#red riot


My Hero Academia

What makes My Hero so special is how every individual character is a main character in there own right. Every hero an even villain has there own motivations an back story…The last two episodes where some of the most powerful an inspirational episodes of this series an both of them didn’t envolve main characters…. My Hero is one of the rare shows that actually has characters that are truly easy to relate an connect with. From Suneater facing his anxiety to Red riot conquering his insecurity all these themes are genuine an relatable…

Mirror selfie with pro hero Red Riot

If this gets down I’m gonna cry


A lot of Kirishima!

 I’m a little bummed their full designs aren’t shown off here but I guess I’ll just have to make ano

I’m a little bummed their full designs aren’t shown off here but I guess I’ll just have to make another piece to do that ✨

Bakugou is based off a Dusky Batfish & Kirishima is a Tiger Rockfish!

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Day 6: InjuryTurns out I’ve been posting a day late all week! Last lil’ comic getting posted tomorroDay 6: InjuryTurns out I’ve been posting a day late all week! Last lil’ comic getting posted tomorro

Day 6: Injury

Turns out I’ve been posting a day late all week! Last lil’ comic getting posted tomorrow (´-ω-`)

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Day 3: Team Piece for @krbkweek2020! Not sure how I feel about the coloring yet but I am a big fan oDay 3: Team Piece for @krbkweek2020! Not sure how I feel about the coloring yet but I am a big fan o

Day 3: Team 

Piece for @krbkweek2020! Not sure how I feel about the coloring yet but I am a big fan of the Baku-Brow scar (҂-̀_-́ )

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Who wouldn’t want hot chip and boyfriend hoodie for their birthday honestlyEnjoy the bonus panel, I Who wouldn’t want hot chip and boyfriend hoodie for their birthday honestlyEnjoy the bonus panel, I

Who wouldn’t want hot chip and boyfriend hoodie for their birthday honestly

Enjoy the bonus panel, I couldn’t stop myself (๑꒪▿꒪)*

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The Favor of a God Pt. 1

Pairing: WolfHybrid/ForestGuardian!Kirishima x FemmWitch!Reader

Word Count: 1K

TW: slight mentions of violence. This is just a setup for the rest of the story. A lil’ bit of fluff at the end ❤

Author’s Note: This is one I started months ago and haven’t had too much motivation to finish. Maybe getting it out into the Tumblr void and people expressing interest will inspire me to actually finish! And it WILL get spicy so this is still 18+ MDNI!!!

Eijiro Kirishima hated humans. The small, foul-smelling menaces were a constant threat to the forest he was bound to. The forest was part of him… much like a mortal’s arm is connected to their body. So when the forest spirit saw you entering his lands from high on his windy clifftop, he was immediately suspicious.

He quickly shifted into wolf form and began his descent, fur bristling along his spine. He thought that leaving hunters along the edge of the tree line missing their throats was an effective deterrent. In fact, it had been years since one of your kind had dared entered here… Eijiro thought to himself that you were either ignorant to the tales of a viscous wolf-god who ate humans or had a death wish. He’d soon find out, he mused, licking his dagger-like fangs. He began to salivate at the thought of tasting human flesh again.

He could hear the rustle of leaves before he saw your cloaked form flitting through the tall trees. However, what puzzled the spirit was the smell… or to be more accurate, the lack of smell. Human smell was something he’d never forget. It burned his nostrils and made his eyes water. The smell of their pheromones and sweat and oils was abhorrent to him… so when the calming smell of herbs assaulted his senses, he questioned all together just what he was dealing with…

He sniffed, raising his muzzle to search the air for any signs of foreign smells… he closed his eyes, and a small whimper slipped through his teeth (surprising himself)… beneath the smell of herbs and flowers, he smelled… well, he smelled YOU. He’d never before encountered a more delicious fragrance. His mouth watered and his pupils engulfed his crimson irises. He wanted to feel your fingers in his fur… he wanted to run his nose along your thighs to inhale the source of your entrancing scent… he wanted to mount you, and….


