#ruby rose



happy birthday sunflower !!


Ruby:Emerald can you help me move this shelf?

Emerald:Sure th- scroll rings Hold on, hello?

Mercury:Hey Em.

Emerald:What’s up? I’m about to help move a couch.


Mercury:Oh okay. I won’t keep you long. I was just calling to ya know…say I love you.

RWBY: *looks at Emerald*


Emerald:Is everything okay? Are you dying somewhere?

Mercury:Heh, no. I just know I don’t really say it often, so yeah. Just wanted to let you know.

Emerald:Oh, okay. I love you too. Ya dork. Call you later?

Mercury:Yeah. Bye. Lift with your legs.

Emerald:Ha I will. Bye. hangs up …..Why did he do this to me?

Weiss:I think he thinking about you.

Yang:Predicting a boy’s next move is an enigma.

Blake:Your face is red.


Emerald:I’m so happy right now that I don’t really know what to do with myself. That was so sudden.

Ruby:How about…you help move the couch?


Mercury: *covers face*

Jaune:See? Doesn’t it feel nice to feel-

Mercury:Shut up man!

Jaune:Baby steps…

Ruby:Truth or Dare?

Whitley:Uhhh truth?

Ruby:What’s something about us that you value that you haven’t told me about.

Whitley:Hmm…I guess one of the best parts about being with you is how I didn’t only gain a girlfriend. Best friend, a father figure, people to call brothers, more sisters; I have this family now that shows me the same worth you do. I mean you’ve even made my own family stronger between my siblings.

Ruby:*tearing up* What the hell man? I was expecting something stupid. Holy shit *wiping eyes* damnit Whitley!

Whitley:You wanted honesty!

Ruby:I wanted you say dare so you’d buy me a pizza.

Whitley:*red* You could’ve literally asked me that with truth.

Ruby:Shut up! I panicked. *hugs him* I’m happy you said that though.

Whitley:This game is dangerous.


Nine Days of Lancaster!

The lovely people of the Kingdom of Lancaster Discord server have come together, lead by AdAstra27, to organize another Nine Days of Lancaster!

The event runs from May 28th to June 5th and prompts are displayed below!

There are two prompts available per day, but you aren’t required to do both, nor do you have to do every single prompt or day. Just do what whichever ones you feel like and help us celebrate these two dorks and this wholesome ship!

Fanart, fanfic, and other creative mediums are accepted (though if you do something like a photo edit/collage using other peoples art please make sure you give proper credit).

Make sure to tag your submissions with #9DaysofLan22!

Edits in this post made by me

Jaune and Ruby art by Ein Lee

Lancaster emblem made by Emperial-Dawn

Whimsical Symphony

Most days the sound of birds chirping greet people in the morning. Today however, the sound of rhythmic drum sticks and a playful acoustic made Weiss hop out of bed, pjs and messy hair galore. The music swayed her hips and brought a smile on her face as she danced out of her room. Has the world always been this bright?

Her are arms swung side to side and she warmed up her voice with humming as the music got louder. The young lady went down the stairs, still dancing, and seeing balloons. Ruby was the one with drumsticks while Jaune played guitar. Whitley had set a keyboard with Penny and played the moment he spotted her. Blake, Yang, and Nora began clapping in rhythm to the music. Ren and Oscar danced in the kitchen as they made breakfast. To make things better, Winter met her at the bottom of the stairs. She took her hand and the two began dancing together. Weiss couldn’t help but laugh joyful at the glorious chaos made in her name. Winter spun her around, sending her twirling to the middle of the room until she stopped dramatically.

Weiss: Happy Birthday!

Everyone: To You

Weiss: Happy Birthday!

Everyone: To You!

Weiss: Happy Birthday to…


Weiss:Ooooo yeah~

Everyone: Happy Birthday…

Weiss: To me!

Everyone on a instrument broke out into a ridiculously silly finale as Weiss danced to it with just as much silliness. All her friends and family laughed along and cheered, rushing over to hug the girl.

Everyone:Happy Birthday Weiss!

Weiss:I love you guys.

A broken mirror

“I am not blind. I am no fool. From the moment I saw you I knew exactly what you were. A broken mirror. One with jagged glass ready to slice my throat. I won’t pretend I don’t see it. Won’t lie to myself and play ignorant to what was the breaking point. Still, you’re broken; and broken glass gets swept away. Not my fault you shattered. Not my job to fix. All I want is to remove glass so nobody gets anymore cuts. This is my job; my wish. Still, I am not blind. I am no fool. I know that if all the pieces mended, if I would’ve seen this mirror before it broke, I would see so much of myself in you.”

