#green magic



Easy Witch Tips: Moon Water Edition

Are you in the broom closet?

Are you tired as fuck?

Are you lazy and don’t wanna do the things?

Me too. Which one? Take some educated guesses (All three. I’m all three. Don’t judge me-)

What to do with Moon Water when You Simply Can’t:

  • Brew coffee/tea
  • Make ice cubes out of it
  • Wash your hands/hair/face
  • Water your plants
  • Keep a pitcher of it and drink a cup every morning
  • Make moon water from sparkling water and infuse it with fruits that help you focus/love yourself/energize you/etc
  • Use it to paint
  • Rinse your makeup brushes with it after washing them
  • Put it in your pet’s water dishes
  • Make a cleansing room spray

Literally just do stuff. Replace normal water with moon water. Splash it on your face, throw some into your washer, or your bath. Just d o s t u f f. Witchcraft doesn’t have to be just Spell Jar, Tarot, Full Spell Casting. Nothing is stopping you from just dousing yourself in moon water to help you get reset.

Happy splashing and blessed be <3

Tips and Commissions for a struggling witch: Ko-Fi

Dark dreams of Summer…

Natalie Ina Photography.

A selection from different years.





For all questions, as well as for the purchase of photo prints and about the collaboration, please write to my mail: [email protected]

do NOT edit photos, cut, change colours, do not use as avatars, blog headings and other things like that. If you want to make a post with my photos, please include the authors name or a link to my page.

What is Liber Coven?

We are a book club/community server for people practicing and learning about witchcraft of all kinds. 16+. LGBTQ+ friendly. Equal parts silly and serious. (Maybe a bit more silly…)

We are not a formal coven (so no pressure!), just a server full of witches that love to read. As a community, we read and discuss a new book every other month as well as community events based on magical practices and reading such as:

  • Wreck this Grimoire
  • The Faery Games
  • challenges
  • Twelve Days of Tarot
  • monthly readathons
  • grimoire hangouts and more!

Beginner friendly, Liber Coven is a great place for discussing different practices with people from all over the US and even different parts of the world! We are a community that loves finding and sharing resources and getting and giving advice on everything from cleansing to spirit keeping.

Some other features of our server include:

  • Custom roles for everything from gender to astrological signs
  • Tarot Talks from @lostinphases
  • Daily tarot reminders and prompts from Nessie.
  • A custom tarot bot designed by one of our members which includes our original Emoji Tarot as well as the Neon Moon Tarot.
  • Weekly grimoire prompts
  • Pluralkit accesibility
  • Custom emojis
  • A pen pal system

Join us!

What are you waiting for! Join us for inside jokes, witchcraft, books, and a community of friendly witches.



Here are some really basic herbs for your magic workings :

  • Sage- Cleansing (properties : purification, wisdom, immortality)
  • Lavender- Calming (properties : love, healing, sleep, dreams, divination)
  • Rose- Opening (properties : psychic awareness, opening the heart, love)
  • Eucalyptus- Inspiration (properties : healing, protection, purification, invigorating)
  • Bay Leaves - Divination (properties : psychic powers, success, money)
  • Cardamom- Arousal (properties : lust, sexuality, reigniting intimacy)
  • Rosemary- Focus (properties : mental powers, banishing, purification, protection)
  • Bergamot- Increasing (properties : manifestation, wealth, success, prosperity, adds power to magic)
  • Oats- Grounding (properties : wealth, abundance, prosperity)
  • Dandelion- Releasing (properties : divination, wishes, summoning spirits, releasing)
  • Yarrow- Banishing  (properties : banishing, death, courage, psychic powers)
  • Cloves- Luck (properties : driving away negativity, cleansing, prosperity)


Wealth, exorcisms, abundance, cleansing, love, banishment, prosperity, pleasure, fruitfulness, purifying, romance, accomplishment, and compassion.


Romance, attractiveness, cheerfulness, glamours, charms, pleasure, love, attraction, vitality, rejuvenation, hope, optimism, and happiness.


Fortification, restoration, desire, prophecy, defense, revitalization, curative, lust, pleasure, insight, protection, healing, sensuality, and divination.


Peace, romance, emotional healing, shadow work, harmony, love, soothing, cleansing, amorousness, physical healing, synchronization, calming, purification.


