so I need to get my shit done, do well and get out. The time is right. I need someone to like come and do the remainder of the work for me. Or just give me the damn degree already. I feel like with the experience I have, I am more than qualified. Just give it to me. Please? Is that too much to ask for? I am so over school and I need to just get away.

I can just taste April 29th. So far yet so close. People always say that once I get out of school, that I will miss it. Honey,honeyhoneyhoneeeey. You don’t know me. I’ve already had a taste of the real world.

  1.  I have lived away for school for the past 4 years
  2.  I’ve always lived in a different state every summer since my freshman year of college on my own paying rent, using insurance to get my yearly checkups, etc 
  3. I lived abroad on my own for a year

I feel like those experiences alone has prepared me for my next chapter. Not to say that I’ve seen it all, but I have seen enough to strengthen me for the next big move. Does it suck? Why yes, no doubt about that, but I am so ready to be out of here.

Day 4 of the 15 Day Evillious Challenge REDUX.Today’s theme is: “Saddest moment”.T

Day 4 of the 15 Day Evillious Challenge REDUX.
Today’s theme is: “Saddest moment”.

The moment in question is Riliane finally receiving “Allen’s” letter in “The Letter she Kept Waiting for” moments before passing away.

My previous Saddest moment from 6 years ago was the Balled version of “Regret Message”, and it still is don’t get me wrong, but now it’s this after the song became canon.

I know this feels more heartwarming than sad, but it still manages to make me cry because after all these years, Riliane finally got the closure she needed right before she died of old age moments later. Even if the letter isn’t from Allen himself, it’s still made with good intentions in mind by the children whom she cared for and it broke my heart :’-)

Don’t believe me? Look it up, and I dare you all not to cry.

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