#sfw caregiver space


Things caregivers do that age regressor’s love

Head pets

Saying “let me get it for you baby it’s too high for you to reach”

Being held or being rocked in their arms/laps

Holding our hand when we’re scared or crossing the street

Saying “it’s okay little one caregiver/mommy/daddy/etc is here”

Being told bedtime stories using silly accents and voices

Saying “You’re much too little for that honey”

Popping our paci’s into our mouths

When you make our stuffies talk

Knowing our stuffies names

Putting bandaids on and kissing our owwies

Asking “who’s been a good baby?”

When they order our food for us

Making sure our tummy’s are full

Saying “caregiver/mommy/daddy/etc is so proud of you sweetie ”

When they put our artwork on the fridge

10 Early Spooky fall activities for age regressor’s and caregivers

1. Watch a Halloween movie or spooky cartoon/show/anime !!

2. Pop some popcorn and make a cup of hot cocoa or apple cider to put in your sippy

3. Decorate your room for Halloween

4. Read a spooky story or tell one !!

5. Jump in the leaf piles outside

6. Go on a fall camping trip or do a fall picnic

7. look up easy kids Halloween treat recipes and bake/make them together or by yourself if you don’t have a little/caregiver !!

8. Do spooky Halloween arts and crafts (look up ideas online )

9. Carve a Jack-o’-lantern

10. Put on your warmest fall jammies !!

Age regression tips for new caregivers by frillylilfairy

  • If your little one is scared then hold their hand
  • Always kiss our owwies and have cute bandaids for us
  • “ you’re too little for that sweetie let caregiver get it for you ”
  • Make a bedtime routine for your age regressor (don’t forget to tuck us in with a kiss , a bedtime story ,and our favorite stuffie!)
  • “who’s been caregivers/mommy’s/daddy’s good little one ?”
  • Never take away a comfort item as a punishment (if you must punish then have your little draw lines or a small timeout ) and don’t forget to say you love them and give them a hug afterwards
  • Head pets - LOTS OF THEM
  • Pop our pacifiers in our mouths
  • Ordering food for your age regressor at a restaurant because they are too shy
  • Cut our sandwiches into cute shapes !!
  • Put your age regressor’s colored pictures on the fridge
  • Cute stickers or small candy’s as a reward for little one doing chores on the chore chart
  • Try to know all your little ones stuffies names
  • Playing peek-a-boo with us
  • Tickles !!
  • Putting on our favorite cartoon
  • Rubbing your age regressor’s tummy when it hurts
  • Give your little one plenty of attention
  • Wiping our tears away when we cry and comforting us till we feel better
  • Send us sweet texts for us to read when we wake up in the morning

Summer things for age regressor’s

Ice cream !!

Play with a sprinkler outside or a small pool

Draw on the sidewalk or driveway with colorful chalk

Blow bubbles !!

Fill your sippy or bottle full of cold lemonade

Cutesy bathing suits for everyone !!

Riding your bike

Make a little flower garden

Sunglasses !!

Picnics and barbecues

Go to the park (don’t forget to bring your stuffie)


Me: daddy…my tummy hurt

Daddy: Well, I told you not to eat all those cookies, didn’t I?

Me: mmm..what..i had nooocookies..

Daddy: Baby, you had like 10 cookies, I saw you.

Me: uhmm.. i dont kno.. what you’re talking about… pls.. take it up with my baby…lawyer

Daddy: *Sighs* yea, yea, come here. let me rub your belly, silly girl.

Me: *giggles and snuggles close to daddy*

I am NOT a kink little, I am a Alter little! I have dissociative identity disorder. I am a Alter in my system and I am a child. So please don’t message me anything that you wouldn’t message a child. Okay? It can be very triggering to try and get flirty or sexual with us! Please do not, thanks!!

Feel free to re-blog!

Me: *Trips, falls and bonks my head* *muffled pain noises come from my mouth*

Caregiver: Oh ouch Claudia are you ok?! *picks me up off the ground* No bleeding but you might bruise, do you want an ice-

Me: *ugly trying not to cry face*

Caregiver: Pfft what’s with that face? Is it cause I called you a crybaby the other day? I was just teasing, you can cry if it hurts.

Me: NUH-UHH I AM A TOUGH GIRL! DOESN’T HURT AT ALL! *bursts into tears*

Hapoy pride month everyone! I hope you know that you are safe and vaild here, and my blog is open arms to everybaby far and wide within the LGBTQ+ community!
