

Hey guys! I know this app is dying but I wanted to let anyone who is around know that I give tarot card readings for only $1 per card! I can do them privately or on my tiktok (sydneyorcutt5). Go check my tiktok out and look at the comments to see if they’re the real deal my cashapp is $SydneyTarot and my venmo is Sydney-Orcutt-2 just add your username in it and specify what app it’s on. If it’s on tumblr I can send pics of the cards and type it and if it’s on tiktok I’ll do a video and tag you in it. I also have a witch story on snap called Witchin’ it’s a collective intelligence where everyone asks questions and answer them to help people. My Snapchat is or_cutyou


I’ve picked up my Grimoire again and begun developing my Tarot section, (which is going to be huge and very time consuming but I am SO excited!)

Please feel free to use these pages as a guide in your own practices or as inspiration for your own BOS or Grimoire :) All I ask is that if you wish to recreate my design or wording, please credit in the description of your post!! Thank you

✨Pages in my Grimoire on Tarot ✨

These pages begin my Tarot study on the symbols associated with the Major Arcana, the 4 Suites and associated zodiacs/meanings, the court cards and what they represent in meanings, numerology and their associated majors, and lastly color symbolism. this is basically all I need to do intuitive readings with the tarot!!

The next chunk of this will be meanings for each of the major arcana, based off of my own practices and what i’ve learned about their symbols.

Beautiful Notes on the Tarot


Virgo Season Rituals

*Smudging is a ritual from a closed practice, please research this before buying that shell, feather, and sage bundle from 5below… stay aware!

Alternatives to smudging: smoke cleansing (literally just get incense cones or sticks!), sound cleansing (get a bell or play cleansing frequencies), deep cleaning (vacuum, open the windows, wipe everything down), and your words (declaring your space sacred & protected)!

*Support your local crystal shops, farmers markets (if the season permits), and don’t be afraid to askquestions: such as, where items are sourced!

*Now is the time to for introspection, grounding, cleansing, spending time outdoors, home cooking, self care (beyond that face mask), meditation, decluttering, reorganizing, andgrowth!

Stay well!


[credits: spiritdaughtercollective & pintrest]

✨The Energy of September 8th✨

The World

The energy/theme that will occur today will be a completion that will lead to a start, a chapter within your life will come to an end and new chapter will form because of it. I am getting what goes around comes around.

✨The energy of August 30th✨

Five of Coins

According to the Star Spinner Tarot, The Five Of Coins: “You May find it difficult to face yourself, and for reasons you do not fully grasp, it is difficult to seek help.”

This energy could mean you are disappointed, upset, or mad at yourself due to an action you have done recently. However just know that this setback, regardless of what it is will help you realize aspects of yourself you did not realize before. Everything happens for a reason and just taking a moment to reflect will help you tremendously!

✨The energy of August 29th✨

Six Of Swords

According to the Star Spinner Tarot, The Six Of Swords: “Moving Forward often means leaving something behind.”

This could indicate a sacrifice is needed in order to move forward with your life, this could mean giving up a pleasure in order to have more structure in your life, being more disciplined as oppose to being free. This could also mean that some aspects in a relationship needs to end in order to move be able to progress. Just know that whatever you do give up on will help push you!

✨The Energy Of August 26th✨

Queen of Wands

According to the Star Spinner Tarot, Queen of Wands: “The picture of Determination. She’s a high achiever and revels in new challenges and new ideas.”

Today indicates an energy of pushing through and achieving a goal that you have set for today! Despite the challenges that may occur today, amazing results will happen if you get through whatever blockage is trying to block you!



Do you want? ◇{DIVINE SERVICES}◇

Donate please PLEASE , if you can to keep me being able to offer these free great services to you all on my tight disability budget I currently use to support myself, my ill mother and my sibling and 2 dogs, 1 fish and a black kitten(just got hims) We would appreciate the hand out, for real honest and for true. Its not like I cannot get a job, this sort of is my job and J love it but I live off of the donations entirely but I haven’t gotten even one donation since April tbh…..smh..,what am I doing wronggg?


