#nct yuta


Lastly, I prepared Japanese and Thai (which I’m sure plenty are excited for!)

Sorry in advance that I couldn’t get them all, but here’s what I have!! Enjoy~~


일본 사람 (ilbon saram)

We have the 3 Japanese cuties from TWICE: Momo, Sana and Mina, and then we have the very handsome Japanese boy from NCT: Yuta!!

All are extremely talented and when you want to brag and say “Momo is Japanese” when talking about how her Korean is very good, tell them:

모모는 일본 사람입니다!

(Momo-neum ilbon saram-ibnida!)

And lastly, many of people’s favorite foreign idols~


태국 사람 (t’aeguk saram)

  • Here, the ‘ means to be more breathy and hard with hitting the consonant

The amazing, the glorious, the ever talented and gorgeous Thais: BamBam and Lisa!!!!

As many people favor these two (amazing) idols, surely you want to brag about them being Thai, and here’s how to do it:

뱀뱀은 태국 사람입니다.

(Bambam-eun t’aeguk saram-ibnida)

Now you can discuss the nationality of all your favorite idols!!!!

They didn’t even try to hide it

#nct 2018    #nct 127    #nct dream    #nct taeyong    #nct taeil    #nct johnny    #nct jaehyun    #nct winwin    #nct doyoung    #nct mark    #nct yuta    #nct haechan    #nct lucas    #nct kun    #nct jungwoo    #nct chenle    #nct jisung    #nct jeno    #nct jaemin    #nct renjun    #nct ten    #nct memes    #kpop memes    #produce 101    #produce 101 china    

Someone’s a snake in the fandom

#nct 127    #nct dream    #nct ten    #nct jisung    #nct mark    #nct jeno    #nct jaemin    #nct chenle    #nct haechan    #nct renjun    #nct lucas    #nct jungwoo    #nct kun    #nct taeyong    #nct taeil    #nct jaehyun    #nct johnny    #nct doyoung    #nct yuta    #nct winwin    #nct memes    #kpop memes    


#nct dream    #nct 127    #nct mark    #nct minhyung    #nct jaemin    #nct jeno    #nct jisung    #nct renjun    #nct chenle    #nct haechan    #nct donghyuck    #nct ten    #nct lucas    #nct jungwoo    #nct kun    #nct taeyong    #nct yuta    #nct johnny    #nct winwin    #nct taeil    #nct memes    #kpop memes    #nct dream memes    #nct doyoung    #nct jaehyun    
This is one of my favorites that I’ve done lately. If you know NCT then you probably know who this i

This is one of my favorites that I’ve done lately. If you know NCT then you probably know who this is. If you don’t know NCT then this is Yuta

Post link

WildYuta in his natural habitat


[Like/reblog if use Please don’t repost]


Pairing: Yuta x Reader



Warnings: Sexual / mature content and language

Summary:After moving in with your best friend you, set out to find a new dance studio to practice at. After falling upon one close to your apartment, you decide to give it a try. Little did you know though, there will a beautiful instructor waiting for you in that studio, that you just won’t be able to get enough of.

Songs Mentioned: the songs mentioned in the fic are Dancing With a Stranger by Sam Smith and Normani and The Only Exception by Paramore. If you’ve never heard them, I highly recommend you listen to them! It also is nice to know what they sounds like when you are reading the lyrics in this fic :)

A/N: I tried my best to proof read this, but knowing me there will still be spelling/grammar mistakes. Please don’t mind them, I will fix them up later


You rest yourself against the cool marble countertop in your kitchen as your roommate Jisoo swiftly walks past you. The speed of her strides sending a puff of fragrant air towards you. You watch her curiously as she hastily walks through your apartment with a basket of freshly washed laundry resting on her hip.

She finally sets herself on the couch and places the basket down on the coffee table. You smile to yourself before removing your body from the counter. You walk over and take the seat beside her, grabbing a shirt from the top of the basket as you sit.

You start to fold the shirt, enjoying the silence between you two. You have only been living with Jisoo for a few weeks now, but the experience has been nothing shy of enjoyable. You two have been best friends since you were kids, so when the opportunity for you to live together came up, you jumped on it. So far you have nothing to complain about.

“Have you found a studio yet?” Jisoo questions, while giving you a once over. You’re wearing what most people would deem workout attire, so you can only assume Jisoo already knows the answer to her question.  

You have been in search of a dance studio for a few weeks now. You use to dance at a local place near your parents house, but since you’ve moved in with Jisoo, it is sadly much too far away to go to now.

You’d say dance was more of a hobby for you, your days of recitals and showcases far behind you. You thought about just letting it go, and not finding a new studio, but even in just a few short weeks, you miss being able to let off some steam and learn new choreos. Dancing was just one of those things for you that would never lose interest in.  

“Actually, yes, I found a studio a few blocks away that I have heard is really good. I already signed up for a class. It starts in an hour,” you tell Jisoo happily.

The studio you found has amazing reviews and it seems like people really enjoy it there. The price for classes is very acceptable and they offer a lot of options. You decided on a hip hop class to start because it was always your favorite class when you were younger, and the one you are most confident in your abilities in. You decide that if you don’t enjoy the hip hop class at this new place, then there really was not going to be a need for you to stay there.

“Why haven’t you left yet then?” Jisoo questions with an eyebrow raised. She laughs at you before focusing her attention on the shirt in her hands.

“Because I have an hour and it’s practically around the corner,” you answer slowly.

You do like to be on time for things, but not that on time.

Jisoo laughs as you again. “This is just like on the first day of school Y/n you always want to be early. Scope everyone out. Maybe you’ll find a hot guy at this studio,” Jisoo adds the last part excitingly.

You scoff at her, “I doubt it.”

Although the idea of finding someone who was as passionate for dance as you are, was always high on your list of fantasies, but you doubt that you will find your love on the dance floor of this new studio. Hopefully some new friends, but you are sure the idea of love is unlikely.

“You never have any fun, you never give anything a chance. I bet there is going to be some cute guy at that studio and you’re just going to brush him off, per usual,” Jisoo states blandly. The tone of her voice causing an itch to settle over your skin.

“I do not do that,” you retort, getting up from your seat on the couch. You can feel Jisoo’s eyes watch you as you move. You can tell she’s not angry, just slightly annoyed by the tone of her voice.

You walk over to your door and start to put on your shoes. Eager now to take Jisoo’s advice and leave.

You are going to be honest here, even if you don’t want to be. Jisoo is kinda right. You “brush” people off, even if you don’t mean to. The idea of someone finding interest in you scares you. You get nervous and don’t know how to react. Whenever you see someone who you think is cute, you immediately deem them to be out of your league and you throw out any possibility of trying to talk to them. You will deny it to Jisoo though, because you know that the only way for you to stop doing it is for you to be confident in yourself and get over your fears on your own. You’ve been trying to work on it, really you have. However, there hasn’t been any opportunities for you to be brave recently. You are actually hoping for a fresh start at this studio though. You want to start your time there being sociable and confident.

“Mhm,” Jisoo hums to herself. “Whenever you see a guy that you think is attractive you always tell me all about him, but when I ask if you did anything to try and talk to him, you just say that the timing wasn’t right or something.”

You huff out a puff of air. She knows you so well.

“I’ll be home after 8,” you inform her before opening the door.

“Yeah, yeah,” Jisoo yells back before you close the door.


You walk into the dance studio, being pleased with how nice it looks from the outside. The lobby is quite cozy with a few people resting and chatting at a table near the far left corner. You walk up to the front desk and are met by a girl who looks to be around your age. She greets you with warm smile.

“Hi, I’m here for the 7 o’clock hip hop class, my name is Y/n,” you state politely.

The girl types something on her computer before turning back to you. “You’re all set, it’s in studio 3, just down the hall. There isn’t a class in there, so you can go ahead and go in,” she points towards the hallway just to the left of her desk and you smile.

You offer her a thank you before you make your way down the hall.