Thick black smoke filled the air. Dozens of carriages carried away weeping, injured citizens. As a huntress clad in red leads the way out of the burning town with tearful eyes, her daughter rode at the rear. Gripping her bleeding side in pain, all she can do is look at the town. A man robbed in black stood in front of the blaze, the dim, gray look of his gaze met her scarlet eyes. Even with how far he was, she could tell he was smiling. How? Because all she could is grip her broken scythe in righteous anger.

“I am not blind.”



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Shopping List

Shopping List

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Huntsman. Uncle. Twin. And a self-titled “bad luck charm.”

I have so many feels over Qrow fucking Branwen.

Qrow’s semblance, revealed in Volume 4, is “bad luck.” Here’s what the RWBY Wiki has to say.

“Qrow’s Semblance brings misfortune wherever he goes, and unlike most Semblances, his is always active and uncontrollable. This leads to incidents as small as a glass being knocked onto the floor in “New Challengers” or as significant as a blocked attack chopping off the corner of a building in “Punished”. His Semblance can come to his advantage in a fight, such when Tyrian Callows falls through an old roof. His Semblance does not discriminate on who it affects, which causes him to keep his distance from the people he cares about.”

Qrow freaking Branwen.

Can you even beginto imagine what kind of hellthis man must live each day?

No, you really can’t. You really, really can’t.

You probably think, “Yeah, it would suck to have constant bad luck.”

Allow me to elaborate for you.

Imagine a young Qrow, perhaps part of a happy family, crying because his sister, Raven, tripped and hurt herself while they were playing. In the weeks following, Raven is more careful when she’s playing.

Imagine a slightly older Qrow, now in school, watching his close friends get into freak accidents and sustain random injuries. His friends are in the hospital or kept home, healing, more and more often.

Imagine tween Qrow, hearing that close family members are passing away suddenly and unexpectedly. His relatives don’t visit much, they’re all grieving.

Imagine teen Qrow, finding out that his first girlfriend was in an accident and is now on life support. When Qrow goes to visit, her life support shuts down and the doctors are too late.

Imagine 17-year-old Qrow, starting his life as a Hunter at Beacon. During the relic retrieval in the forest, he makes eye contact with Raven, just as a Grimm attacks. Qrow wheels Raven onto the stage in a wheelchair when Ozpin announces Team STRQ.

Imagine Qrow, now on Team STRQ, grow more and more reserved as his teammates experience troubling accidents and strange injuries. They ask Qrow what’s wrong. He says he’s fine. He starts wondering if he’s the one causing the accidents and injuries.

Imagine Qrow, doing research with Raven, having recently discovered their ability to transform into their respective bird namesake. Qrow learns that his bird form, a crow, is a symbol of bad luck. Something begins to grow in the back of his mind as the WiFI goes out and many students doing last minute homework are unable to finish. Instead of celebrating finding his supposed semblance, Qrow is lost in dark thought.

Imagine 20-year-old Qrow, graduated from Beacon, watching Taiyang and Raven date, and seeing the small accidents that endanger their relationship whenever he hangs out with them for too long. Qrow refuses to date. Summer wants to help her teammate. Qrow say’s everything’s fine. Depression begins to set in.

Imagine Qrow, beside Taiyang, each holding one of Raven’s hands as she goes into labor in the hospital. Nearly 18 hours later, Yang is born, and Raven is in a very dangerous condition. The doctors say they’ve never seen such a healthy pregnancy go so wrong at the very end. Qrow, with his new title of Uncle, excuses himself, and goes to the nearest bar.

Imagine Qrow, tears in his eyes, as Taiyang and Raven and Summer have the biggest fight in the history of Team STRQ’s fights. Yang plays with Qrow in the living room, calling him “Uncle.” The fight is broken up by Yang screaming in pain. Qrow doesn’t know how the TV fell, but the weight in his heart tells him that it was his fault. Raven and Taiyang make sure their daughter is alright while Summer tries to speak to Qrow as he makes an excuse to leave. He ends up at another bar. The bartender is starting to recognize him.

