#sfw littlespace


names for regressors

femme: princess, baby girl, beautiful

masc:prince, baby boy, handsome

neutral:angel, sweetheart, rolayty, pumpkin, kitten, puppy, fox, baby bear, {any animal really}, flower, cutie, my love, love bug, love, bub, baby, sweetie, darling, a nickname made from their name {ie. nico-coco, tobi-bibi etc}

it’s okay for a male little to like femme nicknames and a female little to like masc nicknames! always make sure to ask what they are comfy with

a b o u t m e

~i regress to 0-2

~my pronouns are he/they

~i regress due to tramua

~big age is 16

~i don’t have a favourite colour but i like soft colours most

~my favourite animals are pandas!!

littlespace foods

  • potato smilies
  • baked beans
  • chicken nuggies (cut up)
  • smarties
  • lollipops
  • grilled cheese
  • baby yoghurts
  • pancakes in cool shapes
  • oreos
  • choccy milk
  • chopped fruit

nicknames for your caregiver

  • daddy
  • dada
  • papa
  • pops
  • pop pop

this is just what works for me and my caregiver!

little space things i’d like

  • a blue baby bottle
  • a blue sippy cup with the planets
  • a pink paci with sylveon and silver stars
  • baby blue dungarees
  • more stuffies!!
  • a pink baby blanket

nicknames for your little

✨masc/gender neutral edition✨

  • little one
  • baby bear
  • bubs/bubba
  • kitten
  • angel boy
  • sweets
  • prince
  • darling boy
  • sweetheart
  • sweet boy

these are just my personal faves!!

my favourite cartoons

✨tom and jerry

✨avatar: the last airbender


having a little with chronic pain

having a little with chronic pain means a lot of different things.

✨ sometimes it means we can’t go places, or on days out, because the pain is too bad

✨ sometimes it means we just inconsolably cry and there’s no comforting us, because the pain is so bad

✨ sometimes it means we have to have days in bed, and can’t manage anything other than being in bed because the pain is so bad

✨ sometimes it means we can’t run around as much as we’d like because we don’t want the pain to get worse

please take the time to learn the health needs of your little, all we need you to do is understand <3

things that put me into littlespace

  • being sleepy
  • being stressed
  • the nickname bubs
  • my cg referring to himself as daddy
  • my stuffies
  • watching cartoons/baby shows
  • being babied

about me

  • my name is dan n i use he/him
  • i’m a minor so please don’t be sexual!!
  • i love pokémon
  • i have a daddy
  • my favourite little foods are juice & potato smilies
  • please feel free to ask questions/be friends

These are literally my favorite thing omg

They are just so cute

@/mothcharm on twt made the og ones!

Some other people who make cute ones!!

@/SucculentBud on twt


♡ A bit about me ♡

Hi guys! I feel like my followers on my tumbler don’t see nearly as much of my personality as my instagram followers do, so here’s a bit of an introduction!

If you want to follow my instagram, its caramelcarer!

You can call me…




am 19

Use she/they pronouns

Am bi

And a flip (both a caregiver and regressor!)

I enjoy…

Horseback riding

Cooking and baking

Arts and crafts

Adventuring outside

And playing with my cats!

If you ever need someone to listen, or just need a friend, my messages are always open!


Happy Valentines day to each and every one of you amazing littles, middles, caregivers, and everything in between!

No matter how you’re spending the day…

With friends,

With family,

A significant other,

Or by yourself,

Remember that you are more than worthy of every bit of love that the world has to offer, and you are more than deserving of a healthy and loving relationship with both those around you, but with yourself as well.

If you are spending this valentines day by yourself and are struggling to find a way to make the day special for yourself, here’s some ideas!

1) Try your hand at making a dish you’ve always wanted to try, but have never had or made!

2) Treat yourself to something special, a new outfit, a favorite snack, or a nice cup of tea!

3) See about making your parents, (or helping your parents!) Make a special dinner for the family! If you live at home, they’ll appreciate the special experience together, and if you live away from them, they will more than likely enjoy the company from their child!

4) Treat yourself to a hot bath, and a special day if whatever self care and pampering you want.

5) Write a letter to yourself about all the good things you admire about yourself.