You curiously look at all of the posters and pictures that liter the walls. Many of them being action shots of dancers. You finally make it to a glass door with “Studio 3” written on it. You peer in to see a few people spread around the room either talking or stretching. You take a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside.

You notice once you enter, that the room is light and airy. The temperature, although a little on the cooler side, feels refreshing for a studio. The room doesn’t feel at all stuffy and the lights seem to make the whole area feel comforting. You smile at all this, feeling more and more pleased with the place. A few people turn to you and all offer you smiles. You feel warmed by this.

You look around the room and spot a row of cupboards on the wall. You walk over to them and find an empty one to place your bag in. You start to change your shoes when you hear the studio door open and a warm voice announce to the room.  

“Hi everyone,” the voice states happily.

You turn to look and your eyes land on a man. He is standing near the door and you feel all the air you have in your lungs escape in a short exhale. His blonde hair is falling nicely on his forehead and his eyes are soft and inviting. His facial features are sharp, but the smile he is wearing is in such contrast. You let your eyes wander for a few seconds before you turn back to putting your shoes on. Your fingers start to fumble a bit as you register that you will be dancing in the same room as such a beautiful man. You can tell just by looking at him that he is a good dancer. He just has that presence about him and clearly everyone around here knows him, he was greeted just as warmly as he greeted everyone else.

Immediately Jisoo’s words comes into your ear.

Don’t brush.

You feel a blush creep up to your cheeks. You promised yourself you would try and be brave, but all of that has just now been thrown out the window. That man is way too beautiful for you to try and be brave.

You finish up changing you shoes and stuff all of your things away into the cupboard. You check your phone one last time before you hear someone say your name behind you.

“Who knows me here?” your brain questions.

You turn around curiously as a girl approaches you with her arms extended outward for a hug. You recognize her immediately and happily accept her embrace. You two hug for a second before pulling away. She still looks just the same as she did when you last saw her. Annoyingly beautiful with a smile as warm and sweet as toasted marshmallows.

“It’s been forever, how are you?” Irene questions excitingly.

You smile at her, “I’m doing great, how are you?”

You use to dance with Irene at your old studio. You were quite close for a few years, but lost touch once she moved away with her family.

“I’m great, I can’t believe you’re here. When did you switch studios?” she questions.

You look at her and can’t help but smile remembering all the memories you have together. Irene could always make you smile and was just generally such a nice person to be around.

“Just a few weeks ago actually. I moved into an apartment here and finally got around to finding a new studio that’s closer to my place,” you reply and Irene’s face lights up.

“What a coincidence that you picked this one. I’m so excited you’re here. I actually was just thinking a few days ago about how much I missed my favorite partner,” Irene states with a giggle, poking at your arm lightly.

You offer her a smile as you feel a sense of relief rush over you. The fact that you now have someone here that you can talk with, makes you feel all the much better. Dancing in your opinion is always more fun when you have someone you can do it with.

“So what’s the deal here?” you question as you set your phone back into your bag.

“Well this class has been running for like a month now, but Yuta is really good about making it so people can join as they please. We are learning a new choreo today, so you started on the right day,” Irene replies, before taking a sip of her water.

“Is Yuta the instructor?” you question a little confused. Any instructor you have ever had before, you always called them Mr. or Mrs. whatever their last name is. You’ve never referred to an instructor so casually.

“Yeah, he is probably the best instructor I have ever had. He’s super nice and an incredible dancer. He has such a good energy about him and he does really well with explaining and demonstrating choreographies. Not to mention that the choreos he creates are nothing shy of amazing.” Irene looks almost star stuck as she talks about Yuta. You can’t help but admire that.

“Which one is Yuta?” you question while scanning the room. You notice the beautiful man from earlier is talking to a shorter brunette guy by the giant stereo system. You look at him for a second before turning your attention back to Irene.

“He’s the blonde one over there in the Chicago bulls windbreaker,” Irene says pointing towards the stereo. Your eyes double as you realize she is talking about the beautiful man you’ve been staring at since he entered the room.

That is Yuta?” you question with wide eyes. You feel a blush creep itself up onto your cheeks.

Well if you thought you were nervous before about dancing next to him, now you feel like you’re going to explode because you have to dance, his own choreography, forhim.

“I know, he’s handsome isn’t he,” Irene states with a giggle.

The chatter in the studio starts to lesson as Yuta’s voice bounces off the walls. “Alright guys, let’s get started.”

Irene lets out a giggle before linking her arm with yours and dragging you towards the center of the room. You feel out of place at first but the feeling of Irene being next to you, helps you to start to feel a little more grounded.

You watch as Yuta smiles brightly at everyone in the room. His eyes land on you for a second and he offers you a smile. The eye contact ends as quick as it began and he is averting his attention to someone else. You feel your cheeks continue to burn as the image of Yuta’s eye contact replays itself in your mind. Surprisingly, you want more.

Yuta starts the class by leading everyone in some stretching. The atmosphere is happy and Yuta talks lightly with a few of the other dancers. Irene asks you a bit about your apartment and promises to show you a few good restaurants near your place.

You quickly realize that you really like it here. The atmosphere perfectly fits what you were looking for. Just a big group of people passionate about dancing. So far no one seems to be here for any reason other than to have a good time. Everyone is chatting lightly with each other while you stretch. Your last studio focused too much on their competitions and everyone was usually silent and focused. As you grew older the intensity became quite annoying. You just wanted to have fun, you didn’t care about anything else.

Once everyone seemed all stretched and ready, Yuta stands up and begins the class.


You end the last dance with a bead of sweat running down your temple and a smile on your face. The music fades out as the whole room claps together and Yuta dismisses everyone. The choreo Yuta taught you guys was moderately easy, but extremely fun. It makes you feel like a piece of your heart has found its way back home now that you have danced again.

When Irene said that Yuta was an incredible dancer, she surely wasn’t lying. He is able to dance with this energy about him that captures the entire room. His movements are fluid and precise, while his expressions are always on point. You couldn’t help the way you stared at him as he effortlessly executed the routine he was teaching you.

Also the fact that he has this flawlessly handsome appearance didn’t help anything.

“How was it?” Irene questions as you two make it to the cupboards to grab your things and change your shoes.

“It was amazing! I haven’t felt this good after a class in a long time,” you reply as you remove your shoes and stuff them into your bag.

“That’s how I felt the first time too. It’s so nice and relaxed here, it’s just people having fun dancing,” Irene replies.

“That’s exactly what I was feeling,” you add, turning to her with a smile. You notice someone coming up to your right, so you turn to look at them. You lock eyes with Yuta and feel your chest clench. He is a bit sweaty but his eyes are bright and he wears a beautiful smile atop is lips.

“Hi, sorry I didn’t get to greet you earlier. I’m Yuta, I hope you liked the class,” Yuta says to you with a blinding smile. You feel your body start to melt into a puddle.

“I loved it, I’m Y/n,” you reply slowly, unsure of what else to say. You feel your grip on your bag tighten.  

You look over at Irene who is planting a kiss on the guy’s cheek who was next to the stereo with Yuta earlier. You learned through the class that his name is Ten and he is Yuta’s assistant and friend.

“You are a really good dancer Y/n,” Ten states to you with a soft smile. “Your motions are very strong.”

You feel warm at the compliment.

“She really is isn’t she?,” Irene begins, “Y/n and I use to dance with each other when we were kids. She was probably the best in our whole studio.”

Irene looks at you happily, while wrapping her arm around Ten’s. You practically choke at her words.

“Thank you but I wouldn’t say I was the best. Not when you were there at least,” you reply with a laugh, to which Irene joins in.

“Nevertheless, I agree, you are really good,” Yuta adds from beside you. All you can do is smile at him.

Hearing the compliment come from him makes the warming feeling stick itself to you. It feels like a dream that someone as amazing as him would complement your dancing.

“Will you be back on Thursday?” Ten questions. You feel three pairs of eyes turn to look at you.

“Of course,” you reply softly, earning smiles from everyone.

Yuta nods from beside you before excusing himself to talk to another dancer.