Wealth, desire, success, sensuality, security, romance, serenity, affection, harmony, fortune, lust, prosperity, protection, tranquility, love, and peace.


Protection, healing, purification, shield, homoeopathic, banishing, defense, healing, expelling, fortification, curative, and refinement.


Romance, protection, banishment, amorousness, safety, cleansing, love, defense, exorcisms, compassion, fortification, and warding.


Prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, affluence, happiness, fruitfulness, cleansing, romance, compassion, and achievement.


Prophetic dreams, divination, protection, grounding, warding, connection, enlightenment, psychic powers, strength, and astral projection.


Romance, luck, justice, wealth, amorousness, blessings, righteousness, prosperity, compassion, fortune, affluence, desire, success, and fairness.


Lust, protection, cleansing, wealth, sensuality, defense, purification, wealth, desire, fortification, dispelling, success, cleansing, and prosperity.


Wealth, happiness, lushness, cleansing, love, victory, prosperity, pleasure, fruitfulness, purifying, romance, accomplishment, and compassion.


Protection, vitality, intellect, romance, cleansing, sensuality, banishing, purification, vitality, cerebral control, and mental strength.


Revitalization, romance, intellect, healing, love, recognition, dexterity, freshness, knowledge, abundance, compassion, revitalization, cleansing, and wealth.


Healing, restfulness, psychic power, romance, courage, cleansing, calming, restoration, tranquility, amorousness, bravery, purification, and soothing.

Orange Magic

Oranges and tangerines are something that I eat a lot, especially when I’m feeling more depressed and don’t want to cook. They’re full of nutrients, packed with Vitamin C, and the citrus helps me feel a little more ‘present’ if I dissociate. It’s a safe food for me.

But other than being Good Eats, oranges also have amazing spiritual values!

  • Orange peel can be added to money and financial spells to serious increase your gains. It amplifies the call. Adding it to front door decorations invokes good luck and a good home, while adding it to tea or food can significantly increase your luckiness for the day. It also helps you attract the person who loves you. Don’t get this confused as a love spell. This is an attraction spell, not a love spell. We don’t mess with love spells 'round these parts.
  • Orange flesh and seeds can be used as a divination tool, even for absolute beginners. If you have a yes/no question, focus on it while you peel and eat an orange. WHen you’re finished with your orange, siply count the seeds. If it’s odd, the answer is probably yes. If it’s even, the answer is most likely no. Never take divination as a solid yes/no, things change with time and so do asnwers.
  • Orange juice is energizing and helps with decision making! Drinking orange juice in the morning can help you make effecting choices in the day, and also help you increase luckiness and gracefullness (less tripping over your own feet is always good).

Oranges are absolutely one of my favorite fruits to work with, along with apples and strawberries. Make an orange strawberry lemonade to help with energetic slef-love, or add orange slices to your apple cider to create what’s essentially a delicious homesteading simmer pot!

As always, be safe, do your research, and blessed be!

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!

Poll time! What kind of posts do y'all want?

I would like to know what kind of posts that my followers prefer/like more from me. If I get enough answers, I’ll write more of that kind of post.

These are the four main types of posts that I have on here. Here are a few kinds of posts I’ve been considering:

  • Affordable Witchcraft Sources/Pieces. Links to cheap products, store names, etc.
  • Personal shop progress. New items, posts, etc.
  • Personal Story/Opinion Pieces. What witchcraft means to me, how it’s helped, etc.

If there are other things you want to see here, please leave a comment or send me an ask!

Thank you all <3

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!

Simple Sleep Pouch

Note: this is not meant for people suffering from clinical sleep issues. Please consult your doctor or psychiatrist if you thin something is terribly amiss.

Sometimes sleep isn’t exactly easy. Some of us have issues getting to sleep; others have issues staying asleep, having bad dreams, or jolting awake randomly through the night. One of the little things that help me is a sleep pouch that I keep close to my bed, or in my pillow case. However, I tend to flip-flop a lot a night, so I keep mine on the edge of my bedframe.