Here is the list now of what I’m performing for FREE services related to divine therapeutic/healing arts , my craft is not complete without these oddities …

1. Soul Tribe Family Reading.. to find out where in the cosmos you originated and you’ll also find out if you are a mixed breed or pure blood (sometimes I can only pick up on the one race so be aware of that as well) . I will describe in detail your origin race and its name then show you a standard photo of what your race of origin looks like and as a bonus feature I like to throw in a fun like map of the stars of the universe in just the part where you originated from so youve got an idea shat the star system looks like where you came from also this may come in x few photographs not just one same with the photo of your standard race origin character traits photo you may end up receiving more than only one of them from me, so thats bonus as well.

2. Spirit Guide or Guardian Spirit Readings.. to find out who/what is your Spiritguide and I do go into great detail, expect that. Ok. I tell you sometimes two of your main Spiritguides that I pick up on. What you also get to know which is very neat, interactive, and personal is you get to know not only the first names of your actual Spirit guides but why they are visiting you at this time, what’s provoking them to reach out to you and most importantly is what is their very intimately personalized message from the universe to you, this is always heavy and super deep.

3. (Further Spirit Guide Investigating/Communication) Spirit Guide Oracle Readings.. typically you can do this at any point whether you know your spirit guide or not yet, the reading will work anyways. We can establish good stable contact with your spirit guide through one of my oracle decks. Spirit guides respond best I find to the oracle than to Tarot but if you would like to do spirit guide Tarot I will and can do that as well not a problem. At all. This process I usually allow a person to ask up to two questions per sitting.

4. Classic Tarot Readings.. they come in 3 card readings to 6 cards, 9 cards, and at most 21 card readings. All of my spreads that I personally use can be found on my FAQ at @faq-req that page is a page just for requests and frequently asked questions.

5. Soul Vision Oracle Wisdom Readings.. these are a journey deep , deep into your souls inner desires and inner everything, it will be all known when I use the almighty 4 card “Prophets Spread” , which is typically what I’ve been known to use and another eye-opening one that I just cannot think of the name of currently.

6. Astrological-Double-Sided-Vintage-Tarot Deck Readings.. these are special readings because they’re with my absolutely favorite deck, but not only that but its hold up two other special things 1) its my LUCKY⭐deck and 2) it was handed down from my step-Grandma, Judy ‍

7. Daily Personalized Prophecy.. just like it says its a prophecy or two or three or more that are wrapped up into your life (personalized) very tempting not to have to read these daily.

8. Weekly Wise Prophecies.. similar to the top description.

9. Monthly Divine Prediction.. similar to #7.

10. Past Life Reading.. This I do, do it differently, I don’t really go and describe much about who you were as a person much in detail but i do tell tiny bit but mostly I go through the past lives that I do see and I post a photo of what I found to be similar to your figure and character. And see, youll likely get like 4 or 5 because i see far back sll the time with my psychè.,,,

11. Past life Aesthetic Collage.. A collage that shows off who you were and what you enjoyed as a being in whatever era as whomever okay just try it its fun and enlightening.

12. Aesthetic Soul Destiny Collage.. Based on your whole souls purpose in life and your destined to do or be in this lifetime, youll love it honestly.

13. Bibliomancy.. NO BIBLE OR BIBLICAL TEXTS THANKS !! I use poetry books, good quote books, and a weird J.K ROWLING novel about magick, lol…

14. Pendulum divination service.. used for anything really, but mostly can be useful when choosing between things or making a yes or no question answrred .., but i have a pendulum grid like mat thats like a ouija board made of cloth that it can go onto letters swing towards the correct answers with ease.

15. Quote that describes you.. basically says it all right there doesnt it haha

16. Outfit you should wear this fall.. I pick a screenshot off Pinterest of the flyest outfit that my intuition tells me you would just enjoy wearing and you tell me how wrong or right I am …

I need everybody’s zodiac sun sign with every request please n thanks

My basil bush is thriving.

The best time to harvest is on a warm, sunny day, just after the dew has dried and just before the flowers form. But you can harvest basil as you need it.

Harvest by pinching off leaves as needed once the plant is strong enough to handle it. If taking a large harvest, leave at least two shoots intact. It will grow back in a few weeks.