You feel your pulse begin to slow from it’s quick pace as you, Irene, and Ten start to walk towards the door to leave. You turn your head as you are leaving and take one last glance at Yuta. He is packing his things with a soft expression. You smile to yourself before exiting the studio.


The following week you are back putting your shoes away at your usual cupboard, when Irene walks up next to you. You turn to her and smell the sweet scent of vanilla coming off of her.

“Hi,” you say happily, giving her a big smile.

Before she can get a word in, you watch as Ten wraps his arms around her waist causing a squeal to fall from her lips. You find the brightness on her face to be quite adorable, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you a bit jealous.

Her and Ten always look so cute as they sneak glances at each other throughout class and their smiles are always radiant when the other is around. You learned a few classes ago that Irene met Ten at the studio and they’ve been dating for the better part of 5 months.

Once Ten releases Irene he turns to you and offers you a toothy grin.

“Hi Y/n, how are you?” Ten questions happily. You can’t help but smile at his energy.

“I’m great Ten, how are you?” you reply happily, slipping your shoes into the cupboard.

“Good,” he replies. He gives Irene a quick peck on the cheek before excusing himself.

Irene gives you a goofy look as she watches Ten walk away.. You turn over your shoulder and watch as Ten makes his way over to Yuta, punching his arm as he comes up next to him. The expression on Yuta’s face seems annoyed as he continues to eye Ten through a slitted gaze. Ten doesn’t seem fazed.

You avert your attention back to your cupboard and wait for Yuta to gather everyone to start class.

Later that class period, you and Irene are going through a new part of the choreo together as the studio buzzes with light chatter. The other people in the room practicing like you are, while chatting amongst themselves.

“Is your arm supposed to be more diagonal at 6 or closer to your ear?” Irene questions to you. She alternates her arm between each motion variation as you watch her.

“Diagonal,” you reply before demonstrating that part of the 8 count to her. She smiles with a nod before repeating the same motion a few times to commit it to memory.

You two continue to practice silently for a few more seconds, and you don’t seem to notice as Yuta softly comes up behind you. You are too engrossed in your own thoughts to notice him, but his presence finally becoming aware when his voice cuts through your ears, making you to jump a bit. He notices your fright and smiles.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” Yuta offers. Irene snorts from beside you. You give her a look that only causes her smile to grow.

“Make sure you keep your elbow up at 4 okay, you don’t want it horizontal,” Yuta offers to you. You stand, a bit confused at his correction and absentmindedly bring your elbow up to the intended move as Yuta watches. You start to move your elbow up and down, trying to determine the perfect angle. You feel a cold spark rush over your skin though when you feel Yuta’s light fingers touch your forearm. He applies light pressure, signalling for you to raise your elbow upward. You suck in your breath as you move your elbow as he wants. Never before having ever been this close to Yuta, you can’t help it when your mind starts to feel mushy, and a soft blush making its way up to your cheeks. Happy with your arm placement Yuta removes his fingers and then leaves you to go check on another dancer.

You stand in the same position for a second before slowly dropping your arms down to your waist.

You look over at Irene who is slightly shaking her head at you.

“What?” you question.

Irene just shakes her head and smiles.


It has been a few weeks since you started at the studio and you would be lying if you said your entire life does not feel like it has begun to revolve around you going to the studio. Every waking moment you feel your body craving to be back there. You find your class to be the best you’ve ever had the privilege of attending, and with even just one foot placed inside the building, you feel your mind relax and a smile makes its way onto your lips.

Yuta is able to come up with these choreographies that are always so fun and energizing to learn. The amount of confidence and power you feel while executing them is so addicting.

You and Irene have completely rekindled your friendship and you are able to talk and laugh like you never were apart.

You try to tell yourself that these are the only reasons you love coming to the studio, but let’s be real here. We all know those are not the only reasons. You can’t quite explain it, but Yuta has this power over you that you have never felt before. He doesn’t even pay much attention to you, just a smile while stretching and a goodbye at the end of the day, but you just can’t seem to understand what it is that’s making you so interested in him. You tried to tell yourself it was just his dancing and the fact that he is probably one of the most handsome men you’ve ever had the privilege of looking at, but if you’re being honest, it is much more than that.

It is his smile. The way it lights up a room.

It is his caring personality and passion, and the way he is able to joke and laugh.

It is the way he is so patient and kind with everyone in the class, never once getting frustrated.

Most of all, it is just the way he makes everyone feel like they are welcome.

Irene has noticed your fondness towards Yuta, and decided to make it a goal to tease you every day about it.


You step out of your bedroom happily and walk towards your front door. Jisoo is lounging on the couch, watching a movie when she pauses it upon your entrance. You turn to her.

“I booked a private room at the studio tonight, I’ll be back a little later,” you tell her with a smile.

Jisoo looks at you. “Is the hot instructor going to be there?” she questions with an eyebrow raised.

You originally tried to keep Yuta a secret from her, but she was able to notice you wearing perfume one day to class and saw through every lie your tried to throw at her about it. Once the gates were open about Yuta, Jisoo listened as you poured out all of your thoughts about him. His dancing, his personality, the whole nine yards. She listened intently to you, as you gushed to her over your school girl like crush. Once you were down Jisoo gave you her signature eyebrow raise and you knew exactly what words she was about to scold you with. You quickly informed her before she could get a word in, that you were certainly not brushing Yuta, to which she rolled her eyes at you. You then promised that you would have Irene help you talk to him and Jisoo seemed satisfied enough to drop the scold from the tip of her tongue. Little does she know though, that that will probably never happen.

“I honestly don’t know,” you respond while slipping your shoes on.

Jisoo sucks in air as you swing your bag over your shoulder.

“Well have fun, I am going out tonight so let me know when you get home if I am not still here,” Jisoo states with a soft smile. You nod to her before leaving the apartment.


You walk into the studio giving a soft smile to the girl behind the reception desk. She nods back at you with a smile matching your own.

“Studio 6 is open for you,” she states softly, already knowing what you were going to ask before you asked it.

You nod to her before slipping your way down the hall.

You are making your way around the corner, when you notice Yuta and Ten standing in the hallway.

“Come on Ten, just stay,” Yuta practically whines. Ten chuckles as you feel your cheeks start to flush at Yuta’s tone of voice. It’s so soft and cute.

“I’m tired Yuta and plus Irene is making me dinner,” Ten whines causing a pout to spread across Yuta’s face.

You watch as Yuta drags his hand down Ten’s arm with big puppy dog eyes. Never before have you ever seen Yuta look so soft. It causes a huge tingle to spread itself through your chest. You can’t seem to stop yourself as you let out a rather gross and loud snort at the sight of Yuta. Both of the boys whip their heads in your direction, a huge shit eating grin plastering on Ten’s face as he notices you. Yuta drops his hand from Ten.

“Y/n! What brings you here?” Ten practically yells as he walks over to you, seeming ecstatic to get away from Yuta.

“Just came for a bit of practice,” you begin, “I booked a private room”.

“What a coincidence,” Ten gushes to you. “Yuta is here to practice too and what better way to practice, than with the master himself. Why don’t you practice with Yuta?”

You feel your eyes grow wide as Ten leans into you, “please say yes, he’s too clingy for me and I want to go home. Also Irene has told me about how much you admire dear Yuta, now you two can have some alone time.” You feel your eyes practically burst out of your head as Ten lets his words roll confidently off his tongue as his eyebrows raise with excitement, quite pleased with your reaction to his statement.

You are going to kill Irene the next time you see her.

You stare at Ten as he waves to you before practically skipping down the hall and out of sight. You let your eyes wander for a second before they fall on Yuta who is staring at you. You swallow down your embarrassment and slowly make your way over to him.

“Do you want to practice with me?” Yuta questions, before giving you a soft smile.

You look at him for a second and then give him a nod. “That would be great.”

You both make your way into the studio and you continue over to the cupboards to set your things down, seemingly feeling quite out of place. Your anxiety starts to skyrocket as you notice how silent the studio is. The usual sound of soft chatter and laughter far gone as you are hyper aware that you are in fact alone in this big room of mirrors with only Nakamoto Yuta himself.

