#sex is not immutable


Reminder that if you think people can’t become intersex/perisex through medical transition you believe to the TERF/GC conception of sex as an immutable thing and/or that you are defined by your natal characteristics and not by your present material characteristics (again a GC/TERF thing) you basically align yourself with their beliefs.

It’s important to note that believing Intersex is immuable, knowing that intersex is relative to male and female also imply male and female are immutable things.

Sex & intersex aren’t static, unchangables but rather things that can be modified with our consent or not. Refering to medically transitioned trans ppl who were born perisex as perisex is materially false and sex-statism (GC/TERF belief) and imply for a trans woman that she is still a male and for a trans man that he still a female.

Medically transitioned trans ppl no loger have their perisex privilege since they no longer have sexual characteristics that corresponds to typical binary definitions of male or female.

Cry about it.

Sex can be fluid just as gender can be fluid.
