#same energy


There is an equal chance that he’ll kiss me on the forehead and say he loves me… or slap me across my face and call me a whore.

if you want to know why I love adam so much it’s because of moments like this. He and I have the same sense of humor—- pointing out 1 person who busted their ass at a concert in front of thousands of people

whenanangelfalls: Hayden Christensen being extra af during his Vanity Fair Star Wars photoshoots 200whenanangelfalls: Hayden Christensen being extra af during his Vanity Fair Star Wars photoshoots 200


Hayden Christensen being extra af during his Vanity Fair Star Wars photoshoots 2005-2022

Post link


any time i hear the insufferable transphobic athlete arguments i think of that one time in middle school when my boys lacrosse team did a full-contact scrimmage against the girls team (who typically play with limited contact) and i, a six-foot, 180lb defender, got utterly laid-out by this 5-foot-nothing girl experiencing the newly-unleashed animosity accompanied by violent sport and as i looked up at my assailant from flat on my back i experienced a brief bout of heterosexuality and fell wildly in love and then had to be taken to the ER because i had a concussion

I am respectfully asking that these two-toned, boss ass queens fuck my shit up.




If you still call tumblr the hellsite you haven’t seen twitter’s recent discourse over whether short women can be loved for anything other than a fetish

Sorry@dropdafawkzand@bat-burrito y'all are minor coded


“Know your place…”


Kitties ❤️

Caturday Cheers to one and all…. may your weekend be as delightful as Tom!


same god damn energy
