#noah stilinski



  • Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
  • Word count: 2483
  • Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, suicide, murder, swearing (always), etc.
  • A/N: Surprise? Kind of a filler. Lots of jumps. Soon, I will upload a post explaining what is going to happen to this series and my writing in general. Don’t worry, it’s not something bad.



Last night, we had some problems with Garrett. The police and ambulances ended up being involved, and thankfully, nothing serious had happened to any of us. But as we expected, things were becoming more dangerous, and we all were concerned about the unknown future.

I went down the stairs while checking my phone. Scott had texted me saying he had to go somewhere while Stiles had called me, informing me that he would come to get me in a couple of minutes. Before entering the kitchen, I stopped as I listened to Melissa speaking. “I know that I’m a month late. Three months? Oh. Are you sure it’s three months?” I sighed gently, hoping she wouldn’t hear me. “Okay, I understand. Um, but if you could just turn the power back on even for a few hours, that would be really great. I have a refrigerator full of food that’s going to go bad. And, obviously, I don’t have the money to run out and replace $300 worth of groceries. So… I am more than happy to beg.” I bite my lower lip, stumping on the stairs to advise her that I was going to enter. As I came into her view, she put the phone away. “Hey, you didn’t leave with Scott?” She offered me a tiny smile, walking closer to me and kissing my cheek.

I shook my head as I grabbed an apple, quickly washing it. “Scott didn’t wake me up today, but he texted me saying he had to go do some things.” I shrugged. “Stiles said he is coming for me tho.” She nodded her head, taking a sip of her coffee. “But if you need help at home or something, I can stay.”

She immediately shook her head. “I’m alright. I will spend my free time working around the house a little bit.” I could see the worry painted in her features. “You better leave. I’m pretty sure Stiles will come earlier to get you just to see you.” She winked as I felt flustered. I did as I was told, knowing that she had spoken about Stiles to save herself from being caught.

As I exited the house, I noticed the familiar blue jeep parked in front of my house. I couldn’t help but smile, even though I couldn’t see who was inside the car due to the sun hitting my face. However, my grin became broader as I saw Stiles exiting the jeep, rapidly shuffling towards me. His smile, perhaps, as wide as mine.

“Hey,” I stepped closer to him, meeting him halfway. Before I could say anything more, his lips abruptly ended up against mine. Then, they softly caressed mine for a couple of seconds. He was the one who pulled away, even though I attempted to follow his lips, wanting, no, needing to feel them against mine again. He whispered a ‘hey’ back as his forehead rested against mine. “What’s the plan?”

I heard a noise, which I couldn’t decipher. Perhaps because I was too busy lost in Stiles Stilinski. I wasn’t even sure how to describe what I felt when he was near, but even the smallest gestures or movements done by him had my heart beating like crazy. And even if I was shy to admit it, my body had been responding more to him. Wanting, no, needing to be closer.

“The plan is to go to Stiles’s dad’s job if you both can keep your hands to each other.” A voice sounded, and I laughed as I recognised it. Looking behind my boyfriend, I saw the red-headed girl smirking at us as she sat in one of the backseats of the jeep. “C'mon, lovebirds.”

Stiles was quick in gripping my hand, walking me towards the passenger seat and opening the door for me.

When we arrived at our destination, Parrish informed us that Noah was out but would be back in a couple of minutes. However, Stiles let him know that we wanted to talk to him.

Parrish’s eyebrows were furrowed. “This is a hit list?” He gripped a piece of paper.

“We call it a Dead Pool,” Stiles informed. “Recognize any of the names?”

The man nodded. “Yeah. The Sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night. But we couldn’t find any of them.” Parrish seemed as confused as me.

Stiles sighed, uncrossing his arms and glancing at Lydia. “Show him the other thing.” He made a gesture, and as Lydia turned the paper Parrish was holding, I tried to get closer to have a look at it.

“Okay. That’s kind of terrifying.” He got up from the desk as he examined his name, written on the list with the number 5, next to it. “What’s the number?”

Lydia shrugged. “That’s how much you’re worth.”

