

-.✦・。゚MGA season 5: episode 4
            post performance interview
            mentioned: @rksihyeon,@rkxsnh,@rkhyeon


The time spent with Sia had been nothing but a walk on rose petals, the two of them worked a whole lot better than she could ever have imagined. With her difficulties trusting in others she’s been pleasantly surprised and with time, should she pass to the next round, maybe Ryujin can say that she genuinely look forward to working with other people. “Sia unnie was amazing, she took good care of me throughout the time that we had together making sure that I rested well~ She’s not only a great vocalist but she’s also so caring and easy to work with, I was lucky to be paired with her this week.” She smiles, and heaves a breath. “But while I was lucky I hope that she won’t suffer from being paired with me, she has been by the top three two weeks in a row already so the pressure and expectations are high. I hope that our duo were satisfying.”


“Ah… Was I the only one who saw HYEJOO’s transformation? The stare she get when she’s getting serious gives me the chills, it’s just too breathtaking. Not to mention the performance itself with HOHYEON, I wish that I could have been part of that myself.” Ryujin is biased, she definitely is because Olivia is her very best friend in the whole wide world; that doesn’t mean though, that she don’t meant what she say. Friendship aside, Ryujin believes that the other is  underrated by far and that she deserve much more credit than she has received. 


The answer to this is fairly obvious to her but Ryujin decides against speaking up her mind. It was such a shame she thinks, that they made a mistake so big. 

-.✦・。゚MGA season 5: episode 4, outfit             performing ed sheeran “cross me” ft Chance The Rap

-.✦・。゚MGA season 5:episode 4,outfit
            performing ed sheeran “cross me” ft Chance The Rapper + PNB Rock
            with @rksihyeon (lyrics + line distribution)
          mentioned briefly: @rkxsnh​,@rkhyeon​,@rkyeji

Surviving to the next episode again and again has always been expected by the teen but the further into the competition she comes, the more anxious she honestly becomes. Working as pairs proves to be difficult for her even if her partners are the sweetest things, having had the experience of being betrayed before she can’t help but wonder if she will be once again. Last week she was paired with Sakura who she already know and are close friends with, which in honesty did make things a little easier, but when doubled with a stranger Ryujin was sceptical. The trust that she ultimately need to have in others has been so swindled to the point where it sincerely is difficult even trusting in her friends and aquaintances 

She learned rather quickly that her worries were unjust though, when she started working with Sia she noticed right away that the two of them get along well and that they do have each other’s success at best interest. Ryujin is a team player, she know that it is how they will make progress and it is simply who she is as a person– she will do whatever she can to make sure that not only does she pass to the next phase, but that her partner does as well. And that has nothing to do with the fact that they are eliminated in pairs this season. They practice mostly at 1MILLION dance studio, which is practically where Ryujin has grown up– having started dancing there at nine years old she is familiar there, and was the one to suggest it.

With the summer heat Ryujin made sure that they kept cool and relaxed by bringing the pair a chilled drink each, fruity smoothies for Sia and iced mocha lattes for herself. In return, the elder saw to it that the teen was well and sufficiently rested throughout their time together as a pair. In one way they behaved like friends who genuinely cared about each other’s well being– which ultimately is their stage concept as well, best friends who don’t let anyone in the way of their friendship. Both of them came with song suggestions, Ryujin proposing Ariana Grande’s song “Side to Side” but felt more inclined towards Sia’s option of Ed Sheeran’s “Cross Me” with Chance The Rapper + PNB Rock though both would be good alternatives.


Seated next to Sia in their assigned seats Ryujin think that they look so darn cute in their matching outfits, the elder wearing the darker outfit while the teen wearing the lighter. Reason behind that obvious to them but likely slipping the audience; as a rap and vocal duo people do often see the rapper as the thug one and the singer as the innocent one, so they decided that today they are switching it up. Ryujin, the rapper, prepared the white and endearing look while Sia, the vocalist, preparing the more dark and mysterious vibe. “I’m so excited,” she note towards the other in a whisper while waiting for the performances to start already. Ryujin can’t wait until it all begin, and she’s so eager to watch Olivia with Hohyeon.

As well as Yeji and Changbin, and Heejin and Jaemin. Those are the ones that are interesting this week, in her personal opinion, along with the question– will Kyungsoo dance, again? 

Ryujin sure hopes that he will because she want to see a lot more of him and see what he has to offer. Compared to their blind date set up by their parents he definitely show other sides, all the while she can spot the same man that she already met before. Pairs after pairs perform on stage and soon enough, sooner than Ryujin has grown used to actually, it’s her turn to step up and she is confident as ever walking next to her partner who has such an amazing voice; their stage is different from what she has done so far, much different from it really, which makes it a little scary. Although they have both practiced hard, alone and together, and have come down to a satisfying stage, Ryujin can’t help but worry. What if the judges don’t like it after all? What if they expected something else, or perhaps even more of her already?

