#rm x you



Dizzy // knj


pairing: namjoon x fem oc

summary: Your crush on Namjoon isn’t even that big. You don’t think he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever met, your eyes never follow him across the room, and you definitely don’t pay attention to the way his thighs look when he wears those jeans.

rating: M(18+)

tags: sorta unrequited-ish not really though hehe, friends to lovers au, smut but also fluff at the end, dirty talk, namjoon uses baby and sweetheart, oral (m & f receiving), unprotected sex, kinda possessive joon makes an appearance, cum eating, choking but not really, that is probably all

wc: 6.4k

notes: my longest fic to date !! i hope you enjoy :-)


You’re not really sure what you’re doing here, your intentions are fuzzy but you know one thing for sure; Kim Namjoon makes you dizzy, makes your head spin. 

These days, you can’t go twenty minutes without thinking, ‘I wonder what Namjoon is doing’ or ‘did Namjoon eat today?’ It’s almost pathetic. Scratch that, it is pathetic. Namjoon was introduced to you at the beginning of your freshman year in university by your first on-campus friend, Hoseok, as his lifelong best friend and confidant. Namjoon made the world’s best first impression on you, he was so smart and so humble and once you heard it, you couldn’t get his laugh to stop replaying in your head. Your small infatuation, if you can call it that, for Namjoon quickly turned into a pretty sizable crush, unable to remember a time where Namjoon wasn’t always on your mind.

That’s how you find yourself here, at that small gathering that Namjoon and Hoseok were throwing in their apartment. Through Hoseok, you made many of your close friends, namely Seokjin, who was a graduate student at the same university. It was Hoseok who invited you, but Seokjin had begged you to come, claiming something about these years being your prime and whatnot. Half convinced and half desperate to see Namjoon, you came but still, you don’t know why you’re here. It’s not like you coming would make any kind of dent in Namjoon’s evening. He’s always been a popular guy on campus, constantly surrounded by people, they seem to flock to him and his blinding, dimpled smile. So when Namjoon walks up to you and Seokjin with an extra drink in his hand, you have no idea how to react. 

Keep reading

And just like that I’m whipped.

Curious Creatures 11

Pairing: Dragon! Namjoon x Reader

Genre: Fantasy!au; Soulmate!au; Fluff; Eventual Smut; Angst

Warnings: depressing themes; thrilling themes; mentions of death;

Summary: Curious as to how your village came to be and having a thirst for knowledge, you venture into the Forgotten Forest in hopes of discovering the truth of your roots. But it seems you have bitten off more than you can chew.

WC: 4.5k

Note:  I love a good foreshadow :)

Tag List: Open- DM me if you want to be added! If I forgot you/your @ isn’t working, please let me know so I can try to fix it <3

<<prev | next>>

A chill krept down your spine the moment you stepped foot into the living space. It was designed similarly to the room you had been staying in with the exception of a square table with cushions on the floor. Sliding doors were opened and showed the snowy landscape; a scene of the sun gently rising up and brushing against mountains in the distance. Even with the doors open the room was perfectly warm and cozy. The chill came from the scene set before you. Felix and Soojin sat side by side. The Sorceress was watching you gently, something hidden in those gold eyes that put you on edge. The Fae was staring at his lap, all the humor from moments ago disappeared entirely, causing a knot to form in your stomach.

“Y/n, Namjoon,” Soojin smiled and gestured across from them. “Have a seat.”

It all felt so familiar despite having never been in this room before; a memory was tugging on your brain as you watched Soojin and Felix for a moment. It wasn’t until you were fully seated that Felix looked up and suddenly you knew why this felt familiar. His eyes were the same eyes your mother held that day; eyes that were full of so many negative emotions, so much darkness…

The same eyes your mother had when she told you your father died.

Heart rate picking up you met his gaze head on as your brain slowly caught up. Felix shouldn’t be there with you. He made a promise before you left. But your brain prayed that Hyunjin decided to stay in the Forgotten Forest to allow Felix to leave. You pushed away the questions your brain was coming up with and stared at the Fae, hoping that you were misunderstanding his presence.

“This meeting will be the first of many,” Soojin was the one to speak up. “We will stay in contact with one another throughout these strange and dark times. Let’s begin with simple answers we have found.” She forced a smile at you and Namjoon. 

‘So there’s more complications…’ Your mind was screaming as you forced a smile of your own. 

“As you know, you are now in Draengon. This home was abandoned for centuries- we had to take shelter here while you recovered. While you were resting we searched for more answers to what was going on and found some news along the way. Namjoon and I discussed this already,” There was a proud gleam in her eye as she looked at the Dragon. 

Namjoon’s back straightened as his eyes widened. “So… it’s true then?” 

“Namjoon was the first Dragon to appear in Draengon in centuries.” Soojin was now explaining this to you. “With him being the only one present it means the land is technically his. All of Draengon, the magic within, is his to have. As well as his mates.”

His hand grabbed yours, green eyes meeting yours as he smiled at you. “We’re now the rulers of Draengon… the magic is ours.”

That was a simple solution? What was so simple about it? Your heart was already beating fast from Feix’s reactions. This might give you a heart attack for sure… “Joonie, that’s fantastic!” You meant it too, every word. The smile on your face was one full of many emotions. And you were thankful to have a mate that understood what you were feeling. 

Moving your hand up to his lips, he gently kissed the back of your hand, calming your heartbeat. “It’ll make protecting you a bit easier.” He teased lightly, grinning a bit. He knew it was helping ease you, having felt the stress through the bond pulse wildly. Just as you, he was wary of what Felix had to say. 

Speaking of…

The Fae cleared his throat, eyes focused on you. There was a bit of regret in his eyes. He didn’t want to ruin this moment for you. But he had no choice. You needed to know everything. With the way the world was playing out before his eyes he didn’t know if there would be another chance. Especially after what happened on that mountain top with Siyeon…

“Y/n, I have answers to many of your questions.” Felix sat up straight, placing his elbows on the table and hands clasped close to his face. He was nervous. You felt your arms lock up as you watched him. Your whole body felt stiff as you were bracing yourself both physically and mentally for what he would say. “You originally came to me to figure out why the Fog was there, why your village even existed, and how these things were happening.” Felix dove straight into detail about how your village was created. No detail left out. 

A village of Humans that was originally created to help ensure their survival. A magical fog created to help keep the Humans away from the Gateway due to the amount of enemies that lay beyond the otherside. The people deemed insane for venturing into the woods and talking in tongues were innocent souls; they were not able to handle the magic that seeped into their minds and souls. They were speaking Asterian. The ‘monsters’ you heard them speak of were memories held inside the fog- memories of the Mortal War. 

“The war was still fresh in our minds…” Felix whispered, relaying how they created the fog that day. “Perhaps our emotions created a tie to the fog through magic. It’s hard to tell…” 

Felix was always there. Watching from afar with each new generation. He knew about the troubles and would send word to help. However he has recently discovered that every message was intersected and dismissed. No one knew of the problems they were facing. The night the Orcs came was when he finally saw a friend of his after centuries. It was then that they also realized that the time between Arkrine and Asterios were different. The Magic bending time itself with no rhyme or reason. A day in Arkrine could be a week in Asterios. Vice Versa. 

“There’s a small group of us that now know of the traitor. These are people that we trust and we hope to find the one behind all this.” Felix swallowed, eyes burning into the table. His fist clenched and his voice, once steady, shook as he continued. “They will pay for what has happened.” 

There was silence as his words hung around everyone. You shifted in your seat, heart leaping into your throat as you watched him. Deep down you knew this went further than the problems your village was facing. Something happened. You could feel it with every word he spoke. And when you made eye contact with him, eyes the color of opal jewels meeting yours, you felt yourself shake as his eyes mist over. The Fae you had first met and gotten to know, one full of laughter and mischievous, was replaced with a broken soul that look so ashamed.

“I failed Y/n.” He whispered the words, ears having to strain to hear him properly. “We waited until time was aligned once again before we left. It was only a few hours in Asterios but when I got back… a month was gone.” Your breath hitched. Leaning forward you gently took one of Felix’s hands. He shook his head, the tears finally spilling. “I failed my duty… Arkrine is no more.”