“I’m worth five dollars?”

Stiles extended his arm. “Five million.”

“I only make 40,000 a year. Maybe I should kill myself.” While Stiles and Lydia glanced at each other confused, I couldn’t help but grin due to what Parrish had said. “I don’t get it. Why…Why am I on this?”

“Honestly, that might be a question for another day. Right now, there’s still another third of the list we gotta crack.”

Lydia stared at the older man. “We need the third cypher key. But we need help getting it.”

“From who?”

She shrugged, attempting to look innocent. “Meredith.”

“The girl from Eichen?” He shook his head, walking towards the door and opening it for us. “The last time you saw her, you almost gave her a nervous breakdown.”

“Uh… Almost.” The red-haired girl answered back, making me and Stiles close our eyes in frustration.

As we exited, my eyes locked on a paper hanging on one of the walls. “Hey,” I called their attention. “What’s this?” Parrish stepped closer to me, inspecting the paper too.

“We need workers.” He explained. “Too many cases lately. We need help in the office.” My interest peaked.

“Do they have to be qualified?” As Parrish shook his head, I smiled. “How can I apply?” The man furrowed his eyebrows. “I need the money. I’m trying to save.” I half-lied.

After he explained what I had to do, we left. Stiles was quick to ask why I was so interested in the position, and as I explained it to him, he offered me a tiny smile, kissing my forehead.

Liam disappeared. Violet going to a federal facility and Garrett threatening Scott. He had texted me letting me know that Garrett was asking for money and Violet if we wanted to know where Liam was, which indicated that he had done something to him. To be honest, I was worried for my brother, knowing he would do anything to protect those he loved.


“What the hell are we running here? A bed and breakfast?” Stiles swore as he saw the man walking toward us. I quickly gripped his hand in a comforting squeeze, trying to remind him that he was no longer a patient. We were just here to talk to Meredith. “We do not just open the door for anyone with a badge.”

Deputy Parrish spoke up. “We need to talk to Meredith Walker. It involves a murder investigation.”

“Well, you can talk to her all you want, but these three,” His voice was quite strong. “Especially that one…” His gaze fixed on Stiles. “They’re outta here.”

“They’re crucial witnesses in an ongoing investigation. I wouldn’t have brought them here if it wasn’t absolutely…Crucial.”

“Okay, Deputy.” He walked closer, getting on his face. “How about you come back with a court order, then I’ll listen.” Then, he swirled around, getting too close to the boy beside me. “As for you, Mr. Stilinski, how about you come back with payment in full. That’s right.” Stiles remained silent, but I knew he was uncomfortable.

“How about you come to talk to us when you don’t have a stick up your ass.” His gaze snapped to me. “And maybe, stop getting so close to people,” I twitched my nose. “Your breath smells like hell.”

Stiles chuckled, which made Brunski ignore me as he went back to him. “Daddy may be the Sheriff, but he’s late on the bills. I guess those government jobs aren’t as reliable as they used to be, huh?”

“But they do help when you need a favour.” We looked at Parrish as he lifted one of his eyebrows, shrugging. “Like, how a month ago, Canaan P.D. helped you get home after blowing 0.1 on a breathalyzer.”

My mouth opened wide in a big smile. “No…” Stiles did the same, nodding his head as Brunski seemed to be embarrassed while being caught.

“All right. I’m not against a little quid pro quo. Not at all.” He gave his keys to Stiles, who was still foolishly smiling. “Not at all.” Then, he left as I waved at him.

“You. You, I like you.” Stiles touched Parrish’s shoulders repeatedly. “I’m gonna keep you.” Lydia and I glanced at each other, rolling our eyes.

When we opened the door to Meredith’s room, she was sitting on her bed as if she knew that we were coming to talk to her.


Scott hadn’t answered my texts, which scared me a little bit as I rapidly thought that perhaps something bad had happened to him. I shook my head as if the destructive thoughts would go away, and I sat on the bed in front of Meredith and between Stiles and Lydia. “Meredith, what you mean you can’t tell us?”

