
schooner william bisbee used as the jose gaspar   gasparilla, florida, 1938

schooner william bisbee used as the jose gaspar   gasparilla, florida, 1938

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kos photographs

kos photographs

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They were so adorable Everytime I think how unfair things turned out for them, I’m reminded that she was finally able to reunite with him in the end. And that they were at peace for the last 27 years. [JFK and Jackie reading Portrait of a President by William Manchester, who would later write the controversial Death of a President].

“Down Time’s quaint stream
Without an oar
We are enforced to sail
Our Port a secret
Our Perchance a Gale
What Skipper would
Incur the Risk
What Buccaneer would ride
Without a surety from the Wind
Or schedule of the Tide—“

“Down Time’s quaint stream,” The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson — ed. Thomas H. Johnson

Some things are coming back to me. My art, my drive, my… Self. Still not 100% pieced back together, but getting there.

I’m getting ready to leave Hawaii. It’ll have been a full year by the time I leave; a full, heavy year. It feels like a dream. I left so abruptly to come here with no time for preparations, and now I’m not sure how to prepare to go back. Everything’s so different, and going to continue to be so. I think I’m a little bit of a different person now, but also even more me than I previously knew.

I’m a sailing instructor now. I never even knew I had an interest in sailing until I was kind of forced to do it. Now it’s like, shaping my whole life? I can only teach at a beginner level, as I am pretty beginner level myself, but I’ve already won races against people far more experienced than me so I think I have some idea what I’m doing. And it’s a lot of fun. Hit me up if you’re ever on the big island and I’ll teach you too ⛵

Sometimes all it takes to get a nice photograph is just to sit still, on a beach, in wonderful summer temperatures and a late evening breeze.
And of course a large dose of luck and being there in the right time, on the right place..!

As also with this photo I shot while visiting Camperduin, on the coast of North Holland.

Seeing the little sailing vessel approaching and the sun travelling down its path to setting the tension rose.. Will the boat get there on time for me to take the shot?? And it did! How exiting that was! :)

Anyway, voila, here it is, my lucky shot for 2021..! :)

Random Nautical Facts: Sheets and Lines

What I thought would be a huge and recurring problem in my sailing career: The Bermuda Triangle

What is actually a huge and recurring problem in my sailing career: Tangled jib sheets

Which brings us to a very overdue Random Nautical Fact, in which we will discuss the difference between ropes,lines, and sheets.

First, a diagram of a sail, courtesy the American Sailing Association:

Aline is any rope that is part of a sailing ship or sailboat’s standing rigging or running rigging. Standing rigging is the collective name for all the lines that hold up the mast and the bowsprit (if the vessel has one). Standing rigging is not messed with while sailing. Running rigging is the collective name of the lines that control the shape and direction of the sails, so, these are the lines that you’ll be actively messing with in order to go anywhere.

Asheet in sailing is a line that controls the direction of a sail. It is connected to the sail’s clews. Its name tells you what it does, or vice-versa: for instance, on your basic fore-and-aft rigged sailboat, the mainsheets control the mainsail and the jib sheets control the jib.

Arope isn’t doing anything. If it’s just coiled up on the deck, it’s a rope.

Random nautical facts!

henrilloydusa:North Wales racing.


North Wales racing.

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The people at the fancy marina did not find my Marvin the Martian voice hilarious when I asked “But where are the booms?” Honestly, what must it be like to be that boring.

There’s SUPPOSED to be an Earth-shattering boom!

(Is this in Brooklyn?)

It is! Thank you for coming with me on this @a-solitary-sea-rover.

The people at the fancy marina did not find my Marvin the Martian voice hilarious when I asked “But where are the booms?” Honestly, what must it be like to be that boring.

If anyone is looking for me, I am out here for the foreseeable.

The last week was an absolute treat. Last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were spent anchored off Jeric

The last week was an absolute treat. Last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were spent anchored off Jericho Beach and at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival, dancing our hearts out with great friends and music. Between Monday and yesterday we sailed to Tribune Bay on Hornby Island and back, sailing up-wind the whole time. Top speed: 7.5 knots. Couldn’t be more thankful for such a great week with great friends out on the Salish Sea. #explorebc #pnw #ilovebc #westcoast #sailing #salishsea #sailboat #summerfun #sailingupwind #funinthesun #beautifulbc #lovethiscoast #goplayoutside

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It’s absolutely awesome to have a boss who empowers you, and trusts you- even when it comes to runniIt’s absolutely awesome to have a boss who empowers you, and trusts you- even when it comes to runniIt’s absolutely awesome to have a boss who empowers you, and trusts you- even when it comes to runni

It’s absolutely awesome to have a boss who empowers you, and trusts you- even when it comes to running his 46′ catamaran sailboat through a shallow, narrow passage. This February (and April), I was again lucky enough to work with Pacific Wild- this time for 3 weeks, and then 2. Working with this organization and being lucky enough to see what I have reminds me just how beautiful our coast here in BC is, and what is at stake if we don’t treat it properly. 

Haley Crozier

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From February 26-March 17, I was again lucky enough to find myself aboard the S/V Habitat working fo

From February 26-March 17, I was again lucky enough to find myself aboard the S/V Habitat working for Pacific Wild . This trip had another element though, because we were collecting footage for the upcoming Great Bear Rainforest IMAX film. Yes, you heard that right- within 2 years there is going to be a 40 minute film on giant screens around the world just about the Great Bear Rainforest. I cannot wait to see it myself. Being apart of the team creating it is an absolute dream come true. 

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