 You blinked once.


“No more?”

The words danced inside your mind but made no connection. How can a place no longer exist? It had been there for a few hundred years. Where did it go? As if reading your thoughts Felix shook his head. “It’s gone, Y/n… burned to ash.”

Burned to ash. ”Burned…?” You dropped Felix’s hand as you stared at him.

“When we arrived there was nothing but ash. And blood in the snow.” His hand gripped the table now. “I looked, we looked everywhere. The footsteps were covered by snow. Not even a trace of magic that could be tracked. Yunho and Hyunjin was-”

His voice sounded muffled with the ringing in your ears. Slowly the words sunk in and you began to understand what had happened. Felix was still talking, guilt written on his face. Soojin was rubbing her old friends back as she watched you, face full of mourning. They were your friends and were speaking to you, perhaps there were words of comfort. You wouldn’t know. All you could do was stare with your mouth slightly opened as your lungs burned-


A deep voice. A steady voice. Only you could hear the whispered words. You took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled as something warm brushed against your side. You tore your eyes away and looked at Namjoon. His eyes were on yours, watching you carefully, reading and feeling every emotion that radiated off of you.

“Wait… you looked everywhere and didn find anything?” Soojin frowned. “Not a single thing?”

“Nothing.”  His voice was thick with emotions. “It was all gone-”

“Then they survived.”

Everyone stopped and looked at the Sorceress with confusion. She stared back at each of you, eyebrow raised. “It’s basic knowledge- fire cannot burn bone. Even fire conjured from magic isn’t strong enough to burn bone.”

A small blossom of hope began to grow within you. “So… because Arkrine was empty…”

“I believe they were taken.” Her gaze went to yours. “If they were, then whoever took the Humans needs them alive.”

“Alive for what?”

“That’s the question, isn’t it?” She leaned forward and grinned. “We have more investigating to do.”

The gleam in her eyes only made the hope within grow. If they were alive. If Jongho was alive… you had to know. 

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - - 

Captivating. Mesmerizing. There were many words that could describe each movement. Small and delicate hands moved up in the air. Thin arms formed a perfect bow as little feet turned and turned on the tip of the toes. The sparkling and white dress flared out from the waist, icy winds pulling the fabric in different directions. And the wings-a soft and pale blue, moved with each breath and held a silver sparkle. Like the freshly fallen snow. Each movement was precise and sharp. Each step held intent and meaning; for every flick of the wrist more snow appeared. Every twirl brought about an icier wind. A being that could bring so much power was right before you. 

In the palm of your hands.

“Pixies adore attention– it seems like they have a strong liking for you.” 

Hot breath ghosted the shell of your ear and you welcomed it; the cold was getting to you and leaving a small chill in your bones. “They move so beautifully, it’s hard to look away.” 

Your compliment didn’t go unnoticed as the Pixie in your palm stopped and took a small bow. Standing a mere few inches, the tiny being was all smiles as they watched you for a moment before flying off. You have come to learn that in Asterios it is the Pixies who ultimately dictate the weather along with many things that deal with nature. It was the first time you had seen them, however it’s common for the little beings to stay away. They are busy creating seasons throughout the land. It amazed you that something so small could create things so large. The two of you stood and watched the little being rejoin they’re group before taking off to spread winter elsewhere. Wherever they deemed fit. 

“Felix and Soojin are about ready to head out.” Namjoon looked back at the simple home the two of you had been staying in. “Once they leave we’ll make the journey to higher ground.”

The day prior was filled with planning; where each would go, what their goals were, and so much more. Felix would be heading to Serentia where his group of trusted friends dwelled. There they will begin to sniff out the traitor and any accomplice they have. He already had a small list, being at the top was a Fae that missed the meeting but used to be heavily involved with the Council: Jimin. It has been said that the Fae had been skipping out on meetings and absent for quite a while. 

Soojin will head back to Silverwynn. The large village see’s beings from all across Asterios; she’ll be able to hear any news quickly from there. The location was perfect due to its distance from all other species. The Sorceress believes that multiple races could be involved in the incident. Plus it’ll look suspicious if she were traveling throughout Asterios with a Fae and a Dragon. 

Which left you and Namjoon. A list of things that needed to be done and at the top was finding a journal. Queen Flora, the last Human Queen, was known to record everything daily. Namjoon’s father being a strategist and his mother a commander, the pages might have some answers and clues as to how the war started. If you could learn how this began then you might have insight on how it could end. How to stop all this. 

“Time to go back,” Soojin gave you both a sad smile. “Remember if you need anything, I’ll be there in a heartbeat.” Giving Namjoon a grin, she added. “As long as the new leader lets me in.”

“You’ll always have a spot here in Draengon.” Namjoon smiled at the Sorceress. The two shared a quick hug.

“Andyou,” She smiled and handed you a bag. “Take care of yourself. Both of you. Packed some goodies for you.” The wink made you raise an eyebrow but she quickly hugged you as well. Taking a few steps she nodded to Namjoon. “Alright Dragon. Send me home.” 

Namjoon chuckled and waved his hand. You watched in awe as a small gateway appeared; a soft green in color and glowing virbantly. On the other side you could see her shop, A Cauldron’s Kiss, looking as peaceful and warm as it was on the night you first entered. A bit of nostalgia swam through you as you watched her walk back into her shop. 

“Oh!” You jumped as something brushed against your leg. Salem blinked up at you for a moment, letting out a low purr before following his Sorceress into the Gateway. “Bye Salem!” 

It disappeared in seconds. 

“Perks of being the new ruler of Draengon,” Namjoon answered your unspoken question. “Much more power. More magic to use on creating things such as quick Gateways.” 

“Yeah, lucky you.” Felix sighed, walking to stand across the two of you. “Goes from being a gecko to being a practical king.” 

You chuckled and stepped up to Felix.  “Thank you Felix. For helping me all those years ago and again now.” You gave him a hug, hands patting his back softly. “And for doing your best. You really did try…” 

You knew he still held guilt for Arkrine. Still carried the weight of all that happened and blamed himself for it all. You could see how he would blame himself, but you never held an ounce of anger towards him. Just pity on the Fae that was left alone for centuries. 

He froze for a second before his arms wrapped around you. “Of course, Y/n.” His voice was hushed as the memory from all those years ago came through; a little girl lost in the woods surrounded by swirling fog. He could hear your soft cries echoing against the tree’s even now. His arms tightened as the memory came and went. You both drop your arms, his eyes now on Namjoon.

Felix stood before the Dragon, back straight. “Take care of my little Kelpie.” His tone was almost fatherly, nearly making you bark out a laugh. Despite your history with the Fae, you two barely spoke to one another. However it was comical that in a way he did watch you grow up. 

“I’ll always take care of my mate.” Namjoon’s voice was tight, eyes on the Fae. The two watched each other before Felix grinned up at him. Namjoon frowned, opening his mouth to ask what he was smiling about but Felix beat him to it.

“You like me.”

“I tolerate you. For Y/n.” 

“Uh huh. Sure.” He nearly sang before stepping back. “Now please take me home. I have a mission to do, you know.”

You giggled while Namjoon shook his head and created a Gateway. “Now get out of here.”

Felix did a sarcastic bow and quickly leapt into the Gateway. You saw beautiful flowers of many colors, and marble before it disappeared. A moment of silence as the wind whistled through the trees. It was peaceful. But you two had work to do and another journey to make.

“Alright,” You turned to Namjoon. “Are you going to create a Gateway for us now?” 

The Dragon looked down at you and grinned. “And waste having some fun? No way.”

“Fun?” You cocked your head, watching as he took a few steps back. “What do you mean? Are… Are we going to walk?” The idea of walking up any more mountains immediately left you feeling drained and weak. You were fully recovered from your last climb, which almost killed you, but the thought of more walking? You wanted to cry.