“We just need the third key. You can give it to us in numbers, letters, hieroglyphs. Whatever you want.”

“I can’t.”

“Then why did you give us the second key?”

“I wanted to help. That’s what I want to do. I want to help.”

“Great. So help us now. Okay? Give us the third cipher key.”

“Things have changed. I… I can’t.”

“Why not?”

I noticed Meredith getting even more nervous as Stiles and Lydia talked to her. “Guys, go easy on her.” I whispered to both of them.

“I’m sorry. I can’t. He…He doesn’t want me to.”

“Who’s he, Meredith?” My voice was soft as I offered her a tiny smile. “Meredith, who doesn’t want you to tell us the third cipher key?” I saw her hesitate.

“The Benefactor.”

“What’s his name?” Lydia asked. “You could just tell us his name.”

Stiles sighed. “Okay, you’re shaking your head. What’s that mean? Does that mean you don’t know? Or you don’t want to help us?”

“I can’t… I can’t help anymore.”

Lydia stood up. “How do you know about him?” Meredith seemed more and more affected by the questions as she started shaking her head from one side to another in quite a violent manner.

Deputy Parrish intervened. “Guys, I think we better stop.”

“Meredith, a lot of people are going to die if you don’t tell us.” Lydia’s voice became stronger as my heart started beating even harder, the situation making me anxious.

“I don’t… I don’t know. I don’t know.”

“Please…Meredith, it’s okay. You’re gonna be all right. Please.” Deputy tried to calm her down, but she was only getting worse.

“I don’t…I don’t…I DON’T KNOW.”

Parrish stepped forward, gripping Lydia’s arm to support her weight as she had become weak. My vision blurred as black spots appeared everywhere, and as I tried to fight my body from falling backwards, I felt hands on me, pulling me closer to something and stabilising me. Stiles had pulled me closer to his chest, hands on my face as he tried to meet my gaze. “Fuck,” He muttered as his fingers caressed the side of my head under my ear. I was bleeding. Meredith’s scream had affected Lydia and me greatly. “Breath, Y/N.” We all glanced at the girl, surprised. Stiles’ hands lowered to my jaw and neck, our chests pressed together.


“Okay, well, we know one thing.” We were in Stiles’ room. He was pacing around as Lydia sat on his desk while I curled on his bed after drinking some water. My heart was still beating madly. “Both of the first two keys, Allison and Aiden, they’re both names of the dead. Right?”

“But we’ve already tried every other dead person’s name we could think of.” I nodded my head. Lydia was right. “And if you haven’t noticed, there were a lot of tries.”

“Yeah, I noticed.”

“You okay?” My voice was low as I stared at Lydia.

She took a deep breath. “The only other Banshee I’ve ever met. And I think I might have just drove her over the edge.”

Stiles intervened. “Lydia, it wasn’t your fault.” I agreed. “I was there, too. And you’re probably not the only…Hold on.” We both looked at him. I sat down on his bed. “Banshees predict death. Right? So what if the third key is someone who isn’t dead…”

I gasped. “But will be.” They nodded their heads. I got up from the bed when Stiles walked closer to Lydia, who closed her eyes, letting her fingers fall on the keyboard of the laptop as she started typing. The word 'Derek’ came out. Fuck. A new list opened, and some familiar names came out. One of them was Meredith’s.

“Call Parrish.” Lydia urged Stiles. “We need to call Parrish.” Stiles glanced around, trying to find his phone. I noticed it was on top of his bed, next to me. I dialled Parrish’s number but gave the phone to Lydia. After a couple of seconds, Parrish answered his phone, and Lydia quickly explained what had happened. “What are you talking about?”

We got closer to her. I was quick to place my hands on her elbows as I felt her moving from side to side. We could hear Parrish on the other line. “Lydia, Meredith’s gone. They found her an hour ago in her room. She hung herself. I’m sorry.”
My eyes got teary, but Lydia seemed to be in shock. I slowly got closer, hugging her as Stiles hugged both of us, his fingers in my hair as our eyes met.


