#respect the miniature

With uni behind me forever I am finally back on the painting ball. Celebrated by painting up a stupiWith uni behind me forever I am finally back on the painting ball. Celebrated by painting up a stupi

With uni behind me forever I am finally back on the painting ball. Celebrated by painting up a stupidly small ammo runt and his similarly pathetic boar for my kill squad. Digging his studded leather boar jacket though. forgot to mention that I’ve made an instagram account for my warhammies! Feel free to give me a follow, I update more regularly there than here https://instagram.com/savage_ork_guy/

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infiniteflesh:“Purple Dragon Dick” ie, the neck of my Slaanesh Heldrake


“Purple Dragon Dick” ie, the neck of my Slaanesh Heldrake

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Some people like their orks green.  Some people like them purple But we don’t see those orks, Some people like their orks green.  Some people like them purple But we don’t see those orks, Some people like their orks green.  Some people like them purple But we don’t see those orks, Some people like their orks green.  Some people like them purple But we don’t see those orks,

Some people like their orks green. 

Some people like them purple

But we don’t see those orks, because purple is da sneakiest colour.

(making progress on my waagh but i have to go back to uni and i dont wanna i just wanna paint my space orks and listen to sabaton help me

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