#bnha shinso hitoshi


MHA Masterlist-Main Masterlist

Here you will find all things Hitoshi Shinsou! Every oneshot, request, and multi-chapter fic I write about this purple-haired hero will be right here for you to see!


= Fluff

= Angst

= Includes Manga Spoilers

= Major Injury

= Death of a Character



Hitoshi Shinsou with a Hyper/Chaotic S/O Headcanons 


Sing To Me Event Portions:



Candy Hearts Club Portions:

Be Mine 


XOXO - Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Welcome to the fifth of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! Fifth up is Hitoshi Shinsou with the candy heart saying “XOXO”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt: The little notes slipped onto your desk by a secret admirer have you hiding your smile and twirling your hair. Just who is writing his way into your heart?

A/N: And here’s the sixth! This one I actually wrote with a friend on FT, so that was pretty fun! I am sorry to say that the final fic, Levi’s, will have to be postponed to tomorrow - I have some school work that has to be done tonight unfortunately, so only this one for now - but, the last fic of the Candy Hearts Club will be up tomorrow! I hope you all enjoy!

Word Count: 1.1K


You look exceptionally gorgeous today.

You have my heart.

Your smile lights up the room. 

At the end of each sweet note written on notebook paper is an XOXO. No name, no symbolism on who it could be. Just an anonymous, secret admirer, and it made you feel like a schoolgirl in a tropey romance movie. As soon as you found them on your desk, you’d sweep them up and put them straight into your backpack to save until you could read them in the privacy of your own dorm room. Each note held a special place in your heart, all of them either pulling you out of a particularly sad afternoon or lifting your already high spirits on a good day. They were so in tune with your feelings and said all of the right things that you had to savor them.

In a pretty little shoebox that you had just recently decorated and intended to be for UA memories, the notes lay. Folded up, scattered inside that pretty little box were the keys to your heart.

“What have you got there Y/N/N?” Your best friends teasing voice weaves its way into your ears as he snatches the folded bit of notebook paper. Filled with a sense of urgency you take it right back from him and hold it close to your heart.

“None of your business, that’s what.” You respond, eyeing your friend warily. However, if there’s something that Hitoshi Shinsou doesn’t do, it’s quit.

“Nope,” he says, popping the p to further annoy you, “you’ve got something juicy don’t you.” He says, prying further. You bring up your foot to push him back as far away from you as you could so he’s basically across from you in the little study room you two were supposed to be reviewing material for the upcoming test in.

“It’s nothing,” you say, shaking your head to try and get his attention off of you. It was a stupid, stupid decision to open it up with him around - you just couldn’t wait anymore to read it. But just as you were about to unfold the carefully folded paper, he just had to set his eyes upon it.

“It’s certainly not nothing since you’re blushing like a fool over there.” Your eyes narrow at his words and you cross your arms.

“I am not a fool, that is for sure. This is all warranted.” You proclaim, motioning to your face.

“Why, did you get a bad grade on your report card or something?” He asks, clearly trying to get you to reveal what exactly was in the little piece of paper. And finally, you relent.

“It is a love note okay? There, I said it. And it kinda means a lot to me, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to keep it private.” Clear passion leaking from your voice, Shinsou’s gaze towards you turns from playful teasing to one of utter shock. “You don’t believe me,” you scoff, rolling your eyes.

“N-no, I believe you.” You raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Uh huh, sure. Wait there, I’ll be back.”

In your hands, the shoebox. In front of you, a visibly sweating Shinsou.

“You wanted proof? Here’s proof.” You huff, flipping the lid open.

“I never wanted proof,” Shinsou mumbled but one look from you shushed him.

“See? Love notes. Loads of ‘em. It’s not a one time thing, not a joke. Some guy in this school really loves me, and dammit, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him too!”

“What if you don’t even know him?” The purple-haired boy prompts, causing you to pause for a moment. What if you didn’t know him? Maybe he was just some rando who decided to use you on a case study to see if a love note would affect a person’s work ethic or psyche. But, you had a feeling he wasn’t something about the way a voice seemed to be in his words and even the writing - it seemed so… familiar.

“I still think I’d love him.” When Shinsou looks at you, he sees a girl in love, and he loves that expression on your face. He loves that, secretly, he was the one who put that there.

“Hey Y/N/N.”

“Do. Not. Tease me.”

“I won’t. But just hear me out.” You settle into the chair next to him and prop your head up on the back of it. “What if you found out that I was the one that sent you those letters.”