Hang upside in bunches or lay flat on a drying rack to dry. Ensure proper ventilation to reduce the chance of mold. Store in an airtight container away from heat or light for up to one year. The flavor of dried basil is not as good as fresh basil.

Basil helps steady the mind, brings happiness, love, peace, and money and protects against insanity.

Use basil in spells to attract love and in preparation for astral projection or to bring luck in physical journeys.

Carrying a leaf in your pocket or wallet will attract money.

Keep a bit of basil in each room to protect the home and family. To protect you when leaving the house, rub some basil on your forehead.

Also used in peacemaking spells and to make up after a fight.



PAC/ What makes you so attractive?

Hi my loves ! This time I have a PAC for you with both intuition with tarot and oracle cards. This time I will write down your cards as well but with the oracle I use to see your vibe might be some translation confusion because those cards are in Spanish and some have different names in the English version. I will write the number of the oracle cards for you to know wich one is.

The decks I’ve used are: Wisdom of the oracle for your vibe; tarot of the Faeries for your charms; Enchanted love tarot for what other people love about you; Guidance of the Godesses oracle for your Divine Femenine; Shine from the inside for some messages from the Universe.

All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners.

Take a deep breath and choose you pile, if you feel drawn to more that one read it too, it might have a message for you as well. And remember to take only what resonates with you, this is a general reading.

I love you , babes!

1. The lady in red:

Intuitive message: What attracts people is your free spirit and your innocence. You have the aura of a fairy, with a golden soul and a rouge smile. When you talk, walk or dance is just hypnotizing, like a spell you put over everyone who whatches. Sensuality is everything you do, a beauty that catches everyone’s eye without even try. Misunderstood a lot of times but who cares? self confidence and falling in love with yourself is what you want to fully embrace. You wake other people’s envy because you are free and indomitable, you are like a wild horse running against the wind at sunset through a green hill. You might know a lot of people but no one gets to really know you, a mystery for many. Something about your aesthetic is so attractive, maybe the way you dress or how clothes fit you, you have such a great taste in fashion, your style is just… WOW for other people. You know your charms and how to use it at your favor, some may think you are cold or dittached but you know who to share your light and love with. Maybe a hard past has made you tough but your heart still warm and full of joy to share with people that fight for their freedom as you do. Tags are for clothes not for people. You are complete by yourself, leadership vibes, maybe predominant fire signs in your chart. 1771, 606, 1111, 1666, fire and air signs, strong sagittarius, horses?, aquarius.

- Your vibe:

Cards: 21. Make a cleanse rev; 6. It’s not for you rev // bottom of deck: 19. Flexible

Wow my pile 1, I felt so related to you through all the reading!

You are someone who does not comform easily, you are very in touch with your intuition so, when you feel something or someone is draining your happiness you run out from that. You could be a little escapist because you leave without explanation when you are feeling trapped, it’s not because you don’t want to face the situation, it’s because you don’t want to waste your time explaining yourself to people that misunderstand you or manipulate your words. In your past you’ve might been too indulgent with other people allowing them jumping over your boundaries and you are decided to never allow people treat you that way anymore. You enjoy the time you spend by yourself getting in touch with your inner Divinity (if you understand Spanish go to YouTube and search Ella by All These Humans, you remind me a lot to that video), your priorities are well stablished in your mind and you prefer quality over quantity.

- Your natural charms:

Cards: 2 of winter; 10 of summer; Queen of spring; 4 of spring // bottom of the deck: The Lovers; 6 of spring.

The most beautiful trait about you is that when you are in doubt you always listen to your heart’s desires. You look for your peace of mind and spirit no matter how hard you have to work to get it, you are always loyal to everything that makes your heart fill with joy. You want an inspiring and meaningful life with people that match your vibe and, if you don’t find those people yet you are fine with that as well. You don’t want stress or anxiety, maybe in the past you tend to control everything around you and you’ve been working on dittachment and go with the flow of life, congratulations sweetheart! That’s a very difficult task and you are making it so greatly.

