


if you think that what gender you are attrached to as an indication of morality then….you’re fucking sippin the radfem juice. i hear SO MANY young women say they feel bad for being attracted to men. they groan and say, “I know it’s wrong but I find men so hot.”

like…what??? have we really doubled back so far that we’re back to shaming women for their sexual and romantic desires???

radical feminism hurts everyone, even the ppl it claims to be for.

In case anyone was wondering what Liam looked like shirtless, turns out my original ‘lean athletic b

In case anyone was wondering what Liam looked like shirtless, turns out my original ‘lean athletic build’ headcanon was dead wrong.  This boi is freakin’ ripped and I am 100% here for that six-pack…

…And would be even more here for that six-pack to get a bit ‘filled up’.  (:’

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Send me a kink and I’ll rate it! 

No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |

I still have all the kink asks from the last set.  I have a TON of drafts saved because I’m apparently allergic to just making shit SHORT.  ‘XD

ANYWHO, send me asks here about kink scenarios and I’ll rate ‘em and provide a BRIEF summation of my thoughts to keep the appeal up…at least, I HOPE they’ll be brief… (:’

Always Human, Malignant AU.(An AU where everything is the same, but mods are incredibly bulky and Lo

Always Human,Malignant AU.

(An AU where everything is the same, but mods are incredibly bulky and Lovecraftian and disturbing. A midnight sketch, but I might clean it up later?? Because it actually looks pretty cool??)

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“My Self Esteem’s Not Low Enough To Date You” - A Sadie appreciation post!

(Speaking of which, I will TOTALLY edit together an appropriate video for Steven’s amazing performance at the end of ‘Sadie’s Song’, but I am unsure of the proper song! I AM TAKING SUGGESTIONS FOR THE APPROPRIATE SONG.)


Of course Leia is very much Anakins and Padmes child, but it’s also important to recognize how much Leia has been shaped by the Organa’s love and support.  Both Bail and Breha Organa clearly love Leia; she is their daughter and they allowed her to be herself and because of that, Leia flourished as a person alongside of their gentle guidance. For as much as Leia is a Skywalker, she is also an Organa

hot 1950s air force guy slinks into a radio control room, removes his hat, leans against a cabinet suggestively, and talks to his coworkerALT
hot 50s air force guy talks on radio equipment and then removes headphones.ALT
1950s air force guy steps into a room with three other guys and at least one light bulb for a changeALT
two air force guys talk in front of other guys playing cards at a table.ALT
air force guys continue talking, and then one does this little circle gesture with his two fingersALT
hot air force guy grins at his friend and walks away. the other one gets an "oh you" expression on his face.ALT
hot 50s air force guy leans against a cabinet, talks on radio gear, and rubs his lipALT
three military guys stand around radio equipment. one is talking on it and looking annoyedALT
three 50s military guys talk to someone on a phone, then the screen cuts to airplane wheels landingALT
two military guys sit in headphones. a third stands by, smiles, and bounces.ALT

DeForest Kelley, Steve Canyon, “Operation Jettison” (1958)

I have to imagine the conversation between the producer and casting director here went something like this:

Producer: Ok, we need a really, really good-looking guy to dress up in a hypermasculine costume and look incredibly hot while being barely visible because of terrible lighting. You know anyone like that?

Casting: *Turns off The Law and Jake Wade and cracks knuckles* Boy, do I.

also,, looking at my drafts and plot ideas and all my stories are the same but slightly to the right yall rocking with this???

Patience was a virtue that she’d never had all that much empathy with. It seemed too much like

Patience was a virtue that she’d never had all that much empathy with. It seemed too much like cowardice to her, sitting around dwelling in a quagmire of inaction when things could be done, and there were people they could be done to. But he’d told her to wait. Or, more accurately, he’d just not told her she was allowed to do as she wished. Conflict occupied her mind like a hornet’s nest, angry insects desperate to get out, each thought buzzing with murderous intent.

“What are you waiting for?” She’d asked it of him the second time they’d met, the second time since the first kiss, and the first time they were on a sofa together, cuddling without reallycuddling. 

He’d shrugged, the infuriating bastard that he was. There was a smile somewhere in the gesture, and that only made it worst. She squirmed, frustration sliding over her, an itching wave. She wanted to be clear of it, and she wanted him on her, and her on him. Her hands started to wander.

His hands wrapped around her wrists, and set them back in her lap. His smile only grew, along with all of the fidgetting, frustrated discomfort that was increasingly defining her evening.

Number three came along, and she didn’t allow him an opportunity to dictate the pace. The door was barely swinging back towards the frame when she was up against him, one hand on his crotch, the other tight around his neck. Her lips on his, and his eyes popped wide in surprise. He pushed her slightly, a few inches of truce between them as he stared at her face. 

His grin was the only signal she needed, and she threw another kiss in his direction. The ricochet down the hallway, into the bedroom, before collapsing on the bed. Her top on the floor. His strewn beside him. Her hands everywhere they could go, and then against his fly. 

“You.” The word occupied the space between them for a moment before bursting. She paused, her head tilting to the side, waiting, confused. He just smiled some more before grabbing her shoulders and throwing her down beside him, sliding up on top of her.

“I was waiting for you." 

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God we are so blessed to have David Thewlis on Instagram!

The only thing missing from this photo is me, naked and bent over in front of the guy getting fucked

The only thing missing from this photo is me, naked and bent over in front of the guy getting fucked on the front of this gorgeous car (:

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enemies to friends to lovers is literally my favorite trope. i will never tire of seeing two characters go from hating each other, to tentatively feeling out a friendship, to slowly developing feelings for each other and then falling in love. it’s painfully cliché and  i want to see it e v e r y w h e r e

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I need this. Do you need this? Cuz I need this. Features of interest….his eyes, his hand on h

I need this.
Do you need this?
Cuz I need this.
Features of interest….his eyes, his hand on his thigh, his lips, the expression on his face.
In short…everything.

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how about we

  • stop killing direwolves

and start killing

  • ramsay bolton


the way in ten years when this situation has been britneyified people who are in my replies right now saying “umm did she not literally cut his finger off????” will be on twitter lecturing me about how “we were ALL complicit in the abuse of amber heard ✊” and people making youtube videos with “expert” analysis of ambers body language and facial expressions to prove that she’s a liar are gonna be making videos like “how johnny depp tricked us all ”… insanity. girl when that time comes speak for your fucking self because we were not ALL gullible misogynists



just saw a tiktok that said “the modern depiction of jesus as white comes from leonardo da vinci after he painted jesus to resemble his gay lover”… it’s genuinely so bold to just confidently make a claim that could be disproved with a single google search of ‘1300s jesus paintings’ but you know at least five thousand teenagers think that’s historical fact now

everyone in the notes talking abt cesare borgia: congrats, you too have the critical thinking skills of five thousand teenagers watching tiktok

also i keep seeing people saying ‘but look modern depictions of jesus are exactly like this portrait of cesare borgia!’ to which i say y’all need to look at more art

Question of the day: Why are porn blogs following me?



nsfw warning


shut up about how cyberpunk “isn’t transphobic anymore” for fucks sake its literally got a “haha woman with a dick” joke and i swear to god if one of you says “its satire!” it isn’t its literally just “hahaha woman has penis how shocking” its indistinguishable from a transphobicc joke in any way shape or form

i’m going to request that non-trans women reblog this (and make sure to tag it as transmisogyny ffs)