His laugh danced across the trees as he continued to step back. Your eyes were locked on his as his grin turned into a smirk. You wondered what he was thinking when his fingers undid his pants-

“Whatare you doing?!” You quickly spun around, face reddening as you heard the material drop to the ground. It didn’t help that he was laughing at your reaction. “Namjoon!”

“Y/n, you’re my mate. You’re allowed to watch, you know.” The tease was heavy in his voice as well as something else. He already had a deep voice, but somehow it was deeper. Indicating more. Much more. Because he wanted you to watch. 

For one second you wondered what he would look like. What was hidden behind the fabrics-

‘Turn around and see.’

The words were growled out, you could hear his chest rumbling from behind you. The physical reaction from you was almost too much; you found yourself stiffen as your body began to heat up. Something inside yearned to turn around, to look, to maybe even touch-

You remained frozen, eyes on the ground as your cheeks were aflamed. It only got worse as he chuckled and you could hear more clothes being discarded. “You never told me what you were doing.” There was a slight pout in your voice, knowing that he was easily toying with you as well as offering. Tempting.

“With my people it’s custom for mates to fly together,” The rustling of clothes was gone however you heard him move further back. “The first flight is always the most treasured.”

You could hear it in his tone; he wanted to do this badly. The words were spoken softly, a caress to your ears, and with a hint of vulnerability. It touched your heart to know that he wanted to include you in everything his people did; species be damned. 

“I thought we already had our first flight,” You mused aloud, hoping it wouldn’t bring back any bad memories. 

“Doesn’t count when you’re unconscious and bleeding out, Y/n.” There was humor and a hint of sadness in his words. The memory was still fresh in his mind. “I’d like our first flight to be, well, the exact opposite.” 

You chuckled and nodded. “Okay, fair enough.” There was a moment of silence, not even his footsteps could be heard. Then a wave of heat brushed against your back. The humidity rose for a moment and you wondered if he was okay when you heard a low growl.

Turning you stumbled back and away, looking up at Namjoon in his Dragon form. The tiny Dragon you used to carry around was long gone. Before you stood a mighty beast, one that at first glance you couldn’t recognize. The instinct to back away took over and you stumbled back with wide eyes and breath caught in your throat. The Dragon would have been terrifying if it weren’t for the sad whine it let out, watching you fall. 

Namjoon was now over two hundred feet long. The size of him was hard to comprehend, having been used to carrying him around in your bag. As you slowly stood up he approached, each step careful, knowing the power he had in his claws. His head lowered down to meet your face, green eyes watching you carefully. Any sign of fear and he’d transform back without hesitation. The relief he had when you slowly smiled, reaching a hand out.

His scales were much larger, making the one in your pocket look like a pebble. But they were the same color- the dark green that almost appeared black until the sun hit it. Fingers brushed against his head, smiling as he purred under your touch. “Still a handsome Dragon I see.”

Lowering himself completely on the ground, he looked at you expectant and with excitement. The long, spiked tail behind him slapped against the ground. Like a dog. You laughed and carefully walked around him, reaching his side. There was a spot where the spikes didn’t exist, in the middle of his back. You began to carefully climb up, minding the scales and anything that could harm him. Sitting as securely as you could, you patted his side. You were ready. Excited with a small hint of nervousness.

One would think he would carefully take to the sky; going slow. But Namjoon was just as excited as you were. In the blink of an eye he was jumping off the side of the mountain the home was located on. You were free falling.

The scream was lodged in your throat as your body felt weightless- body lifting an inch off of Namjoon as your hands gripped the spikes that lined the spine in front of you. But there was no fear as you watched the two of you free fall for a moment, being surrounded by early morning fog and mist. Perhaps it was the bond that assured you that nothing bad was going to happen. Maybe it was just Namjoon, knowing he would never put you in harm’s way. Regardless of which, you found a grin on your face as felt his wings stretch and give a powerful flap. 

You were flying.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

Red leaves floated to the ground in a graceful and elegant dance. The white bark on the tree’s was a huge contrast to the reds of the leaves they held. Winter Pixies had yet to touch the area; there was no snow or even flurries. He knew it wouldn’t be too long before winter came this far North in Asterios. He needed to pick up his pace. 

The Red Wood was not the best place to be. But there Yunho was, following a trace of magic that could have been linked to the Arkrine incident. At least they were allowing him to walk on their land, for now. One wrong move and he most likely won’t be making it back at all. They were a reclusive bunch who followed the orders of a cold and cruel Emperor. Which was ironic to hear, in Yunho’s eyes: being a cold hearted ruler, yet being a species centered around fire? Irony at its best.

It’s been over a day since Yunho stepped foot into the Forest of Flames, the Red Wood, the Bloody Forest… the list goes on depending on who you ask. The tracking started in Serentia, on the outskirts of the Fae’s personal Gateway. He followed it thoroughly while questioning individuals on the road. No one saw anything suspicious, however it’s only a matter of time before someone sees something. Or slips up.

His footsteps froze and he frowned before a frustrated growl erupted from clenched teeth. Another day wasted. Every minute was precious in trying to find the one behind Arkrine as well as (hopefully) the Humans. Yunho wondered if this was just a goose chase for him; a way of keeping him away from the truth. He almost went back but a twig snapping caused him to freeze in his steps.

“A Warlock around these parts? That’s quite odd.”

Standing a few meters away was a Fae female. She was one of the oldest looking Fae’s he has seen; skin worn and wrinkled from time, short and stout. She had a homey look about it, one that seemed sweet and soft. A grandmotherly look to her, a wicker basket to even complete the look.

“And a Fae is not?” Yunho was curious but knew looks could be deceiving. She might appear sweet but she most likely wasn’t all sugar. “What brings you out here?”

The older woman reached in her basket and revealed a bright red apple. “The Forest of Flames is known for having some of the best red apples- perfect for my treats I make.” She smiled. “What of you, Warlock?”

“Studying magic here. I wish to know as much as I can about all types of magic.” A half truth and half lie. “While walking here, have you noticed anything odd?”

“Besides you?” She grinned at her own joke. “I fear not my dear. Just the quiet woods. Makes me wonder what the Phoenix’s are up to some days.”

“They enjoy their isolation.” Yunho knew this was a dead end- the magic he was tracing had abruptly stopped. He doesn’t believe in coincidences; it basically led to the older woman. “I don’t believe I got your name.” His tone was light and casual, making conversation.

The woman smiled and gave him a nod. “They call me Sweetie. I own a bakery in Serentia.” She walked closer, reaching inside the basket to pull out a roll. “Try this, it’s a new recipe!” 

Yunho knew the bakery she was speaking of, having walked by there multiple times himself. The aromas gave off were always tempting him, and he kept promising that one day he would step inside. Carefully he took the break and bit off a small bit. 

“Oh gods, this is incredible.” It was soft, warm, and there was almost a sweetness to it- he couldn’t place his finger on. “You are a master at your craft.”

“I can’t take all the credit- I have a young apprentice. She’s talented, especially with bread! Her family has some fantastic recipes.” Sweetie was beaming with authentic pride, Yunho couldn’t help but smile with her.

“You must give her my compliments then.” 

“I’ll be sure to! Honey is a wonderful girl, she’s super kind too! Be sure to stop by and pay us a visit!” 

Sweetie walked off, humming a soft tune cheerfully. Yunho watched for a moment, sighing, he decided to backtrack and try one more time in following the trail. Something just didn’t seem right in these woods.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

tag list:@ggukkieland, @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh,@fangirl125reader,@azucarian,@haechans-sunflower, @cosmicjotun,@namgiaffair,@yaboimagi,@thefirewasfriendly, @tsukispice,@psiioniic-captor,@112067,@afangirl91,@sweetjellyfishland, @strwberry-suga,@magentamoons,@chewymoustachio,@lilacdreams-00, @awsome-small-k, @venussdovess, @dvoz-writes @asgoodasitgets, @youngherringtoad. @deepdarkdelights, @whtamidoingagain

Curious Creatures 10

Pairing:Dragon! Namjoon x Reader

Genre: Fantasy!au; Soulmate!au; Fluff; Eventual Smut; Angst

Warnings: depressing themes; thrilling themes; mentions of death; intense makeout scene?; Felix being a cockblock;

Summary:Curious as to how your village came to be and having a thirst for knowledge, you venture into the Forgotten Forest in hopes of discovering the truth of your roots. But it seems you have bitten off more than you can chew.