“You counted it yet?” Stiles and my brother were sitting on the ground. A bag full of money was in front of them, which my brother had found in the locker room at school before anything went down. Before Violet was arrested. Before Garrett threatened him. Before Liam had been captured. Before our father and Noah got hurt.


“We should probably count it.”

Both of them gripped the bag, turning it around and making the money fall on the ground, another object fell. A cassette which had a sticker with the words 'Play me’.



TAGLIST:@og-baby-ob14-@savemypostcards-@cas-loves-pizza-@used-avocado-@mvrylee-@bilesxbilinskixlahey-@honeydoll-stark-@arieltheworldisamess-@softpeteparker-@kit-kat-katie99-@thatsuperherosidekick-@bexbetterxthanxwords-@big-galaxy-chaos-@littlemiss-forgotten-@enchantedcruelsummer-@coldfreakeggsexpert-@merla123-@sammypotato67-@weirdowithnobeardo-@maggiesblogsblog-@itskindyl-@bobo-bush-@moongoddesskiana-@multifandxm353-@irwxnhugsx-@xoprincessmel-@iclosetgeek-@andreagf956-@niawoods-@anerroroccurrrrred-@perrytheplatypus11-@trustfundparker-@nmriia-@steve-harringtonnn-@trustfundparker-@brithedemonspawn-@weirdowithnobeardo-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@azayamari-@poguestyle17-@bibliophilewednesday-@10minutesofscreentime-@momentitodebruh-@drikawinchester-@perrytheplatypus11-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@linkpk88-@royalreadery-@sweetest-serpent01-@teenwaywardasgardian-@sadcupofcoffee-@maliyamay-@seninjakitey-@tairisceana-@thegirlwhoimagined-@mackingjj -@daphnen21-@malfoystilinskii05-@caitsymichelle13-@awkwardnesshabitat-@d64d-n0t-sl66p1ng-@bshelley322-@teenwolfharrypotter-@daltonacademia-@mitchloveswriting-@loulouloueh-@jayyeahthatsme-@sunflowersndpeaches-@allthingsavenger-y-@elite4cekalyma​ - @jjjmaybank


  • Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
  • Word count: 3404
  • Warnings: Mentions of  injuries, blood, swearing (always), etc.



My leg bounced up and down. My lower lip seemed to be permanently stuck between my teeth, sometimes the taste of blood invading my senses. My eyes shifted from looking at my old dirty sneakers to the front door of the house, impatiently waiting for Rafe McCall to come back.

As soon as the front door of the McCall house opened, I quickly stood up from where I was sitting, on the last steps of the stairs. Rafe glanced at me while slowly closing the door, then stepping closer to me. “It’s here.” I quickly grabbed the papers that he was gripping in his hands.

I sighed, my entire body shaking a little. The possibility of Scott McCall not being my brother was there, and it terrified me. My fingers fumbled with the papers, trying to open the envelope. “Ah, fuck,” I mumbled. “I can’t open th-.”

The papers were taken from me by Rafe as he quickly opened the envelope, taking a couple of sheets out. His eyes rapidly moving over it. He gulped, glanced at me then back down. The papers were offered to me.

I didn’t hesitate, gripping them tightly and glancing at all the words written on them, just trying to find what I wanted to know. “Based on testing results obtained from analyses of the DNA loci listed, the probability of paternity is 99.9998%.” I rapidly glanced up at Rafe, seeing him smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back. And even though there were a lot of things unresolved between us, I was happy. I was happy because I was related to Scott McCall. Therefore, without thinking about it, I ended up hugging Rafe for a couple of seconds. Then, I ran upstairs, knowing that Scott and Stiles were there.

My brother’s room was empty, but when I heard both boys speaking in the bathroom, I couldn’t help but run into the room. “Scott!” Both boys quickly turned around to glance at me. “The results came. Rafe McCall is my dad!” I was grinning like a fool.

“Are you serious?” His mouth was agape, trying to fight the biggest grin ever. I nodded my head. “Yes! Oh my god, yes!” He shuffled closer to me, hugging me tightly. My feet weren’t touching the ground as he spun me around. We were siblings. We both were McCalls’.