“I told you not to make fun.” You sigh, but the Shinsou come closer to you.

“I’m not.” A beat of silence passes and the tension in the room is so thick it would have to take a meat cleaver to cut through it.

“Prove it.” You whisper. He nods and swivels his chair around to the desk, ripping out a piece of paper from his notebook. It’s horrible, painstaking seconds before he folds the piece of paper and places it gently in the palm of your hand, curling your fingers around it. Swallowing deeply, you unfold the paper and you suck in your breath. The handwriting is identical. You hear Shinsou’s sarcastically wonderful voice hold true through the graphite words. But something was missing. You don’t even realize that your eyes are misting when you look back up at him.

“You forgot to put the XOXO.” Without hesitation, Shinsou cups both of your cheeks with his hands, almost cradling them, and kisses you. It’s the kind of kiss that knocks you off your feet and like your gasping for air after drowning in the ocean. It’s over quickly, lasting for only a second, and you’re shell shocked as he pulls away from you. “I guess there they are,” you say, breathless.

“So you love me then?” He poses, a grin appearing across his face.

“Well I know you love me. What with all of your ‘you make my heart sing’ notes.”

“Did I say that? I don’t think I did,” He quips, gathering you up into his arms. You laugh and grab the shoebox, holding it close to the both of you.

“I could probably dig into this and fish one out,” you joke back, earning a laugh from him.

“I think it’s cute you kept them all. I thought you’d at least thrown one out by now,”

“No way!” You protest, playfully slapping his arm. “You took a lot of time writing those and thinking about them. Unless you just searched up a list of cute sayings.”

“Never, Y/N/N.” You sigh and let yourself fully lean against him, relishing in his embrace. “XOXO, Toshi.”




❤ Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist! ❤





Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​ ~ All-Flora Florist


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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Welcome to the third of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! Our third boy up is Hitoshi Shinsou with the candy heart saying “Be Mine”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt: Shinso doesn’t do overly lovey-dovey stuff. He’s not a ‘show up at your door with a bouquet of flowers and a heart box full of chocolate’ type of guy. But now he has you, and well… he’s just a little more romantic nowadays.

A/N: Hi guys! Here is the third part of the Valentine’s Day event! Again, I’m so sorry this is coming out a bit later than expected, but it’s here nevertheless! There will be more works coming out in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day, so be on the lookout - I hope you all enjoy, and as always, just comment or message me if you’d like to be added to the masterlist! ENJOY!!!

Word Count: 1.3K

When Shinsou thought about the whole “boyfriend” gig, it wasn’t really his speed. Everything from the media to real life has told him that boyfriends are supposed to be taking their significant others out on dates every other week and buying them jewelry and showing up at their doors with flowers every morning. Frankly, to him, it seemed exhausting. That’s why when he thought about getting into a relationship, he would make sure it would be chill and casual, nothing to stress about or sweat over. 

But then you came along and so quickly did he drop those thoughts of casualty. It’s like everything about you makes him melt into a puddle. Your academic prowess makes him impressed beyond belief as he’s able to sit back and marvel as you answer every question Present Mic poses you. Your ability to hang out with absolutely anyone and manage to have a good time - which is saying something since Monama and Bakugou are looped into that bunch - makes him smile. Everything you do makes him want to shower you in love and affection all the time - which was a completely unnatural and terrifying feeling to him… but also exciting.

Walking around with you by his side and his arm wrapped around your waist gave him such a high he couldn’t explain it. Maybe it had something to do with the competing aromas of the different plants and flowers that found purchase within the beautiful plant conservatory the two of you were walking around in. Maybe it was the type of perfume you always wore - vanilla with a bit of honey. Maybe it was just you.

“This place is beautiful, Toshi. How’d you find out about it?” You wondered, taking in the gorgeous morning glories and tulips and daisies. They all looked so delicate - like a single nudge could bring them down, so you refrained from touching them. The smile on your face was one of pure content.

“Must’ve seen it in the newspaper or something - I just remembered it was opening here in Musutafu.” Lies, pure lies was what he was spouting. He had this place bookmarked ever since he caught a whiff of it on “date-night Japan”, a website that let people know the new outings and excursions that were opening up all across the country. It was something he knew you’d like and boy was he correct.

“Well, I’m glad you remembered - this is absolutely breathtaking.” You marvel, spinning around a bit. Your light-as-a-feather sundress swishes along with you and Shinsou can’t help but grin.

“You’re adorable.” He says, grabbing your hand and leading you along to another section of the conservatory.