This reading wasn’t meant to be related to love messages but when the cards want to talk to you about something important I must tell you. If right now you are dealing with a love interest and you are not completely sure about this connection the cards says that you don’t need to worry about anything, everything is getting into place with that person. I see that they have some issues to solve before taking a step and formalize your relationship, try to communicate with them, you’ll realize you are the only one in their mind they are just and that your doubts are probably related to some trust issues you haven’t solved yet. If you are single there’s someone approaching to you very soon, but I mean… Very very soon, almost immediately. This person is about to change your love life in a way you never expected, you have so amazing cards! For sure this person will be the love of your life, you two will match like puzzle pieces, you deserve this pure and honest love story, keep your eyes open to new people entering in your life and enjoy this beautiful connection because thia person comes to change the toxic patterns you were dealing in your love connections.

- What does other people love about you:

Cards: Princess of gems; 10 of roses rev; 3 of gems rev // bottom of the deck: 6 of wings; 6 of roses

You look so free and unbothered, there’s an inner feeling of trust in the Universe and faith guarding your back. You don’t let negativity rule your life and that’s something admirable for anyone who knows you, you are an inspiration of self improvement and independence. In times of stress and tensions you know how to take care of yourself and face the situation with your mind clear, you don’t let anxiety rule your life. I feel you are very emotionally mature and you have learnt to balance your emotions when complications appear, that’s something people usually envy about you. You don’t need nobody to save you, you are resilient and selective about the people you let in, many people don’t approach you because they feel intimidated by your leadership energy, I feel you are aware of this and you don’t care anyway. You are focused in what you want and prefer to work by your own rules not by what other people impose you, you are proud of being a rebel who doesn’t allow anybody to dominate or manipulate you, you prefer to be alone that wasting time with people that will lower your vibration. You are a lucky person by nature, you’ll always find solutions to any obstacle in your way and that’s something that can cause insecurities in other people but you don’t mind anyway.

- Your Divine Femenine:

Cards: Athena; inner wisdom // Dana; High priestess

Woww my pile 1! You energy got me amazed, I really want a friend like you in my life. You are an old soul with an important mission to achieve, you have the Power flowing inside of you waiting to be explored. You are so intuitive and a great manifestor when you focus clearly in what you want and keep away the doubts, your intuition have kept you safe many times so now would be a great time to take a step torwards your Divine talents. You are very poweful in the spiritual plane, maybe you have prophetic dreams or astral projection. Try to reconnect with your Divinity and you’ll find out the high priestess within you, this will open new doors for your money incomes and will approach you to your soul tribe. Trust yourself and your purpose in this lifetime, your guides are keeping you protected from any harm.

- Advices from the Universe:

  • Surround yourself with your soul tribe: Now is a perfect moment to socialize and find those people you really connect with, you might have been dealing with lonliness even though you are very independent. There’s a feeling like you don’t really connect with the people you know, you could have the feeling that you don’t find yet the place where you belong or the people that make you feel free to be yourself, you have walked this path by your own but now Universe wants to reward you with new people with a pure heart, people from your soul family that are waiting too to find someone who can understand them without judging. Be open to meet them, they will respect you and your individuality and will support you in every step of your path, I also feel that they will be very helpful giving you ideas for anything you want to make.
  • Breathe in bliss exhale bullshit:Keep focusing on the blessings you already have while Universe works into materialize all of your dreams. Avoid negativity, even though is your own or belongs to other people, right now is important that you keep your mindset in a positive stage to accelerate your manifestations. Also a time for meditate would be great to keep you grounded and focused.
  • Create your own happiness: Again, you are an amazing manifestor and right now your abilities and skills are being reforced. Everything is going great, take advantage of this moment and take care of yourself, even have more rest and sleep is you need to, your life is changing in every level and this can be overwhelming at times. Keep your faith strong and your mind focused in what you want to achieve, soon you’ll see how Universe works in your favor and brings you sweet ressults. Bees, horses and deers will bring you Divine news everytime you see them, also you could light a honeywax candle or a White candle annoint in honey on the 11th or 22nd of the month, you can light them on Sundays as well, this will help opening your roads.