Other arms were placed around me, and that is when I saw Stiles embracing his two favourite McCalls’. He was probably as excited and happy as us.

Nevertheless, I blinked fastly while my mouth widened. “What the heck is going on?” There was a boy inside the bathtub. It looked like the new kid that attended the lacrosse tryouts and that Scott accidentally injured. “What the-.” His mouth was tapped and his limbs secluded together so he wouldn’t be able to move.

When both boys noticed that I was glancing at the boy, Stiles quickly grabbed the curtain, hiding the boy behind it. “I am as surprised as you.” My boyfriend added as my brother took us to his room.

Scott and Stiles sat down on the bed while I was pacing around. “So you bit him,” I replied after my brother had told us what had happened.


“And you kidnapped him.” Stiles glanced at me as he stated.


“And brought him here.” My boyfriend and I said once again, but this time at the same time.

His gaze shifted from his best friend to me. “I panicked.”

The other boy made some noises with his mouth as he exaggerated his facial expressions. “Yup. This isn’t going to end with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert, is it?” Before anyone could answer, we heard more muffles coming from the boy, whose name I learnt was Liam. “As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck.” Stiles gestured with his pointy finger.

“I know.” Scott was trying to keep calm. But how could he with a situation like this one? “Which is why I called you. So, what do we do?”

I hoped Stiles would have a normal plan that would take us out of this troublesome situation. But of course, we were talking about Stiles Stilinski, nothing with him could be a normal plan.

Liam was now sitting on a chair, still immobilized so he wouldn’t scream or run away.

“Liam, we’re going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it? Okay.” The boy nodded his head, even though his eyes had that murderous look. “Okay.” The boy made some gestures to my brother, telling him to rip the tape off Liam’s mouth. However, Scott didn’t seem like he was going to do it. Stiles ended up ripping it, which made Liam grunt painfully. “Okay, Liam, now you’ve seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?” My brother and I glanced at him, confused.

“Not really,” Liam replied, which meant he was as confused as us.

“Good. That’s good.”

“I don’t understand either.” My brother was still staring at his friend as he voiced out his concerns.

“Maybe you should tell him.”

“Tell me what?”

My brother sighed. “Liam…What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it’s going to change you.”

“Unless it kills you.” My boyfriend added as if it wasn’t anything to worry about. I quickly slapped his chest. “Shouldn’t have said that.”

“What?” Liam’s breathing became harsh.

“Oh..oh oh.” Liam glanced down as soon as he heard Stiles’s voice once again. “Is he crying?”

My brother and I immediately kneeled on the ground, trying to comfort him. My hand rested on his arm, and I offered him a tiny smile when he glanced at me. However, he looked away as he didn’t want anyone to see him crying.

“Liam, it’s okay. You’re going to be all right.” The boy ignored my brother as he sobbed harder. “You’re not going to die.”

My boyfriend kneeled too. “Probably not.”

“Stiles,” I groaned while rolling my eyes. “Stop it.”

“Okay, possibly not.”

“Would you just help me untie him?” They both quickly stood up, untying him from the chair. “Liam? Are you okay?”

“We’re sorry about that.” When he stood up, I noticed that the poor boy’s arm was bleeding. “We’re really sorry.” However, Liam grabbed the chair, hitting my brother with it. Scott fell to the ground as the chair had been destroyed when it collapsed with his side.  I gasped as Stiles’s grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him. “Liam, what the hell is your proble-.” Before my boyfriend could question, he was punched in the face.

Both boys quickly got up from the floor as they saw Liam trying to escape. The three of them falling down the stairs while Stiles’s scream that he ‘got Liam’. However, I was standing on top of the stairs, seeing how my boyfriend was grabbing my brother’s leg. Liam had escaped. Stiles’s plans sucked too. And when we find Liam, I would have a chat with him. My brother, no one touched him, even though he kind of deserved it from giving him the bite. However, Stiles wasn’t at fault.


