

Update on content and focus

I was going to upload a daily tarot as much as I could remember but it looks like I won’t be doing that, but I will be posting lots of spreads like the year spread and the new moon spread.

Now, what’s with all the tarot?

So basically, I’m focusing on tarot at the moment and concentrating on learning to read the cards without having to refer to a book. I’d love to do intuitive readings as well but I need to better connect with the cards and get to know them more before I can do that properly. So that’s my focus currently, I’ll be posting other stuff too, just less of it. I’m doing a ritual soon with my moon water from this last full moon, I’ll post about that, I’m gonna attempt a sort of anti-anxiety charm vial whenever I can get some vials, and I’ll post that too, but it’ll mostly be tarot. Might also do some information type posts about Tyr, Loki, Thor, and maybe some others, but again, not for a while as I’m focusing on tarot.

Thanks for the patience, thanks for the support.