Note: Back at it again with Namjoon fluff. I’m just a simp for this man, I’m not sorry. But you get to know more about him this time around! And more~

Tag List: Open- DM me if you want to be added! If I forgot you/your @ isn’t working, please let me know so I can try to fix it <3

The new story’s poll last day is tomorrow! Vote and see which story of Asterios will be told next! Click here!


Your breath quickened as you looked up, eyes meeting those of a dark brown. They were void of all emotion and stared back into your terrified ones. Long fingers slide on either side of your face, holding your head steady. His face twisted into a smile that held sharp teeth as he watched tears glisten in your eyes. You could feel the pressure of his hand, watching his smile grow wider, wilder. Your breath hitched as his hands jerked violently to the side-

Cold, clammy, and shaking you shot up from the bed, breathing fast and hard as you looked around wildly. The large room, the one where you last remember falling asleep… You fell asleep here. You were no longer on the mountain with those two creatures. You had barely made it out alive…

An arm tightened around your waist, securing you closer to a solid surface of heat. It chased away the chill from the nightmare and settled your shaking bones.

“Y/n,” Namjoon’s voice came from your side. Bringing you closer he tucked your head into his neck. “You’re here. You’re okay.”

His words were soft, soothing to your ears and helped calm your racing heart. Hands stroked the top of your head while the other kept you against him. The tremors that traveled throughout your body disappeared as something softer vibrated through you. Closing your eyes you could feel the soft vibrations coming from Namjoon’s chest.

Like a cat purring.

It helped ground you enough to move yourself out of his grasp, heat spreading from your cheeks and down your neck. It was already embarrassing enough that you begged him to stay with you, and now the poor Dragon had to witness your nightmare? Refusing to make eye contact, you cleared your throat a little and settled on staring at your hands in your lap.

The safest option.

“I-uh… dream was… yeah…” You rambled pathetically, wincing at your own choice of words and just how scratchy your throat was.

There was a chuckle beside you as the Dragon sat up properly, arm wrapping back around you. Despite your attempt at distance he was keen on keeping you glued to his side. Green eyes danced in the early morning light, watching your face with a mix of amusement and adoration. “I’ll explain everything to you once you’ve been taken care of.”

Your eyebrows knit together, wondering what he meant but the growl in your stomach seemed to have answered your question. Your cheeks slightly flushed once more as Namjoon grinned. Fingers danced against your back as he leaned closer, watching your face redden like a tomato with embarrassment as he was mere inches away. He stared for a second, eyes scanning your face as you fidgeted slightly under his intense gaze.

“Cute…” The word spilled from his lips in a whisper, making your eyes widen. A grin was all he gave you as he stood suddenly. “I’ll take care of you.” Standing up, he made his way across the room, turning one last time to you. His eyes danced with amusement as he watched you for a second before he disappeared out of the room.

When the door slid shut you frowned, not knowing how to understand the feelings that were washing over you. All your life you had been used to isolation, independence, and being able to distance yourself with ease. But with Namjoon… it was different. And you found yourself enjoying the feelings that he brought, even if they did frighten you. Feelings you’ve never experienced before, that made you feel almost selfish. Almost.

You didn’t want to leave the peaceful room and found yourself longing to stay locked up in the safe walls, away from the chaos that was waiting outside that sliding door. You enjoyed how quiet and simple it was. But those feelings of want were paired with feelings of guilt. The village of Arcrine was never kind to you and a small part of you wanted to watch the entire place crumble and let whatever happens happen. But a larger part of you knew there were still good souls living in that place.

Good souls such as Jongho, a childhood best friend that stayed true to you. The baker’s daughter who did her best to give Jongho extra bread to take to you, despite the people not wanting you anywhere near them. For fear of the unknown. You could see it through their eyes: a child that can understand the talking’s of the insane was not something to smile upon. Rather it was entirely fearsome, worrisome. You still remember the horror that crossed your mothers face when you announced to the world that you understood them. All because you ventured inside the forest, where Felix found you. A small decision made by childish curiosity led you on the path that you were currently on: going from the village’s outcast to one of the few who could help them. All because you wanted to learn more and grow outside the forest that enclosed you.

And you almost had those answers that riddled you for decades now; all you needed to do was speak to Felix and ask the questions that lingered on Arcrine. Those answers could help guide you to a solution to the problems you faced regarding the fog, land, and disease. There was a sliver of hope that perhaps the magic of Asterios could save Arcrine and you could see Jongho and go home-


The very word brought images to your mind that before you wouldn’t have even thought about.

Your mind didn’t see your small home where one room fit your entire living space. There were no dark woods that were cursed with a fog. No Humans that spit on your existence and claim you to be cursed. The world of gray that you had known was no longer a place you wanted to be a part of. Wanted to go back. Instead you saw vibrant colors. Mountains as high as the sky, forests that held life and possibility. You wanted to see more, do more, and explore this new world. You could see yourself traveling in peace, learning more of the species around you, sharing knowledge and wisdom with Soojin. You wanted to watch a sunset with your hand being held in another that belonged to a handsome man with green eyes.

Your face fell in your hands, cheeks turning red all over again. ‘Gods, what is wrong with me?’

The door slid open and you peeked up to see the very man of your thoughts walking in, a large tray balanced in his hands. He placed the food before you and took his original seat at your side.

“These items are light on the stomach, easy to digest.” He began, pointing at the bowls before you. “Bone broth, rice, and some bread. There’s a glass of water,” He motioned to a taller glass then a smaller one. “And tea. Mixed together some lovely herbs to help soothe that throat of yours. Oh, and magic, per Soojin.”

You were quick at drinking the water and tea, not wasting a single minute as you gulped the water and sipped the tea. In one minute you had finished the glass and half of the tea. Whatever Soojin placed in the tea had your throat healing faster than you could blink.

“Whoa. Much better, thank you. I do have questions-” You paused, thinking for a moment. “A lot. And I don’t know where to begin honestly…”

“There’s so much to unpack… so much to finally tell you.” A small smile on his face as he looked at his lap. “As Soojin once said, stories are best told with good food. In your case, easy to digest food that is.” The two of you shared a laugh, recalling that day that seemed forever ago. “Looks like this time I’ll do all the talking while you listen.” You grinned as you remembered how you spoke of your family to the Dragon not too long ago. His arm slithered back around your waist while his eyes looked lost in thought for a minute. “We’ll start at the beginning…

“I was born here, in Draegon, 600 years ago. My mother was a general while my father was a strategist, and together served the Dragons of Draengon for centuries. Even when the Mortal War was upon us they served until the end. You see, Draengon fell when the Human’s mainland, Nysa, fell; the two were close allies and shared much military strength together. I was a fledgling at the time, a child who witnessed villages burning and Dragon’s being slaughtered. My mother did not make it, and despite his anguish at losing his wife, my father carried on for my sake.

“We spent my upbringing hiding from the Elves; they had always made Dragon hunting a sport. And once the war was over it only got worse. Magic flows through every creature here on Asterios, it gives each one a special ability. Along with breathing fire and scales that are near impossible to penetrate, we can also shift to different sizes. It allows stealthy travel as well as easier living spaces for those who prefer their Dragon form.

“My father took me high in the mountains of Draengon, a place the war hadn’t touched. We stayed there for a couple of centuries. When I was officially of age, my father passed. I knew his time was coming soon; losing his mate to survive and knowing he’d never hold her again,” The arm around your waist tightened, hand gripping the fabric of your shirt. “It’s a fate worse than death to live your life without the other side of your soul there. He was buried properly amongst his comrades, where my mother was slayed.

