#sheriff stilinski

Confession of Stiles Stilinski: I knew being a sheriff’s kid would come in handyConfession of Stiles Stilinski: I knew being a sheriff’s kid would come in handyConfession of Stiles Stilinski: I knew being a sheriff’s kid would come in handyConfession of Stiles Stilinski: I knew being a sheriff’s kid would come in handy

Confession of Stiles Stilinski: I knew being a sheriff’s kid would come in handy

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TEEN WOLF(2011-2017)


TEEN WOLF(2011-2017)

Sheriff Stilinski is ready to kick ass in the name of Stiles!

Sheriff Stilinski is ready to kick ass in the name of Stiles!

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Oh please please pleeeease!!! I need to see O'Brosey and Stydia again. It’s been too long.

They should bring back Derek, Jackson, Ethan, Danny, Malia, Liam, Theo AND we can’t forget Isaac, we still need a proper ending for him. Plus of course all the parents and Coach!! Maybe even have Coach make a joke about Greenberg and we finally see what he looks like at the reunion!!!

MTV and Jeff Davis, please get on this ASAP!

Sunday Six: coming soon to an AO3 near you!

Hey, so, I hope to post my @fandomtrumpshate piece for @kalika999 THIS WEEK!!! (barring life exploding, of course). So here we go, one more Sunday Six excerpt.


“When was he due at work yesterday?” Dad asks.

Erica shakes her head. “He has Tuesdays off.”

“His abductors probably knew that,” Chris says.

“Or they’re reallylucky,” Allison adds. Stiles shudders. What else could really lucky hunters do to Derek?

“We called him in today,” Erica says. She smiles faintly. “His boss thinks all four of us are dating. Derek hates it.”

“Obviously it’s hilarious,” Boyd adds, deadpan.

Finished the first draft of my piece for @fandomtrumpshate, so here’s a bit more of it.


Stiles drops into the chair in front of the desk and sits forward, clasping his hands on top of the desk. “Sheriff Stilinski,” he says with all the seriousness, sincerity, and anxiety in his heart, “I have reason to believe that a Beacon County resident is in danger.”

Dad sits up straight, all business. He pulls an incident report form from his desk and clicks his favorite pen. Then he pauses, looking at Stiles. “Which resident?”

“Derek Hale.”

“And what is the nature of the danger?”

Stiles swallows. “I think he’s been captured. Again.”

Dad sighs and puts the form away. He reaches into a different desk drawer—the locked one—and pulls out a notepad. “Tell me.”

McCall/ Stilinski family dinner

Stiles: (has 4 glasses of wine)

Stiles: (is the family alcoholic)

Hale family dinner

Y/N: (has 4 glasses of wine)

Y/N: (is the designated driver)
