#rwby roosterteeth


Well, sense the world might end any day now, I guess I’ll just get to the awkward confessions.


I never put together that Raven and Qrow were bird names til Nora said it

Guys! We have an announcement on the RWBY Volume 7 soundtrack!

It is to release alongside act 3 of The Protomen!

A little thing I noticed with Cinder….

So, she’s part of 2 groups Wich are meant to serve as a Foil to Team RWBY, her own Crew, and WTCH.

And…here’s What I noticed

She’s the Ruby equivalent in WTCH(With Watts being Weiss’s, Hazel being Yangs, and Tyrian being Blake’s)

In her own little crew, Roman seemed to be Rubies counterpart. With Emerald being Blake’s and Mercury being Yangs.

That would leave room…..for her to be the WEISS of her own crew.

Wich, after thinking about it. Makes so much sense do to the implications we’ve been given thus far.

From the stuff like Cinder having been implied to have had an abusive background. To her words making it seem she has a bad history with the Atlas elite.

It even makes sense for her to be the leader given that’s what Weiss wanted so badly

And Weiss obsession back in Volume 1 with being the Best in addition to her issues like her Egocentric attitude towards others and her perfectionism, and her resulting entitlement issues towards things like being team leader do to feeling she was the one who was good enough for it, Wich Cinder seems to have do to have a massive Ego and entitlement issues to things like the maiden powers and her pathological fear of Failure implying some perfectionism as well.

I’m playing with watercolour and markers. It’s a pretty good combo :3

Why is this the scene that gets me. Like I was fine until this moment.

Rwby volume 8 midseason trailer drops-

Oh no-

Oh no!


This scene was hilarious. Why were they all stuck together like this??!?!? Lol.

Talk about awkward.

Yo why this soft Nora hug hit me in the feels so bad? That hurt.

Alright Hero from rwby volume 7 soundtrack is hands down my favorite song. No discussion necessary. It’s fantastic!!!