I sighed as I was sitting down on top of Stiles’s bed. Tonight there was going to be a full moon, and we needed to take care of Malia. “So what’s your plan?” I asked my boyfriend as he sat down in front of me, taking a bag from under his bed. “Chains? I hate full moons. Can’t even imagine how they must feel during the full moon.”

“Well, then let’s try and make tonight the last time we have to use these. Besides, we might need them for Liam.” Stiles made a gesture with his hand, He wanted to put the cuffs on me to see if they would be too tight or too big for Malia.

He placed the cuffs around my wrists. “Are you and Scott sure he’s going to turn into a werewolf?”

“We’re not even sure if he’s going to live.” I sighed, hoping that the boy will live. Even if we all haven’t started on good terms. “ Is that too tight?”

“No.” I shook my head.

Hearing steps, I turned around to see Noah glancing at us with confusion and surprise. That is when I noticed that Stiles was cuffing my wrists. “Hey. Um…That’s…This is not what you think at all.”

“I-I don’t even want to know.” He shrugged, turning around and leaving.

“There is nothing to know, 'cause I just…”

I was flustered. “That was embarrassing.” We both chuckled.


“Scott,” I groaned. “You told him the bite was a gift?” I walked between both boys as we were supposed to meet the others where the buses were usually parked. “Why did-.”

“I just didn’t know what to say, okay?” He groaned, and I quickly felt bad as I knew Stiles had probably already talked his ear off. Kira, who was clutching my brother’s hand, squeezed it. “But listen, when he took the bandage off, there was nothing. No blood, no bite. Nothing.”

I sighed. We all knew what that meant.

The school bell rang as we walked towards Malia and Lydia. “I’m not sharing my basement.” Malia groaned as she glanced at me, I offered her a smile, trying to keep her calm.

“Actually, it’s my basement.” Lydia intervened, shrugging as she stared at the girl standing between Stiles and me. “And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time.”

“All right, she’s still learning.” Stiles squeezed her arm while I intertwined my fingers with hers, offering her some reassuring squeezes from time to time.

“But, we’re going to use the boathouse for Liam. It’s got support beams. We can chain him to one of them.”

Kira shifted her gaze to Scott. “But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn’t trust us?”

“I say if,” As soon as Stiles’s voice sounded, everyone glanced at him. No one was ever prepared for the crazy things that could come out of his mouth. “If it keeps him from murdering someone we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake.”

“I’m in.” Malia raised her hand.

I let her hand go as I walked to the other side to be able to punch my boyfriend’s arm. He hissed as he glanced at me. “Stop saying things like that! She will end up thinking that’s how we solve problems around here!” I whispered, hoping the girl wouldn’t hear me.

“But…” His face came closer to mine as he whispered back. “Isn’t that how we should problems around here?”

“No.” I huffed.

“Can I get a kiss? Your lips look so good right now.” I could feel all my body becoming hot. And as soon as his lips came in contact with mine, I bit his lower lip. “Ouch, what was that for?”

“Because you were being a bad boy.”

“I-.” His eyes were wide open as he glanced at me. “I kinda liked that. Can you say it aga-.” I slightly slapped the back of his head, trying to make him shut up and pay attention to what everyone else was saying.

“Let’s be smarter,” Lydia spoke. “We tell him there’s a party and invite him.”

“So, you’re going to ask out a freshman?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

“No, I’m done with teenage boys.” She answered back, and I couldn’t help but smile. Perhaps Lydia had her sight on someone older. “But, if we’re playing a trick on someone, we’ll have to use the trickster.”

We all glanced at Kira. “Who? Me? No way. Not me.”

“Yes, you. You know what they call a female fox? A vixen.”

“Me?” We all nodded, smiling at her. Although, she didn’t seem to be convinced by all of this.

“You can do it, Kira. Be a vixen.”


It was already night. We were waiting for Kira and Liam to arrive. The other two girls and I were resting our backs against Roscoe as my brother parked his bike in front of us, getting off it. “I just talked to Kira. She’s on her way. She said it’s all going fine.”