6) If you have nieces or nephews, offer to watch them for your siblings while they go out! Odds are, the kids will love the quality time with their aunt or uncle,(you could set up crafts for them, watch movies, or even bake Valentines cookies together!) And their parents would be grateful for their special day together!

♡ Tea for tots ♡

The first whispers of spring were finally arriving, buds on the trees, patches of greening grass popping up among the fields, and a warm breeze that had seemed forever out of reach after a long, cold winter.

You had long been awaiting the arrival of spring, vowing on the first day that it had snowed, way back in December, that you were going to have a tea party on the day the first hint of spring showed itself, and you of course, had not forgotten your vow throughout the long cold months of winter.

The grass was a bit damp as I laid out the blanket, but you didn’t seem to mind as you froliced around our picnic, squealing with glee as you jumped into the remaining puddles of winter, and giggling with joy as you splashed spots of mud up the backs of your rain boots and jeans.

Upon laying our our picnic, I called you over to eat, and as you took your first bite of the special sandwich I had made just for you, I pointed up towards the sky, gesturing to a cloud way up above us. “What does that cloud look like to you, little one?”

You squinted for a second, before excitedly exclaiming “A dinosaur, Sissy! Its a dinosaur!” I nodded enthusiastically, before pointing to another cloud. “And what about that one?”

You hesitated, a sly smile crossing your face a split second before you were on my lap, knocking me backwards into the damp grass, “I know what it looks like!” You shouted with devious joy, “It looks like a mud fight!”

♡ Doctor baby ♡

The scratch was hardly something I myself would have noticed, but at the sight of the raised red patch of skin on my hands, your eyes had grown wide with concern, and after several moments of fussing, I found myself sat down in your home doctors office. You laid out all of the supplies on the table in front of us, and with a careful hand, you washed off the scratch and applied a bandaid on the top.

“There you go, Sissy!” You exclaimed as you stuck the bandaid in place, “I fixed your booboo, so now you can feel all better!”

You gently kissed my bandaged hand, and with a smile, I lifted my free hand to ruffle your hair. “Thank you for fixing me up bubs, what on earth would I do without you?”

With a giggle and a grin, you lean in for a hug, “I don’t know what I’d do without you either Sissy”

♤ Caregiver Diaries; part four ♤

On the topic of impure regression

Impure regression is a form of age regression in which negative emotions come to the forefront of the regressors headspace, often because of a trigger that relates back to previous trauma, or even a negative trigger in their day to day life, such as a large fight with a family member or loved one.

Some quick facts about impure regression

Impure regression is typically involuntary, meaning the regressor has little to no control over the experience.

Impure regression is a response to a negative experience, and as such, often consists of things like panic attacks, crying, anxiety, or in some cases, hysteria or mania.

Despite what the name suggests, impure regression is not “impure” in the sense that it is at all unhealthy, unnecessary, or dirty. Rather the “impure” simply refers to the fact that it has to do with negative emotions.

how can a caregiver help if their little is experiencing impure regression?

1) Understand that your little may want to be alone in this experience. Impure regression can be incredibly overwhelming, and for some, the involvement of another person will make working through their feelings harder. If this is the case, stay prepared to offer support if it is needed, but remember to respect your littles boundaries.

2) Ensure that your little is in a safe environment, if you are there physically, take them to a quiet area, and remove any potential stressors that could make the situation worse (think dim the lights, turn off the TV, provide a quiet and safe environment for them). If you are not there physically, encourage them to move into a quiet place like the one previously described.

3) The best thing you as a caregiver can do in this situation is listen to your littles verbal and non verbal cues. Watch carefully if they want you to be close, and listen carefully to what it is that they have to say. Offer comfort if they desire it, and never push your little to work through the experience at any other pace than the one they have set for themselves. Keep in mind the interactions that you have so that they can be discussed later, if your little desires.

4) When your little begins to calm down, provide a small snack and a drink, but do not pressure them to eat it if they do not want to. Once they have recovered, prompt a discussion about the experience, but again, do not pressure them to talk if they are not ready or comfortable.

remember, if you are a little who experiences impure regression, you are completely valid and so so strong! Keep your head up and keep on keeping on, I’m so proud of you!

♡ Thunderstorm Blues ♡

Rain poured down onto the metal roof of the house as thunder and wind rattled the shutters and panes of the house, creating a cacophony of noise both in and out of the house.

