#anti terf










Saying that transgender men can identify as lesbians but cis men cannot reinforces the idea that trans men aren’t really men. That they’re some sort of subcategory of a man and that they’ll never be man enough. It’s just fucking transphobic. They’re men. Straight men. Not lesbians.

I’m a lesbian trans man and you can never take my identity away from me

Oh cool so you’re lesbophobic and transphobic alright.

Ugh no. I’m diagnosed as trans and I’m biologically female . I’m attracted to women.

You’re singlehandedly giving me depression.

Not everyone has to obey the label police. It’s transphobic to be telling me, a transman what identify as.

It’s transphobic and lesbophobic to claim you can be a man and a lesbian at the same time.

It’s actually TERF rhetoric to claim that transmen can be lesbians.

I mean they seem to be a TERF who doesn’t understand dysphoria at all

Oh that’s a whole terf alright.

Straight man detected.






Can y’all stop forcing celebrities to have to say that they’re actually not non-binary and instead they’re just gnc.

Whenever a celebrity is gnc, instead of initially celebrating it, people are like ‘this celebrities comes out as non-binary? This celebrity is now trans?’

And then they have to explain that they don’t see clothing as guys clothing or girls clothing and they just want to wear whatever they want

And THEN people celebrate it, even though some people online think they just haven’t realized they’re trans yet.

With how minuscule the probability of someone being trans is, can people just appreciate the initial thought that a celebrity is breaking free of gender norms therefore helping younger kids realize they can be gnc too.

Let gnc people EXIST

Y'know, there’s actually quite a few sex researchers now who believe that the number of trans individuals is actually a lot lower than the current number. What they believe is that individuals are actually gnc, get depression when they aren’t accepted as a boy or a girl, and then develop body dysmorphia as a symptom of their depression. Which actually makes a lot of sense because some brain scans of trans individuals look like “this is the other gender’s brain,” but some brain scans look like “this is just a regular person with depression.”

I’m not saying that all transgender people are just gnc with bad experiences, but according to the research, a lot are. And this may be why the trans community has such high suicide rates. So instead of insisting that people are trans or bi when they do something that isn’t stereotypical of their gender (whether it’s wearing clothes, having a hobby, behaving Butch/effeminately) like people on this site are wont to do, you should just accept people like! they! are!

You’re not gonna like it when you find out about how the LGBT community treats cross dressers. People are actively witch hunting them, telling them they’re just in the closet because wearing a dress for fun totally means that you have to be a girl right??? It’s not like cross dressing is a performance similar to drag or cosplaying where people get dressed up and put on a different persona…

On another note, can we please stop with the “If you have to question if you’re trans, then you absolutely are trans, sweaty!!!” bullshit? Questioning our identity is how we solidify it and grow more comfortable with it. Pestering people that the slightest bit of doubt about their gender identity is undoubtedly evidence that they are trans, is just furthering their misery. You are not “saving” people, you are actively contributing to the raising numbers of detransitioner and suicide cases.

Cross dressing, drag, and gender non conformity, while it may have some ties, is not lgbt. People who identity with or participate in those things mentioned may be lgbt, but doing those things doesn’t make them lgbt.

So if a cis/het person wants to participate? Let them. They’re allowed. It’s not rude or ignorant or appropriation. They’re not hurting anyone by having fun like the rest of the people there. Stop forcing them to think they’re something they’re not.

that’s terf rhetoric fam sorry :/ saying that a lot of trans people are just gnc ppl being pressured into being trans :// is like PEAK terf rhetoric :/ you’re a terf now :/ sorry :/

If you take a quick peak at my blog you’d see I absolutely despise TERFs.

Nothing wrong with being confused and thinking you’re trans, happens to plenty of people and hey gender identity can be weird and difficult.

It’s toxic to pressure GNC/crossing dressers to identify as trans. I’m not saying most trans people are that case, but there are handfuls of people who are simply just a non conforming cis person. That’s okay. Nothing wrong with it at all.

I love trolling TERFs and watching them fall for it. Y’all asked for it by interacting and here we are. Cry about it LMAOO. Merry Christmas to me this is amazing.





How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.

That’s so funny! Putting women in spaces with dangerous men rather than men who call themselves ladies?? Could you imagine the hilarity when a female inmate gets raped to death by a crowd of biological males because she committed the sin of knowing where babies come from? I can’t contain my laughter isn’t male violence against women so funny when it’s being used as a punishment against women you don’t like??

@enbycourse can you elaborate on why you believe rape is a suitable punishment for women you disagree with?

OP can’t elaborate, the unshowered entity is too busy calling other trannoids invalid and trying to fuck Kalvin Garrah probably

I don’t like Kalvin Garrah. Also your response made my day being called a trannoid is so funny. What other “insults” do you guys have? I love hearing them they’re hilarious.

Also never said they deserve to be raped. You just want to be a victim. Maybe don’t be a disgusting piece of scum? You wanna put women in prisons but wahhh wahhh the mean tranny said the same thing about me




How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.

Ugly ass terf bitches please keep getting angry at this post it’s my current source of joy seeing you useless transphobic cunts pissed

ur misogyny is showing luv x

I don’t hate women. I hate TERFs. Y’all just happen to be really shitty women.

If hating a group of horrible people is misogynistic because you happen to all be women, then you’re a misogynistic as well since you guys hate transgender women. A trans misogynist, specifically.




How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.

Ugly ass terf bitches please keep getting angry at this post it’s my current source of joy seeing you useless transphobic cunts pissed

You’re right. This is exactly what I wanted. Seeing this many angry terfs in my notifications is a Christmas miracle. You guys are awful people so seeing this brings me so much joy. Stay mad.