My boyfriend walked closer to my brother, ready to let him know what we had found out about Liam a couple of minutes ago. “It’s not that. I have to tell you something. I asked around about Liam. I know why he got kicked out of his last school.”

“This is going to be bad, isn’t it?”

Stiles sighed while looking through his phone. “He kind of got into it with one of his teachers. And…Uhm. The kid’s got some serious anger issues.”

“How serious?”

“Well, that’s his teacher’s car. After he took a crowbar to it.” He passed his phone to Scott so he would be able to examine the picture. I’ve seen it before and the car was completely destroyed. Windows were shattered, flat tires, and he had carved 'This is your fault’ on one of the sides of the car.

We decided to wait inside Lydia’s lake house. A couple of minutes later, the door was opened and Liam didn’t seem to be happy when he saw all of us waiting for him. Stiles waved at him. Kira stopped him from trying to escape. “Sorry.”

“What the hell is this?”

“Think of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam.”

“And we’re the only ones that can help.” My brother added while stepping forward.

“Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. A siren. Fox?” He glanced at every one of us.

“Kitsune. But fox works.”

His arms were crossed over his chest. “What are you?”

“Uh, for a little while, I was possessed by an evil spirit.” He nodded his head while I rolled my eyes, a little smirk decorating my face. “It was very evil.”

“What are you now?”

“Uhm, better.” He glanced around, trying to meet someone’s eyes. His hazel ones met my gaze. “Also her boyfriend. Yea.” He had a proud smile decorating his features, which made me chuckle as I was flustered by his smile and his arm around my waist.

Liam ignored the exchange between the Stilinski boy and me as he glanced at the tale. “Are those for me?” The bag with the cuffs was resting on top of it.

“No, they’re for me.” Malia flashed her blue eyes.

Liam became nervous, staring at every one of us as his breath was laborious. He asked how Malia was able to do that with her eyes, changing their colour and making them flash. “You’ll learn. But first, you need to get through the full moon.” My brother reassured him.

“The moon’s already out.”

Scott smirked. “And you’re starting to feel something, aren’t you?”

“I feel like I’m surrounded b a bunch of psychotic nutjobs.” He spat. “You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don’t know how you did that eye thing and I don’t care.” His yelling became louder. “I’m walking out the door right now! If any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I’m gonna…” Before he could finish his threat, his hands went up to his head, clutching it as if it was going to explode. He started gasping and screaming, his eyes unfocused and his movements clumsy.

“What’s wrong? Liam?” My brother stepped forward.

“You don’t hear that?” We all looked outside the window. A vehicle was passing by. The lights entering the dark living room.

“Did you tell someone about this?” Lydia asked.

“My friend Mason.” He gasped while kneeling on the ground. We heard multiple voices, not just one. “You said it was a party.”

“Who did Mason invite?”


Liam’s nails were out as he started to scratch the wooden floor. “The floors! Get him off the floors!” The strawberry blonde girl tried to get closer to the younger-looking boy. However, she was met by his fangs and growls. My hand snapped, grabbing Lydia’s arm and placing her next to me, making sure she would be safe.

Kira and Scott grabbed Liam, trying to take him away from the people who were going to ring the bell soon. Malia kneeled on the ground, whispering Stiles’s and my name, when we asked what was wrong, her eyes flashed and her fangs were visible. “Okay, we need to take her to the basement. Right now.” I glimpsed at Stiles, nodding my head.

When Lydia noticed that Stiles and I were going to leave her alone, she quickly glanced at us. “What am I supposed to do with the hordes gathering the door?”

The Stilinski boy sighed. “Lydia, who throws the best parties in Beacon Hills?”

“What? Me, obviously.”

“Okay, then throw a party.”

Malia was having difficulties trying to control her were coyote side. Both the boy and I were worried about her getting hurt with the cuffs more than the possibility of Malia breaking said object and hurting someone else. She was fighting against the restraints, and I noticed the cuffs around her wrists were starting to rip. “But I want to. Uh! I look at your faces and I want to slash at them. I want to tear at them. I want to feel your bones crack between my hands.” She desperately between gritted teeth explained to us why we had to leave her alone in the basement as she was scared of hurting us.