What was he THINKING? You were a human. You were vile. Your kind brutalized the land and tore down everything that he was created to protect. He shook his head as if it would rid him of the scent that had invaded his entire body. He set his mouth in a grimace, determined to make an example out of you to other humans who were stupid enough to enter his home.

You walked and walked, deeper into the forest than any other human had been before. Ejiro told himself he’d let you come this far out of sheer curiosity. He wouldn’t admit to himself that he longed to see the face behind the hood. Finally, after what felt like hours, you stopped in a clearing and knelt. His head cocked to the side in confusion.

You laid out a woven cloth and placed various vials and crystals and herbs atop it. You were meticulous with how you arranged your materials. Eijiro had never seen a human act in such a strange manner. The next thing he noticed was that you carried no weapons or axes… if you weren’t here to take his trees or his creatures he protected, what could you possibly want?

He stayed watching as you bowed your head and lifted your hands in reverence… his heart did a little somersault in his chest. Were you… worshiping his forest? Several conflicting emotions washed over him at that moment, but he wasn’t able to process any of them before you slowly removed your hood.

You were stunning… your features were calm and delicate, not ugly and twisted like the hunters or the ax wielders he’d devoured before. He noticed how your hands worked, measuring out herbs, pouring water from a flask into the tiny bottles. As you worked he began to feel it… he felt the magic radiating from you. You had a faint glow all around your form as you prayed and worked. Gold tendrils snaked from your body along the forest floor, infusing everything they touched with energy. You were pouring your love and devotion into his forest, and in turn, into him.

Eijiro stood frozen in the edge of the clearing until the ceremony was over and you began packing your things away. As you clasped your bag shut, your eyes wandered over to where he stood. You were in awe at the magnificent creature. You knew immediately he was a spirit, a guardian of the forest. Your wide, surprised eyes met his flaming gaze. In an act of submission, you knelt before him.

“Great spirit,” you began, head still hanging low, “I beg permission to enter here and worship the mother tree. I swear to you that I bring no harm with me. If I ever do,” your head slowly raises, “slay me where I stand.” With that, you pulled out an ornate dagger, sliced your palm, and squeezed a few drops of blood into the soil.

The wolf spirit was truly stunned. How did you know exactly how to approach and communicate with high-ranking guardian spirits? You were a complete mystery to him. You raised your palm out towards him and he sniffed the shallow wound. It smelled like honey and lavender. His mouth watered and before he could register what he was doing, he licked over the cut… tasting the delicious blood and healing it at the same time.

“Thank you, Great One,” your warm smile and the devotion in your eyes caused a warmth to spread in his chest. A giggle escaped you as his wet muzzle met your neck, sniffing you all over while his tail wagged behind him.

“I guess this means I am welcome to worship here?” you spoke into his dark red fur as you scratched his sides. His eyes met yours again and he bumped your chin with his cold, damp snout. Your smile cast warmth over his whole being.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

Eijiro promptly curled up beside you in the soft grass and laid his head in your lap. You knew you wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon… but who cares what else there is to be done when you’ve won the favor of a god?

Been thinking about his lil hair horns and this is what happened

Dungeons and Dragons

let’s here it for drabble #100! Thank you so much for your support everybody! <33333

(also this may or may not be an excuse to write the mha fantasy au)
(also not me rewriting this three times because I couldn’t decide on what adventure I should take them on)


Danny yawned as he watched the sun rise over the horizon. He had decided to take first watch, but had unfortunately been too awake to fall asleep, so he decided to stay up with Midoriya, ever the early riser.

He had spent the entire shift scribbling away in his notebook. Not that Danny minded, of course. It was a nice background noise as daydreamed about what kind of treasure they might find on their journey.

As the sun rose, the others rose with it. Iida was the first, his movements slow and careful so he didn’t accidentally hit any of the armor pieces he had taken off the night before. Next was Bakugou, who had thrown his red cape over his shoulders and marched off into the forest in search of their breakfast. Uraraka was woken by Kirishima’s snoring, as well as the quiet chattering that happened as Danny started a fire to cook whatever Bakugou brought back. And when Bakugou returned, he kicked Kirishima in his side to wake him up, barking loudly at him at how it was unacceptable that he always rose so late, though the sun wasn’t even fully over the horizon yet.