What You’ll Need:

  • A small bag (think no more than 4x4 inches, like an organza trinket bag)
  • 2 tablespoons of dried lavender: Peacefulness, restful sleep, and protection.
  • 2 tablespoons basil: Love and protection.
  • 2 tablespoons catnip: Protects you during sleep.
  • Optional: a small piece of lavender or clear quartz
  • Optional: A small piece of something that has good memories. It will help you have sweet dreams.

Putting it together is simple. After cleansing everything, simply pour all the herbs inside, then add in your crystals or trinkets if you decided to use any. And just like that, you have a sleep pouch! Keep it close at night to help rid bad dreams and restlessness. Hopefully it helps!

Blessed be, and sweet dreams <3

Support me on Ko-Fi or visit my store, Hallow Grove!

Self-Forgiveness Spell

I’ve mentioned this in an earlier post about protective herbs and plants, so here I am after a few asks about it!

My self-forgiveness spell jar is easy, quick, and good to carry around as long as you’re careful. I keep mine in one of those tiny glass jars from the Dollar Tree (which are surprisingly nice!) and on a cord above my window. With the summer months (and summer sunshine) coming in, I’ll be moving it to a shadier place closer to my bed.


  • Jar and topper (cleansed)
  • Sea Salt: Cleansing, Purification, Grounding
  • Sugar(double the amount of salt): Sweetness, Love, Invoking Good Things
  • Dried Strawberries: Love, Good Luck, Good Relationships
  • Dried Apples: Love, Luck, Prosperity, Healing
  • Black Peppercorn: Protection, Boundaries
  • Cloves: Protection, Success, Love
  • Red and black candle to seal: Black for protection, red for self-love and warmth. Also works with a white candle.

The idea behind this jar is relatively simple. Sugar, strawberries, and apples all draw in sweetness and love. When paired with a few protective/boundary-setting herbs, and when it’s manifested correctly, those feelings are reflected back onto yourself. As a bonus, those protective herbs also help you from re-forming self-deprecating thoughts! All in all, it’s just a good, wholesome spell to help warmth come back for yourself.

You deserve to forgive yourself. Blessed be. <3

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!


Some of my favorite items in my shop!



I know that it may be annoying that I advertise my own wares, but I am paying off a significant medical bill and any clicks, shares, etc help the you-know-what-site’s algorithm. Please help a witch out and save my credit score, lol.

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!

What Witchcraft Won’t Do

Hi! In case you don’t know anything about me: my name is Ander, I’m 22 years old, and I am disabled. I have physical disabilities, but I also have mental ones: most prominently, a dissociative disorder that causes memory loss and other issues. So when people come at me and tell me that the best cure for these things is magical, I get royally pissed. There have been so many moments when I’ve been talking with people, and they claim that I could be cured with prayer, or spells, healing rituals - you name it.

So, to celebrate my rage, here’s a list of shit y'all don’t gotta put up with others telling you.

  • Witchcraft won’t heal your chronic, mental, or physical illnesses. Go to the doctor, see a therapist, and get yourself right. You deserve the help.
  • You can’t just manifest and think all your problems are solved. WORK. Meet your craft halfway. Don’t expect a lit candle and some burning herbs to solve your debt or ace your tests.
  • Make someone fall in love with you. Don’t even try me on this. Not only is it just a silly, goofy notion, but it’s also a huge violation of consent. Don’t fuck with love magic unless it’s for self-love. You really want to force someone to love you? Bad.
  • Heal your pets. GO TO THE GODDAMN VET.
  • Nourish you. Eat some food, drink some water. Yes, this is seriously something that’s been said to me. Several times, actually.

Maybe it’s because I’m mad while I’m typing this, but that’s all I can think up of right now. If you have anything else to add, reblog and add it into the comments, tags, etc.

Blessed be y'all (except the people who messaged me those things. Fuck you.)

Support me on Ko-Fi or visit my store, Hallow Grove!

Gut Checks

If you’ve never had a moment go wrong during a casting, ritual, or otherwise witchy moment: good, try and keep it that way.

One of the best ways to do this is to trust your gut. If you have any kind of intuition, and you feel something is off, shut it all down. Do not walk away from an unfinished spell. Dismiss the energies/entities/deities, snuff your candles, close it all down. If you feel something is wrong, then something is wrong. Don’t leave anything open, make sure it’s all sealed. Bury your instruments in salt and turn yourself away from any kind of ritual or spellwork for the next day or so.