You finish setting your stuff down and make your way over to center of the room. Yuta has his back to you, as he fiddles with the stereo. You look at the curvature of his back as you snake your eyes up to his strong shoulders. You quickly snap the image from your mind as you sit down to take the opportunity to stretch out on the floor. You are stretching out your arm when you look back up at Yuta. You notice his gaze through the mirror before he averts his attention back to the stereo. You brush this off and switch arms.

Once you are done stretching, Yuta turns around and you stand up.

“What were you going to practice today?” Yuta questions. You look at him through the mirror.

“I was going to go over what you taught last week…” your voice trails off. “After that, I think I was just going to mess around, maybe freestyle or something.”

Yuta nods at this before selecting the song on his phone.

“Lets see what you got,” Yuta states with a sharp edge to his voice. The hairs on your arms raise at his tone and you can’t help but smile.

The music starts to flood through the studio and Yuta joins you in the center of the floor. You take in a deep breath before you and Yuta both start the choreography.


You continue through the “private” lesson with ease, going through one choreo to the next. You find yourself lost in the way Yuta dances, as he looks completely at peace next to you. You notice more than once, his eyes traveling across your frame, but you account it to be just because you are the only one here, and that he is just simply checking your form.

His soft gaze falls on you again as you shout over the music that you are excusing yourself to get some water.

You make it to your water bottle and take a few much needed sips. You turn to watch Yuta as he starts to freestyle to the music. His eyebrows drawn together as a look of concentration spreads across his face. Your eyes freely dancing across him, enjoying how his skin glows under the studio light. His cheeks are slightly flushed but he looks so effortlessly beautiful that way.

You watch him with contentment as his perfect movements seem to draw you deeper and deeper towards him. You find yourself sighing as you try and peel your gaze off him. Realizing quickly that you are becoming way too attached to the idea of him. He is really just your instructor isn’t he. I mean maybe after today you could call him your friend, but that’s probably about it. You tried to tell yourself a few weeks ago while laying in bed one night, that you wouldn’t brush this time. You would find a way to one day look Yuta in the eyes and try your best to get close to him. However, after just a few practices, you quickly realized that Yuta was unlike anyone you had ever met before. His genuity and charm quickly sucked you up. Yuta makes your mind go fuzzy and your body feel like it wants to turn a deep shade of crimson. Yuta is just so intimidating to you.

You think back to the beginning of the lesson, when you were extremely nervous to be in the presence of Yuta. The idea that he was more physically closer to you than he had ever been before, making your chest feel like it was about to explode. However, after a few routines and Yuta’s humor, you feel quite relaxed. The air around you two light and you seem to enjoy each other’s company. You learned that he had been dancing since he was in middle school and he has always wanted to be a choreographer.

You take your eyes off Yuta as the lyrics to the song slip past your ears and you close your eyes, humming to yourself.

I need somebody who can take control

I know exactly what I need to do

‘Cause I don’t want to be alone tonight

You open your eyes slowly and notice Yuta is staring at you. His eyes slightly hooded as he continues to dance along slowly to the music. You can’t tell if it’s because of the song, or maybe it even has something to do with Yuta’s gaze, but you find yourself setting your water bottle down as you make your way over to him. All thoughts in your mind gone as you walk across the dance floor. You watch his movements for a bit before deciding to try and match him. He catches your gaze through the mirror and gives you a smirk. Yuta takes his hand and rests it on your hip. He looks at you in the mirror, checking to make sure you are okay with this. You smile and start to move with him. The heat of his large hand seeping deep into the skin of your side.

Look what you made me do,

I’m with somebody new

Ooh, baby, baby, I’m dancing with a stranger

You and Yuta continue to move together, making up your movements as you go. Yuta’s hand slides from where it was placed on your hip, and he brings his fingers up to your arm and traces down it to the rhythm of the song. You giggle at the slight tickle his digits admit and Yuta smiles.

You turn your head slightly to glance at yourself in the mirror. A slow bead of sweat sliding its way down your face as you sway to the music, Yuta standing behind you. You watch his face as his lips come close to your neck. The feeling of his hot breath fanning over the skin above your collarbone. He pulls his head away quickly and his eyes meet yours in the mirror. All you can do is look at him, lost in a fantasy. The feeling of his breath, the touch of his skin, all bleeding into your imagination. Oh how much you crave all that is Nakamoto Yuta.

The song seems to end too soon, and you and Yuta are breathing heavily, both wearing matching grins as you step away from each other.

“We probably should get going,” Yuta states, looking over at the clock on the wall.

You follow his gaze and nod, realizing the time. You feel a ping of sadness settle in you though, at the realization that you will have to leave this daydream of a night.

You give Yuta one last final glance through the mirror before you both make your way to the cupboards and collect your things.

You find your way out of the building, both politely smiling to the receptionist as you exit. You walk out into the night air, a chill rushing its way up your legs. The temperature contrast feeling nice on your burning skin. Whether the burn is from your recent work out of dancing, or the memory of Yuta on your skin, you will never know.

“My car is this way,” Yuta begins softly, “I can drive you home.” You are caught off guard for a second as you turn to look at him. His eyes are shining under the streetlight as he looks at you. You drop your gaze to notice the keys in his hand before you shake your head slowly.

“Oh no, that’s okay. I live just a few blocks away. It would be a waste to drive. Besides the air outside feels nice,” you reply, giving him a small smile.

You don’t think you could stand being in close corners with Yuta anymore. His scent of wood and fresh peeled citrus is enough to set your insides more on fire than they already are. At least out here the wind takes his intoxicating scent away before it can get to you.

“Oh, then I’ll walk you home,” Yuta insists while shoving his keys into his pocket.

A prickle of nervousness erupts through your body at his words.

You are about to tell him not to bother, when he starts to walk away from you and down the street. You stand there frozen for a second before you let out a deep sigh.

The universe is really doing this to you tonight isn’t it.

You watch Yuta as he continues to walk down the sidewalk, not stopping once to see if you were following him. With another sigh, you break out into a swift jog until you have met up with Yuta’s long strides. He looks at you from the corner of his eyes, before smirking to himself.

You really want to kiss that smirk right of his beautiful face.

You two continue down the street in silence for a few seconds before you can’t quite seem to stand it anymore. The sound of the wind picking up around you eats away at your insides.

“So how did you and Ten meet?” you question softly, picking at the strap of your bag.

“We met in high school actually, through mutual friends,” Yuta replies.

You focus on the cement beneath your feet as you continue walking with Yuta. “What was he like back then?”

He walks for a second before chuckling to himself lightly. “I actually thought he was shy at first, but we all know how that went.”

You laugh at his reply. Completely understanding the misconception. You use to think the same thing about Irene. Maybe that is why they fit so well together.

“You and Irene used to dance together right?” Yuta questions, looking at you.

You nod.

“Yeah we trained at the same studio for about 5 years together until she had to move with her parents. We were pretty close actually, and we were usually always the two picked to do duets together,” you reply smiling, thinking fondly back to the old memories.

“I can honestly tell though, you two work really well together,” Yuta adds smiling. You feel bubbly from his words.

The conversation drops as you feel a splash of liquid fall onto your cheek. Startled, you stop walking and look up at the sky. Yuta notices this and turns to face you. You watch in astonishment as a swirl of dark angry clouds find their way circling above your head. The wind picks up around you, blowing your hair off your shoulders.

Yuta follows your gaze to the sky and a large raindrop finds itself smashed right in the center of his forehead. He lets out a soft “oh” at the sensation.

You drop your gaze from the sky to look at Yuta. Who is already looking at you with an expression of surprise.

You two stand there for a second, both seeming glued to your spots on the pavement.

Within the next instant, the few raindrops you felt prior, turn into a million and you begin to become soaked from the precipitation.