“Hold on, what was that?” You ask, a cheeky smile on your face. Your boyfriend rolls his eyes and squeezes your hand.

“You know what I said.” He says, watching you pull back your hair a bit to smell a tiger-lily, careful to not let a strand touch the stunning flower. You sigh as the lovely scent works its way through your senses.

“Hmm, maybe,” you hum, your eyes still on the flower. “Maybe I just wanted to hear you say it again.” You remark, walking a bit in front of him. He jogs a bit to catch up to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder, pressing a kiss into your hair.

You’re adorable,” he whispers into your ear, sending a little chill down your spine. Your cheeks redden and laugh.

“Okay lover boy, let’s check out the little café. I know you’ve been dying to do so since we got here.” Shinsou squeezes your shoulders again and leads you right on over to the stall-like thing. The menu looked close to perfection - croissants and scones and crépes were available for purchase along with several different types of coffee and tea.

“If you grab us a spot on that terrace thing I’ll bring us back some food.” He says, nodding his head towards the outdoor patio-like place that was basking in pure sunlight.

“I can pay for my own stuff Toshi,” you protest, but earn a little push from him.

“What kind of guy would I be if I didn’t pay for my date?” He says, chuckling at your lips that were pulled into an irritated frown.

“A guy who would let their date pay for him because the date wants to.” Shinsou just waves his hand nonchalantly and reaches the other to grab his wallet from his jean pocket.

“I’ll be back, five minutes tops.” He says, holding up his hand to show five fingers. You smile and roll your eyes.

“Fine. I’ll cave, but just this once.” You say, spinning on your heel and heading towards one of the iron garden chairs.

The sun feels lovely on your face as you bask in it, your head hanging over the back of your chair. The warmth is splendid and there’s not a cloud in the sky… but somehow, a shade pours over your skin. Taking a peek by just opening one of your eyes, you squint at the being interrupting the sun.

“Am I spoiling your sunshine?” Shinsou asks, looking down at you with a toothy grin. You stick out our tongue and sit up in your chair.

“How can you when you are my sunshine.” You say in a teasing tone, causing Shinsou to fake gag. You laugh as he slides an iced coffee and a crèpe towards you while keeping a cup of chamomile tea and a chocolate croissant for himself. “Thank you,” you say, taking a sip of your coffee and a careful bite of your crèpe so as to not spill anything on your dress. You feel his foot link around your ankle, initiating a game of footsies with you - which you accept. It’s quiet and nice - like most of your time spent with your boyfriend. Your whole relationship has felt this comfortable - from the first date you took to now, one year later, it has been utterly perfect for you.

“What are you thinking about?” Shinsou asks, nudging your foot a little bit and looking at you. You’re brought back to the moment so you smile and shake your head. You prop your head up with your hand, your elbow resting on the glass table.

“Nothing really,” you hum, nudging his foot with yours.

“C’mon,” he says, giving you a look, “humor me.” You sigh and reach across the table to grab his hand. It’s a little bigger compared to yours and the tops of his palms are calloused from his continuous use of his binding cloth during training.

“I’m just really happy.” You admit, earning a content grin from Shinsou.

“Cause you have food and are sitting in the sun? You’re like a cat.” He quips, resulting in you pressing your nails into his palm, effectively getting him to quiet down.

“Because I have you. You’re genuinely one of the best people I’ve ever known.”

“Sunshine, you’re making me blush.” He says, standing up and walking over towards you. Then, from his pocket, he reveals a morning glory flower. Your eyes go wide.

“Toshi what the hell?! We’re not supposed to pick any of the plant life!” You whisper-scream, covering the flower with your hands.

“Re-lax I got it from the little café over there. They’re in season and the guy gave it to me for free, so,” He says as he tucks the flower behind your ear. He leans down a bit so he’s eye level with you and his face is close to yours. “Hey Morning Glory,” he murmurs, giving you a sweet kiss. It’s the kind that pulls you in for more, like two gentle waves lapping over each other in the ocean. It’s making you feel so much more comorted, so much more warm than the sun beaming down could ever give you. It’s utterly romantic. He breaks a part, gives you one more peck on the lips, and looks at you with such adoration in his eyes. “Be mine?” He asks, making you giggle.


Event Taglist:

❤ Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist! ❤





Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@vdoesthings​ ~ All-Flora Florist

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

MHA Masterlist-Main Masterlist

WARNINGS: Nothing!