“For nearly a century I attempted to find other Dragons. I had hopes of finding a friend, companion, and if the gods allowed, a mate. But I remained alone in the mountains, hiding from the Elves that lurked around and wondering what my purpose was. Life held no meaning for me, I read all the books that were in that old library, searched high and low. My life felt as though it was dragging on. Until around two decades ago.

“Something in me was tugging, urging me to leave the safety of my nest. My Dragon, those instincts, were kickstarting. Although it warmed my insides there was something deep down that sensed trouble… I couldn’t explain it, but I had to go. I followed that feeling all the way until I reached the far Eastern side of Asterios. And then it was gone… I felt as though my heart broke. That the one thing that could bring joy into this life was taken from me. I searched every day and night desperately trying to get that feeling back. Until one night I gave up.

“I’ll be honest, I didn’t want to continue anymore. I was tired, alone, and wandering around aimlessly for 20 years. I was depressed and tired, and then the Orcs found me. Instinctually I tried to fight but honestly I was tired; what’s the point of living without having a purpose? I didn’t have one… And then a purpose found me. Hope found me.” A smile appeared on his face. “You, Y/n. You found me.” He fixed his gaze at you, a mixture of emotions flowing through them. “That night I was ready to die, but then I finally found you. An impossible gift from the gods.”

You can easily recall that night, the dream you had of him in his little form imprisoned. But you had to frown. You? A gift? Not something you were used to being called if you were honest. As if sensing your doubt you felt his weight shift on the bed.

“Y/n. My little Seeker.” His voice was closer, and turning your head you noticed that he had gotten closer. A hand cupped yours, thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand. “I was searching for you this entire time.” His eyes bore into yours, trying to get you to understand but he was met with confusion. Of course you didn’t know, couldn’t know, what he was talking about. You knew what he was feeling, that much he was sure of, but you’ve never learned of this.

Leaning closer he rested his forehead against yours, just like in Soojin’s shop. The contact grounded him, keeping him from shaking as the memories came flooding back.

“You don’t know how helpless I felt while we traveled.” He whispered, voice shaking slightly. “I couldn’t help you, couldn’t even talk to you.” Fingers threaded through your hair, he closed his eyes. “Each day that passed felt like an eternity. I was worthless, watching you carry the entire journey on your shoulders. And I still couldn’t protect you properly…” His jaw clenched. “That damn Elf. Siyeon,” The name was spat out, face scowling. “Led you to Draengon on the worst path imaginable; weather conditions, weak magic, and steep hills. I don’t know how… maybe the gods took pity on us… but my strength came back just before the bastard…”

“I failed you on that mountain. I failed to avenge you.” Namjoon looked sick, pressing his head harder against yours. His hands shook as he clung to you. “Seeing you there, seeing you suffering and ready to accept your fate for me. I wanted to kill them, I tried to kill them both. But you were fading, your heartbeat was already so weak. I did some damage to them before taking you away. I blindly followed those instincts and prayed to any god that would listen to keep you here. Keep your heart beating.”

“I saw it,” You blinked a few times as you recalled the passing scenes that made no sense to you at the time. “I could feel you…”

“You were clinging to life and I- I couldn’t let you go. I just found you- I did everything to keep you alive.” His lip trembled as new tears spilled as he closed his eyes. “But it wasn’t enough.”

You knew what he was speaking of. You remember hearing him, his scream

“You died, Y/n. Your heart stopped, I heard it, feltit…” His shoulders quivered. “When your heart stopped I felt as though the world ended. I held you in this room. You were cold, frail, I didn’t see any signs of life-” He swallowed the lump in his throat. Green eyes shimmered with Until I felt you, through the bond. Barely there, you were hanging on… Ourbond saved your life. Your soul threaded with mine and refused to let go.” Namjoon opened his eyes, the whites red from the tears. His face turned into your palm, lips grazing the skin as he shivered. “The magic in our bond gave you the strength you needed. Your heartbeat was music to my ears and still is.”

“Bond…” A shimmering green rope of sorts came to your mind; clinging to it while screaming you were still here- “It’s green and shimmers.” Your voice sounded distant as you remembered. “I had to grab it, I was falling into darkness.” Chills danced across your skin. “It had a heartbeat-”

“My magic, running inside my veins, was bringing you back to me.” His thumbs brushed your cheeks, only now realizing silent tears streamed down your face. “That’s the beauty of our bond. And I never got to tell you…”

With your faces just inches apart you could see the raw emotions that played behind those hooded eyes. So many emotions swimming in shades of green, a color you wanted to drown in. You found yourself leaning closer, transfixed, but large hands kept you still.

“I almost lost you once, I cannot, will not, make that mistake again.” A hand dropped from your face, reaching into his pocket, and pulling out a small item; almost black at first glance, but once the sun shined upon it you saw the green coming through.

“Your scale, I thought I lost it-” You reached for it, fingers almost grasping the item but Namjoon enclosed it in his fist. You frowned and looked up at him. His face set with determination, eyes glued to yours with an unwavering look. Freezing up you thought that perhaps he was still mad about trading it when you first arrived. “Namjoon, I’m sorry-”

“Soojin was right when she first told you about the scale,” He ignored the apology, eyes trained on his fist. “We give it to people we truly care for. Anama Cara as the Fae like to call it. And Y/n, that is what you are to me.” His hands were gentle as he took one of your hands and placed the scale at the center of your palm. “The bond we have is no mere coincidence, nor is it a mistake. Whether it be from the gods or the stars themselves make no difference to me; nothing could change the fact that you, Y/n, are not justmy Human. Our souls are entwined together, predestined and fated. I was made for you, and you, me. Those feelings, the dreams, it was through this bond that we were able to find one another. I was able to find you, Y/n of Acrine, my mate.”

The world felt as though it stopped. In that single moment, nothing else mattered. Your heartbeat was echoing in your ears as you stared at Namjoon. And of course, it made sense. This would have sounded impossible but after being in Asterios, after all that you two have been through, you knewhe was right. The joy, the feeling of freedom, of love, of security, of wonder, of feeling at home…

It all leads back to Namjoon.

“We give our mates a scale, to represent that we will be with them, guard them, protect them, sacrifice for them, and above all else,” His fingers intertwined with yours, the scale being encased between both your hands. “To love them. Y/n, I know I failed at many of these promises. But I swear to you, I will never let you get hurt again. I will never let you be touched by that darkness again.”

Your lip trembled, head shaking slightly as a small laugh escaped you. “Sill Dragon, you can’t promise me those things.” Your voice shook with emotion. Namjoon frowned and you continued. “But you can promise to stand by my side, show me what love truly is, teach me what home feels like and to catch me when I do fall.” Clutching the Dragon scale you leaned forward, pressing a small kiss to his head. “As long as you’re with me, I’m okay.”

Arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you directly into his lap. His face buried in your neck, taking a deep breath as a shudder escaped him. You could feel a few tears stray from his eyes as he slowly rocked you with him. You nuzzled into his chest, listening to his heartbeat and the soft rumble that could easily make you fall asleep again.

Pulling you away gently, he offered a small smile. “You missed…” You frowned, wondering what he meant until he leaned in.

His lips caught yours, soft, careful, and steady. A hand reached up to the back of your head, fingers gently tangled into your hair, tilting your head at the right angle. His other hand remained at your lower back, hand pressing you closer, no space allowed between the two of you. Your hands wandered to his shoulders then up to the base of his neck, pressing yourself impossibly closer, deepening the kiss.

You earned a low growl from him, one that used to make your flight or fight kick in but now it caused a buzz to surge through your body, tingling down to your toes. His hand suddenly gripped your hair, making your lips part in a soft gasp. Taking advantage, Namjoon slid his tongue past your lips, claiming every inch of your mouth.

Heart beating wild, body feeling as though it were on fire, you had to have been in paradise. Pulling away for air, you felt his lips slide to the corner of your mouth, trailing down your throat. Teeth nipping at your skin for brief seconds before his tongue swiped across the area lovingly, almost apologetic. Your body arched towards his, head rolling back to give him better access, a silent plea to continue. Hand trailing down from your hair, pulling the flimsy cloth back to reveal more skin; his lips quite to pounce on the new territory. Your hips unconsciously rolled into his, a soft moan coming from you as he found a weak point. The Dragon was quick to assault the area thoroughly, reveling in the way you moaned with pleasure. You wanted more, your hands were dropping to his shirt, trying to rip it off-

You jolted at the sound of the screen door being pounded on. Followed by a voice you knew too well.