You can feel your shirt as it clings tightly to your body, now being weighed down by the weight of the rain. You watch as fat droplets land onto Yuta’s face. Sliding down his chiseled cheeks allowing the streetlight to catch the angulature of his face and make his skin glow.

In a burst of energy, you reach your hand down to grasp onto Yuta’s. You pull his arm and start to drag him down the street towards your apartment.

Yuta doesn’t object to this and allows you to pull him until you have reached the front of your building.

You pull him quickly under the safety of the awning. You release his hand before trying to pull your clothes away from your drenched body. Yuta lets out a low chuckle, causing you to look up at him. His smile growing bigger by the second.

“I didn’t think it was suppose to rain at all today,” Yuta states out, the smile staying static across his lips.

“Me either,” you begin. You look down to yourself and register just how wet you two actually are. “Why don’t you come in, get yourself dry and wait out the rain before you head back to your car.”

“I’ll be fine Y/n don’t worry about me,” Yuta starts, readjusting his bag on his shoulder.

You give him a hard gaze. A loud crack of lighting lights up the sky next to you causing you to jump from the shock. Yuta’s eye grow big as he too was startled.

“On second thought, maybe I should come in for a bit,” Yuta finally sighs.

You nod to him before turning to open the door. Once your back is to him, you can’t help the smile that finds its way on your face.

You finally get the door open, and step in to lead the way to your apartment, your shoes making a gross sloshing sound as you walk down the hallway. The chill of the building air hits your wet and exposed legs and you shiver.

You make it to your apartment door and eagerly step inside, dropping your bag down and slipping your wet shoes off. Yuta comes up behind you and does the same.

“I am going to go dry off and change,” you begin slowly. Your train of thought stopping as you consider Yuta. What is he going to wear?

“I can try and see if we have anything that would fit you,” you offer, looking at him with a knitted expression.

“Oh don’t worry about it, I have extra clothes in my bag that I can change into,” Yuta clarifies, causing a sense of relief to rush over you. You weren’t very hopeful that you would have anything for him to wear anyway.

“Okay, I’ll come back with a towel for you in a minute,” you state softly before excusing yourself to your bedroom.

After a long struggle of trying to peel off your wet clothing, you finally get changed and grab a few towels. You brush through your hair quickly and exit your room to find Yuta.

You step into the living room and you practically drop the towels at the sight in front of you.

Yuta is standing near your couch with his wet clothes in his arms. He now has on a new set of grey sweatpants that hang just low enough to expose the waistband of his black boxers. Your eyes travel upward catching slightly on the exposure of his hips. The bones protruding out slightly. His torso is bare of a shirt, and small water droplets litter his chest, making him look like he is glistening. His abdomen and forearms are layered with muscle and cause your cheeks to heat in an instant. You snap your gaze up to Yuta’s face just as he seems to notice your presence.

“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t think you were changing,” you blurt out quickly. Turning around to have your back facing the beautiful man in your living room.

You hear Yuta chuckle from behind you.

“Don’t worry, I am already changed, I just actually don’t have and extra shirt. Could I put this in your dryer maybe?” he questions softly.

You let yourself breath slowly as you try and collect your composure. After a few more shaky breaths, you turn yourself back around.

“Of course,” you answer, making sure to keep your eyes glued on his face.

You walk across the room and offer Yuta a towel. He accepts it graciously and hands over his wet clothes. You take them and quickly turn to make your way to your laundry area. You throw his clothes into the thankfully empty dryer and set it on a cycle.

You come back out into the living room to see Yuta rubbing his hair with the towel. “Would you like something to drink?” you question, skipping the living room and walking towards your kitchen.

“Water please, thank you,” he replies, lowering the towel from his head.

You disappear into the kitchen and quickly let yourself crouch down, letting out a letting out a long sigh.

Yuta is in my apartment right now. Nakamoto Yuta is in my apartment, he is shirtless and wet, and I am freaking the hell out in the kitchen.

You feel the veins in your chest pump profusely as your heart rate picks up speed. You screw your eyes shut and try to calm your breathing when you hear Yuta’s voice break through the silent apartment.

“You have a record player?” he questions, happiness, apparent in his voice.

You open up your eyes and stare at your kitchen floor. You feel your breath steady as you try to keep your voice even. “Yeah, you can play something if you want,” you call back. You hear a bit of shuffling and you determine that he picking something to play.

You pull yourself up from your position and get yourself and Yuta a glass of water. You drink about half of your glass before refilling it and turning to make your way back into the living room. Collecting yourself as you do.

You hear the scratching of the record player before the soft sounds of Paramore’s The Only Exception, start to fill your ears. You smile to yourself, as this is your favorite record. You would have not picked Yuta for being a Paramore fan, but you are surely not complaining.

You walk out of the kitchen and notice Yuta standing over your vinyl set. His back to you. Your eyes trace up the tight muscles of his shoulders and you feel a heat start to spread across your lower stomach. The sight of him becoming too much for you to handle. You make your way over to him and hand him his water. He accepts it and you watch him take a sip as he sways to the music.

When I was younger I saw

My daddy cry, and curse at the wind

You set down your drink and look over at Yuta. He has since set his own drink down and is also looking at you. He stares at you for a second before taking his hand and extending it to you, silently asking you to dance. You almost thinking about declining given the circumstances. He is shirtless and you are way more affected by it than you care to admit. You stare at his hand for a few seconds like a complete idiot, contemplating the idea of dancing with him. You finally decide to screw all the rushing thoughts in your head. You’ve already made it this far and clearly he is comfortable enough to offer the dance. You look up at him and slowly slide your hand into his grip. The feeling bringing back that signature blush to you cheeks.

And that was the day I promised

I would never sing of love

If does not exist

You let your gaze look up into Yuta’s as he pulls you close, his right hand sliding itself, to the small of your back. You are close enough to him to feel the heat the radiates from him, but not close enough to touch. You two begin to sway slowly together, matching the rhythm of the song.

“Is there any kind of dance you are bad at?” Yuta questions cheerfully, completely catching you off guard

You laugh at his question, but don’t answer, too stunned by everything happening right now to form a coherent sentence.

You look over at where your hands are intertwined and Yuta releases your back before moving his arm to twirl you around. You feel your stomach flutter and you can’t help the giggle that escapes your lips. You return back to your original position with Yuta, who now has a smile on his perfect pink lips. The feeling of the spin and the smell of Yuta, starts to cloud your head and your smile quickly falls. His sweet words flowing like courage through your body.


you are the only exception

You can’t seem to help it when your eyes fall down to look onto Yuta’s lips. Soft and plump. The desire to known just how they taste, comes rushing through your body.

You are the only exception

Before your judgement can even seem to catch you, your face pushes forward and your lips softly connect to Yuta’s. You both stop swaying and your mind blanks as you feel just how incredibly soft and irresistable Yuta’s lips are. You both pull away a few seconds later and you let your eyes flutter open. The realization hits you as you looking into the saucers that are now Yuta’s eyes. You both release each other and Yuta breaks eye contact.

You just kissed him. You just went ahead and kissed him. Why are you such an idiot?!

“Ugh, ” Yuta begins staring straight at you. The look on his face feeling like the weight of a million bricks has come crashing down on top of your body.  

A rush a guilt washes over you and you want to cry.

You fucked it up Y/n, you really fucked it up. For once in your life you actually do something, and you mess the whole damn thing up.

You start to grow panicked, “I am so sorry Yuta, I can’t believe I just did that,” you mumble the last part to yourself and you lower your head.

“I really like you Y/n,” Yuta spits out, causing your eyes to flash up to him. “I have liked you practically from the moment you stepped into the dance studio, but I didn’t want to make anything awkward between us. I tried to stay away or not make any advances on you, but I don’t know what just happened to me. I just got caught up, I’m sorry I kissed you, that was wrong. You can totally find a new instructor, I completely understand,” Yuta looks at you with sorrow filled eyes. A deep crimson blush dusting his ears. One perfectly matching that of the one on your cheeks right now.

What is he even talking bout?

You grow confused with his confession. “What are you talking about Yuta, I kissed you just now?”