“So, just a recap,” Kirishima said with a yawn, rubbing the back of his head. “We’re going on this mission for what?”

“It’s a rescue mission,” Danny explained. “There’s a town that’s supposedly under a horrible spell by an evil necromancer, and we’re supposed to free them.”

“And after that, we’re rich,” Uraraka stated happily, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she adjusted her hat.

“But that’s not the most important part,” Midoriya said, snapping his notebook shut. He slipped it into his pack and adjusted the leather strap that sat across his chest.

“We need to hurry,” Iida said, slipping his helmet on. He began untying their horses, and handing the reins to their respective owners. “The stories say he gets stronger at night.”


It was early evening when they finally reached the town. It was mostly deserted, with the remaining citizens running and hiding and their bright, colorful presence.

Kirishima tries to smile warmly at one of the townspeople, but they squeak in fright and slam the door in his face. Whoever had taken over this town had certainly done a number.

They do their best to stick to the shadows so they aren’t seen by the Shadow’s guard. They can’t get caught before they get the chance to sneak into the castle. Hell, even Bakugou is quiet. He of all people understand the stakes.

This is his kingdom after all.

Or, at least, it was.

Bakugou took the lead since he knew the kingdom the best. He took them through backroads and alleyways. Through secret entrances and under taverns, until finally, a couple hours later, they were sneaking their way through the dungeons under the castle.

“Do you seriously have to wear armor for this trip?” Bakugou asks as Iida shifts uncomfortably. The clanking of his armor is loud, and he’s sure that if the castle hadn’t been mostly empty, they would have been caught already.

“How else am I going to protect myself?” Iida hisses. “Besides, as a knight I need to keep my armor on at all times.”

“You took it off to sleep last night,” Midoriya points out. Iida goes red and sputters out a, “w-well. I need to keep my armor on at all times unless I’m sleeping.”

“Nice save,” Danny whispers to him, snickering.

“We should probably keep moving,” Midoriya points out. “The closer it gets to dusk, the harder it will be to beat this villain.”

“Nerd’s right,” Bakugou huffs. “Let’s go.”


The large double doors to the throne room open on their own. They can all feel the dark magic wafting off of it, though. Danny frowns as he grips his sword in one hand and his shield in the other.

The others have their weapons out, too. Uraraka has her wand, and Midoriya his own sword, though it looks ancient. Bakugou’s hands are sparking with fire, and Kirishima has his battle axe at the ready. Iida has his own sword, gleaming in the firelight.

“Ah, you’ve come to kill me, have you?” A deep, dark voice says. In the very back, sitting on the throne is a dark figure with a bird-like head, concealed in dark clothing that helps him blend in with the shadows more. He looks at them lazily, almost uncaring, but they can all see the sharpness to his gaze.

“We won’t have to if you just surrender now,” Bakugou snarls. The figure rolls his eyes and gets off the throne. He moves slowly but with purpose, closer and closer still, before stopping at the foot of the stairs that lead up to the royal throne.

“Do you know who I am, boy?” He asks.

“You’re Tsukuyomi,” Midoriya says, voice hard. He’s gripping his sword with both hands as his eyes scan the area around them, calculating.

“That I am,” Tsukuyomi says. “The master of shadows, and the last thing you will see before you die.”

That’s all the warning they get before a large shadow creature launches itself out of the shadows and towards the group. Danny blocks the attack with his shield and swipes with his sword, making a shallow slash. Dark Shadow hisses with pain, but does not let up.

Uraraka is quick to help him, sending spell after spell towards the shadow creature. The light makes it weaker, they find, and Danny uses his own magic to use against the shadow.

Meanwhile, Bakugou and Kirishima lunge towards Tsukuyomi at the same time. Bakugou’s hands spark while Kirishima is spitting fire. They manage to catch Tsukuyomi off guard as his cloak catches fire. He quickly sheds it, revealing pale muscled arms decorated in rings and bracelets. He lifts his hands, and they start to glow with a purple energy.