Out of curiosity, how many transmeds here actually believe that you need debilitating gender dysphoria in order to be a valid transgender person. Tucutes always explain transmedicalism to me (a transmed) by saying we think that you need to absolutely hate yourself to be seen as valid. I know I don’t believe that and I don’t think any of you (minus possible radicals, but radicals are always shit) actually think that.



How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.

ahh yes advocating for the rape of innocent women for having a different opinion, a cornerstone of TRA beliefs

Nowhere was prison rape mentioned but yanno interpret it how you want I guess. You transphobic females are quite dramatic.




How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.

Ugly ass terf bitches please keep getting angry at this post it’s my current source of joy seeing you useless transphobic cunts pissed

There’s literally a terf in the notes saying she wants to posion trans people.

And it didn’t even phase me. Far from the worst thing I’ve seen on here lmao


How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.

Ugly ass terf bitches please keep getting angry at this post it’s my current source of joy seeing you useless transphobic cunts pissed

How about instead of putting trans women in men’s prisons we put TERFs in there instead.




Everyone who uses that “well 90% of rape is committed by men,” bullshit is forgetting that female rapists are rarely reported because male rape victims aren’t taken seriously and are made fun of and when they actually are reported it’s RARELY taken seriously and goes through court.

Women rape plenty. You’re not pure. You’re not the victim. Anyone, ANYONE, can be a victim, regardless of gender.

Women also rape other women, but a lot of people either outright ignore it, thinking that it’s “not real rape,” or they try to silence survivors because they think that reporting on female-on-female sexual abuse is homophobic.

Study after study has shown that lesbian relationships have the highest levels of abuse per capita. This can’t be ignored any longer.

I had no idea. That’s awful.

Lgbt people aren’t innocent and incapable of being abusive or rapists. f/f and m/m relationships aren’t inherently more pure and wholesome than m/f couples.

Rape isn’t a female issue caused by men and it’s FAR from exclusive to heterosexual couples.








Don’t reblog any of those ‘universal girlhood’ posts without checking op first 9 times out of 10 they’re transphobic in some way

misogyny has become so acceptable nowadays

universal experience every fucking girl (female child) had to experience the moment she realized men stare at her body, that her body could be used as a weapon against her at any moment, that she was something men saw as something to conquer and violate simply because she was born a girl, she is forever traped in her female body, that her childhood ended right there and her male peers didnt have to worry abt this crap. and no faggot ass tranny has ever had to experience this as a child

*makes valid arguments about oppression and misogyny*

*proceeds to ruin it by calling people violent, hateful slurs*


a) that use of the F slur…wow. Idc if they are also gay, using that slur to insult someone like that is homophobic as fuck. They prove my url more and more true with every passing day.

b) as an afab person, this person really sounds like she has some trauma she hasn’t properly dealt with that needs it. Like, I’m not even trying to say that mockingly. This is just…yikes. She obviously really hates being afab bc of trauma (which…I think is true of a lot of TERFs and they project that on to trans men) and, in all seriousness, that’s sad.

Did that person forget that ugly women exist? I’ve never once had a man show interest in me, much less see me as some kind of conquest. Like I spent a large chunk of my life wanting men to be mysoginistic and gross to me because no one ever had and I felt ugly because of it. Making that a prime part of your “female” experience is not only unhealthy, it’s also isolating for women who didn’t experience it. Genuinely from the bottom of my heart talk to a therapist about that, something seriously bad is going on inside your head. You don’t have to resign yourself to being miserable all the time.


This. You’ve put it into words.

As a kid, I wanted boys and men to hit on me bc I had been made to feel ugly and I wanted someone to make me not feel that way. I was literally a baby lesbian so it had nothing to do with attraction to them either, it was about the validation.

I ended up being groomed online by grown men bc of this. Bc they made me feel pretty.

Misogyny shouldn’t be a “universal woman experience”. It should be something we comfort each other through, absolutely, but not something we base our womanhood on. That’s absolutely not healthy at all and that’s absolutely what is going on here / what TERFs perpetuate.

It also reduces the female experience to nothing but suffering which really isn’t true.

It sucks sometimes absolutely. But every other gender comes with baggage too. It’s not “misogyny” to tell people to avoid toxic radfem rhetoric.

… and the fact that terfs side with such a piece of human trash like amber turd really shows how flawed their ideology is.

no thoughts- head empty. describes them best lmao. as long as we’re defending a female and shitting on a male victim am I right¿??

TERF logic is scary, like… genuinely. there are people who think like that… and call themselves feminists??

touch. grass. dumbass

she’s never getting a job in Hollywood again, imma say that with chest

“I can’t promise that I won’t get physical again, god I fuckin sometimes- I get so mad I lose it”

Guess who said that…. Nope not Johnny, turd ;);));););););););)))

But no- it was REACTIVE abuse right !!??


I want to sit down every single person who supports amber heard or claims its “mutual abuse”, and force them to listen to the 6 hours or so of audio recordings on youtube that clearly show Heard harassing, insulting, mocking, talking over, and gaslighting Depp, essentially psychologically torturing him, as well as admitting to hitting Depp, throwing things at him, chasing him through the house, and severing his finger which almost killed him.

I find it funny seeing radfems complaining about how there’s so many bad takes in the radfem community.

Like of course there are! You’re radfems!

It’s like a clown walking into a circus and complaining there’s clowns in it.

I have a take: TERFS and Radfems are like the PETA of feminism.