“Now that you two are mates, or whatever, it’s time we spoke about what else has been going on!”

You heard Felix’s footsteps fade, your breath still heavy, skin still warm from the intense contact. Looking at Namjoon, he was glaring at the door, eyes narrowed.

“I’m going to kill him,” He growled, voice still deep from the haze of lust that had taken over. His hands were still glued to you, fingers playing with your shirt.

Feeling yourself turn red at the realization that Felix and Soojin most likely heard and knew, you could only laugh. Keeping your head tucked into Namjoon’s neck you sighed. “He’s right though; we need to head back.”

Sighing he stood, pulling you up with him. “Fine. But then I’ll kill him-”


Chuckling he took your hand and took you to the door, leading you down a hallway and towards a main room where a Sorceress and Fae were eagerly awaiting your arrival.

- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -

Tag List:@ggukkieland, @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh,@fangirl125reader,@azucarian,@haechans-sunflower, @cosmicjotun,@namgiaffair,@yaboimagi,@thefirewasfriendly, @tsukispice,@psiioniic-captor,@112067,@afangirl91,@sweetjellyfishland, @strwberry-suga,@magentamoons,@chewymoustachio,@lilacdreams-00,@awsome-small-k,@venussdovess,@dvoz-writes@asgoodasitgets,@deepdarkdelights,

Genre: fluff? | enemies to friends to lovers au | college au

Pairing: Namjoon x Reader 

Warnings: my bad writing and my bad drawing,,, | English is not my first language

Summary: you’re starting your first year of college and you’ve never had a boyfriend before. Your brother Jungkook finds three love letters you wrote to your childhood (Jimin), middle school (Namjoon) and high school (Jin) crushes and sends them out. Little did he know all of them were attending the same college as you.


Love. Was there something better than love? You honestly didn’t think so. The idea of loving someone and being loved in return was the source of your inner and more secret desires. Holding hands, whispering sweet nothings to each other, hugging and kissing, sharing a lifetime with your soulmate was all your heart had ever desired. Love was everything to you and, as a famous poet once said, love was so powerful it could move the sun and all the other stars. Love was the essence of the Universe.

‘In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.’

You giggled again, tugging the book you were reading closer to your face. No matter how many times you had read that same passage, your heart still fluttered every time your eyes landed on it. You had underlined that exact passage so many times that the page was now slightly worn out. How many times had you wished to receive those words? You sighed, rereading the passage once again. In truth, you knew that passage by heart.

“Please, don’t tell me you’re reading Pride and Prejudiceagain?”

The voice of your brother startled you and you snapped out of your intense daydreaming. You closed your book and glared at him. “Get out,” you snarled at him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and, uninvited, sat on your bed. “I will never understand how obsessed you can be with this Mr. Darky.”

“It’s Mr. Darcy!”

He shrugged, “whatever.” He then looked around your room and slowly whistled, “this is an A* mess. Weren’t you supposed to clean and pack everything up like…” he looked at his watch and then said, “fifteen minutes ago?”

You groaned, “I got distracted.”

“Well, I’m sure Mr. Dumpy-“

“Mr. Darcy!”

“-won’t mind if you actually start cleaning this mess,” Jungkook finished, shoving you aside with his foot.

You huffed and much to your annoyance, you knew that your baby brother was right. So you got up, but not without gently putting down your favourite book, and started shoving your clothes inside some random box.

“God, Y/N, why do you have to be so messy,” Jungkook groaned.

You rolled your eyes at him because, seriously, why did he have to act like the big brother here? But again, he was right.

“Why are you here anyway?” you asked while this time properly folding the clothes you decided to donate.

“I finished with my boxes half an hour ago,” he said with a grin, “and I had some spare time to use before Taehyung and Jimin arrive.”

At the mention of Jimin’s name, you could not help but blush furiously. You really hoped your ears weren’t as red as you thought. And yes, you might have had a slight crush on your childhood friend, Jimin.

“Jimin is coming as well?” you asked trying to sound nonchalant. Lucky for you, your brother wasn’t exactly quick when it came to matters of the heart.

Jungkook hummed, “yeah, I thought it would be nice since you guys are practically moving in together.”

You shrieked, “we are not moving in together!”

“Relax, Y/N,” your brother said, eyeing you like you just turned into a madwoman, “seriously, what’s up with you?”

How could you tell your younger brother that you have had a crush for your mutual childhood friend since the age of 10 and now that you and said friend were both moving to the same college you didn’t know how to keep your crush at bay? You couldn’t. Truth be told, you didn’t know how to act around Jimin without your brother and Taehyung being there as well. You were too scared that the boy would have found out.

“I’m sorry, Kookie. I’m just stressed with this whole college business,” you said, plopping carelessly on your small puffy chair.

Jungkook nodded, “it’s the end of an era.”

You didn’t mean to, but you started crying. You had tried so hard to not think about that for the whole summer and hearing your brother, who also happened to be one of your best friends, saying what you strongly tried to ignore was like a punch in the guts.

But it was the end of an era. You and Jimin were going off to college, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung behind. Your group, once inseparable, was splitting. No more movie nights, no more gaming, no more spending your days at the park chasing the ducks, eating ice cream together. You weren’t ready to say goodbye to all of that, to the best memories of your life. You weren’t ready to close the happiest chapter of your life. And certainly, you weren’t ready to embark into a more obscure, unsure and lonely chapter where your brother’s bunny smile wasn’t there to comfort you and Taehyung’s laugh wasn’t there to accompany you in the journey.

“No, Y/N, don’t cry,” Jungkook said moving closer to you.

You sniffled, “I’m not crying.”

Jungkook ruffled your hair, “sure you’re not.”

“I will miss the gang, you know,” you mumbled, deeply appreciating your brother’s efforts to comfort you. “It has always been the four of us and now we are going to split up.”

“It’s still gonna be the four of us,” Jungkook said with a soft smile and, seriously, when did he grow up so much? Where was your little brother?

“College doesn’t have to scare you this much, Y/N. It’s okay if you and Jimin will get new friends, our gang will just grow a little,” he said, patting your head lightly. You smiled at him, truly grateful for having him by your side when you needed him the most.

“Besides,” Jungkook said with a sly grin, “maybe you’ll manage to finally find a boyfriend.”

You groaned and pushed him away. “You are awful,” you said getting up from the bed. Jungkook laughed, showing you his signature bunny smile.

“Who knows? Maybe you’ll find your real life Mr. Dampy-”

“It’s Mr. Darcy!”

Jungkook shrugged again, “but seriously, how come someone as romantic as you never had a boyfriend?”

You arched an eyebrow, not quite sure why your little brother was suddenly curious about your love life. For a brief moment you were scared that your not-so-oblivious brother had caught up with your little crush and panic started clawing at your ribcage. You decided that the best tactic was to play dumb and play low, trying to be very careful not to spill any valuable information.

“It is a bit hard for a girl to find a boyfriend when she is surrounded by three very possessive boys,” you told him with an eye-roll.

Your brother chuckled, “okay, point taken.”

You snorted. Then, you started sorting out your clothes again, trying to decide what to bring with you to college and what to donate instead.

“But seriously, no one had ever caught your eyes?”

“Why are you so curious all of a sudden?”

Jungkook looked embarrassed and judging by his ears turning red, you knew that something was up.

“Kookie?” You sounded like you were about to tackle him to the ground to spill everything out of him. To be honest, you weren’t that opposed to the idea.

“Look,” he started, “it’s just that me and the boys are worried about you.” When you didn’t say anything, Jungkook groaned. “You’re always so happy whenever you think about love, we don’t want you to get hurt. Which is why Jimin is being appointed as your guardian.”