2. Dressed with stars:

Intuitive message: Soft like a feather vibe, like a princess, when you walk in the room everybody stops and stares at your ethereal beauty. Some may don’t see your crown but you know it’s there and is made from flowers and crystals. Sweet charisma and lovely presence. Love is all around if you know where to search. You make yourself a place in the heart of all the people that knows you, a kind heart full of tenderness and compassion. Highly sensitive. You are so full of grace, there’s something special in your smile that makes people feel like home when they see you, they would do anything to keep that smile in your face forever. You give the best hugs and have always the proper words for the moments of sorrow, your energy feels like a cup of hot chocolate on a winter night wearing your softest pajama. Childlike innocence. People open up to be vulnerable with you. You need to remind yourself your worth more often and set healthy boudaries, some people try to steal your grace and take advantage of you but your light is always shining. Virgo and Pisces energy. Strong water placements. 1818; 3333; 999.

- Your vibe:

Cards: 4. The Higher Power // bottom of deck: 45. time to leave rev; 48. You are ready

Well honey, you have a nice connection with the Divine but there are some attachments blocking your evolution. You are very aligned with your spirituality but your sensibility is so high that you might be allowing any codependency to stop you from evolving. There’s something you need to leave behind to take the next step in your journey, I see that you already know what this attachment is because you are very in touch with your feelings but there’s a wound in your heart needing to be attended, so you can free yourself from that chain and fly. You are very emotional, some of you will express it and some will prefer to be reserved about it, anyway, you feel very deeply other people’s emotions and you might make their problems your problems in the try of helping. Maybe you feel the need of saving other people but you are channeling this tenderness of your heart in the wrong direction, perhaps there’s a hidden savior complex. Your guides invites you to have a moment for insight and meditation, you need to find out what is blocking you, the Divine realm is very close to you waiting to give you the answers you need, approach that higher power to get clearness and move forward in your path with confidence.

- Your natural charms:

Cards: 5 of spring; 6 of summer; Prince of spring; The life experience (the tower) // bottom of the deck: 8 of winter; 2 of summer

Omggg, you are so sweet my pile 2! Your heart is so warm and compassive. Your biggest charm is that your heart doesn’t know of evilness, you are pure heart, you try to understand people even if they are cruel to other people and forgive even when forgiveness is hard to give. You probably are an starseed, your sensibility is overwhelming and you might have some psychic abilities you haven’t found out yet. You reject conflicts and try to put in everyone’s shoes to understand their point of view, that a beautiful treat about you but could mean that some people take advantage of your kind intentions, you are very caring with other people but you also need to care for yourself first. You had many disappointments in your life, most of them related to betrayals and daggers in the back that left you wounded and with your heart broken, you always prefer to forgive and don’t keep any resenment in your heart but be careful with the real motivations of people when they approach you, many of them juat want to steal that precious light that you have.

- What other people love about you:

Cards: 6 of gems; 4 of roses rev; Queen of wings rev // bottom of the deck: The Hermit; The Chariot rev

Sweetheart, you are very special, your empathy is higher than usual and this seems to attract narcissistic people to your life. Some people come to your life just to drain your energies like vampires, you make people feel comfortable and nurtured, sometimes you leave yourself aside for the ones you love and many people will use this for themselves without even thanks. You are generous with everybody, sometimes too much but always with the best of intentions, in Spain we say that “hell is full of good intentions” and you should think about this concept. You can’t forget about yourself and your feelings for attending other people, you owe yourself the love and affection you give to others, if not you are being unfair with yourself and you don’t deserve that treatment. People love your innocence and pure heart, your ability to forgive and the way you make them feel when you are around. You are a pure soul in a crazy world, too special for this earth and people love this about you but you are needing a shift in your perspective because many people will never have the level of consciousness that you were born with.

In the next part of your reading I will emphasize this but I feel it’s important. You could become a master in this lifetime, your Divine gifts are very very special and can help you to deal in a healthier way with other people. Some time for introspection can be really nurturing for you, really take this time as a present you give to yourself and slow down a little. You need to clear up your thoughts to make the correct decitions for your future, mostly related to a person you love so much but you feel is not giving to you the same you give, they can be a fire sign or have Aries in their big 3.