Imagine Qrow, hiding the scent of alcohol on his breath watching TV with Team STRQ and little Yang. He sits apart from them, and the weight in his heart grows when the news report. The local bar burned to the ground, most of the employees still inside. Qrow’s depression and want for a drink only grow.

Imagine Qrow, biting back tears as the fight from a few months ago comes to a front and ends with Raven walking out, Taiyang heartbroken, Summer in tears, and Qrow trying to comfort Yang while touching her as little as possible. All of them think that it’s their fault that Raven left, but Qrow knows the true blame resides with him.

Imagine Qrow, now without his twin and best friend. Summer and Taiyang find out about his growing reliance on alcohol, and they do their best to help him. He finally tells someone what he’s been feeling for so many years. He’s a bringer of bad luck. Summer and Tai are trying to reassure him as the power goes out, and Yang cries for hours. Qrow wishes for a drink and answers.

Imagine Qrow, as he goes on long hunting trips, and on one return discovers Taiyang and Summer have begun a relationship. He hesitantly agrees to be the best man at the wedding. Raven doesn’t show up, despite Summer reaching out to ask her to be the maid of honour. Several small mishaps occur at the wedding, but Qrow makes it through without a single drop of alcohol. Maybe, just maybe, things are looking up. Maybe the hunting helps.

Imagine Qrow, hunting more and more, rushing back when he hears the news. He arrives a few minutes after Ruby Rose is born, beaming as he hears the pregnancy was quick and easy. No repeats of last time. Yang holds Ruby, already strong enough, and asks with wide lilac eyes if “Uncle Qrow” wants a turn. He can’t refuse, and takes the small bundle, wrapped in a red blanket. Qrow feels the weight in his heart, knows he should hand Ruby off before anything happens, but he doesn’t want to let the little bundle go. In several nearby rooms, doctors rush to save patients who are flatlining for no reason.

Imagine Qrow, uncle of two beautiful girls, turning down babysitting in favor of hunting. He notices a pattern as he kills Grimm after Grimm after Grimm. He finds them fighting each other, already wounded, and sleeping. During fights, Grimm stumble on thin air, wound fellow beasts, miss openings for attacks. Qrow uses his bird form more and more, but the question of his semblance hangs in the balance. Where does the bad luck come from, and why? When there’s no Grimm around to fight and Qrow is alone, the weather is always terrible.

Imagine Qrow, unable to do anything but drink after Summer dies. Taiyang would join him, but his two girls need him. Ruby and Yang ask for their uncle, but Qrow doesn’t want to be around anyone he cares about. It’s too risky. A car accident kills several people outside the bar. Qrow drinks into oblivion.

Imagine Qrow, still ridden with grief, helping Tai bury Summer. Raven doesn’t show up. Yang gets expelled from school for fighting. Ruby gets bullied after Yang is gone. Qrow drinks. Tai tries to cope. The bad luck continues.

Imagine Qrow, finally cracking under so much pressure. He goes to talk to Ozpin at Beacon, something Summer suggested several years ago. Ozpin has answers. Qrow’s semblance isn’t his bird form. Ozpin calls him “a strange case.” His semblance is always active, and it cannot be controlled. Qrow breaks down right there in Ozpin’s office. Ozpin offers to help, staring down at the remains of his favourite coffee mug.

Imagine Qrow, struggling to stay sober, teaching his first class at Signal, thanks to Ozpin’s good word. He’s every student’s favourite teacher. His classes are practical and hands on, and the students are heavily independent, since Qrow distances himself from nearly everyone. It gets harder once Ruby joins Yang at signal. The accidents stay at a minimum. Qrow feels like maybe he’s figuring this out.

Imagine Qrow, helping Ruby put the finishing touches on Crescent Rose. Ruby has already cut and bruised herself several times during the construction, but Qrow fears Ruby’s adoration and idolization more than the injuries. He needs to distance himself. He helps Yang with her motorcycle once she gets her permit. He really needs to distance himself, but he enjoys spending time with the girls. Ruby goes to the hospital when a dust cartridge explodes in Crescent Rose and Yang ends up in the bed next to her after getting in an accident on her first spin. Qrow swears never to be so selfish again. They could have died. Everything was his fault. Depression and alcoholism return. He quits at Signal, to the dismay of everyone.