Yuta’s brows knit together with your question.

“I know it was so wrong of me. I just couldn’t help it. Shit I feel like I took advantage of you,” you rush out, growing more embarrassed with each passing second.

“I thought I kissed you though?” Yuta states out, confusion dripping from his words.

“I have liked you from the first time I saw you. You’re just so caring and sweet and I just couldn’t seem to shake you from my mind. You are always so willing to help everyone and your smile makes the entire room light up. Your dancing is addicting to watch. Everything was going great, but then you had to go and take your shirt off and god damn you’re just so incredibly hot and…” You slap your hand over your mouth, embarrassed by the words that you just let spew out.

I really just called him hot… to his face…

Yuta straightens up as his eyes narrow at you. His whole demeanor seeming to change at the flip of a switch. His jaw tenses as he walks straight over to you and grabs your hand to pull it from your mouth before smashing his lips to yours. Much rougher than the kiss before. His lips engulf your top one as he push into you, his body going flush with yours. You let out a gasp as he pulls away before tilting his head and reconnecting your lips at a new angle. The feeling of his lips forming over your own, causes all of the blood in your body to rush to your head.

You feel your mind slip away to the feeling of Yuta. His name being painted behind your eyelids as his lips continue to move across yours, stealing all of your breath.  

Yuta releases your hand before resting his palms on your hips as his digits start to squeeze into your skin. His mouth parts slightly as the slickness of his wet muscle comes into contact with your bottom lip. He touches it slightly before you release your lips. He starts to explore your mouth, his tongue tasting of mint as it meets yours. Your hands travel up to trace into his blonde locks, still slightly wet from the rain. You yank on them slightly, causing Yuta to sigh into your mouth. The sound causing a wave of need to pulse between your legs.

As you continue to kiss Yuta hungrily, your mouths moving together, you feel his hands dip lower to squeeze the flesh of your ass. You moan from the sensation and Yuta can’t help but smirk against your lips, seemingly satisfied with himself.

“You don’t know how long I have wanted to kiss you like this,” Yuta states.

You feel you entire body grow hot, no longer chilled from your previous wetness. You take your teeth and sink them into Yuta’s bottom lip, ever so softly. You pause for a moment to drag his lip outward a bit, opening your eyes to see his expression. His eyes shoot open wide as he stares back at you. His once soft chocolate brown orbs having grown dark and mysterious through your makeout session. A growl erupts from low within his throat as you release his lip from your bite. A smirk forming on your lips, just as Yuta had done earlier.

As you catch onto your breath, Yuta offers another rough squeeze of your ass and starts to pull you down the hallway. You follow him eagerly, until you end up crashing into him as he stops walking. Your thighs pressing into his skin, feeling the hardness of his bulge as it rests against your thigh. The reality of your situation arousing you to no end.  

You realize quickly that Yuta doesn’t know where to go, so you take a second to release your grip from his hair. His hands loosen from you and you slip past him to walk into your bedroom. You hear Yuta walk up behind you so you turn to face him. He stares at you as the corners of your lips turn up into a low but devilish smile.

You can’t quite figure out why, but ever since his lips started kissing your own, you have felt an overpowering sense of confidence. Perhaps it is the fact that Yuta seems to want you just as bad as you want him. Or maybe even it is just that you are finally able to break free from your own chains. Whatever the reason may be, you are power filled and eager for Yuta.

Your fingers reach for the hem of your shirt, lifting it up slowly before fulling discarding it and letting it fall to the floor. Yuta’s eyes rake across your torso, just as your had done to him back in the living room. You reach your fingers behind your back to unclip your bra and Yuta gazes intently as it slides from your arms, exposing your upper half completely to him.

He walks over to you a glint in his mesmerizing eyes.

“So beautiful,” he breaths out, as his hands come up to trace along the sides of your body. The sensation foreign to you, but still amazing in every single way.

His eyes seem to look at you fondly as his hands trace you like a feather. Drawing up from the hem of your shorts to the bottom of your rib cage. You think he is going to keep going when his hands stops completely. You reach your palm up to his cheek and drag your eyes up to his face. You notice that he is looking directly behind you, and you grow confused as an evil smile forms slowly onto his lips. Yuta doesn’t look at you as his hands push into your hips, spinning you around so your back is now against his chest. Once you are turned around, you notice that you are looking straight into the large full length mirror that you have in your room. Yuta’s eyes in the mirror look at you sensually.

“Look at yourself princess, I want you to see just how irresistible you look right now. Your cheeks all flushed as your perfect nipples are so pretty and pink,” Yuta’s words come out deeply and you feel a shutter roll through you. Nothing in this world has ever sounded as sinful as that.

Ever since you first met Yuta, all those weeks ago, you always had this image of him. The sweet and charming Yuta who would do anything to help someone. He was always so caring and incapable of hurting a fly. However, now that you stand in front of him, your bare chest rising and falling rapidly as you watch his lust filled eyes travel all over your body. The words coming from him soundly nothing like they ever have before. You find that not everyone is exactly how they seem.

You continue to watch through the mirror as Yuta comes out from behind you and kneels down on the ground. A wave of excitement washes over you as he plants a soft kiss just above the waistband of your pants before hooking his fingers into them and pulling both your shorts and underwear downwards towards the floor. He helps you step out of them, before throwing them behind you somewhere. He looks up at you for a second before standing back up to his feet. You feel the wetness between your legs increase as your heat starts to ache. The need to be touched growing almost unbearable now.

Yuta comes back to his original position of standing behind you. He brings his right hand down to the back of your thigh, his large hand resting on top of your burning skin. He makes eye contact with you through the mirror and studies your face. When you make no sign of uncomfortability, he lets his fingertips touch you as he draws his hand across your skin, bringing it upwards. His hand works your lower half, as he lets his lips come up to your neck where he plants one small kiss. The sensations causing your skin to tingle. You bite your bottom lip, trying to keep yourself grounded.

He continues to bring his hand upward, pulling his soft digits across your ass until they come to your lower back. He doesn’t even pause there before he draws them across your hip and towards your navel. The smirk on his face grows as a breathless sigh escapes your lips.

“Yuta,” you sigh out. His name rolling off your tongue like it was always meant to.

“Mm,” he hums softly to you, “I love the way you say my name.”

He slowly runs his hand down your lower belly and to the front of the lowest part of your abdomen. The distance his hand is from your dripping heat, causes you to let out a whine. Desperate for some kind of friction from him. You let your head lull back a bit, before it is caught on Yuta’s cheek. He takes this opportunity to let his digits trail to your heat where he draws one quick circle over your clit. A moan escaping your mouth as he does.

You let your eyes wander in the mirror, finding it incredibly arousing to see yourself being touched like this. Being able to watch as Yuta’s hands trace over yours, finally going to where you seem to need him most.

You had spent basically your entire life growing accustomed to looking at yourself through a mirror, constantly having to watch your movement and placement through new choreography and routines. You use to hate watching yourself  through those giant mirrors. You never really enjoyed it, but tonight, right now with Yuta, you find it to be the best thing in the world.

You drop your eyes to his fingers and watch as he finally lets one of them dip inside of you. The feeling causing a wave of pleasure to rack through your body.

“So wet,” he mumbles to himself.

You bring your left hand up and use it to grip at Yuta’s hip. Pulling yourself more into him as he starts to drag his finger in and out of you at a delicious pace. The sight of his finger disappearing inside of you rhythmically, has your practically cumming already.

He slips in another digit before taking his left hand to start squeezing at your breast. Twisting and pulling on your nipple.

“Uh,” you breath out, ”just like that.”

Yuta continues to slide his fingers into you at a somewhat slow pace. The feeling is amazing, but definitely not enough. You crave for him to fuck you so good. You want him so bad. Your hips start to move against Yuta’s as you yearn for more friction. Yuta seems to notice this.

“Do you need something baby girl,” Yuta questions, a shiver running down your spine.

You hum to him in response, your eyes still locked on his right hand.