Requested by: @smallxbunny

Hihi~! So I saw that your requests is open, so I was wondering if you could write Hitoshi with a hyper/chaotic S/O headcanons, hope you have a nice day btw~~ <333

A/N: Hey hey!!! So sorry these took longer than I thought they would, but omg they were so fun to make! I hope you all enjoy these fun headcanons and let me know if you want more posts like these or a part two!

  • So we all know Shinsou is kind of unbothered with most things, so dating someone who has a lot of energy wouldn’t be completely out of the question
  • Relies on you as his morning alarm
    • When he needs to get to early morning training, has an early class, etc. you’re always there with a smile on your face and coffee or caffeinated tea in hand
  • Sleepovers/chill nights in watching a movie are not always easy since sitting still isn’t something you’re keen on doing
    • But, over time, he’s found tips and tricks that help you relax and enjoy just hanging out on the couch with him
    • Weighted blankets do wonders
  • Sometimes your competing personalities can lead to arguments - especially when it comes to dates
    • The both of you will have something planned, but then Shinsou’s social battery kind of runs out and he’ll call for a rain-check
    • You, however, are game for anything anytime so you can get pretty frustrated when he’ll cancel stuff like this
    • However, in the end, the both of you will just settle for a breakfast date the next morning at the cafe you both like
  • Speaking of dates, the both you and Shinsou will plan dates that appeal to both of you
    • Some of these dates include:
      • Cat cafés (you get to be out and about, Shinsou can hang with cats)
      • Aquariums (You get to mill about and ask the staff questions about all the animals, Shinsou can stay happily in the darker lighting)
      • Picking fruit (The sun beating on your face is so pleasant and you get to go climbing in trees to find the best apples and peaches, Shinsou gets a yummy snack along the way)
  • When it comes to hero training, he is so in awe of you
    • The way you can bounce back from anything is so admirable
    • But, there are times when you don’t get immediately back up and he gets super worried
    • Because you are hyper, this can lead to you overworking yourself and being quite exhausted – which he can absolutely understand
    • During times like these, he’ll carry you either on his back or koala style into his dorm – since it’s definitely the coziest, and let you sprawl out on his bed while he plays video games or reads
  • Now – for your chaotic side
  • Oh, Shinsou is always there with you whenever you’re messing with other people or playing pranks on others.
    • He’ll never use his quirk to pull anything off – he thinks that’s lazy and lacks effort, even for him
    • The two of you create MASTERMIND level pranks
    • And, when your plans finally fall into place – which they always do – he’ll give you a searing kiss on the lips and hold your hand, pulling you along to get a picture of whichever poor UA student fell into your clutches  
  • Ok general relationship stuff now
  • He was scared shitless to ask you out the first time
    • He didn’t really think that he was the kind of person that you would want to date
    • However, you saw that the chill and tired personality he has was really attractive to you
    • The way he asked you out was sweet and a little awkward, since he was looking at the floor basically the entire time, but your enthusiasm for the date reassured him
  • It was a bit tough for the two of you to fall into an easy relationship rhythm
    • As aforementioned, dates and canceling them, love languages, and all that kind of stuff clashed with the two of you
    • Finally, after a month or so of phone tag and miscommunication, the two of you sat down and talked it out, explaining what you and Shinsou saw in a relationship
    • From there one out it was smooth sailing
  • You, due to your hyper/chaotic nature, are very go with the flow and live in the moment
    • Shinsou has you future lives already planned
    • First shared home, wedding, married life – everything
    • He is so in love with you and so whipped for you that he knows every little detail about things you love
      • Favorite flower? He knows it
      • Color? Oh come on, he’s not an amateur
      • Food or snacks? He’s got all of it cataloged and stocked up in his mini fridge in his room
  • Through everything, where you’re similar and where you’re different, he loves you and you love him so so freaking much


@luluwiie​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@softvanlla​​​ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff ~ All-Flora Florist

@smallxbunny​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@palenightmarepersona​​​ ~ All-Flora Florist, All-Tree Arborist

Now did I take a reference photo for this drawing in the middle of the night cause my cat came to sleep on me and I thought big Shinso vibes? Yes, yes i did. And its the most disturbing photo i have of myself lol literally looks like some creep took it

MHA characters reacting to you sending love memes



Katsuki Bakugo

Hitoshi Shinsou



Helloooooo peep bakugos pfp it was made by an amazing artist @ gaysony on insta

And I my be apart of her cult but don’t snitch

Also I have a mha and haikyuu taglist so if you want to be added to either just lmk