Imagine Qrow, putting all of his time into hunting, honing his skills. His semblance is uncontrollable. The Grimm, attracted by the stench of negative emotion rolling off of the single Huntsman, soon discover this. He hunts several species of Grimm to near extinction in parts of Remnant. Taiyang sends the occasional update. Qrows notices that everything seems to be going smoothly, and that gives him a dark sense of satisfaction.

Imagine Qrow, in very recent events, hearing a glass shatter after being knocked over, getting Winter Schnee caught acting out line, and playing video games that the girls lose, despite having more experience. Small things. Nothing too big. He’ll take off soon and the bad luck will fade.

Now, remember. Qrow, watching Ironwood deal with prosthetic malfunctions, hearing reports of Amber getting worse. Hearing the news that Yang is disqualified. That Penny Polendina is dead. Grimm are attacking. The Fall Maiden’s powers are in the hands of the enemy. Amber, Penny, and Pyrrha Nikos are dead. Ironwood’s army is destroyed. The Grimm dragon is awake, but quickly frozen by Ruby’s silver eye powers. Ruby is in a coma. Yang is dragged to safety, bleeding to death, missing an arm. Her teammate is also badly wounded. Qrow watches Team RWBY get torn apart as Weiss Schnee is taken home by her father, Taiyang arrives to take Ruby and Yang, and Blake runs away. Ozpin is dead.

Qrow drowning in the belief that everything was his fault.

Remember Qrow following Team RNJR, keeping several miles between them, the horrifying memories of everything so fresh. He knows he can keep Ruby safe from a distance. But Tyrian attacks, and he’s nearly too late. He’s not exempt from his semblance. Far from it. Wounded. Too close to Team RNJR for their own good. Having to take more of their innocence and carefree lives by explaining what was happening. The quiet shame he hides as he reveals his semblance, not meeting Ruby’s eyes for fear that she will see him as a monster. Poison setting in. Unable to protect Ruby and her friends. Unconscious, but still causing bad luck.

Understand Qrow. Despite the terrible things his bad luck does to those around him, the bad luck affects him worst of all. Because he knows. He knows that it’s hissemblance, and he believes that it’s all his fault. And he can’t do anything to stop it.

Imagine Qrow fucking Branwen.

This only took… Eight hours. Please credit me if you repost!

This only took… Eight hours.

Please credit me if you repost!

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concept: humans on remnant would be utterly different to humans on earth. they would be less aggressive and more communal/traditional.

now, to make a long story short,

grimm come around negative emotions, humans that are arctivly competing with each other will inspire negative emotions and thus will draw grimm. this means that the humans who co-operate better with each other will survive more and will have kids thus making the aggressive traits that were necessary for humans in our world die out.

pretty simple right? so lets break down what that actually means for a society

so since humans on remnant are encouraged to be so communal you would think that this would make them communistic. the answer is no actually they’re less likely to fight to change things so families that claim leadership of a group likely continue to do so for as long as the area they inhabit remains. so an aristocracy rises pretty much everywhere on remnant and remains forever. without the worst impulses of humanity the lot of the small folk never really gets bad either societal pressure to conform remains and organizational structures are based in the same way herds are. bloodless tussles between the dominant members establish hierarchy.

so aura users fight each other and the Grimm. only the Grimm need to be killed most of the time. the grimm swarm anyone who causes problems so since humanity isn’t the strongest thing around good morals are enforced.

to gamify their society


Imperial:Imperial governments are similar to dictatorial ones (ruled by a single individual for life that wields absolute control over the state.), except that the throne is always inherited by a designated successor upon the ruler’s death.

ethics: Fanatic Authoritarian, Spiritualist

  • +10% Monthly unity
  • −10% Edict cost
  • −10% Edict upkeep
  • Can use the Veneration of Saints edict
  • +1 Monthly influence
  • +10% Worker output
  • Can use the Information Quarantine edict

but breaking down the government into civics

Feudal Society: This society is organized in a feudal manner, with a monarch whose rule relies on powerful vassals that govern their territories with considerable autonomy.

  • +1 Unity per Governor level
  • −50% Leader Cost
  • +1 Monthly Loyalty from Subjects
  • Leaders have no upkeep
  • No Loyalty loss from multiple subjects
  • Cannot dismiss leaders
  • Cannot give Expansion Prohibited terms of agreement
  • Cannot give Limited Diplomacy terms of agreement

so basic idea is that the king has very little control of his subjects they are bound together instead by contracts and oaths. this goes all the way down with the grimm pretty much enforcing the oaths as oathbreakers will upset their small folk and bring the grimm down on them.