“We won’t leave, Malia,” I whispered, not knowing what more to do or say. I slowly reached my hand to her, intertwining my fingers with some of her locks. She seemed to be shocked by the action as she rapidly stared at me. A soft growl came out of her mouth, making me pull my hand back.

“No,” She whined, trying to get closer to where I was kneeling on the ground. “Do it again.” I glanced back at Stiles, who nodded his head, curious. My fingers started caressing her hair once again, sometimes scratching her scalp. The next time a sound came out of her mouth, it didn’t sound like a growl. It seemed to be mixed with a purr.

However, it didn’t take much time before she was growling once again. I tried to put my hand back, but Stiles’s hand ended up on top of mine, trying to hold me back. He offered me a smile when our gazes met as Malia freed herself from her cuffs, breathing heavily. “I don’t think you’re going to hurt us. And I think maybe you’re so afraid of hurting us because of what you did to your family.” What was he trying to do? “I know what that’s like. I remember everything I did.” Our gazes met, and I knew he still felt guilty for punching me. He felt guilty even if I reminded him that was Void, not him. “And the worst part is I remember liking it. Because I felt powerful. I felt fearless. And most of all, in control. But when I came through it, I learned something else…Control is overrated.”

The Tate girl breathed deeply, placing her arms around us, whispering her thanks as she was back to her human form. We also sighed in relief.

I told Stiles to stay with Malia while I searched for Lydia, knowing she was probably completely mad as we had left her alone there. To my surprise, I found her inside a room, looking completely spaced out. “Lydia?” I closed the door behind me as I slowly stepped closer. “Are you okay?” I noticed a record playing. “What do you hear?”

“The key. The key to break the code.”

The strawberry blonde girl didn’t hesitate to grab her laptop, where we were met with a white screen and random numbers, letters and symbols. She introduced a password, ALLISON. Then, a list started appearing. Names of people, name by name. “What’s this, Lydia?” I gasped a little, not liking the appearance of such a list. Especially when I saw our names.

“It’s a list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills. It’s a dead pool. And we’re all on it.”



TAGLIST:@og-baby-ob14-@savemypostcards-@cas-loves-pizza-@used-avocado-@mvrylee-@bilesxbilinskixlahey-@honeydoll-stark-@arieltheworldisamess-@softpeteparker-@kit-kat-katie99-@thatsuperherosidekick-@bexbetterxthanxwords-@big-galaxy-chaos-@littlemiss-forgotten-@enchantedcruelsummer-@coldfreakeggsexpert-@merla123-@sammypotato67-@weirdowithnobeardo-@maggiesblogsblog-@itskindyl-@bobo-bush-@moongoddesskiana-@multifandxm353-@irwxnhugsx-@xoprincessmel-@iclosetgeek-@andreagf956-@niawoods-@anerroroccurrrrred-@perrytheplatypus11-@trustfundparker-@nmriia-@steve-harringtonnn-@trustfundparker-@brithedemonspawn-@weirdowithnobeardo-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@azayamari-@poguestyle17-@bibliophilewednesday-@10minutesofscreentime-@momentitodebruh-@drikawinchester-@perrytheplatypus11-@my-soul-is-the-moon-@linkpk88-@royalreadery-@sweetest-serpent01-@teenwaywardasgardian-@sadcupofcoffee-@maliyamay-@seninjakitey-@tairisceana-@thegirlwhoimagined-@mackingjj -@daphnen21-@malfoystilinskii05-@caitsymichelle13-@awkwardnesshabitat-@d64d-n0t-sl66p1ng-@bshelley322-@teenwolfharrypotter - @daltonacademia - @mitchloveswriting​ -

People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.

Hey everyone, not too sure how active you all are anymore. I’ve been off and focused on school, but now I assume we are all stuck at home as this pandemic happens throughout the nation. Remember to look at the positive side of things! “This is life and imperfection is beautiful and don’t be afraid of that.” ~Dylan o’ Brien (Yes, I have used this quote before, but it fits well with what is happening in the world.)