His attack misses Bakugou, but it hits Kirishima and sends him flying into Iida. They crash to the floor in a loud heap, followed by Kirishima’s groaning. But Bakugou doesn’t let them distract him, doesn’t let up for even a second.

He sends another bright blast towards Tsukuyomi, who is blinded by the brightness. Iida, who has recovered from his tumble with Kirishima, moves faster than anybody thought possible, slashing his sword down Tsukuyomi’s back.

Tsukuyomi cries out in pain as he falls to his knees. Blood drenches his clothes, and drips to the floor, but he still has some fight left in him. He makes a swipe for Iida, who just barely manages to dodge. It’s enough of a distraction for Bakugou to kick Tsukuyomi in his side, sending him sprawling.

“I got this!” Uraraka tells Danny as the shadow is once again pushed back. “You go help them!”

Danny nods and runs off, narrowly avoiding an attack the shadow sends his way. When he reaches the others, he quickly helps Kirishima to his feet before returning to the fray.

Bakugou attacks once more, but Tsukuyomi sees it coming this time. He throws up a shield with his magic, and the blast bounces right off. But He’s so distracted by Bakugou and his ferocity that he doesn’t see Danny coming in behind him.

Without hesitation, he sends his sword through Tsukuyomi’s back and out his chest, glowing with his own green magic. Tsukuyomi chokes on his blood, gargled and harsh. When Danny pulls his sword out, he falls to the floor, dead.


“You’re all free!” Bakugou yells out at the crowd that’s formed. “Tsukuyomi is dead! May we rebuild in peace, and keep moving forward! After all, it’ll take more than a little dark magic to destroy us!”

The townspeople cheer, louder than they have in weeks. The sun is shining brightly above their heads, with not a dark cloud in sight. Bakugou’s friends stand behind him, tall and proud as the crowd cheers them on.


“And that looks like a good stopping point,” Tucker says, closing his notebook. Around him, everybody but Bakugou whines.

“Dude, that was such a sick kill!” Kirishima says, clapping Danny on the shoulder. The dice tower Danny was in the middle of making gets knocked over with the movement, and Kirishima smiles at him apologetically.

“It was super satisfying,” he nods in agreement. “Sorry about your character, Tokoyami,” he ads, looking towards his friend.

“I was happy to become one with the darkness for one session,” Tokoyami tells him with an amused glint in his eye. “It seems that even in fantasy, the light is too much for the shadows to handle.”

“You killed us!” Dark Shadow whines, crossing their arms over their chest.

“You can make a new character if you ever decide you wanna play with us again,” Uraraka points out. That seems to cheer Dark Shadow up, and Iida nods enthusiastically.

“You took my kill!” Bakugou yells at Danny angrily.

“Should have killed him faster,” Danny shoots back with a shrug. But before Bakugou can lunge across the table to strangle Danny, Midoriya interrupts.

“That was so much fun! I have so many questions now! Do you mind if we hang out sometime this week so I can ask you?”

“I would love nothing more,” Tucker says, stacking his notebooks and gathering his dice. “Now, I have to run to my dorm before curfew. Same time next week?”

“Yes, that should work,” Iida tells him. Tucker nods, does a weird little handshake with Danny, and sprints out the doors of the 1-A dorms.

“So,” Danny grins, “How’s you like your first session of dungeons and dragons?”



Happy Halloween!  It’s Kirishima’s unbreakable! It was super hard to carve because all those detailsHappy Halloween!  It’s Kirishima’s unbreakable! It was super hard to carve because all those detailsHappy Halloween!  It’s Kirishima’s unbreakable! It was super hard to carve because all those detailsHappy Halloween!  It’s Kirishima’s unbreakable! It was super hard to carve because all those details

Happy Halloween!  It’s Kirishima’s unbreakable! It was super hard to carve because all those details are  … so very breakable! Oh the irony.  

 My last pumpkin this year  Bakugou next!! I’m off to buy another pumpkin, thank you @togaiswife for the support <3 omg XD!! Holy heck!

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