#scorch trials


Already miss these movies even though I just rewatched them all.

I thought they were both so cute in this. (Peep Daniel staring off into the void.)

Hey everyone, not too sure how active you all are anymore. I’ve been off and focused on school, but now I assume we are all stuck at home as this pandemic happens throughout the nation. Remember to look at the positive side of things! “This is life and imperfection is beautiful and don’t be afraid of that.” ~Dylan o’ Brien (Yes, I have used this quote before, but it fits well with what is happening in the world.)

“No human is perfect, and that’s fine, that’s okay. That’s the way it should be. This is life and imperfection is beautiful and don’t be afraid of that.” Dylan o’ Brien

They’ve escaped the maze. Now, it’s time to begin phase two.

20th Century Fox on Tuesday released the trailer for Scorch Trials, the second installment in author James Dashner’s dystopian Maze Runnertrilogy.

After escaping the deadly mechanical maze, Thomas and his fellow Gladers find themselves fighting for survival in the Scorch, a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with new obstacles. The gang soon teams up with resistance fighters to take on WCKD (pronounced “wicked”), a mysterious and powerful organization responsible for the Maze trials.

Fans weren’t the only ones excited to see the sequel’s action-packed trailer.

Maze Runner stars Ki Hong LeeandDylan O’Brien, who portray Minho and Thomas, respectively, recently sat down and watched the trailer for the first time. As glimpses of the film’s intense scenes played on a computer screen, the duo cheered, laughed and cracked jokes.

“Our gun throw!” O’Brien says, nudging Lee after the trailer shows Minho breaking a window and tossing a gun to Thomas.

“Oh, yeah. That window break was the first take,” Lee replies.

Watch Ki Hong Lee and Dylan O’Brien’s reactions here
