


Academic Asks! (All emojis can be found in the objects section)

1) What was your favorite assignment to work on?

2) Alternatively, what was your least favorite assignment to work on?

3) Do you take morning, afternoon or evening classes?

4) Do you take weekday or weekend classes?

5) Share what your ideal classroom setting is! (i.e.size, student interaction level, mood/aesthetics etc.)

6) Private or Public school?

7) Have you ever cheated on an assignment or a test? If you did, how and did you get caught?

8) Can you explain your favorite teaching or studying method?

9) Mind sharing your lowest grade? Do you think it was fair and deserved? How’d you handle it?

10) Any crazy or interesting class stories?

11) If there was anything you could change about your education system in one night, what would it be?

12) Stem or Arts?

14) Do you have a school crush or rival? Tell me about them…

15) What’s a class you’ve taken just for the sake of taking it, if any?

16) Will you share your studying tunes?

17) Watch any studyblrs on youtube? If not, how about general academic or educational youtubers?

18) Last book you read for fun?

19) Front, middle or back of the classroom?

20) After you graduate, what’s next?