“What?!” you shrieked. You could feel all your blood draining inside of your body. Surely, he had to be joking. How were you supposed to forget about your crush for Jimin when he was going to be there every time you tried to talk to a boy?

“It was Tae’s idea,” he said, raising his hands in front of you. “Jimin agreed immediately and, honestly, I think you do need to be supervised.” He then noticed your face becoming painfully red and tried to placate your rising anger, “we just want you to have a good first love experience.”

You groaned, throwing a pillow at him. “And then you have the audacity of asking me why I never had a boyfriend! It’s because of you three.”

Jungkook had the decency of looking guilty, “I’m sorry, sis. We didn’t mean to ruin anything.”

You sighed, “do you realise I am the bigger sibling here, right? You don’t need to protect me, Kookie.”

Jungkook looked at his feet and muttered a quiet: “I just want you to fall in love with someone good.”

You tried to stay mad at him but, to be honest, you couldn’t. You know that your brother always had the best intentions and, if it meant you being happy, he would always try his best to work out a way to make that happen. Sometimes his plans had backfired, but his heart had always been in the right place. And that was Jungkook, always going the extra mile to help the people he loved and always trying harder whenever he failed. Truthfully, you loved him for that.

“You know I’m not really into that love thing,” you said, for the first time being truly honest with your brother. His head shot up immediately and the look on his face would have been hilarious if the situation hadn’t turned this dense.

“What? But you always read romance and dream about Mr. Darky-”

“Mr. Darcy!”

“-and you always talk about your wedding day. So, you’re telling me you don’t really like those things?”

You sighed and rubbed your eyes, “I do. But reality is different from fiction, Kookie. In the real world, there is no Mr. Darcy waiting for me and the thought of having a relationship is scary because I’m afraid I will be disappointed.”

You had never been so honest with someone before. You felt vulnerable and hoped that your brother wouldn’t want to carry on this conversation. Your heart ached enough already without the painful realisation that all your books and movies ever did was to make your expectations insanely high. Truth was, you were in love with the idea of love, but it was the kind of love that you could find in a book. Often, real life tended to disappoint you and if there was something that you cherished enough to not get it ruined by it, it was definitely love.

Before Kookie could say anything, your doorbell rang, and you took it as an excuse to exit the conversation. It was a coward move, you knew it, but your heart was feeling too raw for bravery. So, you ran downstairs to answer the door, leaving a sad but determined Jungkook behind.


“Is everything ready, Y/N?” Jimin asked.

You tried to not stare at him too much. Seriously, how were you going to survive college alone with him? You felt like dying. Like digging your own hole and bury yourself there without ever leaving it again.

“Yeah, it is. I have few boxes I want to donate first but aside from that I am good to go,” you answered.

Tae cooed, “aww, our baby Y/N is finally growing up.”

You shot him a deadly glare, “I’m the eldest! Show some respect.”

“Ah, I’m sorry,” said Tae with a grin, “old lady.”

You wondered if it was socially accepted to murder a friend for being called old. You supposed not, but maybe if no one found out…

“Alright, children! I’m done.” Jungkook had just entered your house with a big grin on his face. Ever since he started working out, he became quite the show off, and what better opportunity to prove everyone his bulky figure than carrying all your boxed in your car? You weren’t complaining.

“Good job, Hercules,” you said, “now let’s go or we will be late.”

“Ah, you guys go ahead,” Jungkook said.

You looked at him confused, “Kookie? Is everything alright?”

Your brother nodded and smiled at you. “Yeah, me and Tae have something to do first.”

“We do?” said a puzzled Tae. Jungkook shot him a deadly glare, so he coughed and said, “ah, yes we do. Very important indeed.”

You narrowed your eyes at them. They were definitely being suspicious, and you did not trust the knowing look that passed between them, but before you could question them, Jimin called your name and the fear of being late overcame your curiosity.


“So, how is it going?”

You rolled on your back, resting your phone in between your ear and shoulder while packing your books in the bag. “It’s been alright, I guess. I met a guy, Yoongi, on the first day and now we pretty much always go to lectures together.”

Jungkook hummed over the phone, “nothing else?”

You frowned, holding the phone with your hand. “You’re being weird.”

You heard your brother nervously chuckle from the other end of the phone and if you weren’t sure before that something was up, you definitely were now. You decided that you would investigate later considering that you were done for the day and all you wanted to do was go back to your room and have a nap.

“Have you seen Jimin much?” he asked you.

You sighed, “not much. I guess we’ve both been very busy. It has only been two weeks since we started.”

Your conversation carried on for a little longer and when it came to say goodbye to your brother you felt a pinch of nostalgia hitting you, wishing that both him and Taehyung could be there with you. You weren’t being completely honest with him about Jimin, but you were not ready yet to tell him that you had been trying to avoid since you arrived there. You were scared that being alone with Jimin would cause your feelings to resurface and potentially ruin your friendship.

“Y/N? Is that you?”

You were snapped back to reality by a guy approaching you. You stopped in the middle of the courtyard and blinked once, then you blinked again. Was that really…?

“Kim Seokjin?” you asked, not quite believing that the guy you had liked for awhile in High School was also attending your same college. Seriously, how small was the world?

Seokjin smiled at you, “I almost didn’t recognise you. You know, with the glasses and all,” he said waving at you.

You smiled, and you were quite sure you were blushing a bit. You had not seen Seokjin in months, and even before then you two weren’t exactly friends. Although Seokjin had always being very nice and charming to you, helping you out during Maths and always offering you a cookie whenever you had a bad day. Your crush for him had not been anything serious, you supposed. It had probably been the result of his caring attention and the fact that you had always wanted to believe in love so much that you portrayed your fantasies on the first handsome guy who so much looked at you.

You two started a conversation, catching up on each other’s life, on college. It was so easy to talk to him, especially now without your constant blushing and stammering. Jin made you promise to study together one of these days and, although your heart did not thump harder and no butterfly woke up in your stomach, you were happy. Perhaps this was the beginning of a nice friendship.


“I cannot believe that you really showed up hangover on your very first day,” you said to Yoongi, who in turn simply shrugged and took a bite of his sandwich.

“Surely is not that unreasonable?”

“Jimin! Don’t encourage him, please.”

You were sitting in the courtyard, technically studying with Jimin, Yoongi and Jin but practically you were all enjoying the sun and getting distracted. It was strange to be again in a group of four where your brother and Taehyung were missing, but Yoongi and Jin were slowly becoming good friends. It has been Jimin’s idea to study all together, he had suggested several times that although the gang would always be the gang, perhaps it was time for you two to expand your friendship group. So, you agreed and offered to ask Yoongi and Jin to come along while Jimin asked a friend of his, Hoseok, to join as well.

“Hello, you must all be the friends Jimin was telling me about.”

You turned around to look at the guy you could only assume to be Jung Hoseok and smiled at him. But before you could say yes, Yoongi mumbled something along the lines of “not sure we can say friends” but you elbowed him slightly and made room for Hoseok who, credit to him, did not lose his sunny smile after hearing Yoongi’s word.

“We are. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N and Mr. grumpy here is Yoongi.”

And so, your life started taking an unexpected but utterly pleasant turn. You were making friends, you were happy, and there was no talking of love and relationship. All was well.


You were late. Terribly, unmistakably, and horribly late. You knew you should have not run in the hallways, but seriously what other choice did you have? Later on, when you would think of this exact moment, you will agree that arriving late for a lecture would have been a much better option than running straight into someone. And not just a random someone, no. Because life could not be kind to you, so the Universe had decided that the person you would knock over on the floor was no one else than your Middle School crush, Kim Namjoon himself, the pain of your existence and your fiercest rival. And of course, he attended your same college, how silly of you to think otherwise.

“Oh no no no, I’m so sorry,” you said while helping him collect his belongings. You didn’t know what to panic for: still being late for your lectures or encountering your nemesis?

“Why am I not surprised that you are here?”

