#sfw agereg


The Show

My town had the annual show come and I went twice with my caregiver. It was so fun! There were lots things to do. We went on so many rides and played so many sideshow games.

On the first night one of the rides broke and I was hoping it didnt break when it was our turn. We went on the “scary” horror ride and it wasn’t even scary. I was such a brave girl that I didn’t jump at all. Daddy and I took turns in choosing rides so we both had a good time, and even though we didn’t do all of them I still had a really good night with him.

When we walked passed all the showbag stalls I just HAD to buy one, so I bought a Gudetama show bag because I love the little lazy egg. It came with stickers, temporary tattoos, erasers, a notebook, a pencil case, some gel pens, an egg backpack, nail stickers, and post-it notes!

At the end of the first night we were lucky n got to see the fireworks while we were at the very top of the ferris wheel! It was cute and romantic. We got to have special kissies.

I also made a new bunny stuffie at the Build A Bear stall and named her Bella, and Pepper and her are now best friends! I got both Bella and Pepper pretty dresses from the stall and they love them so much!

On the second night daddy and I went with some friends. I was a bit embarrassed to be smol in front of them. I ended up doing it anyways because all of the pretty lights n colours made me feel little, and I got called cute a lot by my friend Alice!

We did a lot of sideshow games. Daddy won me a small minecraft piggy, and I named him Chops! He also bought me a unicorn Hello Kitty (named Daisy). I won a veeeerry soft black sheep (named Poppy), and I also won a pretty princess crown by fishing for duckies!

[PSA: Thank you to all my followers, 230 of you guys have helped me so much! Just to think I started this account in April, its come so far already! You are all so amazing!]

Small Space Bag

When going out it is always good to pack a bag of your little gear/small stuff. Here is a bunch of ideas on what to bring!

First, choose a bag. It can be a discreet back pack or a cutesy tote! Whatever you want to hold your things in!

Then, pack some “big” items -

Lip balm to give daddy/mommy special soft kisses

Pawpaw ointment for booboos

Tissues/wipes for colds, tears, or accidents

A hat to go in the sun

Your phone/tablet/DS/other electronic device to be entertained

A portable charger and cable in case your device/s go flat

A purse/wallet in case you see a stuffie that you absolutely HAVE to buy

Then, some items for your small space -



Colouring-in book and pencil to colour when small

Spare undies/nappy if you have an accident (it’s ok, it happens!)

Your agere journal (if you do journaling for your small space or little place) to write about your thoughts and time being small

Kitty/puppy/bunny/animal ears (if you are a petre or petdre)

A stimming item for when you need it (autism, anxiety attack, ADHD, bored)

Snacks for when you’re a hungry kiddo/pet

A kiddo book you can read on your own or your caregiver can read to you

And don’t forget your favourite stuffie to help your caregiver keep you safe

Hopefully this little guide has helped! I don’t always take all of this stuff with me but I know some regressors do, or just need ideas on what to take!

Here is my finished and packed bag, with my stuffie Pepper playing peekaboo!

i’m just trying to be a little kid, one more time.

shout out to regressors who…

use she/her pronouns

✨use he/him pronouns

use they/them pronouns

✨are not sure what pronouns they like yet

are LGBT+

✨have piercings

have tattoos

✨don’t have a cg

have a cg

✨regress every day

only regress to cope

✨are minors

are adults

✨are POC

involuntarily regress

✨voluntarily regress

are babyreg

✨are toddlerreg

don’t know what age they regress to

✨don’t like little items such as pacis or bottles

cant get little items

✨openly regress

hide their regression

feel free to add on :)

things to do if you or your little is anxious ✨

get them to do deep breaths, try the 478 trick

✨get them to play with a sensory item

assure them that everything is ok, with many many pet names

✨get them to hold on tight to a stuffie

hugs!!!! hugs.

✨let them hold onto your fingers or hide behind you

if they have their paci, get them to bite on it. but not too hard!

✨ask them to count their fingers until they get to 30 while taking deep breaths

ask them about something they enjoy, like a favourite character from a show or their favourite stuffie


You may have seen terms like “cglre,” “age dreaming,” or “pet regression” thrown around, and are wondering what they mean. Here’s a list of common phrases, terms, or words used in agere tumblr and what they mean. Long post!

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Not from anything specific, just thought some people would enjoy this lil matching pfp set!

I dont know who this blue haired beauty is or where she’s from but I do know that I’d die for her!

Update: shes from my hero academia and her name is Nejire Hado!!