Philosopher King: It is not enough to simply rule. The Ship of State must be guided by a king that wields enough wisdom and knowledge to steer it true.

  • +2 Ruler level cap
  • Ruler and Governor leaders can’t gain negative traits from leveling up

the nature of the world though means that leaders who exhibit bad traits are removed meaning the only leaders who exist are the firytale true kings and lords. ones who are truly noble in deed not just in name

Aristocratic Elite: This society has an entrenched nobility that occupies the upper echelons of society.

  • +1 Governor Level Cap
  • Can construct Noble Estates buildings
  • Can construct Noble Chateaus holdings
  • Capital Buildings replace some Politician jobs with Noble jobs

though it’s still an un-equal society, it’s not something that would fly in our world through our own innate desire to compete with each other for a better life facilitating adaptation. in this world humans have taken a far different course of action. but all this focus on the people at the top actually makes sure that they’re the best of the best as I tried to show with the leader caps being buffed so much and the cost being lowered to maintain them. plus they can’t physically get negative traits for leadership.

this society as i said could never work in our world. not just because the normal people would not accept being ruled over like that but also because such a system would be rampent with corruption and the like. but because the grimm exist adaptation to the new rules would be humanities main method of survival. and the best way to avoid the preditors that are the grimm are to simply not be around them and to not feel negative things or inspire them in others. so the people who are better at co-operation survive and have kids while the people who compete and look out for their own interests die.

of course the goverment structure is one thing even with the civics better explaining it. the main issue is how did the people of remmant evolve and how does this facilitate their society?

traits: positive

  • Conformists,+30% Governing Ethics Attraction
  • Traditional, +10% Unity from Jobs
  • Communal, −10% Pop Housing Usage

in layman’s terms, they are a highly social species that typically just follows along with what they see others do and what their ancestors do. they’re used to living together within the walls so they don’t mind little privacy and the only populations of them left are the ones who don’t cause problems for each other.

traits: negetive

  • Sedentary, −15% Pop growth from immigration +25% Resettlement Cost
  • Nonadaptive, they don’t change well
  • Fleeting,−10 years Leader Lifespan

the downsides to this is that they never change, they expand on occasion with new villages and trade via ship on occasion but for the most part nothing ever changes in their world. and of course with the grimm around no matter how strong you are as a lord (aura user) your life will always be cut short. they never get to die in their beds. always in battle with the grimm.

so this means that almost all of remnant’s history is the same. dense communities of people living under the yoke of nobles who do their best for them. the life of your great great grandfather is the same as yours and you’re happy with that. there’s no bulling, no crime, and the worst you deal with from others is the nomads who show up on occasion and cause problems for you till your lord makes them move along.

that is until the great war.

it doesn’t happen all at once. about two generations back some minstral people landed on your continent and made a village. but one village became 5, with became 10, this couldn’t stand. the king asks them politely to leave, but they refuse. they barely survived the trip over here and they have nothing to go back to now, this is their home. and they won’t move now that they’re here.

this means that the lords are called up on their oaths. but the kings made oaths with each other. so now all the families of the world are called in and they start to fight.

the first generation is a stalemate as some lords win and others lose. no real progress is made. it’s all honor duels or small skirmishes.

the next couple of generations sees more fighting with the nobles .

and then the next.

and the next

until suddenly the battles are huge.

so huge it draws the grimm, and suddenly the old way of life isn’t viable anymore because all the old families are gone. it’s the end of the world the world is a scary place. to feel safe people start making weapons. then they start making armies to send at each other. it’s all the otherguy’s fault and if you could just make them leave you alone then things could go back to the way they were before!

this fear draws the grimm and things enter into a dark age. but ozma is there to pick up the pieces. the kingdoms agree that vale lost the least in the war and so gets to dictate terms. to prevent another war citizenship is now based on where you live not your previous oaths. the technology used to kill each other is now used to bring you all closer together.

and that’s where we enter in the RWBY series. a world just coming out of a dark age looking to return to how things were.

