#red white and royal blue


I have a question:

What is the name of the red, white and royal blue fandom community and those of us who belong to it? If we don’t have it, should we start discussing it?

For these reasons I am awake in the early morning

No one:

Absolutely no one:

Alex on the way home from law school: So sue meeeee For looking too pretty tonight, Wearing your favorite color under the lights For moving on, doing everything riiiiight So sue meeeee For being good friends with your friends, and running into you the place that we met, for being something you can’t forget, so sue meeeee sue me, baby

Ok, but Casey said that the Henry in his head was ✨Jude Law in the 90's✨ soooo…

Henry at Philip's weddingALT

Are you telling me that’s what Henry would look like as a kid? ❤️


Apparently people complained that Joe Locke wasn’t “handsome enough” to play Charlie Spring. Now people is complaining that Taylor Zakhar Perez is “too attractive” to play Alex Claremont-Diaz. It sounds as if people just like to complain.


17. Alex Claremont Diaz

“In an instant of sudden, vivid clarity, he can’t believe he ever thought he was straight.”

- Alex, me and every bi person ever

Y'all I’m rereading RWRB and I’m in my feelss


i dont i will ever be able to mentally prepare myself for the alex storming kensington scene.

i mean, reading it in a book is one thing, but watching it play out in a fucking movie—? like, actually seeing the pain in their eyes, and hearing their voices break as they try not to cry.

and if thats not enough, the emails leaking, seeing henry having a panic attack, i mean, everything will just leave me grossly sobbing.

red, white & royal blue official casting announced!!!!!

a group of middle aged white women just walked past me raving about red white and royal blue. this is what society has come to and I am proud

can’t believe I’m going to finally hear, “I love him on purpose” on screen

this is how we celebrate pride month, history huh?

firstprince quoting old works and literature in their freaking emails will never get old

The casting for Prime’s Red, White, and Royal Blue adaptation dropped and it’s an interesting choice. At least the actor for Alex is Mexican.

I need a MDZS/The Untamed Red, White and Royal Blue AU because god the parallels I can’t even


red, white & royal blue official casting announced!!!!!

alex claremont-diaz went through a weird phase where he would carry around a fountain pen and obnoxiously sign things with it

he would be at a coffee shop and the barista would be like “please sign this receipt” and offer him a pen

but he would whip out a fountain pen from god knows where, and then sign the receipt with the ink smudging everywhere because it’s not meant to be used on receipt paper

Any RWRB fans see this?

Alex & Henry - movie cast

Our Flag Means Deathrenewed.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians casting news.

Red, White and Royal Blue casting confirmations.

And we are only in the second day of June!! This month is going to be wild.