“5040 Shin Ryujin and 5026 Kim Sia.” They are finally called to the stage.

Glancing over to the elder with a little smirk she reveal how much she crave to be on stage, if she can say so herself she believe that the two of them have prepared a strong performance– Ryujin has faith in them, and in in their stage. Once reaching up to the center she bow down in front of the judges, introduce herself and step into position. Ryujin begin the moment she get a cue from Sia, her verse starting off before the music come in. As she deliver her part she rap with perfect English as a result of having English speaking family members, she has spent so many summers in America with her grandparents she barely has an accent. They walk ahead together, oozing of attidude as Ryujin effortlessly pass her opening verses, and execute a little secret handshake of sorts that they prepared to show their close friendship during the second part of Ryujin’s verse making sure to hit it with the beat of the song.

Anything she need, she can call me
Don’t worry ‘bout her, that’s my seed, yup, that’s all me
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if you, if you, if you (Ryujin)

Anything she need, she can call me
Don’t worry 'bout her, that’s my seed, yup, that’s all me
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if-

While it’s originally a supposed love song Ryujin enjoy that they have attempted to switch it up like they did with their outfits, that rather bringing a romantic love song they turn it into about a friendship instead. Her verse came to a seemingly abrupt end but that is on purpose, just as in the original song. She doesn’t make too much out of herself when Sia  sing her part as it’s the elder’s time to shine, but she moves her body gently to the beat of the music. Sometimes encouraging the other with ad libs of ‘yeahs’ and ‘mhms’, nothing too extra. The music stops at Sia’s “ayy” but before anyone has the time to wonder if they are done Ryujin comes back around with a beatless rap consisting of the same verse that she opened with. This time, instead of ending it abruptly the two of them merge their parts into a smooth transision.

Anything she need, she can call me
Don’t worry 'bout her, that’s my seed, yup, that’s all me
Just know, if you cross her, then you cross me
Cross me, cross me, if you, if you, if you

Sia sing the refrain with her beautiful voice and Ryujin can’t help but feel a little envious, having yet to gain any confidence in her own singing. The teen has given up that dream, and she has settled with the fact that she is a dancing rapper instead. Having two lines in this refrain she make sure that she understand what the lyrics are about, so when she deliver the words of ‘anything she need she can call me’ she look over at the elder with a smile and an endearing look in her eyes, as though the two are actually friends who will do anything for one another. She is surprised how well they work together on stage, considering the fact that they met as strangers. The part come to an end as all things do and finally, Ryujin is coming in with the actual rap. Due to her age, they decided that she would rewrite some of the lyrics.

And she ain’t messing with no other man
Now what you not gon’ do
Is stand there 'cross from me like you got Kung Fu
Death stare, crossed arms, running your mouth like a faucet
But you don’t know that my girl been doing CrossFit
Pew! Kung Pow! Knock you out with a cross kick
Blowing air out, wear you out, you exhausted
Know she gonna slide anytime you girlies gossip
Keep a lil’ blade in her smashin lip gloss kit, ayy
No one say hi to me without her
Better pay your respect to the queen
Better do that ish without a flirt
Gotta respect the HBIC
Couple of things that you need to know
If you still wanna be friends with me 

During her verse she use the technique that she always does during her raps, her mind doing that automatically by now; always think one sentence ahead, prepare the next sentence while delivering so that the words won’t stumble. The flow is a little strange to her but she manage it well, having practiced from dusk till dawn to perfect her part. That’s what she enjoy about these performances, that she don’t necessarily need a specific place to practice. When she near the second part of her verse she step closer towards Sia, and while she express the words ‘better pay your respect to the queen’ she motion with her fingers as though she’s crowning the other female. She grin broadly after that and finish her verse strongly, then gesture towards the elder who is assigned to end their performance with the song’s signature phrase. Happy with their stage she bow down again as a kind of ‘thank you’ for allowing her to perform again. 