Almost silently, the door of my bedroom opened, and in you slipped, wrapped tight in a blanket, the textured soles of your footy pajamas squeaking softly as you padded across the floor to the side of the bed. “Bubby?” You whispered softly, your voice almost inaudible amount the clatter of the storm. “Bubby, I’m scared.”

I sat up in bed and flipped on the light, opening my arms for you to settle into. As you settled in, I ran my fingers through your hair, kissing the top of your head as I went. “You know little one,” I whispered, “I know the thunder can sound real big and scary, but when it stops, storms bring a lot of good things to the world, and thinking about that can make it seem a lot less scary in the moment.”

You looked up at me with big curious eyes and snuggled further into my lap, “what sort of good things?” You asked, the nervous wobble in your voice lessening slightly.

“Well,” I smile down at you, “the storm will help the flowers to grow, and all the ponds and streams will be filled with more water, so the animals have more to drink. And then, once all the rain falls, the clouds will go away, so we can have warm sunny days again!”

A smiled flashed quickly across your face, “I guess you’re right,” you agreed hesitantly, “but can I still stay with you tonight?”

With a warm smile I laid back down and gestured for you to join me, “of course little one, you’re always welcome, any time at all.”

♡ Amusement Park Days ♡

Of course little one, we’ll go on every ride we can! Oh, yes we’ll get plenty of snacks too, don’t you worry! Funnel cake? Well, maybe we can get two of them… How could I say no to such a sweet angel? Whats that? A roller coaster? You’re so brave! I’d be more than happy to go with you love, and of course I’ll hold your hand if you get scared. Wait! Let’s get some sunblock on you before we go any further, we wouldn’t want you to get sunburned, now would we? I promise it’ll only take a second, we’ll get to have a whole day of fun after!

♡ Hide and Seek ♡

Five… four… three… two… one.. come out come out wherever you are! Hmmm… where could my sweet little bug have hidden? Behind the curtain? Under the bed? Oh, I know! You must be in the closet! Oh, nope, not in the closet either… well, you couldn’t possibly under those pillows on the bed… that couldn’t possibly be my little ones foot poking out from under there… well, I guess I better go check the kitchen now! Here I go, out the door and… Surprise! I’ve got you little one, you’re such a good hider, I’m so proud of you! Of course we can play again love, and of course you can play the seeker this time!

♡ S.R.O.T.M.S.U ♡

“And with that…” I gently tapped each of your shoulders with the wooden sword, “I proclaim you supreme ruler of the magic stuffie universe!”

You quickly jumped up to your feet, sending your paper crown fluttering to the ground, stumbling over your blanket cape as you scrambled both to catch your crown, and present yourself in a manner appropriate for a new ruler.

“My first rule as the Supreme Ruler of the Magic Stuffie Universe is that I get to stay up all night, no matter what you say Sissy!”

I raised an eyebrow, but nodded, after all, how could I say no to the Supreme Ruler themselves? “Of course your majesty,” I presented a low bow with a smile, “anything else that you desire as Supreme Ruler?”

You twisted your mouth into a tight pout, your eyebrows furrowed in concentration, “I want to be able to have as many stuffies as I want! And blankets too! Oh, and chocolate chips whenever I want them! And all the cuddles in the world!”

Even with all of your requests, it didn’t take long before you were curled up beside me on the couch, your cape tossed aside, and your paper crown folded neatly on the end table beside me. As I ran my fingers through your hair, your breathing began to even out, and I could tell within minutes you would be sound asleep.

“What do you think little bug? Is it time for the Supreme Ruler to go to bed?”

You shook your head, letting out a big yawn before responding. “Mm not tired yet Sissy, I gotta stay up all night, member?”

I chuckled, “Nope, just because you said you can doesn’t mean you have to, even leaders need to get their sleep. How about I carry you to bed and tuck you in? How does that sound little bug?”

You let out a hum of approval, and I scooped you up from the couch as gently as I could, quickly, yet carefully, transferring you from the living room to your nice cozy bed.

You were sound asleep, and with a gentle kiss to your forehead I turned off the lights and carefully walked towards the door, shutting it behind me. On the ground outside your room lay your paper crown, you must’ve clutched it in your hand and dropped it on the way from the living room.

I bent and picked it up, heading to the kitchen to find the tape to attach it to your door, after all, everyone should know which room belongs to royalty.