“Tell me princess, what do you want?” he questions out a little sharper, his hand slowing down, causing you to groan.

“More Yuta, please,” you beg, your fingers digging into his hip.

You look up to meet his eyes and he smiles at you. A smile that is dripping in pure sin.

He doesn’t say anything before he slips in a third finger and brings his lips down to suck on the skin of your neck. You gasp at this and Yuta starts to move his fingers quickly into you.

The feeling of pleasure building in the pit of your stomach as Yuta continues to make you feel so good. So many sensations happening as you watch yourself in your mirror.

“I’m so close,” you moan out, bringing your right hand up to grip on Yuta’s bicep.

Yuta’s mouth releases from your neck with a pop and you catch the sight of your neck in the mirror. A bright purple mark has now formed over your skin.The sight of that mark pushes you completely over the edge. You moan out Yuta’s name as his fingers continue to fuck you, coaxing you through your high. With your hands still gripping onto him, Yuta’s slows down his movement but continues to hold you up as your body starts to rest more and more into him. The intensity of your orgasm being nothing like you had ever experienced before. Your breath coming out sporadically as you try and catch onto some air. After a bit, you are able to release your grip on Yuta, and he loosens his own arms so you can turn yourself around to face him. You give him a long kiss, so overcome with emotion from everything that has happened thus far. With your lips locked, you bring your hands to his pants. You slip them down for him and he kicks them away, being left only in his boxers. You release his kiss and start to guide him towards your bed.

He falls back onto it with a thud and you bring yourself to sit on his lap, your thighs on either side of his. The feeling of his bulge pressing into your heat causes your head to ache.

You bring Yuta into another kiss while you slip your hand down the front of his chest. Your fingers dragging along him like he had done to you. You bring your hand all the way to his boxers where you slip it in to grab onto his length. He sucks in a quick breath and bucks his hips upward from the friction. You smirk at this and remove your hand quickly. A defiant look spreading across his face as he looks up at you. You smile triumphantly, a feeling of power overtaking you.

You bite down on your lower lip as you start to slip his boxers down his body, both of you lifting upward for a second so you can easily slide them off his legs and discard them.

Once he is completely exposed to you, you let your eyes rake up his toned legs. The muscles of his thighs seeming to twitch with anticipation. You bring your gaze up to his length and you can’t help but bite down deeper into your bottom lip. You bring your hand back down to touch him as you release your aching lip from your teeth. The sight of his length, hot and angry, has your mouth watering. You give him a few pumps that cause his head to lull back with delectable moan slipping past his lips.

“Y/n,” he lets slip from his mouth, the sound being music to your ears.

Through the pleasure Yuta seems to snap back because he whips his head up and pushes your hand off of him quickly.

“I want you Y/n,” he slips out with such desire braided into his pitch, you moan just from the sentence.

He stares at you with big bright eyes. His chest moving just about as rapidly as yours is.

This feeling, this intense feeling of being so wanted by him, is something you will never truly be able to describe to anyone.

You turn to lean over to your night stand where you open the drawer and fish out a condom. You bring one out and hold it out to Yuta.

“Then have me,” you state out simply.

Yuta’s nose flares at your words and he grabs the condom from you, ripping it open. You watch eagerly as he rolls it onto himself easily. He leans up to give you a quick kiss before flipping you over onto your back, causing you to squeal. You look up at him as he aligns himself with you. The tip of his slick length poking at your entrance.

He starts to slowly slip himself into you and you let out a sharp moan. He continues to push into you slowly, stretching you, as the burn of it feels so undeniably good.

“Shit,” Yuta curses out. He lets out a sharp breath as he moves his arms to rest on either side of your head.

He finally pushes all the way in when he stops moving, allowing you to adjust to his size. His eyes dancing across your face as he waits.

Once he feels you are comfortable as you start to roll your hips from below him, he starts moving, snapping his hips into you with nothing shy of a dancer’s precision. The way he can move his hips with such force and flexibility has your fingers gripping tightly into the bed sheets. His pace quickens as he makes you feel so much pleasure with each thrust. His length hitting so deep inside of you that you see stars.

“So tight Y/n, god you feel so good,” Yuta breaths out. He takes one of your legs and pulls it upwards giving himself a better angle.

“Shit,” you moan out as you take your nails and wrack them up his back, scratching into his skin. He seems to enjoy this as a low groan falls from his lips at the sensation.

You notice the delicious feeling of your orgasm coming as Yuta continues to fuck you better than you ever have been before.

“I can feel how close you are baby, cum for me,” Yuta breaths out, his hips moving more erratically as he chases his own high.

You come undone with Yuta’s name dropping sweetly from your lips, as your eyes roll back in your head and your mind goes blank. Yuta soon comes after you, your tight walls feeling so good around him as he rides out his own orgasm. After a few more thrusts he slips himself out of you and disposes of the condom as you lay there in pure bliss.

He comes over and falls next to you in the bed, both of you panting heavily together.


Pairing: Reader X Jaehyun

Words: 2300+


Warnings: Sexual / mature content and language, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism

Request:“Hi could you do Jaehyun smut ? He fingering you under the blanket when the members are around. Thank You xoxo”


“We’ll be waiting for you,” is all your boyfriend Jaehyun could say before his warm hand is sliding itself off your waist as he leaves the kitchen. Your skin still warm from where his fingers once touched you. You knew his intentions, you could see right through every word his perfect lips dropped to you. He was being overly touchy today and it could only really mean one thing.

I mean you couldn’t really blame him, you are about as bothered right now as he is. It had been a few weeks since you two had had a moment alone together, and the time apart can really way down on a person. It’s just that, for the amount of time you’d been away from Jaehyun, you had also been away from the rest of the boys. You missed all of them, almost as much as your dear boyfriend.

You think back to Jae’s not so subtle words and chuckle to yourself. Any one else would have taken his ‘we’ll be waiting’, innocently, but not you. He seemed to have no shame here tonight in the middle of Johnny’s kitchen, and as much as you would love to take his extended hand and let him lead you to the car, you had other plans. It was one of your monthly movie nights with the boys and you wouldn’t miss one for the world. You and Jae could spend as much time as you wanted to back at your house, but it’s pretty hard to get all of the boys together for a night. You weren’t going to leave this house for a while, no matter how much Jaehyun wanted you to.

Your grip tightens around the bowl of popcorn you are holding as you make your way into the living room. The buttery smell of the freshly popped snack comes wafting up to your nose and causes a smile to find its way to your lips. The subtleness of the aroma causing happy memories to resurface in your brain. Countless nights of snuggling up with Jaehyun and the rest of NCT in their dorm as some random movie plays on the screen, comes into mind. The happy memories seem like they would last forever. Like you thought earlier, you are no stranger to the insane schedule the boys are subjected to, so when you can see them all take a deep breath and relax, even if it’s only for a few hours, it is nice. It makes you feel almost as good as you know it makes them feel.

You walk over to what seems to be the only empty seat in the entire room and make yourself comfortable. You turn your head to Jaehyun and notice that he already has his own bowl of popcorn resting on his lap. Mark seems to notice this too as he looks over at the bowl resting in your hands and his face breaks into a smile. His eyes flash up to yours and then back at the bowl, silently begging for you to give it to him, and no one else. You smile at his expression and slowly reach over to hand him the popcorn. His eyes widen and he nods a small thank you to you.

You look back over at Jaehyun and realize he is already looking back at you. You study his sharp features before scooting over to plant a soft kiss to his cheek. He gives you a small smirk before turning his attention to the tv screen. The expression he gave you sticking deep into your mind. It looked devious, almost as if something was being cooked up in his brain. Should you be worried?

The title screen of The Justice League movie begins to flash on the tv causing a few groans to be heard from the boys.

“Who picked this one?” Doyoung questions with his eyebrows knitted and an apparent pout on his lips.

“Yeah we just watched this,” Yuta adds crossing his arms.

“I don’t see you coming up with any better options, besides this movie is amazing. It deserves to be appreciated more than just once,” Lucas pipes up.

