



stop insulting yourself. it doesn’t help.

But what if it’s true

it still doesn’t help. you can call yourself as many names as you want, but it won’t make you a better, happier, healthier or kinder person.

punishment doesn’t work. only positive reinforcement does. be kind to yourself and get better.

stop insulting yourself. it doesn’t help.

sometimes you just need to kick your own ass. “no, stop that, that’s silly.” “you’re being ridiculous.” “that’s not true.” try not to self-deprecate when correcting yourself sharply, but don’t be afraid to be firm. and if you can’t do it yourself, get a friend who’s ready to.

eat when you’re hungry. you need it.

God is good…even in the darkest of places and times..He is there..in hospital now..critical until a short time ago…my recovery is being called a miracle…yep..our God is an AWESOME God!


“Note to self: Stop overthinking everything. It will all be okay in the end.”


bjoerkbille:via pinterest


via pinterest

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“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

Jim Rohn


learning how to control your reactions to things that trigger you is how you heal


Not even kidding I’m so grateful for everything that I have rn but I’m really praying for more connections, more joy, more happiness, more love, more people, more energy, more life in the years to come and I know I will be receiving all of that + more