His voice was just as icy as you remembered it to be. Or rather, just as icy with you as you remembered. Because there was a reason why he had been your Middle School crush, aside from the constant banter and the fact that at the time you were really into enemies to lovers type of books. Kim Namjoon had a sweet and calm voice, almost hypnotising. And now, almost 10 years later, his voice was also ridiculously manly. And the butterflies that you thought died inside your stomach? They were suddenly back, storming inside your body. Because his voice was not only manly, but also insanely attractive. And your betraying heart skipped several beats when your eyes landed on him. Kim Namjoon was a sight to see. Not only was he now tall (the perfect height for you to lean your head on this shoulder), but also a man. And you were only human, after all. A very weak one.

“Can you stop staring at me?” he asked not so friendly.

You wanted to hide, far away, somewhere where you would never have to encounter him again. Of course, he caught you staring at him, your luck was embarrassing. “Sorry, I was just surprised to see you here.”

He scoffed, “you surely did not think you were the only one smart enough to be here?”

Yes, maybe Kim Namjoon was now more attractive than you would have liked, but you also remembered how vexed he made you feel. “Does everything have to be a fight with you?” you hissed in return.

He rolled his eyes at you, “only with annoying people.”

You groaned, “you’re just as obnoxious as I remembered.”

“I beg your pardon? You’re the one who clashed into me, knocked all of my things on the floor and then stared at me for 10 minutes-”

“It was not 10 minutes!” you protested. Seriously, he was so irritating.

“Whatever, I don’t have time for this. Now because of you I will be late,” he said.

You gasped. Your lecture! You did not even respond to him, you simply sprinted away, hoping that the professor would allow you to enter the class (spoiler: he did not) and that you would never meet Namjoon again (spoiler: you did. Several times).


“And he’s so annoying! Why does he have to be friend with Yoongi? He’s infiltrating my group and soon enough they will get rid of me,” you said munching on your dumplings and pointing the chopstick at your screen where two confused Tae and Jungkook were looking at you. “He hates me!”

“Y/N, don’t you think you’re exaggerating?” Taehyung asked.

You shook your head, gulping down your last dumpling. “He despises me! Don’t you remember how he was in Middle School?”

Jungkook shrugged, “Namjoon-hyung was always very polite with me. I actually quite liked the guy.”

Taehyung nodded, “he really was!”

You groaned, pressing your face into your pillow, “I can’t believe you’re siding with the enemy.”

“You know what, Y/N? One might even think that you still like him,” said Taehyung with a smirk.

You frowned, “what do you mean ‘still like him’? What do you know?” You were now incredibly suspicious. How did he know about your, very much past, crush for Namjoon? As far as you were aware, no one knew anything about your love life.

Jungkook chuckled nervously, “he’s just joking. We must go now, bye sister!” And then he hung up on you.

Those two were up to something, and there was only one person that could tell you what was going on. It was finally time to find Jimin and put an end to your avoiding behaviour.


You were almost halfway through when you spotted Jin coming towards you, looking quite conflicted. You noticed his posture was strangely stiff and that he could not quite meat your eyes. When he said hello to you, his voice was tense.

“Is everything okay, Jin?” you asked. You watched him huff and fidget with something in his hand. An envelope. A pink envelope. A very familiar, pink envelope. Panic started crawling on you. It could not be real.

“I received this,” he said waving the letter at you, looking the very description of discomfort. “Look, Y/N, I am honoured, really, but I thought we were only friends. I didn’t know you felt differently.”

“Oh no,” you started panting, panic overwhelming you. You could not breathe; your world was spinning around you, and you could hardly feel the ground beneath your feet. “How did you-”

“Y/N! Are you okay?” Seokjin was now seriously worried about you.

You forced yourself to take in a couple of steadying breaths. “I did not send that,” you said with a small voice. You truly hoped this was just a nightmare, a cruel mistake at best.

Seokjin scratched his head, “but it has been signed by you?”

You laughed nervously, “I know. I have written it years ago. I never intended for it to reach you.”

“So… you love me?”

You shook your head, “no. Don’t get me wrong, at the time I thought I did but…I only wrote it to remind myself of how I felt. I don’t even know why you have it.”

He nodded, passing the envelope to you. “I think you should have it back then.”

You thanked him, taking the letter from him. “Seokjin?”


“Are we still friends?” you asked hesitantly, not daring to meet his eyes.

He smiled at you and bumped your shoulder with his. “Of course we are. Although, I am a bit hurt that I was not the only one to receive such a beautiful letter.”

You froze, terror taking control of your brain. Not the only one?

“Namjoon seemed quite shocked when he read his.”

Oh no. No no no no no.

If Namjoon had received your letter, which was in itself already bad, then that meant that there was a chance that Jimin had gotten his.


You needed to find Jimin. Truthfully, you had no idea what to tell him. It was true, you did not love Seokjin, nor Namjoon, but how could you lie to your dearest friend? How could you look at him in the eyes and tell him that it had all been a mistake? But it’s not as if you could tell him the truth either. Perhaps, you thought, he didn’t receive his letter. Maybe, whomever sent them did not find the one addressed to Jimin. But who did send them? The only thing you could think about was that the box in which they were kept had mistakenly being put with the ones destined to be donated. And then the person who had found them had thought that they ended up there by accident when you were actually meant to send them out. It was your own fault for writing down the full address on each one.

“Y/N! Wait up!”

You stopped in your tracks and closed your eyes, hoping that maybe if you could not see him then he would not see you.

“What is the meaning of this?” Namjoon asked. You opened up one eye to look at him handing you his blue envelope. Of course he saw you.

You sighed and took the envelope. “A mistake, that’s what is it. I did not send it out, if that’s what you’re asking.”

He raised an eyebrow and folded his arms on his chest, “maybe not, but you still wrote it.”

Ouch. You scoffed, “don’t flatter yourself. It means nothing.”

“It said you love me. It said, and I quote, ‘I tried everything I could to stop loving the way my soul calls to yours’-”

You pressed your hands to his mouth, not even caring about invading his personal space or that this was the first time your skin came into contact with his. “Ah, ah! Don’t want to hear about it.”

“Look,” you said taking a step back but still watching carefully in case he decided to randomly quote what you wrote at the age of 13. “I wrote this years ago and never intended for it to reach you.”

“You addressed it,” he stated.


He huffed, “you wrote my full address. It came to my house and my mother had to send it to me here. If you never intended to reach me, why did you address it and stamp it?”

You opened your mouth to protest but could not think of many things to say that weren’t ‘I don’t know’. So, you stayed silent.

Exasperated, you looked around. Everywhere, really, so that you didn’t need to look at his piercing eyes. That’s when you noticed Jimin walking towards you, a yellow envelope in his hand.

You don’t know exactly what happened in your brain back then, but you had no time to ponder your next move. All you could think about was making sure that Jimin would never find out about your feelings for him. And so, there was only one thing left for you to do.

You wrapped your arms around Namjoon’s neck, and you kissed him. Despite the terror that seeing Jimin had caused you, you could not help but notice how warm and soft his lips were, how firm his body was against yours. And how his hand unmistakeably grabbed your waist for a brief second. How his lips had moved against yours.

It all lasted so briefly before he pulled himself away from you. You did not hear him asking you what you were thinking, all that you could notice was that Jimin had left. Your plan had worked, for now. All you needed to worry about now was a flustered and angered Namjoon.

You raised a hand to silence his stream of consciousness, “I need you to be my fake boyfriend.”


He was speechless, and rightfully so. You even doubted you were making any sense. But somehow it did, in some deep and twisted part of your brain.

“Jimin,” you started to explain, “he has the same letter you and Jin have. I wrote them in different periods of time and, before you ask, I don’t know why I stamped them. Maybe a part of him wanted one of you to know, to return my feelings. I don’t love you, nor Seokjin for that matter, but I do love Jimin. And he is the only person who can never find out.”

Namjoon stayed silent for several minutes, trying to take everything in. “What is it that you are asking of me, exactly?”

You sighed, “if I could pretend I am actually in love with someone else, if I can show him that that letter belongs to the past, perhaps I can still save our friendship. You don’t owe me anything, Kim Namjoon, but what I am asking of you is: will you be my fake boyfriend?”