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 IV-I : apostrophe friends apostrophe — the second duos showcase               june 2019. mga 5 duos IV-I : apostrophe friends apostrophe — the second duos showcase               june 2019. mga 5 duos
IV-I : apostrophe friends apostrophe — the second duos showcase 

              june 2019. mga 5 duos showcase part 2. wordcount: 1019
                   dancing to mantrabydrunken tiger&u go girl bykatie lee 

a sigh of relief. once again, jungeun was safe. right, safe. while she was grateful that she wasn’t eliminated ( and one of those that weren’t wildcard ), she was still safe. and safe wasn’t much if she wasn’t first place. but she supposed safe could do for now.

there was still another week for her, which meant another chance to display her capabilities in front of the whole world. she was blessed with such a good partner in eunji and she emphasizes that because she really wasn’t all that religious. she hoped that this week would bless her with another great partner. fingers crossed as she had a feeling of being paired with another friend, she hoped her feelings would become reality. name called, she released a sigh of relief when she realized she’d be with another friend.

jungeun and nakyung.

in their past, they’ve talked about performing with each other someday. while they weren’t the bestest of friends, their shared love of idols was enough to form a ( somewhat strong ) foundation. but this love of the idol industry is what set them apart.

its no secret that jungeun disliked certain idol groups and concepts, but it was those exact things that nakyung favored. jungeun was aware of it and tolerated it because that’s what friends do. accept each other’s differences. even if the difference was having an absolute lack of taste.

itwas a secret that jungeun had a secret twitter account. an account where she’d use the freedom of the internet to protect her fangirlish thoughts. an account where she’d use the freedom to argue with the same people who had a lack of taste—just like nakyung. but the other girl wasn’t just similar to those people. she was one of those people ( and to think jungeun was ever friendly with her ).

jungeun can’t recall when or how she discovered nakyung’s internet persona. she wasn’t even sure if nakyung knew what jungeun knew. ( probably not, the girl was really clueless. ) jungeun couldn’t blow her own cover. she too, had an internet persona. so, she decides to play a game of facades.

the two greet each other at the end of the filming. nakyung as sweet as ever and jungeun too. they agree on meeting times. text me. i’ll text you! the usual friendship exchange. then they depart, waiting for the next meeting.

they text each other during the nighttime, “expressing” their excitement to be working with each other. they agree to meet at the dance studio and jungeun—a wolf in sheep’s clothing—goes to sleep, waiting for the next day.

when the two meet, they immediately get to planning. since they were friends—correction—”friends,” they had an idea of what the other wanted to do. to an absolute lack of surprise, nakyung recommends eclipse.which, of course, jungeun rejects. they have a short compromise-forming discussion about it because that’s what friendswould do. they decide on a katie lee song, which was fine because katie lee was neverthe problem. 

it was her absolute lack of vision in regards to her artists

they decide to sing ‘u go girl,’ which jungeun confesses is an absolute earworm.but singing a cover of that song wouldn’t suffice with jungeun. jungeun was here to challenge herself. if they were taking the risk to cover oneceo’s song, they might as well go for it. so, she suggests the ceo that would be the riskiest for both of them. 

but mostly for nakyung because jungeun wanted her to workfor something ( without the grace of having minho fans support her by association ). 

jungeun suggests dancing to a drunken tiger song and she sensesthe slight apprehension on the other girl’s face. nakyung accepts the suggestion and the two waste no more time to practice. 

nakyung, jungeun admits, makes up for her lack of taste with her work effort. jungeun didn’t really expect a problem with practicing with the other. although jungeun wants nakyung to suffer internally, jungeun didn’t want to lose.thiswasa competition after all. her desire to stay overrode her infantile quarrels. so jungeun practices with nakyung, agreeing when they plan out the songs and parts. she practices the song every night, giving it her all. the two practice every day, trying to make this performance work. 

‘cause if it didn’t, jungeun didn’t know if she could continue this game of facades. 

the two arrive to the studio in suits and caps, trying to emulate the style of the trc ceo’s time. its a cycle. jungeun speaks with others as she waits for the boomto come, the boomcomes, the ceos enter, and the performances begin. 

“hello, i’m kim jungeun!” jungeun almost mocksthe way nakyung introduces herself when they enter the stage. this time, they have the microphones attached to their ears, so they could be able to dance. after their greetings, they step into their starting position, waiting for the music to start. 

hip-hop and pop. they’re almost polar opposites but jungeun and nakyung find the perfect medium to combine the two. the first part of their performance is stronger, they move fluidly to the music until the surprisecomes. they take off their suits, showing shorter and more brighter clothing. and they mix rapping and singing to perform the lines of the kt ceo’s famous song. when jungeun has to sing, she does what she usually doesn’t. winks, smirks, and overall flirtaciousness. 

she admits she has grown to like the song and she enjoysperforming it. but there’s the part of her where she doesn’t want to perform it. yet she powers through because she isn’t a quitter. she powers through the end of the song, relaying the ending english lines with the other girl until the song ends. 

the pair return to their seat and jungeun exhales. she just hopes this performance wasn’t in vain.   

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