#sanction russia now


Unfortunately Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the military invasion of Ukraine

There is absolutely no reason for invasion into this peaceful country and many lives will be lost for this cruel and thoughtless act of war.

We support the Ukrainian people and our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have been affected by this incredible horrific event.

No. Oh no. No, no, no. THIS will NOT help anyone AT ALL.

I understand that this is Ukrainian filmmakers who are talking, but I think I can talk about their point as it is. Without demonstrative pity and wide gestures. Let’s stop for a moment here and think.

“Russian cultural boycott” will not help fight against russian propaganda because culture and art are not the part of it. In the moment propaganda tries to use art and culture to brainwash people - its stops being art. How can you not understand that? All of those propaganda movies in Russia are not art, and are not it’s culture.

There’s plenty of independent russian filmmakers, artists, illustrators, animators, poets (etc) that surviving and have an ability to speak about problems in this country JUST because they had a way to go to the western “stage”. And now you want to take away this from them? What’s the point? How this boycott of everything russian (and that means including stuff that is already against regime and propaganda) will help Ukrainian people that are became refugees or siting in bunkers right now? This is just demonstrative gesture that will not help anyone and just will make situation worse.

Culture is forming by its own, when government wants to influence it - it responses, culture is a separate body from the government, regime, propaganda and even history.

You can fight russian propaganda WITHOUT banning and boycotting everything russian. Isn’t that obvious? I don’t understand how it’s not obvious.

Please, HELP independent russian artists that are continuing talking about truth and important problems, that continuing making art in this regime. Not strangle them. Please.

The best way to fight evil - is not be a part of it.

Im understanding now that sanctions of Russia will not make people go to the protests and make a change. Let me explain why.

My country has unreflected trauma of Soviet regime and of 90s (after it collapsed)

People of the 50-70 age - are scared of the government, because they lived though USSR.

People of the 30-40 age - are lived though 90s - decade of deficit in Russia. They know what it’s like to survive in the terrible economy - so this perspective are scaring them less, than perspective of being in jail (even now, when I’m writing this - I’m kinda risking - they just announced the new laws). My mother literally made stock of canned food in case they would have nothing to eat.

People of my age (~20) - are the most likely to protest right now. They never chose this government - I, for example, 20 y.o and I’ve NEVER seen this country WITHOUT Putin. Can you imagine? But there’s not a lots of us.

You may ask: why if people know what it’s like to be scared and poor - they are ready to experience it again?

My answer that this has to do with reflection - analysis of the past. They never done this. Russians, actually, is very traumatized nation. And in my opinion and experience - trauma often makes you more scared, angry, powerless.

Germany, for example, even now, keeps reflecting on its past, that why they are great nation right now.

Russians often go “let’s not talk about the past”, “let’s remember only good stuff”, “well at least we have something now” and etc.

I know that all of it sounds pitily and miserably. It is.

Probably my country on the way to have another trauma. It ether would be USSR 2.0 or Civil war.

I really do not know if I ever would see russia being healthy nation. Really don’t know.

But, of course, sanctions not only about this. It’s also about solidarity and wanting have nothing to do with us. And it’s fair.
