
“A culture that is merely preserved is no culture at all.” - Mark Fisherlaurabrowne.co.uk

“A culture that is merely preserved is no culture at all.” - Mark Fisher


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• Referendum Comitato Sì Aboliamo la Caccia

Manca poco ma quel poco sembra non arrivare mai. La distanza che ci separa dall'obiettivo può essere colmata con qualche firma ancora contro una pratica (per carità, non chiamiamolo sport!) barbara e anacronistica. Per noi stessi, per gli animali, per l'ecosistema o per quel che volete ma firmate, firmate firmate! Anche online, bastano pochi minuti e serve un ultimo sforzo per difendere la vita, non soltanto degli animali ma anche degli umani, visto il numero degli incidenti mortali che si verifica ogni anno. Forza, dunque, armiamoci di buona volontà e facciamo un altro piccolo sforzo

NOT AT HOME is an installation by Grace Dyas in Temple Bar. Today I walked passed hundreds of messag

NOT AT HOME is an installation by Grace Dyas in Temple Bar. Today I walked passed hundreds of messages from Irish women and their supporters - a deafening cacophony of voices urging to finally Repeal the 8th. Ireland, please listen today and vote with compassion.

#repealthe8th #together4yes #womensrights #ireland #referendum #vote #voting #yescampaign #gracedyas #notathome (at Temple Bar)

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On uncertainty and things that may cause problems and my constant strive not to be worried

This is a text in defense of EU migration to the UK I wrote when I still had hope, on the last day before the referendum day: I think there are some misconceptions around EU migration to the UK that I feel I should counter. TL;DR: how the EU migrants are not so bad as some people would like everybody to believe. There is no narrative from the other perspective, I am afraid. But I am brave and I…

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A Syriza rally in Rethymno, Crete (1/7/15) encouraging Greeks to vote NO (ΟΧΙ) to the bailout condit

A Syriza rally in Rethymno, Crete (1/7/15) encouraging Greeks to vote NO (ΟΧΙ) to the bailout conditions proposed by the Troika (EU/ECB/IMF). Alex Tsipras’ decision on Saturday 27th June to call a referendum on the (now expired) bailout offered by Greece’s creditors threw the country into turmoil. ATMs were emptied over the weekend by people desperate to get access to their savings, and banks were shuttered as capital controls were imposed the following Monday. The Greek government’s refusal of the bailout offers proposed lead to the country defaulting on an IMF debt repayment at Midnight on Tuesday 30th June, plunging Greece further into crisis. The referendum will take place on Sunday 5th June, with some analysts predicting a ‘No’ vote (as encouraged by the Syriza government) would see Greece exiting the Euro and thus the EU and Eurozone. The Greek government deny this, with Prime Minister Tsipras asserting that he remains committed to keeping Greece in the European Union.

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Il Fatto Quotidiano 17 Ottobre 2014

Il Fatto Quotidiano 17 Ottobre 2014

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Duras palabras. Grazie al compagno C. Cianetti per l'immagine #catalunya #referendum #españa #madrid

Duras palabras.

Grazie al compagno C. Cianetti per l'immagine

#catalunya #referendum #españa #madrid #barcelona #felipevi #rey #hipdem #hipster #meme #tapas #food

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Quando I referendum sono troppi o troppo pochi Segnalata dal Compagno R. Cappellotto #Mentana #marat

Quando I referendum sono troppi o troppo pochi

Segnalata dal Compagno R. Cappellotto

#Mentana #maratonamentana #la7 #catalogna #catalunya #referendum #barcellona #barcelona #Politica #1o

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Somos como la guardia civil en Barcelona

Opera del compagno @mirkodilillo , che ringraziamo

#referendum #catalogna #catala #referendumcatalunya #català #barcellona #spagna #españa #madrid #thegiornalisti #tommasoparadiso #fabrifibra #pamplona #corrida #guardiacivil #polizia

#català    #madrid    #guardiacivil    #polizia    #catala    #tommasoparadiso    #pamplona    #thegiornalisti    #fabrifibra    #españa    #corrida    #catalogna    #referendumcatalunya    #spagna    #barcellona    #referendum    


Tutto quello che ho da dire sui #referendum viene espresso qui.

Here is the second picture for #inktober. The word of the day is #divided.I pictured two dogs bein

Here is the second picture for #inktober. The word of the day is #divided.
I pictured two dogs being divided during a walk - a #pug and… does anyone know the left one’s #breed? Something small and barky?
Meanwhile Andy decided to raise more serious political and moral questions on the subject of police beating up unarmed Catalans on the day of their #independence #referendum.
А вот inktober за второй день. Слово дня - divided:
Я нарисовала разлучаемых на прогулке собак - мопсика и… кто подскажет мне породу первой собаки? Что-то маленькое и громкое.
А Анди решил поднять острые политические и нравственные вопросы, и посвятил свой рисунок теме избиения мирных протестующих каталонцев полицией на референдуме по независимости.

#illustration #illustrationart #topcreator #illustrator #vsco #arteurbano #artcreation #creativeart #artprocess #artbasel #sketchingart #art_empire #artjournal #artdiary #art_we_inspire #artapproved #illistration_daily #inktober2017 #иллюстрация #artist_features #catalonia #cataloniaisnotspain #dogpeople #владельцысобак (at Moscow, Russia)

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