so things that are different in this version of things

faunas aren’t oppressed, slavery was never a thing and while people are still getting used to the new arrivals from menagerie there are no real issues beyond them doing strange things that the locals don’t understand and visa-versa
adam is still evil inexplicably, literally for no reason other than to be a villain. something something witch’s curse, something something freedom in death
ruby is from a line of nobles but is one of the last of the noble families. she’s brought to beacon to try and facilitate the return of nobility so the kingdoms can stop with this silly democracy stuff.
aura is rare because most people don’t want the responsibility of being a noble. beacon is created to try and train a new group of noble families

jaune is actually trained in combat, he’s still a huge goofball and has big goldenretriver energy

cardin isn’t a bully. instead, his issue is that he’s obsessed with serving jaune as his family was the arc’s vassals his arc will focus around him finally taking a few steps outside jaune’s shadow to help others rather than having to be told.

weiss is from a new family of nobles and doesn’t have the people’s support because of it. her goal is to find a well liked husband to remidy this.
Pyrrha is so used to hero worship as one of the last nikos and the strongest noble left in minstral that she’s desperate for some normal friends.
bandits are replaced with nomadic tribes that just generally don’t mesh well with the kingdoms but they aren’t malicious.
Grimm are the main enemy but they’re terrifying. 1 or 20 is fine, but grimm swarms appear in response to negativity and form out of nothing. they come in thousands and a true swarm takes almost everything to deal with.

the entire story is about fairytales trying to get back on track after a great war fucks up the plot for everyone.
salem is still a thing but she works only with grimm. though the grimm do get intelligence and sapience after thousands of years so they’re characters in their own right, they’re just out to kill humanity cause that’s what they do. still follow monster rules though since the entire world works on fairytale logic.

monogamy is strictly enforced, not because of any logical reason. but because true love is a thing here and ya know, fairytales.






Ruby:*walking along*


Ruby: Oh, hi Pen-

Penny has suddenly grabbed Ruby’s wrists and pinned her to the wall!

Ruby: E-eh?! P-Penny, what are you doing?!

Penny: Girlfriend Ruby, I have seen your internet browsing history.

Ruby: EH?!

Penny: And according to you history, and those black-and-white comics, you find this position to be very romantic.


Penny has suddenly started making out with Ruby. She feels Penny’s leg spread both of hers open and her knees roughly grind against Ruby’s crotch, making the scythe swinger moan into Penny’s mouth and melt in her hand.

Ruby:*kiss breaks* N-nevermind, d-do more of this, please…

Peny: Do not worry, Ruby, my friend; I am eechi-ready!

Jaune: wow….who knew Penny could be so assertive…*holding a comic book and a soda in his hand as he stood next to Pyrrha having witness that go down, he then shrugs and sips his soda*well good for them, I’m Proud of them.

Pyrrha: *through clenched teeth* Yes. Good for them.




Ruby:*walking along*


Ruby: Oh, hi Pen-

Penny has suddenly grabbed Ruby’s wrists and pinned her to the wall!

Ruby: E-eh?! P-Penny, what are you doing?!

Penny: Girlfriend Ruby, I have seen your internet browsing history.

Ruby: EH?!

Penny: And according to you history, and those black-and-white comics, you find this position to be very romantic.


Penny has suddenly started making out with Ruby. She feels Penny’s leg spread both of hers open and her knees roughly grind against Ruby’s crotch, making the scythe swinger moan into Penny’s mouth and melt in her hand.

Ruby:*kiss breaks* N-nevermind, d-do more of this, please…

Peny: Do not worry, Ruby, my friend; I am eechi-ready!

Jaune: wow….who knew Penny could be so assertive…*holding a comic book and a soda in his hand as he stood next to Pyrrha having witness that go down, he then shrugs and sips his soda*well good for them, I’m Proud of them.


Ruby:*walking along*


Ruby: Oh, hi Pen-

Penny has suddenly grabbed Ruby’s wrists and pinned her to the wall!

Ruby: E-eh?! P-Penny, what are you doing?!

Penny: Girlfriend Ruby, I have seen your internet browsing history.

Ruby: EH?!

Penny: And according to you history, and those black-and-white comics, you find this position to be very romantic.


Penny has suddenly started making out with Ruby. She feels Penny’s leg spread both of hers open and her knees roughly grind against Ruby’s crotch, making the scythe swinger moan into Penny’s mouth and melt in her hand.

Ruby:*kiss breaks* N-nevermind, d-do more of this, please…

Peny: Do not worry, Ruby, my friend; I am eechi-ready!

acebuckybarnes:The Journey of Ruby RoseVolumes 1 through 8


The Journey of Ruby Rose
Volumes 1 through 8

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