- Your Divine Femenine:

Cards: Rhiannon; the sorceress // Artemis; the guardian

What a magical person you are, pile 2! You have The Gift, you came into this life to align with your soul and psychic abilities, your sensitiveness is your biggest strength and you can use it to help people heal their heart to achieve a higher level of conscious about themselves and the way they face life (watch in your natal chart where do you have Pisces/Neptune or any placement in your 12th house). You are a natural healer, I feel you have a lot of power in your hands. In the spiritual path you can find a lot of comfort, you could try to develop this part of yourself and see what it does have for you, I’m sure you are going to love what you’ll find out. You are very protected by your guides, maybe there are some ancestors with you right now helping you to heal something about your inner child or a family pattern. Light a candle for them to thank their help, they might respond you through dreams or give you clear signs like feathers, animals, repeated numbers…

- Advices from the Universe:

  • You are pure magic: What can I say about this? This is just a reminder to keep always in your mind, not only through this period of your life it’s for keep it like a mantra. Treat yourself like the magical creature you are, your light is so bright that makes you needing more time to dedicate for yourself. Self love can be confused with selfishness for some people who doesn’t have their boundaries well stablished or doesn’t know how to respect other people’s limits, your only bussiness is to be aware if you are handling this in the healthier way for yourself.
  • Stop judging and start loving: I feel that judging comes more from you to yourself, your inner voice might be a little harsh when you are dealing with problems. You might percieve yourself as weak sometime but you are not, you are emotionally wise and strong but you are dealing with some issues that are hard to deal with for a such sensitive person like you are. People with an important missions in this lifetime use to have very hard obstacles to overcome, many times involving suffering since childhood. If this is your case, then learn how to channel your sesibility in a healthy way and commit to heal the wounds of your heart.
  • Write down your dreams and goals: You might be a little confused about your long term goals, you need to dedicate your life to something inspiring and fullfiling. You are not the kind of people that can sit in an office for long time, you need something more dynamic. Begin writting what you want to achieve in a short period of time so your dreams and vocation will feel more clear, you’ll see how many creative ideas you had inside your mind waiting for being implemented. You might find a lot of comfort and peace through this time by making creative activities like art or music.

3. Hands filled by flowers:

Intuitive messages: A practical and diligent person, you see things as they are not as you would like them to be. A warrior soul, sometimes too focused in what are the things that could go wrong instead of watching all the positive around you. Motherly energy and elegant presence, you enjoy seeing everybody safe and happy and try all your best to get it. Wherever you walk in you impose respect and good manners to others, sometimes you can be perceived as intimidating but you don’t mind because you can keep far from you the people that has bad intentions with you. Your energy is grounded and mature, like the tree that stays rooted while there’s a storm around them and just swing with the wind. You make people feel protected with your presence, you are fierce on the outside but heartmelting on the inside. You are the warrior everyday but when you come home from the war you become the beloving and caring queen/king you really are. Elegance in simplicity, classic style but there’s something unique about how it fits you, details like crystals or jewelry in your style, Idk I just see you shining like a ruby. Fixed signs, earth signs. Taurus, Cancer. 1234, 2882, 444.

- Your vibe:

Cards: 20. Imagine rev // bottom of deck: 17. Destiny rev; 6. Is not for you.

You are more on the practical and logical side, you could have intuition but you don’t listen to it very often. You are a person of facts and reality, fantasy is not your ally, you have a lot of earth energy. You might spend a lot of time by doing things and keep yourself active, even when you know is not necessary spending so much energy. There’s a bussiness related to something you keep in your life but you are aware that is a focus of negativity for you, you need to take action torwards this and release yourself because it’s delaying the progress of your life. You are strong and wise, you know what to do about this but maybe it’s painful, perhaps you need to leave someone you love behind because their way of loving can be harmful for you or affect you in very negative ways that you already know, maybe it’s someone or something that drains your energy by only taking and not giving back. This negativity is working against you and your wellbeing, you know you have to make a decition but you are distractic yourself to avoid it. Remember how determinated you are, take a days for yourself to clear up you mind and take the step, keeping in this energy will be worst if it prolongs in time causing you even physical consecuences as headaches, anxiety, bad sleep or irritability. You are very structured with yourself but when it comes to other people you are softer and tender with them than with your own feelings, I really feel you have difficult times dealing with emotions. Take your time to realign with your destiny my love, you need it.