Doyoung scoffs before throwing a piece of popcorn at him. The two begin to laugh as Lucas picks up the small kernel and pops it into his mouth with a giant grin plastered on his lips.

“Mm, thanks Doe,” Lucas cooes, smiling to himself.

Everyone remains silent as Johnny presses play on the movie and the title screen slowly slips away.

The movie starts up and you and the rest of the boys fall silent. A few words are spoken here and there, small comments about the film, but it seems that everyone is pretty engrossed in the movie.

Everyoneexcept for your needy boyfriend.

You two were secluded to your own loveseat that quite frankly was a little too small for comfort. A few inches smaller and you would be sitting on top of Jaehyun. You normally wouldn’t be complaining, but every single movement Jae made would break your concentration from the movie, and there seemed to be way more interruptions than there should be. Every time he moved you would look over at him to find that he was already looking at you. That same devilish smirk on his lips that was there before the movie had started. You would choose to ignore him, but it seems that he was going to keep up his act until he received the attention he so thought he deserved.

The movie continues on and you think that Jae has given up. You find yourself to be quite wrong when you feel his hand shift under the blanket before resting itself upon your thigh. You choose not to look over at him this time, which was the wrong move. Upon no reaction from you, Jae takes it upon himself to slide his warm fingers up to the hem of the skirt you regret wearing. He plays with the fabric before continuing his hand into the front of your panties. Finally realizing his intentions you shoot him a warning look.

“Come on princess, it will be quick,” he whispers into your ear. The vibrations causing the hairs on the back of your neck to raise.

“The others are here Jae, what if someone sees?” you question shakily. The proximity of his lips and the position of his hand cause you to become hyper aware of your surroundings. You try to shift yourself a little bit away from him, but you realize that there is no where for you to go.

Jae runs one of his fingers up your clothed heat causing a shudder to run through your body. He hums at your response.

“See I know you want this, no one will know unless you let them. Just keep quiet princess.”

You let your eyes scan over all of the boys around you, noticing that not a single one has picked their heads up to look at you. You let out a soft breath, realizing quickly that there was no winning this fight. As much as you hate to admit it, now that the idea has been planted into your head, there is no turning back. You do want it, and you want it now.

With a huff you nod your head softly to Jaehyun. You just know there is a huge dimpled smile now plastered on his face.

He takes his long digit and uses it to push your panties to the side. His finger starts to run up your slit and you crush your lips together to hide any unwanted noises.

You can’t believe this is actually happening.

Jaehyun’s finger does another delicious swipe before he starts to slowly insert it into you. The pleasure causing you to reach out and squeeze the top of his thigh. You can feel him soak himself into you until his knuckle reaches your opening. Any other time you would let yourself bask in this thought, but right now, the only thing on your mind is keeping quiet.

You do another sweep around the room with your eyes, finding that no one has yet turned to look at you and Jaehyun. Jaehyun feels you relax a little bit after this and uses the time to slide in a second finger. You squeeze your lower half tightly causing Jae to let out a quick breath.

“Shit baby,” his voice comes out as barely a whisper.

Your nails sink into him, definitely leaving marks on the skin of his thighs. He doesn’t seem to mind though because he reaches his face down to press a quick kiss on your neck. His fingers still pulling in and out of you wonderfully.

He starts to quicken the movement of his digits in you and your breath starts to come out of your nose sporadically. You are trying your best to not make any sound, but your energy is slowly draining.

You focus your eyes on the tv screen and try to make it seem like you are caught up in the movie. However, you just know that if any of the boys were to glance at you, the constipated look on your face would clearly indicate a red flag.

The movie turns to the fighting scene where Superman has just been resurrected from the dead and you silently thank anyone up above at this timing. You can’t help the way your breath is coming out in harsh pants now as Jaehyun quickens his pace, and the volume coming from the speakers seems to be drowning out your noises. You can feel yourself coming closer and closer to the edge, as the knot of ecstasy starts to wind itself deep in the pit of your stomach. You can just tell you are almost there when Jaehyun slows his fingers completely and lets them rest inside of you. You turn to him angrily and he just keeps his eyes on the tv with a smirk plastered on his face. Your heat starts to tighten as you sit there falling farther and farther away from your climax. You can tell what Jaehyun is doing and you can’t say you are quite happy with it. The longer this goes on the more likely you are to get caught.

You can feel every inch of Jaehyun’s smooth fingers as they rest inside you. You let out a huff, your skin feeling like it is on fire as your eyes lazily fall onto the other couch across the room. You don’t notice the pair of eyes that are looking at you until Jaehyun starts to move his fingers again. Yuta is staring at you with such intensity that you can’t help it when your eyes grow twice in size. Jaehyun’s fingers quickly return to the pace they once were at and there is no way for you to inform him of the audience you have acquired. Any loosening of your lips and a sea of moans would come flooding out afterwards. You can only just hope that Yuta hasn’t realized anything yet.

You quickly turn your gaze to the tv, trying your best to relax your face, and hide any sort of inclination on what is currently being done to you. You wait a second before looking at Yuta out of the corner of your eye. His gaze is going between you and Jaehyun as his eyes double in size. 

He knows, there is no possible way, he doesn’t know.

You can feel your orgasm coming quickly again, and you bury your face into Jaehyun’s shoulder. Just as the wave of pleasure rushes over you, you choose to open your mouth and bite down into Jaehyun’s shoulder. You feel him tense up and a short gasp falls from him mouth at the feeling of your mouth. You are quite pleased with yourself at how little noise falls from your lips as Jaehyun lets you ride out the high. Once you are finished and oversensitive, Jaehyun slides his fingers out and you are able to relax again.

Your mind doesn’t let you rest though because for a few seconds after your orgasm, you had forgotten about Yuta, but now everything comes flooding back to you. Your cheeks become a deep shade of red as you glance over at him. He has his own gaze on the tv, his lower lip drawn up in between his teeth as a deep blush creeps itself up his chest and onto his own cheeks. He doesn’t dare look over at you, but his whole appearance and the way his chest rises and falls so harshly, you know that he is aware of your gaze.

You feel Jaehyun pull his hand from under the blanket before bringing it up to his mouth. He places his two fingers past his lips and starts to suck you off himself. Your eyes grow big as an involuntary gasp comes out of you.

He can’t be serious. Is he really doing that right now.

Your gasp must have come out louder than you had thought as you hear a chuckle come from one of the other boys.

“What a man can’t lick the popcorn seasoning off his fingers Y/N?” Jaehyun questions to you innocently. The look in his eye however, is nothing of the sort.

“It’s the best part,” you hear Johnny speak up with a chuckle. You feel yourself want to be swallowed up into a deep hole now.

“It truly is,” Jaehyun lets out harshly, after finally releasing his fingers from his mouth.

You can’t help but look at Yuta who is staring at Jaehyun. The expression on his face is unreadable as his eyebrows are knitted tightly together, but his eyes seem scared. He looks over at you and quickly averts his attention once he realizes you are looking at him. You watch him look around awkwardly before clearing his throat and getting up from his seat. Without a word he quickly exits the room and you hear the bathroom door close loudly a second later.


A/N:All sexual content in this and any other of my scenarios, are consented to.

jung jaehyun

definition: ultimate boyfriend material

source: i like me better - cover by jaehyun

jungwoo in boss: closer closer closer

my brain: take your clothes off clothes off clothes off

Wayv having family time

Yangyang:We can either make these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or at 4,000 degrees for one minute

Xiaojun: I don’t think that’s how making cookies work

Kun: Dont do it


Ten: How about 4,000,000 degrees so we only have to wait one second?

Kun: You are gonna burn the dorm down-


Winwin: GENUIS

Kun: NO-


breathtaking visuals

Yuta:talk dirty to me

Taeyong:I’m not wearing any underwear because you never put the fucking laundry in the fucking dryer like I asked you for the last 100 time

These pictures of yuta…… That’s all I have to say….

YuWin ❤️❤️ who is your fav. Ship?
