#regional gothic


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•Leave all your belonging outside the door

• If you take anything in you won’t ever get it back

• Don’t force open any locked doors, they’re locked for a reason

• Bring string to help you find your way out, or you’ll never be able to leave

• If you see children try to ignore them, they’re not human

• Watch for the janitor and make sure he never sees you, if he sees you he’ll hunt you after you leave

• Stay out of the morgue, you’ll be stuck in a work other than your own

• Never sleep in the building, you may never wake up from your slumber

• If you see residual patients leave them alone, and don’t ever try to help them leave

• Before you leave check all your pockets, they will leave things in there

• Don’t visit the building more than twice a month, and never in the same week

• When you go home keep your lights on the rest of the night, they attack in the dark

Night Driving Gothic

  • It’s pitch black outside and you swear it’s the middle of the night. How could it only be 5:30?
  • You check your backseat to make sure no one’s in your car before you get in. You lock the doors before you start driving. Apparently you didn’t look long enough.
  • The same car passes you over and over again. It turns the opposite direction at every intersection. You find it parked in your driveway when you get home.
  • Where were you headed again? You’re on autopilot when you realize you don’t know where you are anymore. It’s too dangerous to turn around.
  • You make the mistake of looking in your rear view mirrors too many times.
  • You merge onto the highway and you’re the only car in sight. You feel eerily alone.
  • But they watch from the shadows.
  • Nobody sees their glowing eyes.
  • “They’re just parking lights. Cars pulled over on the side of the road”
  • Why does no one see them?
  • Was that a man or a cryptid? You keep driving after they run in front of you.
  • The radio plays the same song on repeat. The host sounds like he’s being held against his will. You can’t bear to listen but you can’t bear the consequences of silence, either.
  • You left an hour ago.
  • You should be there by now.
  • It’s only 5:30.






  • essential supplies include: plenty of food and water, a change of socks, a hat, rope, bandaids, a knife, gloves, an acorn in your pocket, and an offering
  • there are always odd noises on the farm. half of them come from the animals
  • try to forget what the lake looks like between the hours of three and four AM
  • never ever find yourself alone in the milking shed in the south end of the farm. time passes differently there
  • if you happen to hurt yourself in your exploration, make sure you do not bleed onto the dirt
  • bring plenty of water, you do not want to drink from there
  • the cows will watch you, this is normal
  • close every gate you open, even if the fields are empty. don’t ever leave one open behind you, just trust me
  • beware unstable rocks, the cracks tend to be filled with insect nests
  • bring a weapon with you, but no guns
  • if you see someone else while exploring, never tell them your name. you can never be sure if they are real or not, and further out you go, the less real they will seem. the patupaiarehe have evolved in cruel and unusual ways
  • do not go inside the empty share-milkers cottages, whatever you do, do not go inside. something else lives there now
  • a tree with the undersides of its leaves showing mean that a storm is coming. a tree with no leaves means the storm has already come
  • sometimes the hills look like they’re moving. be aware of this, because some things don’t like to be disturbed
  • do not sleep under the full moon, in fact, just don’t sleep on the farm
  • finding skulls is normal, only become worried when you start finding ribs
  • if you find yourself lost in a forest, continue walking in a straight line until you are free again. the trees may make it look as though you are going in circles, but i promise you’re not. ignore the soft music you can hear
  • your phone won’t work out here
  • the ghosts from the land wars won’t harm you, but be sure to show them respect
  • don’t take anything from the farm with you when you leave. just be grateful you have made it out alive

This is labeled as New Zealand Gothic so there are a few things specific to NZ here, but I live in Michigan and let me tell you. This isn’t a joke, not is it region specific. There is a farm my father has visited since childhood that never felt right. He once saw a black mass that they don’t like to talk about. A few years ago a swarm of flies attacked his tent one morning while he was camping with a friend. That same day, he became suddenly and violently ill. He brought whatever attached itself to him back home and it didn’t leave until we did a full cleansing ritual.

Do not fuck around on farm land. Especially if you don’t know what was on that land before it.


I actually need to add to this because there’s some stuff the locals out in Missouri told me.

  • around dawn/dusk/twilight if you feel something behind you, don’t turn around.  Even if you are in an open field
  • you hear a woman crying in the woods, hope that its probably a cougar.  dont go looking for it
  • avoid the woods around these farmlands if you can
  • dont cross streams
  • try not to be there around the evening time.  whatever you’re feeling will get worse and might follow
  • if you’re religious, don’t bring any artifacts of such if you can.  crosses etc.  it can upset whatever is there.  
  • I dont care how pretty the rock is, don’t pick it up
  • avoid going in most buildings.  not just the ones listed above.  especially barns.  look in, look around, don’t physically walk in there. not only is it structurally unsafe, you don’t know whats hiding in there.  corporeal or not.
  • lastly, before you leave.  check your belongings and pockets and anywhere anything you can stash stuff in. chances are you will be missing something, that’s normal.  if you had something there you didn’t before.  sometimes they just happen to be there even with no recollection.  get rid of it on that land, not off of it!