- Your natural charms:

Cards: Prince of autumn; The Balance (The Temperance); The Strenght; 9 of spring // bottom of deck: The World; Princess of summer.

You are a fighter against unjustice, you like to protect the ones who doesn’t know how to protect themselves. You have a generous heart, you like to provide the people you love with things they like even if that means not having the things you like for you, you enjoy to keep your beloved ones happy and satisfied, you could even feel guilty if you think about yourself first. You might be also the counselor of your people, they always ask for your help or advice when they don’t know how to deal with situations, you know how to see things with perspective and give great and wise advices. You have a very balanced mindset but you are very goal oriented without listening to your heart, there’s such an strong power within you (your energy is so strong that I had to stop a few times while writting to slow down the energies), you are being asked to attend the true desires of your heart because you are about to enter in a new chapter of your life and you must be clear in your intentions before going forward. This will not be hard for you, I promise, the uncomfortable about your situation is just because your mindset, you know what to do, honey. Your inner wisdom is amazing, trust it, you might find out how useful is to stop sometimes and ask the heart for a little help. You should develop a little more your faith as well, productivity is great but a moment for connect with yourself is sacred.

- What other people love about you:

Cards: 9 of roses rev; 10 of shells; 10 of wings rev // bottom of deck: The Star rev; The Moon rev.

You are a serious and practical person, everyone who knows you can see it in you. You might be a creature of habits with a well stablished routine, I recommend you to watch your 6th house in your natal chart, you might find an answer there to the need of over productivity. People love to be around you but they know they can’t bother you too much, some of them can be scared of you when you come angry so they prefer to keep you calmed and happy, be careful with this because there’s someone with poison in their heart but honey on their toungue around you. Maybe this is just for some of you but I see you are very selective with the people you allow to enter in your life, you have an small group of people you trust but you keep the distance with strangers, people admire you from afar but they don’t know how to get close to you, they might be aware that you had a difficult situation in your past and you prefer to keep yourself low key. You are reserved but some people confuse it thinking that you don’t like them so they prefer to don’t annoy you, that’s not the case at all but your energy is so powerful that it can be felt as intimidating for others. Anyway, when people stops and talks to you they see how adorable you are, I feel like you have talent to make people laugh so they always crave for spending more time with you discovering what is beneath the surface. You are very similar to pile 1 but in the introverted side, both are grand and imposive in your energy, pile 1 is more on the extroverted side, more rebel but you, pile 3 are more on the calmed, structured and introverted side, your energy is intense but patient and mostly reserved for yourself, you might feel a lot but you don’t express it and deal with it in silence.

-Your Divine Femenine:

Cards: Nemetona, sacred space; Lakshmi, bright future // Sige, quiet time.

I love your cards, pile 3!

First of all, Lakshmi tells you that you are chased by luck but you need to stop running away from it, you are always protected by the Divine to spread seeds of love in the world. You have a hard past of your back, a lot of pain, sorrow and anxiety, you might be forced as a child to grow up and mature early. Life perhaps has been cruel with you and that’s why you prefer to keep your feelings in a box in a safe place within you. Open that box and allow yourself to feel again, connect with your inner child and what they would like to do, everything in your future shines like three suns together. Make a place for yourself where you can meditate and light a candle for your guides, it can be a little altar or a full room for you, whatever you prefer but create a sacred space to reconnect with your sensitive side, a place where you can be in silence to hear your inner voice, or if you allow them, the voice of your guides.

