

Sometimes I get really self conscious about still loving soft toys, making daisy chains, jumping over streams and getting really, really excited when I see ducklings.

And other times I think, fuck the people who made me feel like I can’t still enjoy those things. Being in touch with your inner child is not something to be ashamed of! <3

Hi Bunnies! I’ve been having a really tough time lately with mental health stuff (I’m safe and physically ok). I think I just need to take a break for a bit as whenever I go on tumblr I just feel so guilty for not posting anything original.

I love you all and am sending so much love, care and blessings.

Runa x

Gardening rambles…

I am so so so grateful for my garden at home. I don’t know how I’d manage to stay mentally healthy without it during this lockdown period. Today I cleared all of the little paths and planted some delphiniums and geraniums. It has been in need of some major TLC and now I’m back I can get going!

Life Update:

Agh I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much original content bunnies. I am currently on teaching practice and barely have a moment to eat nvm write up spells!

I have been doing a lot of charm work and grounding work lately due to the high stress environment I’m working in and it has been really helping my anxiety through the day. It saddens me that I cant go outside much now but reaching to the Earth energies in the evening is better than nothing :)

Lots of love as always,

- R

I’m just fucking bored of being depressed. It is so draining feeling numb.