Your practice should never, ever, make you feel like you’re at risk. Don’t ‘push through’, don’t hesitate, don’t collect $200. Just end it, close it, pack it up. Your safety in all aspect is more important than any ritual, spell, or manifestation. If you’re working with an entity that tries to convince you to work through your warning instinct, do not work with them anymore.

Your gut feelings are one of the greatest tools in your inventory. Use it wisely.

Support me on Ko-Fi or visit my store, Hallow Grove!

Wedding Ring Crystals for Good Luck

I’ve recently had the amusement to watch my best friend in the whole world break up aggressively with a crappy guy who had the audacity to cheat on a literal goddess. In celebration of an anti-wedding, here’s a post about crystals that look amazing on a wedding ring and signify good luck!

1) Aquamarine: Good Luck, Calming, Introspection, Ocean Magic

2) Garnet: Good Luck, Love, Passion, Balance

3) The classic Diamond: Good Luck, Strength, Fidelity, Loyalty

In my personal opinion, diamonds are a little overrated (and way too expensive) but there are tons of options on places like Etsy! You can still create something gorgeous with something traditional.

Good luck out there y'all!

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!

Some Herbs for Protection

Just another simple, but useful list straight from my own Grimoire! This list is not the complete list, only partial (A-C), as the actual list is very long. All of these herbs/plants/spices have been used or can be used as protective aids in spells, rituals, etc. If anyone is interested, I’ll also post a personal protection spell tutorial!

Protective herbs

  • Acorn: Protection, Good Luck, Wisdom, Good Tidings, Power
  • Aloe: Protection, Soothing, Good Luck
  • Anise: Protection (when in incenses)
  • Basil: Protection, Good Luck, Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Sympathy
  • Bay Leaf: Protection, Good Luck, Wealth, Strength, Purification
  • Black Pepper: Protection from evil, Banishment, Boundaries, Safety
  • Caraway: Protection, Health, Love, Mental/Emotional Power, Passion
  • Cinnamon: Protection, Love, Lust, Passion, Good Luck
  • Clove: Protections, Financial Gain, Good Luck

Some of my favorite uses are putting them in spell jars with salt, sugar, and dried strawberries and/or apples for a self-forgiveness spell and to help protect myself from further self-anger!

As always, do your research, and Blessed Be :)

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!

Some of my favorite items in my shop!



I know that it may be annoying that I advertise my own wares, but I am paying off a significant medical bill and any clicks, shares, etc help the you-know-what-site’s algorithm. Please help a witch out and save my credit score, lol.

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!

Sweet Day Strawberry Pancake Spell

To those that have been around my blog for a while, y'all know it ain’t a secret that strawberries are one of my favorite things, ever. To eat, to use in spellwork, to draw - strawberries are a delightful joy from mother nature and far too many of us take them for granted. To combat that, I came up with a pancake recipe guaranteed to delight - and to carry that delight all morning.

Strawberry Sweet Day Pancake Spell Ingredients:
(For 6 pancakes)

  • 1 + ½ cups flour
  • ½ cup oats
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 + 1/3 cups buttermilk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter OR veggie oil
  • 2 cups mashed fresh strawberries (or thawed and drained frozen berries)
  • Optional: whipped cream topping


  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients: flour, oats, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.
  • In a large bowl, blend together buttermilk, eggs, and butter/oil.
  • Mix together until just combined. There may be a few small lumps, but that’s fine. Let it sit for a few minutes (5-10) to let it hydrate.
  • While it rests, heat a non-stick skillet or pan on your stove on medium-high heat.
  • Carefully stir in your berries, then dollop ¼ cup of batter onto the pan. Once the edges are set and the bubbles aren’t filling in, carefully flip.
  • The first two pancakes are the Sacrificial Pancakes. If too dark, turn the heat down to medium and try again. Chef Snacks.
  • Top with preferred topping and ignore the dishes until your roommate asks for a pancake. Then they are obligated to was the dishes. Thems the rules.

Strawberries are great for a variety of things. They invoke sweetness into your life, and can help encourage you to take better care of yourself and those around you. Inspiration is also something strawberries can invite. Plus, they’re basically just dollops of manna from heaven. You may quote me on that.

Blessed be, y'all!

Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