- Advices from Universe:

  • Commit to self-care rituals: Right now you need to take care of yourself and make it part of your routine. Maybe meditation or enchanting your skin care products can work great for this (drawing a beuty sigil/rune on the package is a great witch tip). Find something you enjoy and make it something usual in your daily life, you deserve to feel fullfiled and satisfied with your life. Not everything is about getting the work done, you need to recharge yourself by loving you so much and giving you the time and space for doing things that makes you happy.
  • You are perfectly beautiful:There’s no much interpretación about rhis, the message is pretty clear. Sometimes we focus so much in how we look that we forget about how important is your energy, attractiveness is all about confidence in ourselves. We don’t need to be perfect to be beautiful, your soul is the most precious part of yourself, the outside is just the vehicle you had to drive through this lifetime. Remember to embrace your virtues but also your shadows because they make you the beautiful being you are, when you start treating yourself like a queen/king and make of your comfort zone (where you go to get relaxed) the palace of Versailles, you’ll attract people in your same vibe that will treat you the way you trully deserve. We are what we have inside.
  • Gratitude rampage: A great way to connect with the abundance of Universe is gratitude, it doesn’t matter they way you make it, if it’s writting the things you are grateful for or just thanking the Universe before you get to sleep. Be grateful even with the most little things, like how comfortable is your bed or how soft are your sheets, when you begin to appreciate the little things you open the door to great ones. A psychologist told me a long time ago that writting everyday something you are grateful or proud of can be a great tool for motivation and well being, this also helps to focus on the positive things about your life and, in times of sadness you can come to your gratitude journal and remember that is just a hard moment and is not going to last forever.

how can you stop repeating past love mistakes?

(tarot reading)


disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is general and my personal interpretation - it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.


king of wands

  • have courage and optimism. maybe in the past you have had a very black and white, all or nothing attitude. this perspective could have made you hold back out of fear or harsh judgement. however going with the flow and understanding that things are often somewhere in the middle of the extremes we can think of, will definitely help you. be friendly and honest to others even if they don’t show the same thing back, and be energetic, determined and brave enough to go after something when you want it.


four of wands

  • spend more time around friends and family, familiar people and places that you are comfortable. you may have rejected or not trusted help and support shown to you by others in the past. maybe you have achieved a goal but not allowed it to be appreciated and celebrated by people who care about you. surround yourself with fun, supportive energy and allow yourself to trust and accept help from those who prove to you they have earned it.


eight of swords

  • this card suggests that it could be your mindset that is preventing you from succeeding or moving forward. maybe you have self-doubt and a lack of confidence within yourself and abilities, and these thoughts could be contributing to any confusing, stressful, negative situations. you’re not powerless, and if you trust yourself and listen to your inner voice, things may become clearer. be open to finding answers, because you can find your way out of this predicament. there just may be a new perspective to see things from.

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personal reading shop.


PILE 1 (left)

two of pentacles

  • you may be feeling overwhelmed from having a lot of tasks or responsibilities and it’s draining your energy as well as taking up a lot of your time. focus on balancing the different areas of your life and managing them in a way that creates more flow, and less stress and chaos.

PILE 2 (middle)

the tower

  • some kind of significant disruption or change is needed in your life in order for you to reach a place where you are able to raise your vibration to its true potential. change may feel uncomfortable or scary, but sometimes when we are at standstill, the universe shakes everything up so we can get back on track.

PILE 3 (right)

four of pentacles

  • be protective of your energy - don’t allow anyone or anything to bring you down to their lower vibration. hold on to things that are important to you, and the will to go after your desires. you will be successful and rise to a higher frequency. however for some, you may already be holding onto to what you have so tightly that you are blocking yourself from gaining any new positive energy.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! please like or reblog if anything resonated <3

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love to all

PILE 1 (left)

page of wands

you may come across as a very fun, energetic, extroverted person. you see the positive side of people and situations, and a lot of the time you can be quite fearless. when you have a passion or desire and the determination, you manifest it into your reality.

PILE 2 (middle)

five of pentacles

you may have really loyal friendships or connections to your family that support you and make you stronger. even when you are struggling, experiencing loss or hard times, you always manage to keep standing and moving forward.

PILE 3 (right)

page of cups

you’re likely a very kind, gentle and sensitive person. you may even be creative and artistic, or very spiritual and intuitive. you’re a dreamer who sees things in beautiful ways and are admired by others.

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personal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all
